30 DAY SHRED! Beginning tomorrow 9/1.



  • LaMaMiK77
    i started yesterday!!! i love it!! getting ready to do it now for today!!! :smile:
  • momocurti
    momocurti Posts: 152 Member
    TO THE PP WHO HAS A SORE BACK (sorry I thought I was replying to that message :) )

    My back is sore, but I think it's from doing the abs on a hard floor. I used my yoga mat, but it's pretty flimsy, so today I added a thicker mat. Could your soreness be from that?
  • olivedrab
    olivedrab Posts: 85 Member
    @momocurti, it could be the mat I suppose, but I'm leaning towards another poster's explanation that it's just my muscles getting used to it all. I am using a pretty decent yoga mat that I've often used for abs work before.

    Today's workout felt a bit better and harder, since I used the weights this time around. We'll see how the stiffness/soreness is tomorrow.

    Given our weekend plans, I probably won't be doing Day 3 til Tuesday so I'll have to find my way back after a big gap right from the start. I will be getting plenty of other exercise in, though, so I'll be ready for Day 3 next week!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I've got 2 more days left of L1 before I am supposed to move on to L2 but I think I will be sticking with L1 for a few days afterward as L1 still kicks my butt. I'm interested in seeing the progress you guys make through this month.
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    I just did D1. I couldn't fight weights, so I used water bottles. My arms still hurt, but I think my form was off for most of the exercises. I don't feel that sore, but tomorrow morning will be the real test.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Day 3 today - this is the one that people say you really have to push through. I really want those results though!!!
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    Wish I had seen this sooner! I started on the 1st September. I am going for a mega burn and doing each level each day as of now, I spent the first couple of days doing level three, but today I did all three. Thought I would going to die but FINALLY felt a real burn, just what I am looking for I can tell you!

    I took a before photo after the first day (last night before I did it again) I tell you looking at photo of me in my underwear even though I have lost a stone made me jump up and do the workout!
  • olivedrab
    olivedrab Posts: 85 Member
    Even though I'm waiting til Tuesday to take on Day 3, I felt like reporting the fact that I feel better after Day 2 than I did after Day 1--and that's even with using weights the second day. My knees are the tiniest bit creaky, but they don't hurt. This makes me happy, since I'd read so many posts about people hurting themselves with the video. I'm just going to continue taking it carefully, day by day.

    I feel kind of silly though, because one of the main challenges so far is getting up from the mat fast enough to keep up with the workout. I can't hop up and down as quickly as they do, even though I do yoga!
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I just finished Day 3 Level 1. It kicked my butt!! I think it's due to the fact tho that I ate terrible last night and then I'm already sore from starting this and doing a new Zumba class 2wice this week! I did make it thru it tho. I am not giving up this time. LAst time I think I did 12 days and quit. Not this time. I'm hanging in there and I will get it done!! How is everyone else doing!

  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    I am starting Today-- just did my first one earlier-- wasnt easy... BUT I DID IT!... Feel free to add me!
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I plan to start tomorrow, add me if you like!:laugh:
  • Trinasan
    Trinasan Posts: 44 Member
    I'm doing it too! I've finished day 4. She is tough! Anybody want company - please add me!!
  • kimyettar
    Went out of town yesterday so didn't get to the Shred. Today will be day 3. I think my body needed the one day break anyway so that I can maintain proper form when using the weights. Still sore but the one day break helped. Hope everyone is still on track and having a great weekend.
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    I have heard such great things about this dvd so I thought I would give it a try... love motivation to keep with it. super excited to see the differences from today to day 30!!!! :) Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • msstillion79
    Hello ladys i am starting it tomorrow morning because ive been out of town for the holiday and got the weights and mat today i have had the dvd for awhile just thought i would try it cause i heard it really works im goin to use the mirror to so i can make sure im doin it right taking measurements when i weigh myself in the morning and taken pics but not putting them on here until 30 days is up Im a big girl and i hope this works I know that i have been saying enough is enough and i have been working out and counting but last night in pittsburgh bars i relized that i am tired of bein the big girl its time for the women inside to come out. Even though i have lost one no wait two pants sizes the 22 i just bought fell off me at the bar while i was walkin talk about a red face but also a happy girl LOL If anyone wants to add me we can be 30d shred buddies and get each other through the insanity that i hear is coming LOL
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    I started today and feel like a BOSS. :D

    It wasn't as bad as I thought, though I can certainly tell my arms are out of shape! They feel weak as hell right now.
    I need to buy tape to take measurements tonight or tomorrow but my weight this morning was 136.5 lb.
    I'll edit this post to add measurements later.

    I have a bad back so the hardest part for me was the stretching at the end. I can't really do any of it but I'm going to keep trying!

    I've also decided to continue my regular cardio routine, just abbreviated (30 mins instead of 50 every day) because I don't think 30DS burns enough calories. Or at least, when I add 30DS into MFP as "circuit training" it says it doesn't.
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I did day one, then walked the dog, not as fast as usual! I couldn't complete some of the strength routines, but didn't quit, is that normal the first time? I was able to keep up with the abs and cardio without a problem, but like I've heard others say, I felt I needed more cardio after. I think I'll make this my 2 a day and do my cardio first, this second to get faster results. Ok, maybe not, lets see how I feel tomorrow! LOL:noway:
  • kciboo
    Great thread! I've done 30DS on and off on days I don't get to the gym for the past year and I could never complete Level 2 easily. lol! This is probably due to not doing the DVD consistently. But after seeing this thread I think I'll give the DVD another try and do it everyday (or almost everyday) in addition to extra cardio at the gym.

    I find it's a great cardio work out as well as strength training...I've yet to get back into weights at the gym so this DVD is as much strength training as I get.

    Good luck on the 30DS everyone and thanks for the motivation! :)
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    For those that dont want to buy the DVD right away, I am doing mine on On Demand under Evercise TV. I have Verizon, but a friend of mine has it on Comcast Cable also. The only problem is that it is only Level 1, but I just didnt want it to stop me from starting today.

    I have bright house and they offer 1 and 2 on demand
  • katiepie111
    katiepie111 Posts: 83 Member
    hey all! i just started today - but dont have any hand weights yet so just using canned food lol hope its still as effective. what a mission!!!!!! felt like dying near the end lol