Can a Fit, Sexy Girl Like a Fat Guy?



  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    Well, my ex husband is pretty overweight and he has no problem getting girls. He's just very self confident without being cocky

    IMO, being in shape almost always comes off as "cocky" to some people.

    The definition of cocky is too confident. Who gets to decide what is the right amount of confidence to have? Maybe it is just anyone more confident than yourself?
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    I love myself a big teddy bear :-) Not obese would is ideal. Luckily, this is what I have!

    I do find it interesting that I don't see a lot of in-shape "GQ" guys with overweight women though, but you see a lot of it the other way around. It seems like almost every sitcom has a sexy, hot wife with an overweight bumbling idiot (King of Queen, According to Jim, etc...I think Modern Family is the exception). :tongue:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Girls like to drool over ripped men and maybe even (ahem) "run a few errands with them now and again." But it seems to me that they don't usually want a relationship with them. Am I right about that...?

    I had a mad crush on Arnold as "Conan the Barbarian". I saw it the other day on netflix. Seems my preference for lean, muscular men was stamped on me as a tween. I managed to acquire myself a nice peace of man meat.

    I had dated fat guys, and it was always because they made me laugh. The attraction was really never there for me though.
  • mfiggs
    mfiggs Posts: 155 Member
    I don't understand it, but yes! My best friend growing up was very overweight and he was such a ladies man! He was attractive, charming, and confident and that is why he got dates! I on the other hand being an overweight girl I had a hard time getting dates! Go figure?!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    My hubby to be is a little bit of a fluffy guy--though we both are benefiting from my healthy lifestyle (he's lost 40 pounds + went from a 42 waist to a 36! I'm a proud fiance!!)

    However--it more comes down to--are you going to be healthy enough for our children? Are you going to respect my eating habits? You can do what you like, within reason, but I need you to support me too.

    I was always overweight before I joined MFP--so I actually naturally went towards guys who were bigger because I knew they were bigger than me. *shrug*
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    My current bf is the heaviest man I've ever been with. I've always turned down heavy-set men and opted for the basketball player build. At first I was put off by his big belly, but he treats me like no other man has. He makes me happy, he keeps me smiling, and I love him so much! His belly now is such a nonfactor. I would like him to get in shape just for health reasons, but as long as he stays the same as the person I fell in love with I could absolutely care less how much he weighs!

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  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    How about guys going for "fat" girls? I feel like it is completely opposite in this situation. I have always been the "chubby girl with the cute face". I get attention from guys, but have a hard time finding a relationship. I'm the cute, funny fat friend haha I shouldn't laugh, because sometimes I wonder if I was skinny if I would have a boyfriend :-/

    Haha we posted about this at the same time. :laugh: You're right on the money....I hit it off with many guys but never made it past a lot of first dates or hanging out. I think a lot of men, deep down, do not want to be seen with an overweight woman. It hurts....I went out with a guy a few times who said that I had such a pretty face, but more guys would want to date me if I lost weight. At least he was honest...:cry:
  • tracielinn
    tracielinn Posts: 113 Member
    My bf is heavy, but he treats me like a queen. Its up to him if he wants to lose weight, even though I do worry about it. I think it depends on how someone treats you, not what their physique is.
  • lorainekc
    I say heck yes... and if that's the only thing stopping a girl, she's probably a shallow B. I know a few girls like that and I want to shake them. The guys they date are shallow jerks though, so I guess that's karma. (Not saying if your guy is a jerk that you deserved it though!) My personal preference is for a little bit of slightly heavier or solid, stocky guys. (The strong but not ripped kind, if that makes sense.) Always has been. I like the feeling when we're cuddling and I like that I can eat like a normal person (or PMS eat, ahem) without fear of judgement, haha. But I will be totally honest that I like them to be able to keep up with me and do outdoorsy stuff. That doesn't take a skinny guy or even a ripped one, and I've dated both of those too. The skinny ones actually couldn't hang, usually.

    Personality is what gets me though. Above all.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    At the end of the day a man who has a great personality and is able to love and take care of a woman is a fantastic man no matter what his size. My boyfriend is a cuddly guy and I love him and that's what counts. He knows I'd like him to lose some weight but that's because I want us to have a long, healthy life together and not because I want him to change what he looks like. I've known lots of fit guys over the years but most of them have been full of themselves and more into their looks than how to treat the women they date.
  • CreepyOne
    CreepyOne Posts: 221 Member
    wow after reading this post I'm reconsidering loosing more weight or not ROFLOL
  • smittenmikish
    Absolutely. In fact I'd say that I'd prefer a bigger guy over a skinny guy. For me it is all about CONFIDENCE and EFFORT. :)
  • hiyoli
    hiyoli Posts: 13
    Funny you should post this. I've recently started dating a friend of mine, and he is "big and tall." He's 6'1" 300 lbs to my 5'6' 135 lbs (and my utlimate goal is 125 lbs) and I LOVE it. When I was bigger I liked thin guys, but now I can't imagine why I ever did. I love when my boy picks me up while we kiss, how perfectly his arms wrap around me, and how he's like a big teddy bear when I lay on top of him and nap. It's just this totally awesome safe feeling, and we're exactly alike (our birthday's are a day apart) and everything just works! Maybe it's the opposites attracting thing, physically.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Here is a true story to back it up.... When I met my husband, I was skinny and fit (I went to the gym twice a day and hardly ate). He was very overweight, but I noticed his amazing eyes and awesome outgoing personality before I noticed his weight. We dated for two years and got married and his weight never bothered me as much as it bothered him. I never even knew his weight until he decided to get gastric bypass surgery while I was pregnant with our second baby. He was 415 lbs, and I loved him no matter what. He is now 6'3" 255 lbs and it wouldn't matter to me what his weight is. I am just happy that he is happier and more healthy. We are now doing the couch to 5K together and plan on running a marathon this spring. The point of this story is, unless someone is vain, they will look at you and not see your weight!
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    WOW! This is soooo revealing...

    It sounds like confidence is key above everything else.

    This is a great thread. Thanks to all you posters!
  • bringit30
    bringit30 Posts: 103 Member
    My husband is very muscular, but has some meat on his bones too. He is a manly man. I wouldn't have it any other way. I am more of the Vin Diesel kind of girl. I also like the construction worker look over the business professional look! :tongue:
  • Scoobies100
    Never say never. Personally I wouldn't be attracted to a large guy, call it shallow if you like but I find it very important to be physically attracted to someone. I have a lot of male friends who have big personalities and side splitting humour but as much as I love them I just don't feel the attraction.

    I think if you are with someone and as you grow older you gain weight that is different because you love them and you can see past that. But in the initial first stages of dating I believe a lot of it is physical.

    I'm probably going to get slated for this but it's my opinion and an honest one.
  • KattKitty
    KattKitty Posts: 17 Member
    I'd like to "weigh-in" on this one, if I may. You can be physically attracted to whatever body-type floats your boat, but I hope you are considering more than outward appearances-- such as how this man treats you and others, his relationship with his family, does he fight fair, his priorities vs. yours, money management, religious and childrearing opinions, etc.

    Two other issues that could "weigh" heavily on a relationship-
    #1- how his lifestyle habits affect his health-- past, present, future
    #2- can you maintain your lifestyle or would his be too much temptation for you and change you into someone/something you
    don't want to be

    Best wishes either way

    PS- Don't enter any relationship thinking you can/will change him
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    By the way... I need some friends on here.

    Friend me if you liked this topic...
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    You don't have to be fit and sexy to fall in love with a fat guy. Overweight girls can also fall in love with skinny guys or fat guys. And I've seen skinny girls with skinny guys and fat guys. Myself? I was married to a skinny guy. Now I'm with a chubby boyfriend. Size isn't the only factor when it comes to love. But some people will never get past that outer shell. And they might miss something amazing because of it.