Why are carbs so bad?



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Everything in moderation is key. :)
    Bad carbs include carbs that turn into sugar really fast in your body and store fat such as potatoes, white bread, really anything processed.

    Good carbs are slower to digest and they have more nutrients such as oatmeals, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta ect.
    Bad carbs are basically "bleached or enriched"

    It's like this to me, if all the vitamins, nutrients and fiber was sucked out of your vegtables whould you still eat them? I mean these veggies were going to turn into fat in your body because they're over processed and will go straight to sugar! I mean why not just eat cake then right?

    ~Always looking for more MFP friends, feel free to add me~ :D
    Carbs do not store as fat in a calorie deficit. Period.

    eta: Neither does refined sugar.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Carbs are not bad. That's racist.

  • Jadesfattorment
    While this is true, I mean processed carbs go through your body faster, with a calorie deficit it won't matter what kind of carbs you eat, whole grains are proven better though so why not just avoid the bad ones?
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    Carbs do not store as fat in a calorie deficit. Period.

    eta: Neither does refined sugar.

    Carbs rarely store as fat at all.

  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member

    Carbs do not store as fat in a calorie deficit. Period.

    eta: Neither does refined sugar.

    Carbs rarely store as fat at all.


    Huh... that's pretty interesting actually. I assumed excess carbs were fed into fats. Now I have another thing to read up on! :D
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I lost weight quicker after dropping carbs, loads of water too & my tummy shrunk loads.. I may have a mild wheat intolerance.. I'm back to eating some potatoes and non-wheat based grains to maintain for a few weeks. I switched to gluten free bread and pasta and dropped wheat based cereals like special K (but have Rice Krispies and Oats)... this seems to be working for me personally after cutting out the bulk of it.. (not eating bread and carbs everyday) and I'm enjoying my spag bol and jacket spuds again (once a week) without re-gaining the weight! :happy:
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I'm of the opinion that something naturally found in fruits and vegetable is OK in reasonable amounts. I read a study once that compared the mostly meat diet of Inuits with that of an African tribe that ate mostly fruit. Both groups lived longer than the agricultural societies around them, but the Inuits suffered from heart disease and failing mental and physical function in later life, whereas members of the African tribe stayed healthy and active until the end. I really need to locate that one, again.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'm of the opinion that something naturally found in fruits and vegetable is OK in reasonable amounts. I read a study once that compared the mostly meat diet of Inuits with that of an African tribe that ate mostly fruit. Both groups lived longer than the agricultural societies around them, but the Inuits suffered from heart disease and failing mental and physical function in later life, whereas members of the African tribe stayed healthy and active until the end. I really need to locate that one, again.

    To be fair the Inuits are like extreme meat eaters!.. I've seen programs on them and they don't seem to eat anything else BUT meat and sometimes were eating chunks of the seal/whale raw... even the kids!!! .. they didn't seem to be anything like bread, fruit and veg in their diet to even things out like in the western diet.

    I was brought up on what is now called a 'clean diet'.. potatoes, veg, meat. (single ingredients no additives) . my dad had his own allotment where we grew our own vegetables and strawberries etc, no microwave, no ready meals... my mum baked fresh.. and we were always healthy as kids.. no weight problems.. though I had no mobility problems then either so was either out playing on skates or bikes (no video games or computer then either... my parents didn't have the money to buy them for us). .. internet didn' t exist until my last year of university (age 27)

    I think problem is our lifestyles have changed, many jobs now involve sitting at computer all day, we don't burn loads getting in firewood and coal.. just press a button and the fire is on... lol! .. and kids are sat in front of computer games all year round.. when I was little every xmas day you see kids out with their new prams/dolls, skates, bikes... now they all inside with their playstations, Wii, X-boxes etc and streets are deserted xmas morning!... my point is peoples lifestyles have changed but still eating same amounts and so more people are getting overweight!

    p. s. scuse the rant i need to get to shop for chocolate! :wink:
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I eat a lot of carbs, and I find that I bloat a lot when eating them... but I don't GAIN weight from them I just bloat up a bit. If there's something I WANT to look really good for I'll lay off the carbs the day before and the day of, but if I'm just living boring day to day life then I love my bread, potato and pasta

    edit* and cereal, dunno how I forgot that, that's usually 50% of my daily calories
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    okay I have limited my carbs, but ever since I have I am less bloated and feel a whole lot better. But I do have crohns disease and I feel like I am losing more weight now as well, I have also increased my protein!

    I am currently on a diet of 15% carbs, 35% protein and 50% fat, but I have been eating less and less carbs but I have not had any energy loss, I feel great! :)

    Its different for everyone, I have seen diets where its high in carbs to lose weight, but it just doesnt work for everyone :) I say try a few different percentages and see how you go/feel
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I'm of the opinion that something naturally found in fruits and vegetable is OK in reasonable amounts. I read a study once that compared the mostly meat diet of Inuits with that of an African tribe that ate mostly fruit. Both groups lived longer than the agricultural societies around them, but the Inuits suffered from heart disease and failing mental and physical function in later life, whereas members of the African tribe stayed healthy and active until the end. I really need to locate that one, again.

