40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- Love the dress! Fabulous! I'm sure you will ROCK it!!

    My hubby called a while ago. He got his test results back from yesterday- everything is normal- no kidney stones,etc. Just a nasty cellulitis infection. Just really stinks for him- he's been trying so hard to get into the gym 4-5 days/week and has recently started his own mfp membership and has been doing great logging his food intake. This has set him back a few paces with the exercise part as he has not felt like getting to the gym in almost two weeks. Hopefully this second round of antibiotics will kick out the infection.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    KellySue, glad to hear your husband will be ok. How is your grandmother? :flowerforyou:

    Beeps, that dress is super cute!!! That is a good motivation right there!! I love lifting heavy things but lately I seem to get hurt when I go too heavy. :cry: My shoulders have been bothering me lately so I have been extra careful with lifting heavy. Also my knees and hips have been bothering me. So I have had to reduce the weight in most of my exercises. :ohwell: :noway: it sucks!!!

    I have been on a cooking healthy frenzy lately...I roasted some butternut and spaghetti squash for the rest of the week. I also made some homemade peanut butter and homemade coconut yogurt with probiotics. Yum!!!

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Hump Day! Wednesdays are usually my rest day, but decided to just go for a walk this morning. It was a gorgeous morning- so much better than stormy weather last night. We avoided much of it, but areas not to far east of us got hit really badly.

    Alf- thanks for thinking of my grandmother. At this point, the doctor has said that she could go at any time. They are basically providing comfort care for her. She has been in the hospital/nursing home now since just after Christmas because she had a stroke and it has left her in a very weakened state. :frown:

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    KellySue - I am glad your husband is going to be okay....and, hopefully this will actually energize him MORE to get back to the gym and into shape!!!!

    alf - lifting is great, even if it isn't 1,000 lbs of lifting!! For sure, NO HARM is RULE #1. After that, I already know you will go as heavy as you can!

    It is a GORGEOUS day here....so, yes, I lift at lunch and then, yes, I will go for a nice walk after work. I am going to do that both today and tomorrow. Friday eve brings baseball so I am going to watch son's game. And then Saturday brings cardio in the morning, a pedicure in the early aft, son's baseball game and then a patio night at my gf's house.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids, hope all of you are well.

    KellySue--glad to hear the news about your hubby. As it relates to your grandmother, I am so very sorry and I hope of all you support and comfort each other during this time of distress.

    Beeps--The dress is FAB!!!!!

    Alf--- I think I went to heavy on Monday as I am experiencing some back pain. We must listen to our bodies otherwise we will face the consequences. I am soooooooooooo jealous about the spaghetti squash. Could use some right now.

    Fay--- I can see from your post you are having a great time in Ireland. Take me with you (lol)

    I have boxing and bosu training tonight. I just have to be mindful of my back.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Cool Kids,

    I just joined MFP yesterday and found your group. I am 45 years old with 4 grown children and 1 wonderful granddaughter. I live in Alabama... But don't hold that against me... LOL!!!

    I have read seveal of the posts and was really inspired on how you really support each other. I could use that kind of support in my life. My family is supportive, but they don't struggle with weight issues.

    I would be honored to be part of your group.

    Have an awesome day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    caramel - I hope the "back pain" isn't anything serious.

    I got my lifting in-and-done....I truly crave a 'rest'. Tomorrow I am having lunch with my bookkeeper...so, I don't think I will lift.

    Also, I think I am going to a diner en blanc!!! Have any of you done that?!??! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!

    I had to go online and buy a white dress and white sandals because I don't have anything all white!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I have totally lost making time for me & in a hugh slump. Exercise is becoming a thing of the past & it makes me disgusted with myself!!! Everything around me is so crazy & I have no extra energy morning or night for me time. I know a big part of the burnout is because I am not taking the time for my health. In the past that never would have been, nothing could stop me.

    beeps - it is motivating to hear you are still going strong, I will stay checking in & make a goal to start lifting again.

    carmel- -you are on fire & I love hearing all your variety of challenges to push harder

    kelly - even with all your family health upsets you are keepin on WTG, you are in the groove.

    alf- I am sorry to hear u have been a little off your game but even when u bring your B game you are still more focused than most. You got this & you will get back to your goal

    sederski - you are a rock also, it sounds like you have had many extra commitments lately & that is challenging. You run miles & miles....you have its figured out.
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Ruby- I understand how tough it can be to keep up with everything in life. I find myself with the same challenges and seem to get so

    frustrated with myself. I am starting to tell myself that I need to do this for me as well as my family becasue I want to be the best that

    I can be for the both of us. You have been doing this for some time now and that is an inspiration to me so you just keep it up and

    you will be back on course in no time!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Thanks Emmalusmom!!:flowerforyou: I am going to do a workout at lunch on my treadmill at work. Lunchtime used to be the time I always found time to get in the cardio/running 2 miles of more and I need to get back in that habit. I need the weights too and I will try to find a way to get those back in too but for today lunchtime workouts have to start again. Thanks for the encouragement.

    You are all great and I am so lucky to have found this group!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Ruby~ Nice to see you back. You will get back on track! Thanks for your support as well. I find that the only way to stay sane during stressful times is to keep up with the exercise- it's the biggest stress buster I know!! (Which is good, quite honestly, because I don't always do so well with food during stressful times)

    I ran this morning- it was glorious out! Low 60's and no humidity! Perfect! Tomorrow I will be doing something from home again- it's normally a lifting day, but hubby has a follow up appointment with the Dr. at 9:45. I am thinking I might ride my bike... we'll see!

