Why are carbs so bad?



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    It makes you feel fuller longer so you won't eat as much. Plus it doesn't hit the bloodstream as fast, so theres no insulin response. Your body will more likely stay in fat burning mode then fat storing mode.

    that's interesting, hasn't research born out that low GI diets are not more satiating then higher GI diets?

    and why should one worry about insulin response? protein is highly isulingenic as well
  • harold_IV
    harold_IV Posts: 46 Member
    It makes you feel fuller longer so you won't eat as much. Plus it doesn't hit the bloodstream as fast, so theres no insulin response. Your body will more likely stay in fat burning mode then fat storing mode.

    that's interesting, hasn't research born out that low GI diets are not more satiating then higher GI diets?

    and why should one worry about insulin response? protein is highly isulingenic as well

    hmm well I don't know if its true or not, but I've heard fitness experts say that Insulin and HGH can't coexist? So for example if you eat all these simple carbs before you go to bed and you get an insulin response, than you would be stunting growth of gains you made in the gym earlier that day. Or not getting the most maximum gain at least
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I've had refined carbs as breakfast and I'm really hungry really fast. Complex carbs seem to help keep me fuller, longer.

    Protein does an even better job.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    It makes you feel fuller longer so you won't eat as much. Plus it doesn't hit the bloodstream as fast, so theres no insulin response. Your body will more likely stay in fat burning mode then fat storing mode.

    that's interesting, hasn't research born out that low GI diets are not more satiating then higher GI diets?

    and why should one worry about insulin response? protein is highly isulingenic as well

    hmm well I don't know if its true or not, but I've heard fitness experts say that Insulin and HGH can't coexist? So for example if you eat all these simple carbs before you go to bed and you get an insulin response, than you would be stunting growth of gains you made in the gym earlier that day. Or not getting the most maximum gain at least

    and yet you will hear people advise you ingest a slower acting protein like casein pre bed for a steady supply of aminos, but casein will also lead to insulin secretion, albeit a smaller spike then lets say whey
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    and i'm a little lost, can someone explain to me what makes a bad carb bad and good carb good?

    good question

    Good carbs are slow digesting or complex....like whole grains, wheat bread. Bad carbs are simple. carbs...candy...white bread etc.

    Context matters.

    Try doing a UD2.0 refeed on your "good" carbs, you won't think they're so good any more.

    Labeling food "good" or "bad" in isolation is nothing but simplistic thinking.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    It makes you feel fuller longer so you won't eat as much. Plus it doesn't hit the bloodstream as fast, so theres no insulin response. Your body will more likely stay in fat burning mode then fat storing mode.


    Of course there's an insulin response. Unless you eat a diet of pure fat (or fructose) you will have an insulin response.

    If insulin is evil, why aren't the carbophobes afraid of protein too?
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Well I'm about to have me a bowl of ice cream and a glass of wine...I hope those evil carbs don't kill me in my sleep
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I hear people saying that they have to avoid carbs a lot, but I don't understand why. I eat bread or pasta or potatoes all the time and I'm still losing weight. Also I thought they were good for you because they keep you full?
    Can anyone explain? (:

    They are not bad. In fact, they are really good. Most people who think carbs are bad for weight loss simply don't understand the difference between water weight and fat weight. Carbs will make you retain more water. People freak out when they eat carbs because the next day their scale weight goes up. They immediately think carbs evil.
  • furekurss
    Long term study of meat only diet for a year - better health than when the subjects started

    me in med field too and got degree in 08 - info change a lot since you went school even though the study above is from 1931! "


    This is actually a pretty cool study. Fun to read.

    But guess what? Not zero carbs. Very very low carbs. But not zero. If you read the whole thing, in the description of the diet, it says the men were getting 7-12 grams of carbs per day. Which is not much at all... but still not zero.

    u cant be serious... just wow... please tell me you are joking right now. i said IT WAS POSSIBLE TO LIVE WITH
    0 CARBS. Not that doing KETO, you have to Eat Zero CARBS.

    btw, where is bio engineering degree? still awaiting :)

    please respond

    also lol@ ppl for carbs here and bashing KETO, i hope you understand that kids and adults with Epilypsy go on this diet for years, some are cured after 2-3 years, and some have to stay on it for life so they dont have seizures. but you probably dont read, but hey, but with that bio engineering degree, who needs further school right? i should know, im a Nigerian Prince !!!

    bodybuilders use this diet to lose water and fat, and retain alot muscles then the standard "deficit Calories"

    and if you still think carbs are cool, i dont care you do what ever the Hell you wanna do. if a bio enegener says "eat 200g of carbs a day but only eat 1500kcals a day and you will lose weight" go ahead, id rather read actual books that were published in the 2000s with actual research in it.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Long term study of meat only diet for a year - better health than when the subjects started

    me in med field too and got degree in 08 - info change a lot since you went school even though the study above is from 1931! "


    This is actually a pretty cool study. Fun to read.

    But guess what? Not zero carbs. Very very low carbs. But not zero. If you read the whole thing, in the description of the diet, it says the men were getting 7-12 grams of carbs per day. Which is not much at all... but still not zero.

    u cant be serious... just wow... please tell me you are joking right now. i said IT WAS POSSIBLE TO LIVE WITH
    0 CARBS. Not that doing KETO, you have to Eat Zero CARBS.

    btw, where is bio engineering degree? still awaiting :)

    please respond

    also lol@ ppl for carbs here and bashing KETO, i hope you understand that kids and adults with Epilypsy go on this diet for years, some are cured after 2-3 years, and some have to stay on it for life so they dont have seizures. but you probably dont read, but hey, but with that bio engineering degree, who needs further school right? i should know, im a Nigerian Prince !!!

    bodybuilders use this diet to lose water and fat, and retain alot muscles then the standard "deficit Calories"

    and if you still think carbs are cool, i dont care you do what ever the Hell you wanna do. if a bio enegener says "eat 200g of carbs a day but only eat 1500kcals a day and you will lose weight" go ahead, id rather read actual books that were published in the 2000s with actual research in it.

    Forgive me if I don't believe the claims of someone with such a tenuous grasp on the English language.

    And long-term studies show that low-carb diets fare no better than others. Sorry Brochacho.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    and if you still think carbs are cool, i dont care you do what ever the Hell you wanna do.
    I think you care. Go on, admit it. You are the anti-carb crusader.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Long term study of meat only diet for a year - better health than when the subjects started

    me in med field too and got degree in 08 - info change a lot since you went school even though the study above is from 1931! "


    This is actually a pretty cool study. Fun to read.

    But guess what? Not zero carbs. Very very low carbs. But not zero. If you read the whole thing, in the description of the diet, it says the men were getting 7-12 grams of carbs per day. Which is not much at all... but still not zero.

    u cant be serious... just wow... please tell me you are joking right now. i said IT WAS POSSIBLE TO LIVE WITH
    0 CARBS. Not that doing KETO, you have to Eat Zero CARBS.

    btw, where is bio engineering degree? still awaiting :)

    please respond

    also lol@ ppl for carbs here and bashing KETO, i hope you understand that kids and adults with Epilypsy go on this diet for years, some are cured after 2-3 years, and some have to stay on it for life so they dont have seizures. but you probably dont read, but hey, but with that bio engineering degree, who needs further school right? i should know, im a Nigerian Prince !!!

    bodybuilders use this diet to lose water and fat, and retain alot muscles then the standard "deficit Calories"

    and if you still think carbs are cool, i dont care you do what ever the Hell you wanna do. if a bio enegener says "eat 200g of carbs a day but only eat 1500kcals a day and you will lose weight" go ahead, id rather read actual books that were published in the 2000s with actual research in it.

    You demonstrate either an unwillingness to actually understand what I'm saying, or you're simply incapable of understanding. Example: when I say I have 15 years of higher education under my belt.... you somehow translate that into I graduated 15 years ago (I graduated with my Ph.D. in 2010). You admit that fiber is a carbohydrate and that we need fiber for healthy digestion (even if we don't absorb it) and yet you still claim that we can live on a zero carb diet. You link an article that you say provides evidence that we can live carb free, and I point out that the article you linked does not support your claim and you think I some how... actually I don't know what you think exactly... you respond with this most current post, and I'm not sure I even understand what you're trying to say.... but I do understand that you enjoy being sarcastic and insulting.