    To be fair the Inuits are like extreme meat eaters!.. I've seen programs on them and they don't seem to eat anything else BUT meat and sometimes were eating chunks of the seal/whale raw... even the kids!!! .. they didn't seem to be anything like bread, fruit and veg in their diet to even things out like in the western diet.

    I was brought up on what is now called a 'clean diet'.. potatoes, veg, meat. (single ingredients no additives) . my dad had his own allotment where we grew our own vegetables and strawberries etc, no microwave, no ready meals... my mum baked fresh.. and we were always healthy as kids.. no weight problems.. though I had no mobility problems then either so was either out playing on skates or bikes (no video games or computer then either... my parents didn't have the money to buy them for us). .. internet didn' t exist until my last year of university (age 27)

    I think problem is our lifestyles have changed, many jobs now involve sitting at computer all day, we don't burn loads getting in firewood and coal.. just press a button and the fire is on... lol! .. and kids are sat in front of computer games all year round.. when I was little every xmas day you see kids out with their new prams/dolls, skates, bikes... now they all inside with their playstations, Wii, X-boxes etc and streets are deserted xmas morning!... my point is peoples lifestyles have changed but still eating same amounts and so more people are getting overweight!

    p. s. scuse the rant i need to get to shop for chocolate! :wink:

    Yeah, that was the main reason they compared those two hunter/gatherer groups. One ate almost exclusively meat, while the other ate almost exclusively fruit. It was a really interesting read and like an idiot I forgot to bookmark it. I think what was most fascinating was that both groups still lived longer than the average human.

    I definitely think you're right about our lifestyles. I was a farmers kid, so I spent most of every day running around in the orchards. We were all pretty fit kids. Now, though, as adults, we've all moved to different cities, and we're all looking a little worse for the wear these days. Lucky for me, I have no car, so I'm forced to move more than the rest of them if I want to go anywhere (which I do).
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,991 Member
    Wow, this thread can cause brain damage. Anyway to the OP, carbs are not bad, overeating is. :smile:
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    I hear people saying that they have to avoid carbs a lot, but I don't understand why. I eat bread or pasta or potatoes all the time and I'm still losing weight. Also I thought they were good for you because they keep you full?
    Can anyone explain? (:

    We call those people noobs who still need to get their head screwed on right.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I hear people saying that they have to avoid carbs a lot, but I don't understand why. I eat bread or pasta or potatoes all the time and I'm still losing weight. Also I thought they were good for you because they keep you full?
    Can anyone explain? (:

    I googled it to find out the answers and understand the science behind it. I think that is best. For me, I love carbs, but I limit them. That has worked for me. Everyone is different. See what works for you.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    They're bad if - and only if - you're sensitive to carbs. Some folks are. Some folks aren't.

    I had pasta with my lunch, and garlic bread, sweet potatoes and rice with my dinner. Love the carbs! :heart:

    I think you are the exception. A lot has to do with age, for me anyway. In my 20s, 30s and 40s I could eat anything, as long as I exercised daily the weight came off. Now that I am older it is so different for me.
  • furekurss
    i'm sorry furekurss but i looked at your food diary- there is no way in hell you can convince me that 85 slices of pepperoni for breakfast is healthy in this or any other era of mankind's existence.
    but thanks! i just totally lost my appetite after reading about your "snack" of 2 Tbs of hellman's mayonnaise. actually gotta go brush my teeth cause i just threw up in my mouth a little.
    i'm not arguing against being in a keto state will cause weight loss faster than practically anything else, but there has to be a way to accomplish that with healthier, more natural choices, if you want to be a good example of the diet style you're preaching.

    the irony of standing on the soapbox about 'the Paleo Diet' (a way of eating that is suppose to mimic the diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors) while making choices like what is in your food diary is not lost on most of us.

    ps. sorry to poke fun at you but your rudeness and overall just sounding like an internet crazy just brought out the worst in me. i'll probably feel horrible about this post in morning. :( but then again maybe not for i am truly trying to help you- one thing i think we all can easily agree upon is that our ancestors ate organically, it was the only thing available. there was no pepperoni (something that reoccurs on your food dairy daily). the other point is that if you wish to enlighten people to the holy grail that you believe to have found please try to take a different tone. you probably turned more newbies OFF of the Paleo Diet if they happen to read this thread- no one wants the perfect body if every other human on planet avoids them cause of such a horrid attitude (whether that is from the diet or your natural state i do not know, but if you want to be a spokesperson for something- attitude counts!). you and your perfect Paleo body will have a sad lonely life and no one wants that for you.

    you have changed the way i think, i will now go eat some carbs! :) carbs are key to life, i guess i just didnt read up on it well enough, you bring valuable information here and i should of done more research on this b4 posting all my bs posting. I finally read on the internet today that carbs are actually benefitial for survival since they have so much more vitamins rather than just meats and such. lol sorry for being so mean, i guess its the lack of carbs in my diet. will be eating more,

