THE Team - Week 4



  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Anita ~ God is good! So thankful Kole is through the surgery and on his way to becoming stronger.:flowerforyou: Thanks for keeping us updated.

    I only remember words to songs anymore. But I figure people will think I am weird(er) if I go around singing everything.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That's great!! I would soooo wanta hang out with you if you did that! (with my video camera!!)

    Zano - For your benefit, I really want you to make your next goal tomorrow - but being a wee bit selfish, I really want you to make it so you can tell us all about those yoga clases - I am dying to know how they go!

    LI4G and Adopt4 - I want to live by you guys and go to the gym with you! You are both doing so great!

    It doesn't look like I'm going to be a wogger:cry: My hip just can not take the stress - I'm going to back down and stick to walking for now - bummer. This weekend I will look at some other challenges, maybe the sit up challenge or the push up challenge ~ CM, how are those push ups??

    k, good luck on tomorrow's weigh in ~ Think thin!!
  • healthymom2009
    Prayer for Baby Kole, (my nephew)he is having surgery to put in a prosthetic Diaphram and take some of those organs out of his chest and see what they can fit into his stomach.. He will be going into surgery at 12:30 and the Drs are saying about 5 or 6 hrs..


    My prayers are with you and your family. Baby Kole is a miracle from God's hands.

    I saw an episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition (Ty Pennington). The family they helped had a mom who took beautiful pictures of babies in the NICU. Many are healthy children now and the family has a memory of how fragile their child started out. Is anyone taking pictures? Just a suggestion if its appropriate.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Good luck on the weigh-ins tomorrow, for those of you participating.

    Here is next week's thread. I want to get off the computer for the night.

  • markay_
    markay_ Posts: 83 Member
    HEYYYYY ALL. I'm so sorry I haven't been on the thread in a while. I had a lot of trouble at work this week and...long story short I got laid off. :sad: But all is well with the weight loss. Hope everyone is doing great and I need lots of motivation this week. So please send some emails or something.

    THIS IS MY progress since I started losing weight
    SW410/CW355/GW299/total progress - 55lbs

    THIS IS MY progress since I started the thread
    SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hello everyone, thought I would check in before going to bed. cmr, lulu, thanks for coming clean about how you keep track of everyone. I don't think worse of you because you cheat :wink: But seriously, those are a couple of good ways to stay on top of things. Zano, good luck!!! Anita, can't think of anything to say except - WOW. You and your family have been in my prayers. Keep us posted. markay, I am so sorry about the job situation, and so glad about the weight loss situation!

    I discovered something to do about my mid-week slump, I took measurements earlier today, all was very good. Everything was down, and my BMI has decreased by 2 points. Thats pretty exciting, though I am not sure how significant it is. One thing I am a little unsure of is how to make sure I am measuring the same place each time. Sounds pretty stupid, but its kind of difficult to find the largest part of my thigh. Its all large! And my waist is becomming more defined, but still, an inch or two up or down and we have a dramatic difference. Again, I am looking for suggestions. Thanks for your patience everyone. You are great!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Wow, stillkristi, 2 BMI points! Hey, this needs celebration! :drinker: 15 lbs already gone is awesome, too! :flowerforyou:

    markay3, hang on in there, girl! :brokenheart: You can get an even better job! Maybe they did you a favor, take this as "I'll find something better for me", so put it all behind you and start anew! You can do it :flowerforyou: (weight loss going well shows you're a determined person, so let that be so in all you do! :wink: ) We're here for you! And, wow, 55lbs - you are AWESOME!

    I am pretty much sore from yesterday's two hours in the aerobic class, but so happy I did it! I weighed in this morning and am reporting, since I recall you saying Fridays are the days (though I kinda think Sun should be my day). I'm around 134lbs and I'd be disappointed on regular days, but right now I know I am on the right track and am very happy with how the week went, so looking forward to seeing a change. Actually, I blame it on the water, since I think I drank too less. Am changing that now :wink: .

    Keep up the good work, everyone, and keep up the spirits! :flowerforyou:
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    :heart: Please God, watch over baby Kole when he goes into surgery today. Give him strength and please guide the hands of the surgeons and staff responsible for his care. His family needs you too, please bless them with the courage and peace to make it through this difficult day. :heart:

    Anita, can you come back later and give us an update? Our thoughts are with you.


    Thank you everyone for your prayers... Kole is out of surgery and doing Ok.. They had to remove his spline, they put in the prosthetic diaphram but it's to big so they will have to correct that at a later date. All of his organs were removed from his chest except for his intestines and put where they belong.. They were going to take him off Ecmo tomorrow but now they are saying Sat. They want to see how he does.. He is a strong little boy...

    Ok, now I can relax and read some posts...


    Poor little one:frown:, that is so much to go through! My hope is with you Anita.
  • smontoya1
    smontoya1 Posts: 39
    CRM! Thanks for coming back for me!!! I hope everyone is doing well and reaching their goals. I fell off but today's another I go again! :drinker: