Strip clubs for married men?



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i don't care if my man goes the the strippers...doesn't mean he's going to get a piece. I see nothing wrong with strip joints.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I just have to say... it is a miracle that this thread has not been deleted LOL

    Thanks for resurrecting it!!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I just have to say... it is a miracle that this thread has not been deleted LOL

    Thanks for resurrecting it!!

    I thought it stayed plenty clean .
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    I just have to say... it is a miracle that this thread has not been deleted LOL

    Now this is something that we can agree on! LOL!!!!!
  • reese1206
    reese1206 Posts: 229
    In our marriage.....No it's not ok. I would be crushed if he ever went. We decided a long time ago that it's not ok.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    If men are "visual" creatures, and women have trust issues with their fellas going to a strip club, then should we also forbid women from reading steamy novels, and watching movies with their "dreamy" guys in them since women are "emotional" creatures. Is it fair to not let one gender partially satisfy their primal calling while the other one is allowed to soak it up everyday? Your thoughts.

    ^^ This!!!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    BTW Me & my hubby go,not often its an everynow and then type thing. We have a great relationship,weve gone to strip clubs on and off for 5 years,and nothing bad has come from it.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    My hubby ( fiance) at the time FORBID me to go to a strip club! He even threatened to call off the wedding if I were to go! The night before we were married, he was at a strip club with his friends that were in our wedding! He says he didnt look?!? ( I found out 2 yrs after being married that he was there) Ive been to these places with him, but the double standard is ridiculous! I have never been to male strippers, hed never allow that! hmmm
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    As long as it isn't an all-male revue. My hubby won't go unless I will. I don't like grubby places, so we only went once to a nicer one in Vegas. Plus, the strippers looked at me all WEIRD, not like "why are you here", but like "I saw her first". I have never felt so objectified in my LIFE.

    Whatever, it's a strip club...not a whorehouse. Whatevs.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Not for MY husband or for ME. He thinks it is trashy do I. Thankfully we are on the same page.
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    Not for MY husband or for ME. He thinks it is trashy do I. Thankfully we are on the same page.

  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I think it's okay on certain occasions like a bachelor party, but no lap dances. If you wouldn't be okay with me giving some other guy a lap dance, then you sure as hell better not be accepting one from another woman.

    It's not about trust for me. I agree with the others who said that strippers aren't the ones you have to worry about when it comes to your husband cheating on you. I would just be concerned if my husband regularly felt the need to unwind by watching other women dance around naked (or close to it). I don't think being married means you stop having "fun." I just think it means you stop having "fun" with other women. Get what you need from your wife. If she's not into it, then I guess you married the wrong person. Sucks for you.

    On a side note, this reminds me of the discussions on here from time to time about how women don't understand that if they'd just make their husbands feel appreciated, then their husbands would do anything to make them happy. Well, men, if you make your
    woman feel as sexy as you think she is, she'll do anything you want her to do in the bedroom (or the kitchen or the shower or wherever).
    I don't even need to type, you said it all! I think it totally depends on the couple, but this is how I look at it.

    I don't have a problem with strippers themselves at all, in college when I still felt like I had to impress men in a certain way, I also went to a strip club or two, and I'm just not there anymore in my life. Nothing against the girls themselves, they're just making a (sometimes great!) living.

    I trust my husband to not have sex with someone else, I don't think that's what it's about for most women. I just would think we'd have a problem if our sexual needs weren't being met in the bedroom (or car, or kitchen, or whathaveyou lol) and he needed to go to other people and pay them to simulate.

    Eta: though looking back through the verbiage in the past of the thread... Lol I don't have a typed up RULE book he has to follow. It's never really come up. He goes to a bachelor party every year or two, and I think of that as just a silly cultural thing, & it doesn't really bother me. He hangs out with his buddies for pool and golf, etc. I don't "forbid" it, I just would feel like we were lacking something if he needed to pay other girls to get nakey, don't know how else to say that!
  • AshjMusik
    AshjMusik Posts: 113 Member
    So I forwarded the link to this thread to my newlywed friend I mentioned hoping this would give her better perspective of the situation (thank u all for ur honesty, very interesting stuff here lol). Since that night she's barely spoken to me & I'm hoping her man didn't get pissed thinking I'm sabotaging his fun or brainwashing his wife or something. After their fight (which is what prompted me posting the topic for help) he supposedly asked them to keep it at a strip club, but I believe there's only 1 other married guy thats gonna be there so I don't know how that went down.

    Well the bachelor party is this Saturday night, & as far as I know the plan is still to end up with strippers at a hotel room. She wants to have a girls night at her house to take her mind off things.. Here's to hoping there's no drama!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    If I'm being honest, I don't like the idea.

    A married man should be able to go out and "look"and have fun. But having been at one of those places with my ex husband while we were married...

    I'd respectfully ask him not to take part in such things.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    There is no answer. Depends on the couple. What's good for me and my wife in our relationship, may not apply in another relationship.

    I'm a biker. I ride with a group of guys that sometimes frequents strip clubs. I don't cheat on my wife and I can say, unequivically that my buddy Donnie and a couple others definitely do not cheat on their wives. There are a couple that do though. But...they would cheat if they found a willing partner at Baskin Robbins.

    My wife does not mind. I do not make it a secret. If I asked my wife to jump up on the coffee table and start dancing, she wouldn't hesitate. And, by the way, has. On several occassions.

