Stone off by Christmas!



  • cazyll
    cazyll Posts: 184
    Hi everyone. Well this week I was sick and I dropped 4 pounds in 2 days, which takes me to 10 pounds, only 4 to go. Of course I'm expecting a little of that to come back on but so far it hasn't.

    I'm now half way through my weight lost and I'm loving my new body, I can't wait to go shopping next week for a dress. I 've been asked to be a godparent to my friends baby and before I was so nervous about getting up in front of the congregation now I'm not too bothered because I know I'm looking the best I've looked in years!

    Well done everybody, only 43 days til Christmas!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    In a most peculiar turn of events I've weighed in again today and I'm 3lbs down since Monday. :huh: 3.9kgs (8.5lbs) since the end of Sept.

    I'm guessing that the travelling/flying I did last week led to some water retention which hadn't gone away when I weighed in at the start of the week, so I'm now over half way to my stone off! :drinker:

    Woo hoo!!
  • surveying
    surveying Posts: 25 Member
    Managed to lose 3lb this week. Very pleased with that as I put 1lb on last week.

    Hope your all doing ok.
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    I'm down 1.8 pounds this week. So nearly half way through my stone.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    I've FINALLY managed to lose another pound - it's taken about 3 weeks to shift the bugger! I think that's 5 of my 14 - I miss my ticker :sad:

    Well done to everyone who has lost this week :flowerforyou:
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    Hi guys, I think I'm two pounds down since I last checked in. Had a week away for work which was tricky but I managed to get out for a long walk every morning and tried to eat sensibly where I could. Scale only showed a slight increase when I got home (lots of salty food and wine at the conference!) but a few days of eating well and drinking water and I'm down 2 so I'll take that!

    As for progress to my goal I think I'm around 4 lbs down from when I joined here (is that right? Maths is not my strong suit!) so still 9lbs to go but a good wee while to do it in. I can do it, and so can all of you! Hope you have had a great week!

  • Prettypiglett
    Prettypiglett Posts: 72 Member
    Hi guys I lost 1.8 this week but heres my problem.....I am on 1200 cals but

    Well so far I have lost 4lb it means 10 lb to go, and 5 more weigh ins to go.....I so hope I make it! It does mean I have to try to lose 2lb a week ....not sure the best way to go about this :(

    Any ideas please please tell me ....thanks for any help x
  • traceyalcock
    traceyalcock Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to lose that before xmas so lets do it!!!
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    I'm done 1.4 pounds this week. That 6 pounds down, 8 to go!
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    Great work everyone, Panyg you can totally do it! I have another 9 lbs to go but I'm still hoping to pull it off. This week I'm hoping to reach another stone goal. If I get to 186 then I have lost a stone since I started MFP! (not counting the pounds that have been regained and then lost again!!)

    Another goal I have over the next couple of weeks is to lose not only weight but inches to look awesome in my fancy new dress for a friend's wedding on the 3rd Dec.

    It's been an up and down week for me this last one, I've had a few days off the plan (away for the weekend, plus a hen night) but I am so pleased with myself that I've gotten back on the horse today and carried on. It seems like what really works for me is, if I have a bad couple of days and I'm planning to get back to healthy eating, if I make sure I do my supermarket shop so that there is lots of lovely healthy stuff in the house it helps a lot! Can't wait to try the new Muller Light Cheesecake yogurts!!!

    Have a great week everyone! :drinker:
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi all,

    I gained last week but lost this week, yay :) Now at 133.6lbs from a starting weight in this group of 146lbs, so I only have 1.6lbs to go to reach my 1 stone goal!

    As others have said, it's getting much harder as we get closer to the holidays. I've had 2 parties in the last 2 weeks and there's a week in December that I have 3 parties in 4 days, and that's before we even break up from work and start visiting family...yikes. Anyway, I'm quite pleased as it's given me an excuse to buy 3 lovely new party dresses, all in a size 12 :smile:

    Hope everyone is doing ok!
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    Hi guys I lost 1.8 this week but heres my problem.....I am on 1200 cals but

    Well so far I have lost 4lb it means 10 lb to go, and 5 more weigh ins to go.....I so hope I make it! It does mean I have to try to lose 2lb a week ....not sure the best way to go about this :(

    Any ideas please please tell me ....thanks for any help x

    I won't make a stone maybe 8lbs or so we will always go hardcore in Jan after christmas :)
  • Quaters
    Quaters Posts: 85 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing so well, my scales are hardly moving,i am exercising ,trying the protein mostly but frustrated not having a weight loss. 4 Weeks till i am going to push harder this week.
  • Prettypiglett
    Prettypiglett Posts: 72 Member
    Well I am now 5lbs less than when I first asked if I could join in here....I have a way to go but so far so good :D How is everyone else doing ???
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    I've lost 9lbs since joining. I hope the party season doesn't stop me losing the last 5lb!
  • iamkylie
    iamkylie Posts: 43 Member
    Can I join also? I want to lose 8kg by New Years so its around the same
  • CBM23
    CBM23 Posts: 36
    Doing very well. Pretty sure I found my healthy balance with eating (minus a few mistakes :P), and I feel good doing it, the desire for unhealthy food is becoming less and less. And the gym and I are becoming friends again :) .
    I don't know if I'll make it to 14 pounds off by Christmas, I have 7 and a half to go and my weight loss has been slow up to this point, but I'm still going to try and even if I dont make it, I will have lost something at least! :)
    Pound off for me this week! :)
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Unfortunately, I've gained a pound this week. Had a very stressful week but that's not an excuse. Next week will be better
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Stick with it panyg, you'll get there. :flowerforyou:

    I've been pretty lazy these last few weeks struggling with a chest infection so I've only lost 1lb, so that's 9.5lbs so far. Can I lose another 4.5lbs by Xmas? I'm planning to get my rear in gear again this week, so hopefully the answer will be YES!

    Come on folks, let's make a final push - onwards and upwards!!
  • Prettypiglett
    Prettypiglett Posts: 72 Member
    Well I weighed in today 2.8 lb down this week :D Only 7lb to go before xmas......its going to be a close call!!!