whats the craziest request a customer has given you?



  • ariel3561
    ariel3561 Posts: 27 Member
    Bank customer opened a new checking account 5 p.m. friday before a holiday weekend. Came in the following Tuesday complaining he hadn't received his checks yet. His account hadn't even been uploaded into the system yet.
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    When I worked at Tim Horton's, I had two regulars who I dreaded everyday.

    First woman would come through the drive through and order a triple-toasted sesame bagel with bacon on it and extra butter. No joke. If the bagel wasn't completely charred black, she would come back through and complain to us that we were all lazy and needed to take more pride in our work and make us do it again.

    The other woman came through everyday and ordered a small "mocha". We make mochas at Timmy Ho's by doing 50% coffee and 50% hot cholate (from a machine). Except that she wanted the cup filled over halfway with cream, more coffee than hot chocolate, and with a packet of splenda, a stirring stick, and HEAVEN FORBID if we put a sleeve on her cup. She never even let us put in the slenda because she said we did it wrong. And everyday she would take a sip, mix in the splenda, sip again, all while at the window. Over half the time she gave it back and told us to do it again.

    I remember one day we had a new person working who didn't know the woman's order. The new girl handed her two packets of splenda and put a sleeve on her cup. The woman literally threw the sleeve and the extra Splenda back through the window at the girl and snarled, "I don't need this, did I ask for this?!"

    How rude!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    So many posts by baristas. Reminds me of a great Bill Maher joke:

    ""New Rule: The more complicated the Starbucks order, the bigger the a-hole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a "decaf grande half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low and one NutraSweet," ooh, you're a huge a-hole.""

    I go into one of these once in a while if there's no truck stop handy, and I just order black coffee. The poor sweet girls look at me so strangely. "Yes miss, just coffee. No,, no cream, no sugar, no anything. Just hot black coffee." And then I tip a couple $, which totally blows their minds. :laugh:
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    So many posts by baristas. Reminds me of a great Bill Maher joke:

    ""New Rule: The more complicated the Starbucks order, the bigger the a-hole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a "decaf grande half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low and one NutraSweet," ooh, you're a huge a-hole.""

    I go into one of these once in a while if there's no truck stop handy, and I just order black coffee. The poor sweet girls look at me so strangely. "Yes miss, just coffee. No,, no cream, no sugar, no anything. Just hot black coffee." And then I tip a couple $, which totally blows their minds. :laugh:

    MOST people are completely normal about their drinks, but we can always tell when someone is used to going to Starbucks because their order is just ridiculous.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I worked in a video store with an adult "room" and I had a customer call in and request that I call his wife and tell her that someone had opened a fraudulent account in his name. Apparently one of my co workers had phoned the number on the account because his movies were late and she didn't even know he had an account at our store, and he didn't want her to know he was renting adult movies and taking them with him on his business trips.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I used to work at a Best Buy and we had someone come in and try and return an empty camera box (one of the big nice ones Nikon d5000 I think). She said that she bought the camera but when she got home the box was empty. The employee asked to see her receipt and it was from about 2.5 weeks earlier. The employee was trying to tell her that she would have to speak to the manager because she wasn't qualified to do a return like that. (she was a new-ish hire). The manager was called and actually replaced the camera with a new one. The kicker? Those cameras are all kept behind the cashier counters in locked cages. So we weren't sure how the "theif" got behind the cash registers, opened a locked cage (which only managers have keys to), took out the camera, put the box back, and walked away without anyone noticing... We think she got a free camera out of the deal
    Did you ever stop to think she simply kept a camera she DID buy at home...and brought you back the box to scam you out of another one? :noway:
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    As a kid in high school I worked at McD's to earn extra money. I would laugh every time someone would order a double quarter pounder with cheese, supersized and then request a diet coke. I guess the diet coke made them feel a little better about eating a days worth of calories in one meal??

    I was a bartender in college and I had a regular customer that would want a jack and coke with three ice cubes and two napkins every time. Can't complain because he would tip me $5 every order (could easily make $50 bucks off him alone in a night!).

    I always get diet coke (or Pepsi) even before MFP or trying to lose weight. I like the taste of diet better than regular. Just my opinion.

    This! I know people snickered when me, at 200 lbs., ordered a diet coke with my triple cheeseburger with heavy mayo and extra cheese (just an example!) and fries, but I hate the taste of regular soda - except gingler ale- it's too sweet and goes the same for iced tea, I can't stand the sugar taste, I put 1/2 a packet (yes, 1/2) of sweetner in it - coffee too. Okay, I feel better after finally getting that off my chest!
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    i worked at a jewellers shop back home in australia. In the part of town i was in it was very multi cultural, so lots of muslims (im not being racist against this culture, if it comes across like that im sorry), anyway working in a jewellers you have to take a certain "pride" in your appreance. lots of make up, hair done nice. anyway a muslim lady (FULL burka, only the eyes showing) came in looking at earrings, kind ironic, i was thinking, but hey, if she pays my wage i dont care. Anyway i was being nice to her, showing her ALL the stuff she wanted to see, even when i put it back five times over and she wnated to see them again, she contastnly asked me for cheaper prices, better prices, managers prices blah blah blah, anywya i went as low as i could, which was like 10% above cost price or something like that, she still wasnt happy.
    so after i told her this price she was uhappy, says that i was lieing to her, SHE pulled out the racist card, saying id give "my own people" a better price (this was in australia! a multicultural society!)
    Then she turnd around to me clearly saying " your husband should be ashamed of you, you look like a harlett with all that make up and your hair should be covered, no honorable an would want you".. (i was 18 at the time).......

    umm excuse me? hahah the nerve of some people, dont push your culture onto me if i dont push my culture onto you, so why should she push hers onto me. i thought it was rude, had a bit fo a cry out the back later ause i thought it was my fault :(
  • Don't drink diet coke that stuff is worse then high fructose corn suryp, BAD BAD STUFF, it should be illegal. research that stuff please!!!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Don't drink diet coke that stuff is worse then high fructose corn suryp, BAD BAD STUFF, it should be illegal. research that stuff please!!!
    Go ahead and provide us the research, why don't you?
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I used to work at a Best Buy and we had someone come in and try and return an empty camera box (one of the big nice ones Nikon d5000 I think). She said that she bought the camera but when she got home the box was empty. The employee asked to see her receipt and it was from about 2.5 weeks earlier. The employee was trying to tell her that she would have to speak to the manager because she wasn't qualified to do a return like that. (she was a new-ish hire). The manager was called and actually replaced the camera with a new one. The kicker? Those cameras are all kept behind the cashier counters in locked cages. So we weren't sure how the "theif" got behind the cash registers, opened a locked cage (which only managers have keys to), took out the camera, put the box back, and walked away without anyone noticing... We think she got a free camera out of the deal
    Did you ever stop to think she simply kept a camera she DID buy at home...and brought you back the box to scam you out of another one? :noway:

    I think that's what was meant by placing thief in quotes and saying the lady got a free camera.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I had a guy ask me to marry him at BK when I was 16 because he wanted to have a working wife that would pay the bills for him..... Pretty sure he was the homeless guy the lives in the greenbelt trails
  • Technically this guy wasn't a customer but he still qualifies as crazy:

    Many moons ago I worked as a secretary at a University. One afternoon this weirdo called *twice* and asked if there was someone there would pay to wrestle his sister.

  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    When I used to work at Cheddars, a lady asked for a BLENDED chicken pot pie. She literally wanted it put through the blender. You should have seen the look on the bartender's face when I asked her to blend that pot pie. The people sitting around the bar were disgusted, and it was even more disgusting to watch the customer sip her pot pie through her straw---ICK!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    anyway a muslim lady (FULL burka, only the eyes showing) came in looking at earrings, kind ironic, i was thinking, but hey, if she pays my wage i dont care.
    She sounds like a rude person, but why do you think someone who wears a burka can't wear jewelry underneath it or at home? Really?
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    So many posts by baristas. Reminds me of a great Bill Maher joke:

    ""New Rule: The more complicated the Starbucks order, the bigger the a-hole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a "decaf grande half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low and one NutraSweet," ooh, you're a huge a-hole.""

    I go into one of these once in a while if there's no truck stop handy, and I just order black coffee. The poor sweet girls look at me so strangely. "Yes miss, just coffee. No,, no cream, no sugar, no anything. Just hot black coffee." And then I tip a couple $, which totally blows their minds. :laugh:

    Haha, it's true, for the most part!! I mean, yeah, I AM picky with my coffee, but only if I'M the one making it, therefore, I can do it correctly. I wouldn't dream of going to Starbucks, or anywhere, with how I do my coffee for that reason alone--I'm not a coffee *kitten*. :laugh: to be honest, though, we had a lot of people who just wanted plain coffee, so at least in my shop, that's not a strange thing. :smile:

    ooo but I definitely do not tip at those places. And I always felt a little strange when people would tip me. I never felt "deserving" of the tips, especially when I was paid a much higher wage. But I was still very grateful to anyone that did! :smile:
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    anyway a muslim lady (FULL burka, only the eyes showing) came in looking at earrings, kind ironic, i was thinking, but hey, if she pays my wage i dont care.
    She sounds like a rude person, but why do you think someone who wears a burka can't wear jewelry underneath it or at home? Really?

    sorry i shouldve added that she said she was going out to dinnner that night and she wanted a new pair of earrings. but i see your point. sorry
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    working at a hardware store, i used to mix a lot of paint. lady asked me to make her black and white striped paint one time.
    I worked in a factory once...and we would send the newbies back to mixing and ask them to bring up a gallon of black and white striped paint and everyone of them fell for it. Another good one was to have them go fetch a chain stretcher!!

    dude, you don't even know. i work at a power plant. and we always send the new guys for left handed tools, a bucket of steam, a tube of elbow grease, etc.

    Haha - my husband works in a power plant and the do that there too. Rotfl
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    working at a hardware store, i used to mix a lot of paint. lady asked me to make her black and white striped paint one time.
    I worked in a factory once...and we would send the newbies back to mixing and ask them to bring up a gallon of black and white striped paint and everyone of them fell for it. Another good one was to have them go fetch a chain stretcher!!

    dude, you don't even know. i work at a power plant. and we always send the new guys for left handed tools, a bucket of steam, a tube of elbow grease, etc.

    Haha - my husband works in a power plant and the do that there too. Rotfl
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    When I was a bartender, I once had someone order a "'57 T-Bird with Honolulu License Plates."

    I had to break out the "Bartending for Dummies" book someone stashed behind the bar.

    I hate when people order dumb complicated drinks like that!! Stick to the normal beer, easy mixed drinks, etc. Although I did just look up that drink and it does sound good.

    I think some dbags just order stuff to see if you can make it!

    I was a bartender and I never minded that. Most people who ordered odd drinks knew what was in them, so I'd just ask and they'd tell me. And if not, there was always a book to consult.

    When people order from me and i have no idea what it is, i usually get a confused look on my face and then the person will say, "oh it's just ____ and ________." one time when i did that, this guy came behind the bar and made his own drink! too funny.

    LOL I would have had no idea what he was talking about and told him to try the auto auction down the road!