    A cheater is going to cheat. I have not cheated on my wife since I met her 23 years ago and I don't intend to. If she asked me to stay out of clubs, I would. But she never will, just as I will never place restrictions on her. We are together, because we want to be, not because it is financially prudent. Trust has to be complete in a relationship.

    I love beautiful, confident, sexy women. I married one. She don't mind if I slip a worn dollar bill in the panties of another sexy woman.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    There is no answer. Depends on the couple. What's good for me and my wife in our relationship, may not apply in another relationship.

    I'm a biker. I ride with a group of guys that sometimes frequents strip clubs. I don't cheat on my wife and I can say, unequivically that my buddy Donnie and a couple others definitely do not cheat on their wives. There are a couple that do though. But...they would cheat if they found a willing partner at Baskin Robbins.

    My wife does not mind. I do not make it a secret. If I asked my wife to jump up on the coffee table and start dancing, she wouldn't hesitate. And, by the way, has. On several occassions.

    A cheater is going to cheat. I have not cheated on my wife since I met her 23 years ago and I don't intend to. If she asked me to stay out of clubs, I would. But she never will, just as I will never place restrictions on her. We are together, because we want to be, not because it is financially prudent. Trust has to be complete in a relationship.

    I love beautiful, confident, sexy women. I married one. She don't mind if I slip a worn dollar bill in the panties of another sexy woman.

    Well said RD. I tend to run with a few "unsavory characters", they are my bros and I love 'em. What they decide to do in their relationships has nothing to do with my choice to be with my wife. My wife doesn't mind if I come home "ready to roll", and she has gone with me a few times to clubs, it's alot of fun for both of us.
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    Absolutely, positively, not okay. It is disrespectful (to the wife) and wrong.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    There is no answer. Depends on the couple. What's good for me and my wife in our relationship, may not apply in another relationship.

    I'm a biker. I ride with a group of guys that sometimes frequents strip clubs. I don't cheat on my wife and I can say, unequivically that my buddy Donnie and a couple others definitely do not cheat on their wives. There are a couple that do though. But...they would cheat if they found a willing partner at Baskin Robbins.

    My wife does not mind. I do not make it a secret. If I asked my wife to jump up on the coffee table and start dancing, she wouldn't hesitate. And, by the way, has. On several occassions.

    A cheater is going to cheat. I have not cheated on my wife since I met her 23 years ago and I don't intend to. If she asked me to stay out of clubs, I would. But she never will, just as I will never place restrictions on her. We are together, because we want to be, not because it is financially prudent. Trust has to be complete in a relationship.

    I love beautiful, confident, sexy women. I married one. She don't mind if I slip a worn dollar bill in the panties of another sexy woman.

    Well said RD. I tend to run with a few "unsavory characters", they are my bros and I love 'em. What they decide to do in their relationships has nothing to do with my choice to be with my wife. My wife doesn't mind if I come home "ready to roll", and she has gone with me a few times to clubs, it's alot of fun for both of us.
    That's probably because you are a good dude.
    The things my ex did when we went, I doubt I can get on board with the whole strip club thing anymore. :(
    As much as i want to be the cool, fun wife/GF that doesn't care...
    I've seen too much blatant disrespect right to my face about those places.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    There is no answer. Depends on the couple. What's good for me and my wife in our relationship, may not apply in another relationship.

    I'm a biker. I ride with a group of guys that sometimes frequents strip clubs. I don't cheat on my wife and I can say, unequivically that my buddy Donnie and a couple others definitely do not cheat on their wives. There are a couple that do though. But...they would cheat if they found a willing partner at Baskin Robbins.

    My wife does not mind. I do not make it a secret. If I asked my wife to jump up on the coffee table and start dancing, she wouldn't hesitate. And, by the way, has. On several occassions.

    A cheater is going to cheat. I have not cheated on my wife since I met her 23 years ago and I don't intend to. If she asked me to stay out of clubs, I would. But she never will, just as I will never place restrictions on her. We are together, because we want to be, not because it is financially prudent. Trust has to be complete in a relationship.

    I love beautiful, confident, sexy women. I married one. She don't mind if I slip a worn dollar bill in the panties of another sexy woman.

    That pretty much sums up the relationship I have with my hubby too. I simply refuse to be one of those wives who feel the need to control. I never make it difficult for him to be honest with me. Sure, he on rare occasions may visit a strip club with 'the guys', but it just simply doesn't bother me. THAT's not where guys go to cheat.

    Funny story .. On one of our road trips with other couples (we are bikers too), the guys decided to go for a few beers to the strip club down the street from our hotel. They were talking in amongst themselves and evidently not paying enough attention to the 'lady' on stage because they were promptly interrupted with a flying 6" high heeled shoe that landed on their table spilling their drinks. They sure had a chuckle about THAT experience.

    If and when my hubby goes to a club, I do not find it disrespectful at all. What I would find disrespectful would be if he tried to hide it or lied about about. Then, Houston .. We have a problem!
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Funny story .. On one of our road trips with other couples (we are bikers too), the guys decided to go for a few beers to the strip club down the street from our hotel. They were talking in amongst themselves and evidently not paying enough attention to the 'lady' on stage because they were promptly interrupted with a flying 6" highled heel shoe that landing on their table spilling their drinks. They sure had a chuckle about THAT experience.


    I have never had a shoe thrown at me at a strip club, but have had some strippers get pissed off for that same reason. A stripper that gives me attitude for having a conversation with my friends is guaranteed to receive $0 in tips from me.