Stone off by Christmas!



  • AdorablePanda
    AdorablePanda Posts: 125 Member
    Can I be in? I actually only have 12lbs to lose to get to my goal weight but its nearly a stone and I'd still like it off before Christmas!
    Me too! I need to lose 12 pounds-ish. :-)
    Count me in ladies.
    Oh i just noticed that the original posting was back in September. LOL :-)
    Hope that's alright. You guys seem to have a nice supportive atmosphere.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I lost 1lb yay. 4 stone dead on :)
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    I lost 1lb yay. 4 stone dead on :)

    Well done you look very slim in your profile pic can I ask how long it took?
  • Is it too late to join in?

    xx <3
  • Verysalty
    Verysalty Posts: 26 Member
    I lost 1lb yay. 4 stone dead on :)

    Well done you look very slim in your profile pic can I ask how long it took?

    Ditto! well done. you look great!
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Well done everyone! Your all doing really well. Welcome to the new members!Don't forget to make some friends from the group so that we can support each other.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi everyone,

    i just wanted to post with an apology for not holding up my end of the bargain. I started this group, as you know, to try and push through a difficult time and see if anyone else felt the same. Seems like a lot of you did!

    As it happens, for one reason/excuse or another I'm never quite there, never achieving what I should be in order to reach my stone off by Christmas. Truth is I'm pretty much maintaining at the moment, which is not what I'd hoped, but in some ways is also an achievement in itself for me. Traditionally I lose weight between Jan and June and then put it all on (with a few for luck) in Jul and Dec so maintaining means I'm close to breaking that cycle. This group has helped me do that and I'm really grateful.

    Your all doing brilliantly and I hope you'll stick with the group and achieve what your aiming for. I will be here routing for you all the way!

    Your amazing xxx
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Im also struggling with the actual 'loss' of the weight. Think i will be concentrating more on my measurements than what the scales say. Im still pushing for a stone off by xmas but personally, i cant see it myself :noway:

    Not giving up though! Feel alot better/trimmer when ive done my workouts :bigsmile: xx
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    My scales seem to be going the wrong way at the moment but I'm trying to not let it phase me. This has traditionally been the time where I've binged, sabotaged and piled the weight back on. Your support Genie, is helping me get past this, stick to my calories and exercise through it. I'm pleased to hear you're maintaining and not giving up. We can ride it through together. I'm sure the scales will show a drop, even if it's a small one, before Christmas.
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Hello everybody.

    Just a quick update. I've lost about a pound this week. That's pretty disappointing as I've changed my way of eating but am seriously struggling to get motivated. I usually do really well towards the end of the year as Xmas and my birthday in December usually motivate me. But this year, I just want to get 2011 over with! But I'm going to lose a stone by Xmas, even if it kills me!

    We'll all get there!
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I am really struggling with willpower at the moment. Traditionally I binge and party pretty much solidly from Halloween through to New Year and I'm finding it hard not to fall back into that pattern. I have parties every weekend and there's just something about this time of year that makes me want to eat, drink and be merry 24 hours a day :drinker: I just can't stop thinking about all the mince pies and mulled wine that will be around soon, and I know I won't be able to do any exercise over the holidays, so I think it's more likely I'll gain a stone than lose one! Doesn't help that work is stressful and my husband and I are fighting like cat and dog at the moment :frown:
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    I don't know if it's the seasons changing and the weather getting cooler but everyone I know appears to be struggling at the moment. I'm managing to maintain because I'm treadmilling my socks off but I can't seem to motivate myself on the weight loss side of it. I want to lose a few more pound before Christmas as I always seem to gain about half a stone in December! So, I'd better get my finger out during November!
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Eeeek! Everyone seems to be struggling at the moment! Maybe we should change the name of the group to 'Maintating Until Christmas lol. I think we all need a bit of motivation so how about everyone try to find something to get excited about? It could fitting into a Christmas party outfit, beating your personal best in the pool or managing to go a whole week without chocolate :-D

    I've just signed up for a half marathon so I'm going to HAVE to get my running shoes on if I want to be able to get round the course.

    Panyg, a pound off is a pound lighter that last week, celebrate!
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    I'm trying not to think too much about what to wear for the works Christmas do - I'm dreading THAT shopping trip :ohwell:

    I've got to cut out the snacking that has surrepticiously (sp?) crept in the last couple of weeks . . . . . .

    Yep, that's the plan starting tomorrow :wink:
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    I don't know if it's the seasons changing and the weather getting cooler but everyone I know appears to be struggling at the moment. I'm managing to maintain because I'm treadmilling my socks off but I can't seem to motivate myself on the weight loss side of it. I want to lose a few more pound before Christmas as I always seem to gain about half a stone in December! So, I'd better get my finger out during November!

