Why are carbs so bad?



  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    They're bad if - and only if - you're sensitive to carbs. Some folks are. Some folks aren't.

    I had pasta with my lunch, and garlic bread, sweet potatoes and rice with my dinner. Love the carbs! :heart:

    I think you are the exception. A lot has to do with age, for me anyway. In my 20s, 30s and 40s I could eat anything, as long as I exercised daily the weight came off. Now that I am older it is so different for me.


    My experience was similar to yours, but I ran into that roadblock in my early 40s. My understanding (it's limited as i'm still learning) is that pancreatic function, generally speaking, becomes less effective as one gets older. That's not the case with everyone of course.
  • sethandjane
    sethandjane Posts: 74 Member

    just one perspective ^

    Personally, I realized that once I took grains and unfermented dairy out of my diet, I felt soooo much better and never crashed at any point in the day and had way more energy then when i was eating a lot of carbs. now i eat more fat and am losing a lot of excess body fat and all in all feel way better and am gaining muscle mass without really trying.

    I totally agree with erinmac - Mark Sisson/The Primal Blueprint doesn't say eliminate all carbs - he promotes getting your carbs from veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds, etc. And I agree with erinmac - once I eliminated grains from my diet, I have a ton more energy - it might just be that I'm insulin-resistant, or that this is how the human body should be eating - either way I feel better. Good luck!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    i'm sorry furekurss but i looked at your food diary- there is no way in hell you can convince me that 85 slices of pepperoni for breakfast is healthy in this or any other era of mankind's existence.
    but thanks! i just totally lost my appetite after reading about your "snack" of 2 Tbs of hellman's mayonnaise. actually gotta go brush my teeth cause i just threw up in my mouth a little.
    i'm not arguing against being in a keto state will cause weight loss faster than practically anything else, but there has to be a way to accomplish that with healthier, more natural choices, if you want to be a good example of the diet style you're preaching.

    the irony of standing on the soapbox about 'the Paleo Diet' (a way of eating that is suppose to mimic the diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors) while making choices like what is in your food diary is not lost on most of us.

    ps. sorry to poke fun at you but your rudeness and overall just sounding like an internet crazy just brought out the worst in me. i'll probably feel horrible about this post in morning. :( but then again maybe not for i am truly trying to help you- one thing i think we all can easily agree upon is that our ancestors ate organically, it was the only thing available. there was no pepperoni (something that reoccurs on your food dairy daily). the other point is that if you wish to enlighten people to the holy grail that you believe to have found please try to take a different tone. you probably turned more newbies OFF of the Paleo Diet if they happen to read this thread- no one wants the perfect body if every other human on planet avoids them cause of such a horrid attitude (whether that is from the diet or your natural state i do not know, but if you want to be a spokesperson for something- attitude counts!). you and your perfect Paleo body will have a sad lonely life and no one wants that for you.

    you have changed the way i think, i will now go eat some carbs! :) carbs are key to life, i guess i just didnt read up on it well enough, you bring valuable information here and i should of done more research on this b4 posting all my bs posting. I finally read on the internet today that carbs are actually benefitial for survival since they have so much more vitamins rather than just meats and such. lol sorry for being so mean, i guess its the lack of carbs in my diet. will be eating more,

    Thanks again

    Actually, your diet does look like crap, all sarcasm aside. I eat roughly 10-15% carbohydrates, all from nuts, fruits, veg, and some dairy. ~55-60% fat, 30% protein. I will eat a mini-slim jim as a treat if I'm craving something salty and need some more fat for the day, but there's no way I'm eating cheese and pepperoni at every meal. Keto doesn't just mean processed meat and cheese. You still need to eat things with some appreciable nutritional value. You are welcome to look at my food diary.

    I was thinking that too. I am not in keto, but I would assume that someone who is could make better food choices than what I saw in that diary.