    Thanks again

    not serious

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,683 Member
    you have changed the way i think, i will now go eat some carbs! :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    i'm sorry furekurss but i looked at your food diary- there is no way in hell you can convince me that 85 slices of pepperoni for breakfast is healthy in this or any other era of mankind's existence.
    but thanks! i just totally lost my appetite after reading about your "snack" of 2 Tbs of hellman's mayonnaise. actually gotta go brush my teeth cause i just threw up in my mouth a little.
    i'm not arguing against being in a keto state will cause weight loss faster than practically anything else, but there has to be a way to accomplish that with healthier, more natural choices, if you want to be a good example of the diet style you're preaching.

    the irony of standing on the soapbox about 'the Paleo Diet' (a way of eating that is suppose to mimic the diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors) while making choices like what is in your food diary is not lost on most of us.

    ps. sorry to poke fun at you but your rudeness and overall just sounding like an internet crazy just brought out the worst in me. i'll probably feel horrible about this post in morning. :( but then again maybe not for i am truly trying to help you- one thing i think we all can easily agree upon is that our ancestors ate organically, it was the only thing available. there was no pepperoni (something that reoccurs on your food dairy daily). the other point is that if you wish to enlighten people to the holy grail that you believe to have found please try to take a different tone. you probably turned more newbies OFF of the Paleo Diet if they happen to read this thread- no one wants the perfect body if every other human on planet avoids them cause of such a horrid attitude (whether that is from the diet or your natural state i do not know, but if you want to be a spokesperson for something- attitude counts!). you and your perfect Paleo body will have a sad lonely life and no one wants that for you.

    you have changed the way i think, i will now go eat some carbs! :) carbs are key to life, i guess i just didnt read up on it well enough, you bring valuable information here and i should of done more research on this b4 posting all my bs posting. I finally read on the internet today that carbs are actually benefitial for survival since they have so much more vitamins rather than just meats and such. lol sorry for being so mean, i guess its the lack of carbs in my diet. will be eating more,

    Thanks again

    Actually, your diet does look like crap, all sarcasm aside. I eat roughly 10-15% carbohydrates, all from nuts, fruits, veg, and some dairy. ~55-60% fat, 30% protein. I will eat a mini-slim jim as a treat if I'm craving something salty and need some more fat for the day, but there's no way I'm eating cheese and pepperoni at every meal. Keto doesn't just mean processed meat and cheese. You still need to eat things with some appreciable nutritional value. You are welcome to look at my food diary.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    i'm sorry furekurss but i looked at your food diary- there is no way in hell you can convince me that 85 slices of pepperoni for breakfast is healthy in this or any other era of mankind's existence.
    but thanks! i just totally lost my appetite after reading about your "snack" of 2 Tbs of hellman's mayonnaise. actually gotta go brush my teeth cause i just threw up in my mouth a little.
    i'm not arguing against being in a keto state will cause weight loss faster than practically anything else, but there has to be a way to accomplish that with healthier, more natural choices, if you want to be a good example of the diet style you're preaching.

    the irony of standing on the soapbox about 'the Paleo Diet' (a way of eating that is suppose to mimic the diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors) while making choices like what is in your food diary is not lost on most of us.

    ps. sorry to poke fun at you but your rudeness and overall just sounding like an internet crazy just brought out the worst in me. i'll probably feel horrible about this post in morning. :( but then again maybe not for i am truly trying to help you- one thing i think we all can easily agree upon is that our ancestors ate organically, it was the only thing available. there was no pepperoni (something that reoccurs on your food dairy daily). the other point is that if you wish to enlighten people to the holy grail that you believe to have found please try to take a different tone. you probably turned more newbies OFF of the Paleo Diet if they happen to read this thread- no one wants the perfect body if every other human on planet avoids them cause of such a horrid attitude (whether that is from the diet or your natural state i do not know, but if you want to be a spokesperson for something- attitude counts!). you and your perfect Paleo body will have a sad lonely life and no one wants that for you.

    you have changed the way i think, i will now go eat some carbs! :) carbs are key to life, i guess i just didnt read up on it well enough, you bring valuable information here and i should of done more research on this b4 posting all my bs posting. I finally read on the internet today that carbs are actually benefitial for survival since they have so much more vitamins rather than just meats and such. lol sorry for being so mean, i guess its the lack of carbs in my diet. will be eating more,

    Thanks again

    Actually, your diet does look like crap, all sarcasm aside. I eat roughly 10-15% carbohydrates, all from nuts, fruits, veg, and some dairy. ~55-60% fat, 30% protein. I will eat a mini-slim jim as a treat if I'm craving something salty and need some more fat for the day, but there's no way I'm eating cheese and pepperoni at every meal. Keto doesn't just mean processed meat and cheese. You still need to eat things with some appreciable nutritional value. You are welcome to look at my food diary.

    I was thinking that too. I am not in keto, but I would assume that someone who is could make better food choices than what I saw in that diary.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I hear people saying that they have to avoid carbs a lot, but I don't understand why. I eat bread or pasta or potatoes all the time and I'm still losing weight. Also I thought they were good for you because they keep you full?
    Can anyone explain? (:

    Depends on what you are wanting to do as well. Also there is good carbs and bad carbs. http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/carbohydrates problem is when people say avoid carbs they are usually talking about the bad carbs.