    Ditto this!! My treadmills on fire with my workouts but im staying the same. Im going to look into my diet next week (go food shopping on a monday) - i deffinatly need to eat more healthy.... thats where i struggle :grumble:
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    I'm ashamed to say I'm struggling too at the moment. I had a very stressful day and did my usual comfort eating. Not good at all. But tomorrow is another day and I will make sure I lose this week.
    Panyg, a pound off is a pound lighter that last week, celebrate!
    Very true. Thanks for the kind words.
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    I am really struggling with willpower at the moment. Traditionally I binge and party pretty much solidly from Halloween through to New Year and I'm finding it hard not to fall back into that pattern. I have parties every weekend and there's just something about this time of year that makes me want to eat, drink and be merry 24 hours a day :drinker: I just can't stop thinking about all the mince pies and mulled wine that will be around soon, and I know I won't be able to do any exercise over the holidays, so I think it's more likely I'll gain a stone than lose one! Doesn't help that work is stressful and my husband and I are fighting like cat and dog at the moment :frown:

    I'm sorry to hear you guys aren't getting along, it sucks when there isn't support at home but we're all here for you too!

    I totally know how you feel about the whole celebratory eating/drinking at this time of year thing. One thing that motivates me is thinking about my behaviour last year. I did just that, partied a lot, ate a lot of holiday food. But actually, those parties were maybe on 1 or 2 days out of 7. And logically I know that what I did on that one day was not enough to gain several pounds. If I'd have just stuck to my guns on the non-party days at worst I would have maintained, at best I would have continued to lose. But instead I gained (and I mean I gained A LOT) because I let that 'treat myself' mentality bleed into everyday. This year I'm going to try to do what I didn't attempt last year: let myself party a little on the days when I have to (and maybe turning down a couple of invites just to keep it to one a week) and the rest of the time kicking butt in the gym! I don't know if that helps but that's what I'm gonna try! :smile:
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    I'm ashamed to say I'm struggling too at the moment. I had a very stressful day and did my usual comfort eating. Not good at all. But tomorrow is another day and I will make sure I lose this week.
    Panyg, a pound off is a pound lighter that last week, celebrate!
    Very true. Thanks for the kind words.

    Absolutely, you can do this! And we're all here to support you.

    It's been a bit of a bad week for me too. I went away for Halloween weekend and indulged a bit too much. My scale says I went up 3 lbs (which seems pretty unlikely, I didn't eat THAT much) but I had a few successes too. I'm proud that I managed to do two exercise classes while I was away (normally would sleep late and go out for a big brunch) and I'm proud that I've almost lost what I had gained back so by Saturday will hopefully be under where I was before.

    I've posted another forum thread elsewhere but it might not hurt to ask you guys too. I'm going away next week for work (not staying in one place and all the food will be catered for me). Any advice for staying on the straight and narrow while travelling?

    Keep your chins up guys!
  • cazyll
    cazyll Posts: 184
    Hi guys I'm still stuck at 6 lbs lose, but my body shape is changing and I'm starting to feel much more confident. I went shopping today for new trousers and bought a pair of size 12 skinny tan jeans. I 've never had the confidence to buy any thing other than normal blue jeans! I also tried on a pair of size 10 and I could get them on just not done up lol but it still feels llike an nsv to me because I couldnt even pull a pair over my bum before.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you guys aren't getting along, it sucks when there isn't support at home but we're all here for you too!

    I totally know how you feel about the whole celebratory eating/drinking at this time of year thing. One thing that motivates me is thinking about my behaviour last year. I did just that, partied a lot, ate a lot of holiday food. But actually, those parties were maybe on 1 or 2 days out of 7. And logically I know that what I did on that one day was not enough to gain several pounds. If I'd have just stuck to my guns on the non-party days at worst I would have maintained, at best I would have continued to lose. But instead I gained (and I mean I gained A LOT) because I let that 'treat myself' mentality bleed into everyday. This year I'm going to try to do what I didn't attempt last year: let myself party a little on the days when I have to (and maybe turning down a couple of invites just to keep it to one a week) and the rest of the time kicking butt in the gym! I don't know if that helps but that's what I'm gonna try! :smile:

    That is totally the right way to be approaching things! I have tended to do the same - tell myself that because it's the holidays I can just go wild for the whole period, not just at the actual parties... If I try to eat well and exercise during my own time then hopefully the damage caused by indulging at social events wil be minimised :smile: