Worst Dates you've ever had



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    My very first date...EVER! I was a sophomore in high school and I had a HUGE crush on a Junior. He was so cute, but he was dating someone. They broke up and a few weeks later he asked me out to a movie. I happily accepted. When the movie was over we leave the movie theater and walk out to his car when I heard him say "Oh SH*$". I look up and his ex-girlfriend and two of her close friends are standing next to his car. He walks me up to them and LEAVES me with her friends to go talk to this girl. I was scared to death as these girls were giving me the evil eye. About 15 minutes later he comes back and tells me he has to take me home so he and Rhonda can talk. They ended up getting back together that night.

  • LindsayHein
    LindsayHein Posts: 73 Member
    1) Went on a date with a guy who I had met at a bar. We were texting all week. He had asked me to go out for FroYo and a walk in the city. I couldn't but I had suggested a Saturday afternoon date at a museum. We met up everything was fine untill we went into the Imax theater. First he wanted to make out, mnd you this is a museum on a saturday afternoon filled with families, I gave him a kiss hoping to cool him off but that was bad mistake one. He then proceeded to try to put my hands in places they don't belong. I get through the movie (Why didn't I leave then? Bad mistake 2) He keeps trying to bring me to corners and crevices of the museum to make out more. (I felt like I was in high school) After about one and a half hours I leave. Awful!!! I texted him that day and told him that he came on way to strong and I wasn't interested. He asked to make it up to me and I didn't respond. Later that week he texted me at 1am, called/voicemail at 1:15pm, texted at 1:30pm, two more phone calls at 4:30pm. I finally responded saying, "You made me very uncomfortable on Saturday, I'm not interested. I'm sorry." His response, "So you don't want to meet me again?" I don't understand what he didn't understand. I ended up getting two more phone calls about a month later. Blocked his number!

    2) Before this in college I went out on another terrible date. I had been hit by a car as a pedestrian and had a broken hip. Luckily no surgery was needed and I was just on crutches for a long time. He had asked me out to a movie on campus. I show up, on crutches, he doesn't open any doors for me, he doesn't pay for any of my food, or my ticket. I basically went on a date by myself and was followed by this creepy guy. After the date he kept calling me, and would find my car in the parking lot and leave notes. I had his number blocked and gotmy university to assign me a new lot so he couldn't find my car. So, creepy!!!

    At least they make for great stories! :)
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    we meet at the mall. "blind" date from match.com. i see him running toward me, in a full length leather trench. we're talking, grazing the floor. and i really want to run. but i don't. why!?!??! then he scoops me up and twirls me around. in front of all these strangers. hell, he's a stranger. and i die inside. but i forge on. then he proceeds to get drunk over dinner. and i'm sober, by the way. did i mention he was ugly? like awful gross? he suggests seeing the longest movie at the theater at the time (benjamin button). thinking i'd rather lick a toilet, i suggest "twilight." why i don't suggest cutting the date short, i'll never know. after the movie, he drives me to my car. he tries to kiss me and i give him the cheek. i get in my car and half cry/half laugh/full vomit. well, not really. but figuratively.

  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    Went on a date with someone who hit on the girl behind the counter at the movie theater when we were getting popcorn, then spent the entire night ignoring me and paying attention to some girl who was wearing a super short skirt and heels. Yes, in a movie theater. Then, on our way home, ditched me to go to a bar with one of the girls she was oogling at the entire night.

    Darn b*tch.
  • tinytubbs
    no contest...i was in high school in 1990 and jolene asked me out to the movies....during our date which included a hour and a half drive to the movies...a movie and the same hour and a half drive home..we didn't say a single word...no even one.
  • bandie320
    bandie320 Posts: 8 Member
    1. Just after we got out of high school my two best friends were good friends with this gay guy we knew at school. He was going to be performing in drag at this concert type of thing they were having and the three of us decided to along and watch/moral support for him, it was his first time performing on stage. Best friend A has just started seeing a new guy, we don't know him and she is planning on bringing him and one of his friends who was supposed to be a date for me. I was sort of seeing someone but it was no big deal as we were going in a group. We arrive and meet the guys, I'm thinking wtf has this guy just got out of jail or something? Swastika and teardrop tattoos all over his face and neck, no teeth, really scary looking. Yeah apparently he had just gotten out of jail the day before.

    Me and best friend B are stunned but we don't want to piss off the scary guys so we go inside, sit as close to the other end of the table from these guys as possible and try to signal each other with our eyes as to what we were going to do. We went to the bathroom and call 2 of our biggest male friends to rescue us, they came and we left with them leaving friend A behind. We aren't friends with her anymore because that was the final straw in a long string of very bad and dangerous poor decisions on her behalf and we were tired of being dragged into bad situations with her.