    Absolutely. I did keto for a year a couple years back, and I was eating a TON of veggies. Now I like this 'primal' a lot more because I get to eat more berries than I did then. I could eat other fruits but I feel I get more out of the berries since they are not calorie/carb dense and have lots of antioxidants.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    i'm sorry furekurss but i looked at your food diary- there is no way in hell you can convince me that 85 slices of pepperoni for breakfast is healthy in this or any other era of mankind's existence.
    but thanks! i just totally lost my appetite after reading about your "snack" of 2 Tbs of hellman's mayonnaise. actually gotta go brush my teeth cause i just threw up in my mouth a little.
    i'm not arguing against being in a keto state will cause weight loss faster than practically anything else, but there has to be a way to accomplish that with healthier, more natural choices, if you want to be a good example of the diet style you're preaching.

    the irony of standing on the soapbox about 'the Paleo Diet' (a way of eating that is suppose to mimic the diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors) while making choices like what is in your food diary is not lost on most of us.

    ps. sorry to poke fun at you but your rudeness and overall just sounding like an internet crazy just brought out the worst in me. i'll probably feel horrible about this post in morning. :( but then again maybe not for i am truly trying to help you- one thing i think we all can easily agree upon is that our ancestors ate organically, it was the only thing available. there was no pepperoni (something that reoccurs on your food dairy daily). the other point is that if you wish to enlighten people to the holy grail that you believe to have found please try to take a different tone. you probably turned more newbies OFF of the Paleo Diet if they happen to read this thread- no one wants the perfect body if every other human on planet avoids them cause of such a horrid attitude (whether that is from the diet or your natural state i do not know, but if you want to be a spokesperson for something- attitude counts!). you and your perfect Paleo body will have a sad lonely life and no one wants that for you.

    you have changed the way i think, i will now go eat some carbs! :) carbs are key to life, i guess i just didnt read up on it well enough, you bring valuable information here and i should of done more research on this b4 posting all my bs posting. I finally read on the internet today that carbs are actually benefitial for survival since they have so much more vitamins rather than just meats and such. lol sorry for being so mean, i guess its the lack of carbs in my diet. will be eating more,

    Thanks again

    Actually, your diet does look like crap, all sarcasm aside. I eat roughly 10-15% carbohydrates, all from nuts, fruits, veg, and some dairy. ~55-60% fat, 30% protein. I will eat a mini-slim jim as a treat if I'm craving something salty and need some more fat for the day, but there's no way I'm eating cheese and pepperoni at every meal. Keto doesn't just mean processed meat and cheese. You still need to eat things with some appreciable nutritional value. You are welcome to look at my food diary.

    I was thinking that too. I am not in keto, but I would assume that someone who is could make better food choices than what I saw in that diary.

    Absolutely. I did keto for a year a couple years back, and I was eating a TON of veggies. Now I like this 'primal' a lot more because I get to eat more berries than I did then. I could eat other fruits but I feel I get more out of the berries since they are not calorie/carb dense and have lots of antioxidants.

    Keto and certain veggies don't go hand in hand. You can eat some, I wouldn't eat a ton because you have a chance to keep you in the brain fog stage of Ketosis. Biggest thing about Keto is the person needs to research it and ready to follow it. The initial feeling you get for like 2 weeks makes living with a loved one hard lol.

    Keto pyramid:

    Most veggies you can have but you have to avoid:
    Carrots, Celery, Onion, Peppers-Red, Tomatoes, Turnips. You want Vegetables with a low sugar/glycemic rating.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Before low carb became trendy, people lost plenty of weight doing low fat. Back in the day I was happy to live off pasta (with no-oil tomato sauce) and jacket potatoes with baked beans (but no butter) for months!

    Different things work for different people - you may find you get dry skin from low fat, not enough energy to run from low carbs or bad results from resistance training if you don't have enough protein.

    A good balance with enough of everything (including my favourite micronutrient red wine!) works best for me and helps me achieve my weight-loss goals without compromising my fitness goals, which are probably more important, or feeling hungry.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I know, I did it quite successfully for a year. :wink:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Just a reminder:

    Ketogenic diets have no metabolic advantage
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Just a reminder:

    Ketogenic diets have no metabolic advantage

    Weight loss doesn't differ significantly after 6-12 months, but it would be facile to consider that a reflection on metabolic changes.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Speaking for myself - I cannot digest the high-glycemic varieties at all and any of the higher medium-glycemic varieties... I had such an extreme dumping of insulin (more worse than insulin resistance) that I almost creeped up on Insulin Shock: not fun.

    This weird metabolic disorder forces total elimination of potatoes, rice, pasta, corn, white flour, bleached any-flour, breads, etc...

    Moderation will never apply in my medical situation as it will put me back in the hospital again.

    Everyone is going to react differently - and of course it would because we are all different, some taking varying medications, others with different medical situations...