    Beeps- never heard of "diner en blanc" , but it sounds like fun! Enjoy!:happy:

    Have a good day all!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Morning cool kids... Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Emmalusmom ---welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy your stay with the cool kids. That is what drew me to the group; the closeness of the ones who post each day.

    Ruby--You came to the right place for support. I think we all get caught up into our lives and neglect ourselves to a superlative degree. Getting started is the hardest yet most important step. I know you can do it. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I AM WORTH IT".

    Beeps--If you crave rest, listen to your body and rest. You will have a great time at the white party. I attended an all white party a few summers back and it was so surreal to see everyone in the same color and the festivities were nice also. You have an excust to shop now (whohoooooooooooooo)

    KellySue- You and your family are in my thoughts.

    Alf---I am waiting on the spaghetti squash....(smile)

    I boxed and did bosu training yesterday. I was so winded for the first couple of minutes and then my HRM crapped out. Sheesh I just brought it 6 months ago. I will get the battery changed to see if that does the trick. I meet with my trainer tonight, I already know weightlifting is on the menu.

    There was a question that come up on the forum yesterday about health and wellness programs with your employer. How many of you have those programs and how many of you use them? Personally I max mine out every year and my nutritionist was the one who told me about this site.

    I hope all of you have a wonderful day and remember "If it is important to you, you will find a way, if not you will find an excuse".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    ruby70 - here's hoping you can make that commitment to yourself! I'm a total "ME FIRST" person and it has meant living a totally awesome life, frankly....

    KellySue - congrats on getting that run in! My time was hi-jacked last night and I didn't get my walk in. So, tonight, job #1 is to double up my walking time and GET 'ER DONE.

    caramel - I got all my shopping done, yesterday, in about 45 minutes. THANK GOODNESS FOR ONLINE!!

    I hate, hate, HATE shopping so much I would rather poke a fork in my eye. But, thanks to good ol' internet, I was able to hit some sales and plunk down the VISA. Express shipping kinda hurt, though.
  • naturesfempower
    naturesfempower Posts: 107 Member
    Hi! I'm 44. Can I be a cool kid too?
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Beeps - thanks for the advice. Your all white party sounds fun...I have never heard of those parties. Good to hear u accomplished your shopping.

    kelly - your run this morning sounds like it was awesome, there is nothing like that runners high in perfect weather.

    Caramel - I really like your quote today, totally motivated me.

    I ran 2 miles at lunch at worked up a great sweat. I don't know why I ever quit....I found "me" time today & it was awesome!!!!! Today is the new beginning of finding the old me.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi! I'm 44. Can I be a cool kid too?

    Of course!!!! :tongue:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Emmalusmom, welcome to the group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Ruby, chin up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've done it before you can do it again??? I am eager to hear how you did with Chalean Extreme? Did you get to finish it? I am thinking about starting another round!! Wanna go at it together??? Have you seen her new program Piyo? I am following on Facebook and also Shaun T. He posts 5-6min mini challenges daily.

    Caramel, the veggies turned out sooo good!!! And my coconut yogurt Mmmm I am fermenting some kimchi right now on my window sill. It is my second attempt, my first was great!!!

    Beeps, have fun at the white party!!! My very first white party was at a Zumba convention. Can you imagine thousands of Zumba instructors in one room wearing all white????? Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some got VERY creative!!! :noway: :laugh:

    My left hip has been hurting. :cry: I took a break from exercise today. I am planning to do Bikram tomorrow morning but will be modifying some. I just want to get in the hot room. :laugh:

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hi! I'm 44. Can I be a cool kid too?

    Of course you can. Welcome aboard.....Hope you enjoy your stay. Happy Friday
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Kids!

    I am so glad that we have finall made it through this week!

    Ruby - Way to go! I knew that you could find your old self in there if you just looked hard enough. I bet that she was just waiting to jump back out! Keep pushing forward. I am proud of you.:flowerforyou:

    Kelly - Sounds like the perfect weather for a run and I am sure that you really enjoyed it.

    Carmel - Thanks for the warm welcome. I am so glad that I have found this group it has really made me excited. I am think that your boxing sounds so exciting. I seem to do better with activites rather than running or weights (not to say those are not activites).

    Natures - Welcome! I am a new cool kid too! I just joined this week myself.

    Alf - I hope that you get to feeling back to 100% soon.

    Beeps - I was in a video once my friend made and it is on youtube (Netra - All Over Again) and everyone in the video was wearing white for the main seen. That is what I thought of when you were talking about your event. I hope that all goes well.

    Have a wonderful everyone! I am so happy to be a part of this group. Thank you for letting me in!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. I hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    My trainer and I had a heart to heart yesterday and the reality really set in that I am stuck with this loose skin unless I have plastic surgery to have it removed. I feel accomplished to a point that I lost 140 pounds and it took 4 years to do it. The reality is I was overweight for over 20 years. I had a sudden feeling of sadness and unable to focus since last night. I will continue with this fight and continue to train my girls on healthy choices and exercise in hopes they do not have to endure the emotional turmoil I am now dealing with.

    Remember to forge ahead and stop looking behind you, because that is not the direction in which you are going.

    Have a great weekend everyone.