countdown to christmas challenge continued...



  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    wow well done lis' brilliant challenge!! :D


  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member

    I have been chosen this week to be team leader and I am going to do my best at keeping you all motivated and on track :happy:

    I would like for everyone to burn atleast 2500 calories this week roughly 400 calories per day (with one day of rest) this can be done!

    Push yourself out of your comfort zone while exercising this week, if you need to pause to catch your breath do so & then carry on.

    I would like everyone to keep their sodium levels down (if not already tracking it please do so) sodium is killer & it is in everything!

    Get in 5 servings of fruits & veggies per day, it is better to fill up on healthy foods rather then processed snacks that are nothing
    but empty calories...add fruits and veggies into your day as a snack not only at meal time.

    Andreaie mentioned this and I would really like for everyone try to get in 2 low carb day's (even 1 is good)

    Here are a few helpful sites

    Or you can go onto the Countdown to Christmas Challengers Recipe thread that Andreaie was good enough to start for us :smile:

    Get out for a 20 minute brisk walk everyday & if the weather or time doesn't allow for it then do another form of exercise, it does not have to be intense just something to get your heart rate going.

    If anyone has ideas for this weeks challenge please let me know.

    I will be posting the mini challenges for Saturday & Sunday and then will be messaging people asking them to set the challenges through the week.

    Good Luck to everyone this week...lets make it count!!!

    GO TEAM RUDOLF :bigsmile:

    (Please excuse spelling & grammar mistakes lol rushing to get this done).


    Be sure to drink your water 8-10 glasses per day!

    Thanks Lisa! Good job with the week's challenge.
    and thanks for the websites too!
    Let's do this Team Rudolp!!! WOOT WOOT!!! :bigsmile:
  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    Thanks andrea for choosing me as leader this week i will do my best to motivate all of you.
    Well girls we are getting closer and closer to Christmas and I think that I for one am going to be so annoyed with myself if im not down a few pounds more than I am now. So I am going to be really hard on myself and all of you too.

    So here is what I have come up with. ( Bare in mind I know all of you wont follow all parts of this and that is ok just do as much as you can and take from it what you think will help you! Remember if you are finding one thing in particular very difficult to stick to it could mean it will make a big difference if you keep with it

    1. Firstly I am going to get the worst out of the way Please TRY to give up caffeine for the week (I can hear some of you screaming as you read this) Honestly giving it up really helps with water retention I would really love it if you would replace your usual cup of coffee or tea with a really good Dandelion tea this is a really good natural diuretic andI know so many of you all work really hard with exercising etc and every time you do a hard session muscles tear slightly and then they retain water to help them recover and this retention of water can show up on the scales sometimes and I know it has definitely happened to me. So if possible please give up the caffeine maybe switch to decaf or really try and lesson the amount of cups you have a day and add the Dandelion tea in alternation.

    2. I want everyone to have at least two or more portions of fruit or veg with every meal. For instance at breakfast if you have cereal you could add some berries or have some natural yoghurt with fruit and honey. For Lunch you could have a nice homemade soup which is really comforting this time of year or you could have some tuna and sweet corn on some rye with turkey slices and avocado (small amount). Dinner is easy as we would usually have veg with our main meal. This will really help with increasing antioxidants and help skin hair and nails too which is always an added bonus. I try to have yoghurt and fruit after my dinner with honey as i find this gets rid of the cravings i get for sweet things at night.

    3. This one is optional as it can cost money : Detox is really good for cleansing the body by flushing out toxins and can help with weight loss too. I know a good detox that I got from a local health food shop which contains aloe juice but choose what ever one suits yourself cause I know tastes differ I also did some research on home made Detox juices and here are two recipes: i thought instead of paying for a detox which can be expensive many of us would be doing our weekly shop over the weekend and these ingrediants definately work out cheeper.

    Detox Drink 1: Blend of Ginger, Pineapple and Mint

    Take half a pineapple and chop it into slices. 400g of sliced pineapple pieces would suffice. Get a fresh pack of chopped mint leaves. You would also require 5g or 1cm of ginger piece to give the ginger flavor to this recipe.

