Men... taking a poll...



  • stephanielindley422
    The saying I love is "You treat a woman like a woman until she acts like a man"....If she expects never to be touched, she better act the same way. If she's going to hit, she better be prepared to be hit back.
  • soulwarder
    I always believe that if a woman slaps you, you have probably did something wrong, mostly if it is a sexual comment or an unwanted touch.

    On the other hand, if they are aggressive beyond reason and are attacking me, then they are considered as equals and it's every person for themselves.

    I too am a psych. major!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Absolutely unacceptable

    ...just thought I chime in anyway
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    I would not hit a man. If I hit someone I would expect to be hit back.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    i have been pretty beat up by a gf... i stood there n took it.. didnt do anything... even though sometimes u do want to just feed one back but i would never lay a hand on a women... its simply not worth it.. but imo the one of most disrepectful things you can do to your S.O. is hit them...

    its just as bad when a women abuses a man as when a man abuses a women...

    women hits a man - no consequences even if the guy is bleeding..
    man hits a women back - (even if lightly smacks her open handed back) jail + more jail.. regardless of the situation...
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    i have been pretty beat up by a gf... i stood there n took it.. didnt do anything... even though sometimes u do want to just feed one back but i would never lay a hand on a women... its simply not worth it.. but imo the one of most disrepectful things you can do to your S.O. is hit them...

    its just as bad when a women abuses a man as when a man abuses a women...

    women hits a man - no consequences even if the guy is bleeding..
    man hits a women back - (even if lightly smacks her open handed back) jail + more jail.. regardless of the situation...

    This is so true. It really pisses me off that some women think they have the right to hit a man. It doesn't matter what sex you are, you have no right to hit someone else! If you can't handle your emotions without using physical abuse you need to go see someOne...
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member

    I am absolutely appalled and floored by the poor men on here with the crazy psycho women they've dated. You have every right to defend yourself when in a dangerous situation. I did not even fathom that someone could be so violent and crazy. Besides what you read in the news this stuff really seems to be shoved under the carpet. Women are just as capable as men to harm and be angry. Yes, men have more muscles and whatnot but when it is all said and done whoever strikes first is at fault.

    I commend all of you that walked away from such situations and really put my heart out for you having to go through anything like this. Violence is NEVER the answer. Can't we all just get along??

    If I ever punched a man I would expect to be treated just as equally. Especially if I attacked a stranger. There is absolutely no reason to consider the gender when defending yourself. Survival is instinct!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I would never hit/slap a woman, ask my wife for over 20 year, never once ever.

    It would take a weak man to hit a woman, a strong man to walk away.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Holy **** I can't believe this thread is still going! I started it so long ago.
  • cleehancock
    cleehancock Posts: 14 Member
    Never. The answer to violence regardless of gender is not to respond with violence. Violence responded to by violence only creates more violence. As a chivalrist (personally) it is against my personal code of ethics to ever cause harm to a woman especially, but to others as well regardless of gender. It is in my base core of ethics to "turn the other cheek". I prefer to be a peace maker and respond to violence with peaceful and diplomatic responses, rather than violent reactions. I'm your classic/stereotype good guy i've been told by others.
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    I'm not a man, but I've gotta put my two cents in :) Abusive women can be just as bad as men and often don't contain their abusive behavior to men (ie - children, other women, animals...). Two current day situations come to mind; Teen Moms (my guilty pleasure) where Amber often hit her boyfriend Gary, and, just like an abusive man, would justify her behavior by saying he'd provoked it. Thank goodness he never retaliated! Another current example is Chris Brown and Rhianna; while everyone saw Rhianna's face after their infamous fight,(and Chris's out-of-control anger on GMA) Rhianna's penchant for physical fights was not as widely discussed. I guess my point is that abusive women need to be addressed as dysfuntional just as abusive men are - not with retaliation, but with anger management and therapeutic interventions - a woman hitting ANYONE should never be taken lightly.
  • stevepierson
    Absolutely NOT!!! There is never a situation where it's ok for a man to hit a woman.
  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    Absolutely. Hit, Hit, Punch, Punch

    Anytime, you have a strength and weight advantage you should attack!
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    only if it's an after hours activity that both parties are enjoying, shouidn't be absolutely any other circumstance.
  • Nikkiray32
    It's not ok. And woman should not take advantage of the double standard by hitting men. Everyone keep your hands to yourself.
  • cleehancock
    cleehancock Posts: 14 Member
    It's not ok. And woman should not take advantage of the double standard by hitting men. Everyone keep your hands to yourself.

    Couldn't have said it better! :happy:
  • hornedone
    hornedone Posts: 57 Member
    To quote Chris Rock..."I'd never hit a woman, but I'd shake the $%&* out of one"
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Eh... Im iffy; I don't think peoe should be hitting/slapping one another to begin with BUT if a woman were to slap a man it's EASIEST and SAFEST for everyone if he leaves and never goes back.

    For those who have said, "if I get slapped it's probably because I said/did something to deserve it" I think youre off a little (but still kind!). Puppies get the newspaper swat on the butt for chewing shoes; humans dont get slapped got wrong doings (we're not talking criminal offenses here).

    We're different from other animals and should use our knowledge, patience, and self control. However, people do snap; if a husband or wife comes home with news of an extramarital affair, for instance, the faithful partner could be easily pushed toward violence and it's a bit more understandable (while not excusable).

    Please excuse typos, etc... On my phone!!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    In a court of law: No
    In my opinion, No aswell.

    I know its a huge double standard, and I totally believe it is. Just the same, women are able to manipulate, degrade, be little, and verbaly abuse men better than they can women, but still, I believe there is really nothing you can do about it. Lets be honest, anyone who says counter, imagine being on the other end of the court room in the jury box, your gonna blame the guy.

    You see, my girl is small, petite, but can pack a whollop of a punch. The only thing is, Im a black belt, been studying karate for almost 14 years. If she hit me, instinctively, my reaction would cause both of us a lot of problems.

    In short, guys need to just take it.
  • tylersmama1224
    Never.... ever.... ever....