    2. Another story about a date that never was. The guy at a local takeaway place had been flirting with me for months and asked for my number. He called me several times that week and we had some really long phone conversations. I think it was on a Wednesday he called and we talked for about an hour, he asked if I would go out with him on Sunday and we agreed to go to the beach that Sunday. He said he'd call on Fri or Sat to get my address and arrange an exact time to pick me up.

    I never heard from him again! Very strange and I have no idea why. A few years later I moved back into that area but had since started dating my partner. Whenever I would go into the shop he'd come out the front (he was supposed to stay out the back because he was the chef) and try flirting with me again. I wanted to be like "Dude, do you not remember what you did last time?" but I don't really want to get into that again.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    Met this guy decided to get coffee with him. While we were talking I learn he's never seen The Godfather (who doesn't know "Leave the gun take the cannolis"?). As we continued talking I realize we have very little in common and he's not going anywhere in life. I agree to a second date even though there wasn't much chemistry, he was not my type physically, and he had more feelings than I can handle. I get home after the date and my roommate and I are having a drink when I get a text from him to check my e-mail. He had written me porn. Correction, he had written porn about him and I. It was the most awkward thing I'd ever read; the punctuation was terrible, the grammar was awful, and the pronouns didn't always match the antecedents, not to mention the awkwardness of a stranger writing porn about him doing things to my body that I wouldn't actually allow a total stranger to do.
    I feel like you were more upset by the grammar than the content. And it makes me think you're awesome.
    Gal after my own heart. it's the grammar that'd do it for me too!
  • meouch
    meouch Posts: 18
    here one, this was long time ago mind...I took this chick out on a date to a nice little chinese place, in the middle of the conversation she informs me she is an exobishinst (sp?) and decied to flash me in the middle the resturant. Would not have been so bad if there wasnt a family sitting next to us, who called the popo right away and she got arrested for public indency.

    Bahahaha. That's awesome.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I started to date this guy and he needed to take a run out to Detroit to get his paycheck. Turns out he was just scoring 250.00 of heroin (I learned this later) Oh and later that day when we went to wal-mart he stole a bunch of cough syrup. A real keeper that one was.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    I am happy to say I've never had a bad date.

    I am sad to say I've never had a good date either...or any
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I went on a date with this one chick on her 21st birthday. I took her to my house and made her stir fry with RAISINS in it, it was AWESOME but she didn't like it and we ended up at Applebees.

    eh ok it wasn't that funny sry.

    i am dying laughing at my desk! ahahahahahahah

    Seriously... I spat a little of my coffee out. :laugh: :laugh:
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I've internet dated for years so I have loads (I must add that most are lovely and I just have no chemistry, but some...).

    1. Guy turns out to be a bona fide dwarf. I have no dwarf issues, but a head's up would've been good.

    2. Guy can't hold a conversation. I ask about his work, thinking he'd have to be able to talk about that. He's a pharmacist. He tells me indepth about how they're developing a fascinating method to artificially inseminate cows out of season and it's really funny because his friends ask if they can have some for the wife...

    3. When in Texas a 'real boy' asked me out (I say 'real' because I met him in real life, not on the internet). He took me and my friend to the rodeo where he rode sometimes, gave me my only ever arm-stretch-yawn-manouver but didn't speak to me. He spoke to my friend all night and later admitted he thought we were on a date and she was my chaperone. He later asked me to (on this 'date') live and work with him in the morgue, where he lived/worked. He smelled of the dead.

    4. In telling another internet date about my Texan boy, he told me he also has the keys to a mortuary. And I used to weight how much?! I must've been really fat. He now delivers for Domino's Pizza and is fat.

    5. One guy turned up proving his photo was taken 15 years previously and before he'd been facially scarred in a fire, or something. He looked NOTHING like his picture.

    There've been so many I can't remember them all, but I must say, NONE beat the baby funeral or the one who was arrested for indecency. Bravo!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I've internet dated for years so I have loads (I must add that most are lovely and I just have no chemistry, but some...).

    1. Guy turns out to be a bona fide dwarf. I have no dwarf issues, but a head's up would've been good.

    2. Guy can't hold a conversation. I ask about his work, thinking he'd have to be able to talk about that. He's a pharmacist. He tells me indepth about how they're developing a fascinating method to artificially inseminate cows out of season and it's really funny because his friends ask if they can have some for the wife...

    3. When in Texas a 'real boy' asked me out (I say 'real' because I met him in real life, not on the internet). He took me and my friend to the rodeo where he rode sometimes, gave me my only ever arm-stretch-yawn-manouver but didn't speak to me. He spoke to my friend all night and later admitted he thought we were on a date and she was my chaperone. He later asked me to (on this 'date') live and work with him in the morgue, where he lived/worked. He smelled of the dead.