    Mix and smash the ingredients mentioned above in a juice extractor.
    Filter out the juice, stir and serve instantly.
    Add very small amount of sugar if needed. But its always good and would be effective if its consumed without sugar or salt added.

    Detox Drink 3: Orange Flavored Cinnamon Tea

    You would need 10cm orange rind strips and 2 sticks of cinnamon.

    Take a saucepan. Add the ingredients mentioned above to the pan
    Pour 1liter of water to this mixture
    Boil the mixture for a few minutes
    Slow down the heat and boil the mixture for another couple of minutes. Let the mixture not be covered when it boils.
    Cool, filter and serve instantly

    I know that this probably sounds a bit much to some people but I just said that I would try to shake it up a bit and see if it can help us as I know my body definitely needs a change to help shift a few lbs.

    Best of luck and again just take from this what you want and leave what you don’t…..mail me anytime and i will try my best to help

    GO TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wonderful challenge! I love the detox idea...I'm going to add that to my morning along with some green tea at every meal. I keep slipping into these days of complete lazy, i-want-to-eat-everything phases, but no more! And I do always say that, but I don't want another Christmas to go by... so no cheat day for me, and exercising everyday :)
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Wow - everyone is so motivating here. Thanks everyone!! :flowerforyou: I am not sure how I will do with the challenges but I will try. :bigsmile:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    good luck today everyone, i stayed the same :(

  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member
    I lost 2.8 pounds this week! (YAY!) I'm finally in the 160's... this site is amazing. So much support and motivation for me. This mini challenge group has done wonders for me -- thanks everybody!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I lost 2.8 pounds this week! (YAY!) I'm finally in the 160's... this site is amazing. So much support and motivation for me. This mini challenge group has done wonders for me -- thanks everybody!!! :flowerforyou:

    thats great news well done hun!!
  • pinkakira1
    pinkakira1 Posts: 235 Member
    down .4 pounds. I was hoping for 4 lbs but I am happy with anything! :)
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    guys we are 10 weeks into this challenge i never thought i would stick with a challenge this long and i am so glad to have all of you doing it with me.... you keep me going your all amazing motivators...

    we have done 10 weeks so we are more than half way there i hope you all stick with me for the next 8... we got this far we can go even further..

    well done to all of you.. last week your worked your *kitten* off...

    so this week team ruldoph... burn 2400 cals.. keep sodium low... push harder...5 of your fruit and veg (try avoid empty cals)...2 low carb days..20 mins walk everyday weather permitting...

    this week team free for the week(try dandelion tea)....2 portions of fruit/veg with each meal... try a detox (cherrtpop put recipes up..)

    these challenges are very do able and if you do it properly and work hard you WILL see a loss next week..

    also try be aware of carbs all the time and try switch to wholegrains/brown

    lets do it teams ...

    here is the link for the spreadsheet so please update your weight loss/gain..
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm going to try really hard to burn 2400 cals or as close to it as i can do! i do my c25k 3 times a week so will go for a walk the days i dont as well as trying to do some more exercises. I've planned my meals for this week and have 2 low carb days sorted.

    Im gunna really work hard this week i dont want a no loss again!!!

  • rmdiaz1
    rmdiaz1 Posts: 56
    I gained 1 lb. this week and believe me I am so disappointed I don't know what to do. So, I will be literally be working my butt of this week to lose. I am going to do low carb all week and maybe a day or two of no carbs. I ate like wild woman last weekend and gained 3 lbs. I lost 2 over the week, but didn't make it to lose the last lb. I have such a food addiction!! :explode:
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Seeing as one of the challenges that I have set for this week is to keep an eye on our Sodium levels I have decided to cut out deli meat (after today) :wink: I am slowly going to cut stuff out of my diet that being the first to go! I am cutting out "bad carbs" such as potatoes, rice , pasta but will allow myself to have one per week & I am also going to try to cut way back on bread switching to wraps & petite pita pockets (found @ grocery store yesterday). I have realized that I am going to have to be more strict with my diet (but refuse to go on a diet - hate that word) if I really want to lose these last 5lbs. I am finishing 30DS tomorrow and I feel a lot stronger and I know I am more toned less jiggly in places explains it best! :laugh: But I would do anything to try on a pair of pants and have to say...these are to big :noway: and to achieve that I am going to have to make some changes!!!

