Why are carbs so bad?



  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member

    lol@ posting your credentials on an internet forum just to make it seem you know something more then everyone else

    Sorry, she wins. I'll take her real-life scientific creds over your imaginary internet ones any day. :laugh:
  • furekurss
    Long term study of meat only diet for a year - better health than when the subjects started

    me in med field too and got degree in 08 - info change a lot since you went school even though the study above is from 1931! "

  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    There's far too much horse crap in this thread to even begin to touch it all. Carry on torturing yourselves people. :drinker:
  • furekurss
    There's far too much horse crap in this thread to even begin to touch it all. Carry on torturing yourselves people. :drinker:

    Great contribution to the thread MAN A++

    Not serious, please go
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    lol@ posting your credentials on an internet forum just to make it seem you know something more then everyone else

    brb im an astronaut/ Nigerian Prince here, i know how eating works too!
    FIBER= Carbs, who said they are not? lool. they have no Kcals in it, that is why i eat them bc i can subtrack from my Daily intake.
    but to say Fiber is not a carb is like saying a car is not car bc it does not have tires

    Read this then come at me with whatever you got,

    15 years of higher education=/= know it all
    ps. where is your proofs with actual references?


    ^READ IT

    it is hard for me to take that study seriously when the author offers the hypothesis that cho is the sole cause of obesity and says there is a metabolic advantage to low carb diets, when controlled metabolic ward studies show that not to be the case, see;






  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    There's far too much horse crap in this thread to even begin to touch it all. Carry on torturing yourselves people. :drinker:

    Great contribution to the thread MAN A++

    Not serious, please go
    Oh...I see what you did there. Eat some carbs, you might cheer up. :drinker:
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member

    I never ONCE argued that there weren't advantages to the ketogenic diet. In fact, I've said multiple times in multiple threads that the ketogenic diet has its advantages. They are helpful for people with type II diabetes, for example. There's some evidence that ketogenic diets are beneficial in Alzheimer's disease too for some people (though that's still being debated in the scientific circles).

    What I'm arguing against is the claim that I keep seeing over and over and over again that dietary carbs aren't essential to life. You've been saying it. Others have been saying it. But I've never seen any evidence that anyone can live long-term on 0 carbs every single day.

    The simple truth is: we don't know if dietary carbs are essential to human life. Until someone does a study with a ZERO carb diet (instead of a LOW carb diet)... we just don't know.

    So I really wish people would stop shouting that as truth when we don't know if it is or not. And we do know fiber is needed, so if you're like me and you define fiber as a carb, then you know that "we don't need carbs" is a false statement because we do need fiber.

    There aren't any ESSENTIAL carbs. "Essential" in this context means your body has to get them from diet, it can't make them. Essential amino acids, for example, means your body can't make those amino acids and if they're not in your food, your body is screwed. There are essential fats too. No essential carbs. So as long as your body has some carbs and some fats and some proteins, it can make all the carbohydrate and sugar molecules it needs- including those used to make DNA and RNA.

    As for references... pick up any basic biochemistry text book. Or organic chemistry book. Or human physiology book. Or nutrition... any of those should do it.

    By the way... I don't really count the "ihe-internet-journal-of-nutrition-and-wellness" as a good scientific journal. Sorry.

    However, there ARE plenty of good journal articles available on PubMed that will support your assertion that a LOW carb diet is beneficial.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    I actually learned that carbohydrates aren't essential in my biochemistry course....

    I never ONCE argued that there weren't advantages to the ketogenic diet. In fact, I've said multiple times in multiple threads that the ketogenic diet has its advantages. They are helpful for people with type II diabetes, for example. There's some evidence that ketogenic diets are beneficial in Alzheimer's disease too for some people (though that's still being debated in the scientific circles).

    What I'm arguing against is the claim that I keep seeing over and over and over again that dietary carbs aren't essential to life. You've been saying it. Others have been saying it. But I've never seen any evidence that anyone can live long-term on 0 carbs every single day.

    The simple truth is: we don't know if dietary carbs are essential to human life. Until someone does a study with a ZERO carb diet (instead of a LOW carb diet)... we just don't know.