    So... at this point... I will admit that I've been arguing over a technicality, the technicality being that no-one has proven that humans can survive on zero carbs (even muscle, aka meat, has residual glycogen in it and is thus a source of carbs). And I'll admit that really, the technicality doesn't matter since 99.999% of low-carb dieters are getting some carbs anyway. I allowed myself to get drawn into a conversation about something that really doesn't f***ing matter mostly because inaccurate language is a pet-peeve of mine.

    The conversation with you is no longer worth my time.

    Believe what you want. Do what you want. Have a wonderful life. This is my last response to you.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Do Eskimos work out?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Are you saying that those people who told me that my breadstick with dinner was going to crawl out of my tummy when I was sleeping and squish into a little ball of fat and deposit itself on my tookis were lying?
  • anyonebutmehaha
    i'm sorry furekurss but i looked at your food diary- there is no way in hell you can convince me that 85 slices of pepperoni for breakfast is healthy in this or any other era of mankind's existence.
    but thanks! i just totally lost my appetite after reading about your "snack" of 2 Tbs of hellman's mayonnaise. actually gotta go brush my teeth cause i just threw up in my mouth a little.
    i'm not arguing against being in a keto state will cause weight loss faster than practically anything else, but there has to be a way to accomplish that with healthier, more natural choices, if you want to be a good example of the diet style you're preaching.

    the irony of standing on the soapbox about 'the Paleo Diet' (a way of eating that is suppose to mimic the diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors) while making choices like what is in your food diary is not lost on most of us.

    ps. sorry to poke fun at you but your rudeness and overall just sounding like an internet crazy just brought out the worst in me. i'll probably feel horrible about this post in morning. :( but then again maybe not for i am truly trying to help you- one thing i think we all can easily agree upon is that our ancestors ate organically, it was the only thing available. there was no pepperoni (something that reoccurs on your food dairy daily). the other point is that if you wish to enlighten people to the holy grail that you believe to have found please try to take a different tone. you probably turned more newbies OFF of the Paleo Diet if they happen to read this thread- no one wants the perfect body if every other human on planet avoids them cause of such a horrid attitude (whether that is from the diet or your natural state i do not know, but if you want to be a spokesperson for something- attitude counts!). you and your perfect Paleo body will have a sad lonely life and no one wants that for you.
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    So I guess I'm trolling, but... An apple is healthier than a handful of crackers when you're just eating to eat. You can compare carbs all day but something grown from the earth is going to be healthier than something "man-made" no matter what it is. Just stick to that rule when choosing carbs. Works for me.. I do prefer "man-made" carbs right before and after I work out because it gives me a quick boost of energy.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    They're bad if - and only if - you're sensitive to carbs. Some folks are. Some folks aren't.

    I had pasta with my lunch, and garlic bread, sweet potatoes and rice with my dinner. Love the carbs! :heart:


    My body LOVES carbs. Loves 'em. I don't have any issues with them. I eat a large amount of carbs each day and do just fine. Carbs aren't the root of all evil. Neither is fat. Or sugar. Or anything else.
  • Jadesfattorment
    Everything in moderation is key. :)
    Bad carbs include carbs that turn into sugar really fast in your body and store fat such as potatoes, white bread, really anything processed.

    Good carbs are slower to digest and they have more nutrients such as oatmeals, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta ect.
    Bad carbs are basically "bleached or enriched"

    It's like this to me, if all the vitamins, nutrients and fiber was sucked out of your vegtables whould you still eat them? I mean these veggies were going to turn into fat in your body because they're over processed and will go straight to sugar! I mean why not just eat cake then right?

    ~Always looking for more MFP friends, feel free to add me~ :D
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    There's far too much horse crap in this thread to even begin to touch it all. Carry on torturing yourselves people. :drinker:

    Great contribution to the thread MAN A++

    Not serious, please go
    Oh...I see what you did there. Eat some carbs, you might cheer up. :drinker:

    Can I eat his share of the carbs? He clearly doesn't want them.

    Yum. Carbs.