    The amount of carbs and the types of carbs should be a discussion held with said-individual and their primary care physicians, endocrinologist and/or registered dieticians....
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Just a reminder:

    Ketogenic diets have no metabolic advantage

    No it doesn't but the theory is:
    Under a normal glycolytic metabolism, fat exists only as a backup or reserve fuel. Your body does not like to use it. When your body requires energy under a glycolytic metabolism, it first scans your blood-stream for glucose. If not much blood-glucose is found, then your body will command the liver to convert its stored glycogen into glucose. If not much glycogen is found, then your body will breakdown muscle and fat. Fat is the very last option. Under ketosis, fat is the very first option for energy ahead of anything else. LDL cholesterol is also readily reduced under ketosis.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Just a reminder:
    Ketogenic diets have no metabolic advantage
    Weight loss doesn't differ significantly after 6-12 months, but it would be facile to consider that a reflection on metabolic changes.

    I've posted relevant studies, controlled metabolic ward studies show no metabolic advantage to keto diets, and other studies have shown the initial greater weight loss is all due to water loss
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I :heart: carbs... healthy, nutritious carbs. Whole grains, fresh fruits & veggies, etc.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Just a reminder:
    Ketogenic diets have no metabolic advantage
    Weight loss doesn't differ significantly after 6-12 months, but it would be facile to consider that a reflection on metabolic changes.

    I've posted relevant studies, controlled metabolic ward studies show no metabolic advantage to keto diets, and other studies have shown the initial greater weight loss is all due to water loss

    Oh, do we have to post studies? :/ I'm out then, because I am already up to my neck in them writing my dissertation. I don't care THAT much about this topic.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Just a reminder:
    Ketogenic diets have no metabolic advantage
    Weight loss doesn't differ significantly after 6-12 months, but it would be facile to consider that a reflection on metabolic changes.

    I've posted relevant studies, controlled metabolic ward studies show no metabolic advantage to keto diets, and other studies have shown the initial greater weight loss is all due to water loss

    Keto diet isn't about achieving faster weightloss, it's about keeping your muscles intact while you lose the weight.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Just a reminder:
    Ketogenic diets have no metabolic advantage
    Weight loss doesn't differ significantly after 6-12 months, but it would be facile to consider that a reflection on metabolic changes.

    I've posted relevant studies, controlled metabolic ward studies show no metabolic advantage to keto diets, and other studies have shown the initial greater weight loss is all due to water loss

    Keto diet isn't about achieving faster weightloss, it's about keeping your muscles intact while you lose the weight.

    Honestly that's regulated by caloric deficit. If it's too large, regardless of the diet, you will lose muscle mass. You need amino acids and you have no way to store them for times of famine. I like eating higher fat/protein because I feel full and it's easy to maintain my deficit. Plus it's effing YUMMY.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Keto diet isn't about achieving faster weightloss, it's about keeping your muscles intact while you lose the weight.

    Ketosis doesn't help with this, sufficient protein and weight training does.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Keto diet isn't about achieving faster weightloss, it's about keeping your muscles intact while you lose the weight.

    Ketosis doesn't help with this, sufficient protein and weight training does.

    Correct, which if you are doing Keto correctly you should be getting. Keto's main focus is to burn fat before other sources of energy though. Goal is to burn the fat before the muscle. Which isn't even what the Keto diet was originally designed for but from most fitness perspectives it is the end goal now.

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    So. to summarize the takeaway messages here....

    Weight loss and muscle preservation/building success can be had with and without carbs
    If you limit carbs too severely you may turn into a raging *kitten*
    Paleoman ate a diet rich in cheese and pepperoni
    Paleoman fanboys get very angry when other people eat carbs
    My oatmeal and banana tastes delicious this morning
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    All the macro nutrients have an important role in our diet, but the balance of the three will look different for each person, depending on their particular needs and health/fitness goals.

    I eat completely clean, unprocessed foods, but I have PCOS and am insulite resistent. Despite eating very healthy carbs (no bread or pasta, but things like lentils/legumes, raw fruit, etc), I still have to keep them limited otherwise my health suffers and I don't lose weight. My sister, who also eats clean, has to have a much higher % of carbs, otherwise she gets very tired and lacks energy...she has no health problems and has an awesome metabolism.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I like carbs. They help me run faster. But I still think protein is far superior.