    So I really wish people would stop shouting that as truth when we don't know if it is or not. And we do know fiber is needed, so if you're like me and you define fiber as a carb, then you know that "we don't need carbs" is a false statement because we do need fiber.

    There aren't any ESSENTIAL carbs. "Essential" in this context means your body has to get them from diet, it can't make them. Essential amino acids, for example, means your body can't make those amino acids and if they're not in your food, your body is screwed. There are essential fats too. No essential carbs. So as long as your body has some carbs and some fats and some proteins, it can make all the carbohydrate and sugar molecules it needs- including those used to make DNA and RNA.

    As for references... pick up any basic biochemistry text book. Or organic chemistry book. Or human physiology book. Or nutrition... any of those should do it.

    By the way... I don't really count the "ihe-internet-journal-of-nutrition-and-wellness" as a good scientific journal. Sorry.

    However, there ARE plenty of good journal articles available on PubMed that will support your assertion that a LOW carb diet is beneficial.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    If she got her degree 15 years ago that most likely means she didn't learn the most current info - textbooks/professors change YEARLY while new discoveries/studies are produced practically every day...

    lol@ posting your credentials on an internet forum just to make it seem you know something more then everyone else

    Sorry, she wins. I'll take her real-life scientific creds over your imaginary internet ones any day. :laugh:
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Long term study of meat only diet for a year - better health than when the subjects started

    me in med field too and got degree in 08 - info change a lot since you went school even though the study above is from 1931! "


    Okay. One study. Published in 1930. In a decent journal.

    Sample size: 2 men.

    Diet: Nothing but meat and fat for one year.

    I'll make a good faith effort to see if anyone has reproduced the work in a larger sample size.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    So far I've provided a published scientific article to prove that people don't need carbohydrates to live. You have provided 0.
    Long term study of meat only diet for a year - better health than when the subjects started

    me in med field too and got degree in 08 - info change a lot since you went school even though the study above is from 1931! "


    Okay. One study. Published in 1930. In a decent journal.

    Sample size: 2 men.

    Diet: Nothing but meat and fat for one year.

    I'll make a good faith effort to see if anyone has reproduced the work in a larger sample size.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Why would you WANT to live on meat alone? So you survive. Big deal.

    You survive by drinking your own urine too.
  • harold_IV
    harold_IV Posts: 46 Member
    and i'm a little lost, can someone explain to me what makes a bad carb bad and good carb good?

    good question

    Good carbs are slow digesting or complex....like whole grains, wheat bread. Bad carbs are simple. carbs...candy...white bread etc.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    and i'm a little lost, can someone explain to me what makes a bad carb bad and good carb good?

    good question

    Good carbs are slow digesting or complex....like whole grains, wheat bread. Bad carbs are simple. carbs...candy...white bread etc.

    and why does it make a carb good just because they are slow digesting?
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    and i'm a little lost, can someone explain to me what makes a bad carb bad and good carb good?

    good question

    Good carbs are slow digesting or complex....like whole grains, wheat bread. Bad carbs are simple. carbs...candy...white bread etc.

    and why does it make a carb good just because they are slow digesting?

    Probably because they make you feel fuller a bit longer?
  • harold_IV
    harold_IV Posts: 46 Member
    It makes you feel fuller longer so you won't eat as much. Plus it doesn't hit the bloodstream as fast, so theres no insulin response. Your body will more likely stay in fat burning mode then fat storing mode.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Long term study of meat only diet for a year - better health than when the subjects started

    me in med field too and got degree in 08 - info change a lot since you went school even though the study above is from 1931! "


    This is actually a pretty cool study. Fun to read.

    But guess what? Not zero carbs. Very very low carbs. But not zero. If you read the whole thing, in the description of the diet, it says the men were getting 7-12 grams of carbs per day. Which is not much at all... but still not zero.
  • dandur
    dandur Posts: 267 Member
    bumping for amusement factor
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    They're not. Plain and simple.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    I heard that's good for balancing nitrogen in the blood stream.
    Why would you WANT to live on meat alone? So you survive. Big deal.

    You survive by drinking your own urine too.