40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I did complete my work-out at lunch. I am super-tired....not gonna lie. And I am super-hungry.


    But, I am totally anti-food and so I am drinking crazy amounts of water and praying bedtime arrives super-soon!!

    My white dress arrived today! (Thank goodness!) So, diner en blanc is *on* for tomorrow....I will take this evening to beautify myself....my toes, for sure. And also my hair (which has to last not only through the workday tomorrow, but also through the actual evening event!)

    No walk tonight....it is super-hazy and super-smoky out (from forest fires 1 province away!)....terrible for my asthma.

    Tomorrow no work-out....but, I will snap some pictures from diner en blanc and you'll be SO happy to see THOSE!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi Cool Kids- Sorry I haven't been around the last few days. My grandmother passed away Saturday and I have been spending time with family. Still been managing to get some workouts in- as I have said previously, it truly helps with the stress of the situations.

    We have eaten out several times over the last few days, but have managed to keep things in check and my weight has been basically stable- up a little on one day mostly due to water weight due to too much sodium.

    I have basically finished the C25K program and will continue to run a few times per week, and am looking into a couple of local 5k races to run.

    I will be returning to the gym tomorrow. It will be my hubby's first time back since being sick- he has really been missing it so it will be good for both of us.

    Have a good one all!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids,

    Nice to see some regular loggers (not counting myself in that group anymore as I am MIA, more than I am here it seems) :ohwell:

    Welcome to the newcomers Emmalusmom and Larro.
    Sounds like you are all doing well - eating and working out.
    Kelly - so sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. Maintaining a healthy eating and exercise routine become difficult at those times when there is much to do and so many family around.
    Beeps - have fun tonight at the blanc party! Hope that dress is fab. BTW - Joseph Ribkoff was one of my favourite brands when I would "dress up" more often. Still am drawn to some of his styles.

    Managed to get some decent workouts in these past couple of days. The weather is also a bit nicer. At least the sun is shining. The weather is still on the cool side, but with the sun, it makes it easier to do stuff outside. Now to learn to keep the "pie hole" as Beeps calls it, closed!!!!!:grumble: Instead of losing while on this site, I have gained. :sad: :noway: :sad:

    B&B still busy. Have a couple staying for 2 nights right now.
    Hoping for a good day - food and exercise wise. Gonna take this one day at a time. :tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    KellySue - sorry to read about your grandma....my condolences!

    sdereski - "instead of losing while on this site, I have gained"....well, I must admit, in 2013, not ONCE was I in the 150's...I spent that whole year in the 140's. And, my GOAL in 2014 was to sneak into the VERY LOW 140's and stay THERE (and then aim for high 130's in 2015). Instead, I have used the first 6 months of 2014 to pile on to 157....no *kitten*, I actually weighed last weekend!

    So, operation PEEL IT OFF, has been instituted. I was back down to 154, yesterday, so bloat is moving off. Great...because I CANNOT move off bodyfat until I FIRST get rid of the BLOAT.

    I have 12 weeks until end of October and I'm seriously moving at a 1 lb loss per week pace. Take no prisoners. By my birthday (in early November), that scale needle is going to read <142 lbs and I am seriously in a good (and motivated) head space.

    Right now is VERY hard because i am suffering all the carb/sugar deload problems: headaches, HUNGER, lethargy. But, in a couple more days, all cravings will cease and my body will settle into the pattern of protein/veggies ONLY.

    I plan on waking up by end of August firmly in the 145-146 range. And then, by end of September, want to be in the 143 range. That gives me October to dump all the way down.

    No more f*cking around....although I am NOT a fan of a "DIET", I realize now that, for me, until I remove ENTIRE FOOD GROUPS from my menu, my body just cannot deal with "portion control" and it is what it is.

    I can start adding back in some carbs later in the fall...it isn't "forever", it is just until I get back to the "me" that was VERY confident that I had the "diet" thing licked. I didn't.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids' Club. {that title, and the age required to join makes me think of James McMurtry's Just us Kids}

    I'm at work, so I finally have a minute to sit down and look at MFP. I don't know you guys yet, but I'm looking forward it. Thanks for the welcome.

    I lift on Mondays and Thursdays, so today was my lift day. For the last couple of weeks, after I get done lifting, I have walked down to the river and swam some. I live a little over a mile from a county park and boat ramp. It is crazy on the weekends, but not too bad during the week. Today I only saw two boats on the river, and three or four cars drove though the park. When you add up the walk down and back, 34 minutes walking @ 4 1/2 mph {237 calories burned}, walking up the trail around the bend, 30 minutes @ 2 mph {100 calorie burned}. then swimming down to the boat ramp four times, 30 minutes swimming leisurely {279 calories burned} it all comes to 616 calories burned. So if any of you look at my food dairy for today, don't have a heart attack.

    Kelly, sorry to hear about your grandmother.

    Beeps, when I was pushing hard to lose, I ate a lot of stir-fry veggies. {I still do} 2 cups is less than a 100 calories, and it is fast and easy to cook. I just nuke mine and add a dash of salt. They really fill you up, not to mention how good they are.

    I will leave you guys with a picture of the Chipola River just north of Lamp Eddy Park. This little beach is on my cousin's land, and has a small spring. I bring one bottle of water from the house, then refill it from the spring. I swim from here, down around the bend to the boat ramp. Each trip takes about 7 1/2 minutes.

