Can a Fit, Sexy Girl Like a Fat Guy?



  • courtney131
    I say absolutely! Why not? I'm not saying that I am those two things, but I hate little guys. I would much rather a guy be overweight than super skinny!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Absolutely. When I went back to college a few years back, I was very fit, and trim, generally about a size 6-8. I dated two guys who were very heavy. One was 4'10" and the other was 6'5".

    The key attraction for both of them was that they were both extremely funny and highly intelligent. That made them terribly sexy to me, regardless of their size. I don't really have a body type that I prefer in men; I just take whatever package the person I happen to fall in love with turns out to be wrapped in.

    I've dated men (and women, actually) of all shapes and sizes. It's what's inside that counts. Though I do have to say that now that I'm bigger, and engaged to a man who is NOT a big guy, I get a bit self-conscious. My next goal is to weigh less than he does. I'm almost there!

    I like to weigh less than whoever I'm dating, too. In that past, even when I was thin, I dated a couple of guys who were even skinnier. One was about an inch taller than me (he hated when I wore anything with a heel because then I was taller than he was!) and 110 pounds soaking wet. I could pick this dude up and carry him around. Portable boyfriend!
  • EbonyK
    EbonyK Posts: 92
    I fell in love with a bigger guy. I actually find them more attractive then skinny guys. I don't want to be the same size as my man. That is gross!
  • VinVenture
    I'll return the question. Would you, if you reached the goal weight, added muscle and were fit and sexy - would you want to date a fat girl? - I'm just annoyed by the general double standard that a physically unfit guy can get the fit/hot/pretty chick if he has one redeeming quality, while they (the guys) themselves can feel free to friendzone or outright reject the fat chick.

    And no, that's actually never happened to me, nor anyone I know. It's still a pet peeve. (I did get the only guy I've ever wanted, and I'm still with him)

    My personal prefference is skinny/fit guys without too bulgy muscles, but vague definition is swell. Martial artists usually top this list fairly well. Could potentially go for a chubby guy if he had an epic personality, but he couldn't get in the way of my fitness, and at least have some interest in it himself, as it is a pretty important thing in my life.
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    I acutally prefer guys to be bigger than me and I am actually slightly overweight - I guess it depends on what you consider "fit, and sexy" . I don't like thin men at all.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    My experience is that like body types generally attract. I've never seen a fit woman with a fat man once in my life. I've seen it the other way a handful of times, but there are more ways to explain that (if your wife has your babies, she's not going to have the body of an 18 year old any longer)

    So I would say the odds of a fit woman being attracted to a man who is even a bit overweight is slim. I base that off of my own experiences and world views and what I have seen.

    Typically overweight people are with overweight people. Mid size people with mid size, and small people with small people overall.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Yes my wife married me.... LOL
  • lorainekc
    I also like the construction worker look over the business professional look! :tongue:

    ME TOO!!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    My hubby is 4 1/2 inches shorter than I am, is about 40-50 pounds overweight, is starting to go gray in his beard, and is still the most handsome man in the world to me.
    I love his personality, so it doesn't matter what he looks like, but I do find him physically attractive. He has gorgeous blue eyes and dark brown hair (my favorite combo), I love his facial stubble and his awesome lips and, of course, he has an awesome booty.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    It's about confidence, and how they make you feel. I actually prefer big guys, even with a little squish :wink: but health and athleticism are important too, because that's a life I want to live.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Okay, Ill bite. I would hope that people wouldn't be so shallow that they wouldn't be with someone great just because of their weight. If the guy has no interest in his health however, that would be a.definite put off.
    If a fit, athletic guy (my hubby) can fall for a fat girl (me), why not the other way around?

    ^This exactly.

    I used to be very fit (ballet for 14 years will do that to you) and dated a guy who I called my teddy bear. Due to personal experiences and an illness gained 70 pounds and a man who was fit fell in love with me even though I was 170 (at the time). I'm now 250 and my husband says my confidence makes me sexier now than I was when I was 'thin".
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Yes! I am attracted to personalities, humor and intellect. When someone is genuine and fun it is attractive. Maybe a shallow girl would pass up someone on their body type and that is really too bad.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    Call me crazy but Im attracted to the bigger guys...Dont want some skinny pencil I like my man with some meat on him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Call me crazy but Im attracted to the bigger guys...Dont want some skinny pencil I like my man with some meat on him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ^^ This besides I didnt want to be the one carring him in the door after the wedding I need him strong enough to carry me!!
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    I have definitely always been more attracted to a guy with more meat on his bones. I guess I would prefer a "fat" man over a super skinny, scrawny one. However, I like someone who is healthy-minded. Now that I am trying to get on the right track, it almost is a turn off to see a guy stuffing his face with fast food. I like someone who cares about themselves.

    How about guys going for "fat" girls? I feel like it is completely opposite in this situation. I have always been the "chubby girl with the cute face". I get attention from guys, but have a hard time finding a relationship. I'm the cute, funny fat friend haha I shouldn't laugh, because sometimes I wonder if I was skinny if I would have a boyfriend :-/

    I agree with this and will admit that I have my moments of pondering the same "what ifs".....
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
    I think it depends. A lot of woman can be shallow especially if they have a nice body they want someone who also takes care of themselves and lets face it looks good. However different strokes for different folks. My mom use to be very fit. 115lbs and pretty well shaped. My step dad however 250lbs and only muscle on him was on his arms.... Sooo? Hmm idk chubby guys can be cute sometimes. For me it is all about having nice arms and a perfect smile... and I am sold. (ask the hubby!)
  • SusanRN2b
    SusanRN2b Posts: 106 Member
    Never been attracted to fat guys. The beer belly thing is deal breaker. I honestly think that the majority of women who say that they are attracted to a Chris Farley type are simply lying!

    I have always believed guys are supposed to be hard, hard arms, hard abs, etc.. ;)
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    I love me a fit man with muscle!!! With that said, I am always feeling as if I don't measure up when I am with a superfit hottie as I still have 20-30 pounds to lose. I hate feeling frumpy and flabby. The guy Im dating now is an MMA fighter and he is currently bulking so I feel a little better now that hes a tad on the chubby side :) LOL
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    HELLO!! Take a look at Meatloaf. (And I don't mean the food.) He was VERY heavy and still had sexy girls clamoring to be with him!

    Meatloaf is effing rich!

    However; as a fat f, I can say the answer is yes, but not at first. My gf is thin, toned, and attractive, but in order to win over a girl like that while fat, you need time. When you are in great shape sometimes all you need to do is keep your mouth shut.

  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    Never been attracted to fat guys. The beer belly thing is deal breaker. I honestly think that the majority of women who say that they are attracted to a Chris Farley type are simply lying!

    I have always believed guys are supposed to be hard, hard arms, hard abs, etc.. ;)

    LYING??? I beg to differ ! I would much rather have a meatier man who is humble rather than a pompass body builder who thinks he is gods gift to all women... I know I will hear **** about this comment and I dont mean all men are like this but for the majority we all know when a muscle man walks in the room he just knows all woman are looking at him but when a heavier man walks in he is greatful for that 1 woman that gives him a smile ! Give me a big teddy bear who can make me laugh over a piece of arm candy anyday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im not perfect so I dont expect my man to be :)