    Thanks you to all of you for the support & motivation....wouldn't be able to get to where I am without all of you :happy:

    Have a great weekend everyone

    I will be posting Saturday & Sunday's mini challenge later tonight :devil: :laugh:

    I want each and everyone of you to KICK YOUR OWN BUTT THIS WEEK!!!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Seeing as one of the challenges that I have set for this week is to keep an eye on our Sodium levels I have decided to cut out deli meat (after today) :wink: I am slowly going to cut stuff out of my diet that being the first to go! I am cutting out "bad carbs" such as potatoes, rice , pasta but will allow myself to have one per week & I am also going to try to cut way back on bread switching to wraps & petite pita pockets (found @ grocery store yesterday). I have realized that I am going to have to be more strict with my diet (but refuse to go on a diet - hate that word) if I really want to lose these last 5lbs. I am finishing 30DS tomorrow and I feel a lot stronger and I know I am more toned less jiggly in places explains it best! :laugh: But I would do anything to try on a pair of pants and have to say...these are to big :noway: and to achieve that I am going to have to make some changes!!!

    Thanks you to all of you for the support & motivation....wouldn't be able to get to where I am without all of you :happy:

    Have a great weekend everyone

    I will be posting Saturday & Sunday's mini challenge later tonight :devil: :laugh:

    I want each and everyone of you to KICK YOUR OWN BUTT THIS WEEK!!!

    I am cutting out a lot of carbs this week and like you im going to have wraps and pita bread too :D

    we can do this :D

  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    Hi Dashers! Here's the challenge for Saturday

    50 crunches
    30 tricep presses
    30 squats
    20 push-ups

    Drink at least 10 glasses of water, eat your fruits and veggies, and if you're going to, use the detox in the morning :) Let's make this week amazing!
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Team Rudolf

    I am posting the mini challenges for Saturday & Sunday

    Saturday - Jumping Jacks x50 Reverse Crunch x50 Squats x50 Shoulder Press x50

    Sunday - Step Ups x50 w/weights Bicep Curls x50 Supermans x50 Lunges x50 (25 each leg).

    Focus on the weekly challenge as well & really try and push yourselves this week.

  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    great mini challenges girls... im really trying extra hard this week i want this so bad now.. i am really hoping to lose 1lb this week and for the next 7 weeks after that before christmas.. im in the 160s(168.5) and if i lose 8lb ill be the lowest i have been in donkeys years :laugh: :laugh:

    really hope i can achieve it...
    i couldnt do this without any of you guys

    thanks so much...
  • Charlene_91
    Great challenge this week :)

    I really wanna have a good week this week, especially where i put 1lb on. (Fingers crossed)
    Wow only 8 weeks left, cant believe how quick its gone, hoping to lose another 10lbs...

    Good luck everyone x
  • Charlene_91
    Mini Challenge For Team Dasher:

    - 20min walk
    - 50 crunches
    - 50 Lunges

    Drink all your water and enjoy your sunday :) x
  • princess_tia
    wowww well done it too late to join the challenge? 8 weeks to go and I would love to lose a stone...
  • rmdiaz1
    rmdiaz1 Posts: 56
    Team Rudolf

    I am posting the mini challenges for Saturday & Sunday

    Saturday - Jumping Jacks x50 Reverse Crunch x50 Squats x50 Shoulder Press x50

    Sunday - Step Ups x50 w/weights Bicep Curls x50 Supermans x50 Lunges x50 (25 each leg).

    Focus on the weekly challenge as well & really try and push yourselves this week.


    Great challenges Lisa! I am feeling good about this week. Thanks to all of you!!