    4. In telling another internet date about my Texan boy, he told me he also has the keys to a mortuary. And I used to weight how much?! I must've been really fat. He now delivers for Domino's Pizza and is fat.

    5. One guy turned up proving his photo was taken 15 years previously and before he'd been facially scarred in a fire, or something. He looked NOTHING like his picture.

    There've been so many I can't remember them all, but I must say, NONE beat the baby funeral or the one who was arrested for indecency. Bravo!

    ummm are u making these up?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    we meet at the mall. "blind" date from match.com. i see him running toward me, in a full length leather trench. we're talking, grazing the floor. and i really want to run. but i don't. why!?!??! then he scoops me up and twirls me around. in front of all these strangers. hell, he's a stranger. and i die inside. but i forge on. then he proceeds to get drunk over dinner. and i'm sober, by the way. did i mention he was ugly? like awful gross? he suggests seeing the longest movie at the theater at the time (benjamin button). thinking i'd rather lick a toilet, i suggest "twilight." why i don't suggest cutting the date short, i'll never know. after the movie, he drives me to my car. he tries to kiss me and i give him the cheek. i get in my car and half cry/half laugh/full vomit. well, not really. but figuratively.


    wow. i wud have run in the opposite direction lol. i'm sorry :s
  • stryfe101
    Never had any really bad ones(recently)...I'm usually pretty charming..lol

    when I was younger, the worst one was when I invited a friend over whom I had a big crush on...we had been on a few dates before...well the night wasn't going so well and she pretty much ended up making out with my roommate. Needless to say I never talked to her again.

    again, when I was younger and much less charming than I am now I had one girl end the date cause me and my friend (was a double date) did nothing but talk about cars...

    I have had a few in recent years where they had no flair and couldn't hold a conversation. I did have one woman come right out and tell me she was high maintenance and liked having money spent on her (yeah we only went out once)
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Blind date...he talked about his World of Warcraft character most of the time and then said that the last girl broke his heart because she held his hand for an hour and then never talked to him again. Not even kidding. I didn't even make up an excuse to get out of there, I just got up and left.

    I think we had a blind date with the same guy. Pretty much identitical, but I didn't have enough of a spine to get up and leave.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    A couple of weeks ago I asked a guy to go out to a birthday party with me. He seemed really pleased to be asked (this was not the first date btw). He rang up about the time he was meant to come to my place, asking directions (hey you've been here before), then was quite late. Commented that he was under-dressed (not that I looked gorgeous, which I did), told me he was tired because he'd been travelling for work and had a late night the night before. BUT worst of all, he told me ~10 p.m. that he was tired and was going home, leaving me to get a lift home with someone else. He definitely did not bring his A game, loser behaviour.

  • chcwgrl
    chcwgrl Posts: 8 Member
    Several years ago I've been meeting this guy in my favorite hangout/bar and we started talking. After a couple of weeks he invited me over to his place for dinner. Since i hate cooking I happily accepted. When I entered his house I got greeted by a big stinking bird dog/monster. That should have been hint #1. Then I looked around and the house looked a lot like the places in the show "Hoarders - buried alive". Since I didn't want to sit on the dirty couch pillows with the stinking dog, I offered my help in the kitchen. When I saw that I faked a bad stomach flu and got the hell outta there. There were cockroaches crawling every where, dirty dishes with mold where stacking up to the ceiling, and somewhere in there he was cooking something I could not identify. He called it Fajitas but to me it looked a lot like road kill. I never talked to him again.
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    Several years ago I've been meeting this guy in my favorite hangout/bar and we started talking. After a couple of weeks he invited me over to his place for dinner. Since i hate cooking I happily accepted. When I entered his house I got greeted by a big stinking bird dog/monster. That should have been hint #1. Then I looked around and the house looked a lot like the places in the show "Hoarders - buried alive". Since I didn't want to sit on the dirty couch pillows with the stinking dog, I offered my help in the kitchen. When I saw that I faked a bad stomach flu and got the hell outta there. There were cockroaches crawling every where, dirty dishes with mold where stacking up to the ceiling, and somewhere in there he was cooking something I could not identify. He called it Fajitas but to me it looked a lot like road kill. I never talked to him again.
    :laugh: :laugh: "something I could not identify"!!!!! That's just awful!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I had a guy tell me he had to make sure we only kissed on the cheek because he was "too good at that stuff" and it would lead to me "making decisions that would lead me to think we were in a relationship". He also told me that he didn't want to tie himself down and assume that this girl 'sitting in front of him' (me) was the right one.

    I assured him that hideous attitude and perception of my self-control would certainly prevent my clothing from disintegrating as a result of one of his kisses, which I also assured him I didn't want.

    He called a week later trying to take me out for coffee...NO THANKS, I can make that at home and my coffee maker doesn't insult me.