    Edit: The right side of the picture is cut off. But take my word for it, there is a little sandy beach over there.

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    It must be 2014 with the slump/gain weight!!! I was doing so good until around May & then things went the other direction. I honestly have to say I have not weighed because I do not know what I will see. I am trying to get my head back in the game & making slow changes each week, although I think beeps may have the right idea to cease it all at once.

    Kelly, so sorry to hear of your grandma passing???? good job foe trying to stick with it & exercise through the stress!!!

    beeps - I hope u are having some good drinks as I type this...i wish I was there to enjoy.

    larro - thanks for the beautiful picture, that looks like an awesome place to swim & relax. Bonus calories burned is a plus.

    sederski - good to hear from u, I am sure this is a super busy time of year with your B&B. Stay strong!!
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Happy Firday Cool Kids!

    I hate to hear that so many or you are struggling, but glad to see that I am not the only one. I can't even seem to be able to find time to get some exercise in. I seem to go from work straight to home and cook and family things. I really need to work on finding some "me time". I have never really been good a focusing on me, it has always been on others that I was more comfortable with focusing on. I guess that is part of what got me to the place that I am at now.

    Kelly - I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    sdereski - I am sure that a B&B keeps you very busy. I hope that you can find some "me time" for yourself.

    Ruby - Keep you chin up and you eye on the prize. I have faith in you and believe that you can get back on track. You have done it before and you can do it again.

    Beeps - You are strong keeping to diet. I am just getting portion control down pat.

    Larro - That is such an inviting picture. I am sure that makes exercising a little swetter.

    "Keep steadily before you the fact that all true success depends at last upon yourself."
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Kids! I did not make it to the gym- noisy neighborhood children decided to keep us awake until about midnight- unfortunately ended up calling the sheriff to get them to settle down. Anyhoo, 5:30 came a little too early after that so I slept in a bit and ran at home this morning instead. Will go swimming with the hubs tomorrow for sure.

    Thanks to everyone for their condolences. Much appreciated.

    I have finally started moving back downward on the scale. It has been bouncing around the same five lbs for the last several months but last week and this week I am down. Yahoo!

    Larro- love the pic. It looks very peaceful!

    Have a good day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Let's roll...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    diner en blanc was SUPER DUPER fun....too much, frankly.

    ....omg at my hang-over!! I haven't had wine in, oh, 15 years?!?!? But, that was the ONLY choice at diner en blanc and so I went with it. (I'm terribly allergic to whatever *kitten* is in wine....) Somehow I have to make it through work - and I am supposed to go and lift at lunch!! Unsure about that (although I might pound on the elliptical to sweat some of this *kitten* out). I AM SURE that no calories are goin' into my mouth, though, lol!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Here we are BEFORE the event! (It did rain at the event, so had to cover up with a white fleece and a clear rain poncho!!)

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    You look great Beeps!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    CRAP! Lost my post because of the roll over. :grumble:

    Will have to catch up later. :tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    The dress is too big for me, but that's what I get for ordering online and having it rush delivered (it arrived at 4 pm the day before the event).

    It rained at the event, anyway....so, I had to wear a white fleece all night, and a clear rain poncho!

    I still had SUPER DUPER FUN and really hope this event comes back! Maybe we'll follow it around Canada....I have the dress/shoes/picnic tote/table/chairs now to do JUST THAT!!


    ....omg at my hang-over!! I haven't had wine in, oh, 15 years?!?!? But, that was the ONLY choice at diner en blanc and so I went with it. (I'm terribly allergic to whatever *kitten* is in wine....) Somehow I have to make it through work - and I am supposed to go and lift at lunch!! Unsure about that (although I might pound on the elliptical to sweat some of this **** out). I AM SURE that no calories are goin' into my mouth, though, lol!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Here we are at the event (before it poured rain....I'm taking a last snap before putting electronics away and putting rain poncho on)!

  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    I'm sorry I haven't been posting very regularly, I will try and do better with that!

    I was reading about several of us re-losing the same x amount of lbs, count me in that boat too!! Why do I do this to myself?! Oh well, downward...again.

    Do any of you belong to Planet Fitness? We starting going to a new one near our house, but I'm lost as to what to do on the machines or with the weights? I got the cardio down, but I don't know what else. Any suggestions?

    I got a great hike in today...did about 2 hilly miles :)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey guys. Hope everyone got through their Friday, and has a good start to the weekend. Since I work nights and weekends, Friday afternoon is my Monday morning. But I've been doing it for 23 years, so it fits me. Like being able to go to the river during the day on a Monday and Thursday.

    I did some mowing at the Larro Ranchero, and across the road at Mamma's place. She still likes to do her own mowing, but at 86 years old, I worry about her operating equipment. I managed to get everything in the garden picked, but just barely. Fridays is always rushed for me, since I come in at 1:00 in the afternoon instead of my usual 3:00. My boss likes to start her weekend early, and I like the extra couple of hours.

    Here is my new corn patch {planted 7-8-14}, next to the old one.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    All those white clothes look good. But if I tried to pull that off, I would find the one table that had yellow mustard, and it would be on me in a few minutes.