40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    caramel - I am hoping your momentary sadness doesn't take away from the GREAT things you have done for your fitness/nutrition! Your future self is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very proud that you have made 4 years of health(ier) choices!!

    Hi Alf!

    Emmalu - that video sounds DIVINE! Only because it is 30+ degree weather am I SUPER-STOKED about the ALL-WHITE THEME!!

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday all! I rode my bike this morning and did five and a half miles. It was a bit chilly, but nice and sunny. I took my hubby to the doctor before heading into work and he got a thumbs up from the doctor and can start back at the gym tomorrow.

    I did have a little mishap when walking down the sidewalk after parking my car. I tripped on a section of sidewalk that was raised just a tad and pulled some muscles in my left thigh- very sore right now, but hoping it will improve before tomorrow. I was hoping to go to our local nature center and walk tomorrow after my hubby gets done at the gym, but we'll have to see now.

    Caramel- I have a feeling that I will be right there with you on the extra skin business. I am already starting to see it, but I guess it's better than carrying around all of the extra weight we've been carrying around for too many years.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Friday cool kids,

    I have quickly read through your posts.....

    Kelly - sounds like you have been dealing with a lot. So glad to hear you are taking time for yourself which helps deal with the stressful situations.

    Beeps - fabulous dress!!! Is it a Desingual design? Looks like it. I love Desingual. Also, the all white party sounds very cool. Would be interested to hear what was served and if there were any events. Enjoy!!

    Ruby - nice to see you again. Good for you for getting those workouts in - at lunch time no less!

    Carmel - sorry to hear of your sadness. Remind yourself about all the amazing, hard work you have done!!! 4 years of healthy eating / lifestyle! You deserve a medal my friend. You are setting the perfect example for your children. Be proud of yourself!

    Emmalsumom - welcome!! You are one cool kid!

    Alf - how are you making out? I am still struggling with diet and exercise. :grumble:

    The B&B is getting busy, which is good, but it has been interfering with my workouts, which is NOT good. I missed Pilates the other night because I was expecting a guest at 6.....they didn't show up until 9. Then, I have been missing my morning workouts because I need to be around to prepare breakfast and I don't have time to drive to town for the sessions, drive back to prepare breakfast, get ready for work and drive back to town for work. So......have to have a chat with the gal that was going to do some PT for me....I think we can both be somewhat flexible so it should work better.

    Did make it to boot camp yesterday. One hour workout combing strength and cardio. We did outside which was bonus.
    Speaking of "outside"...the weather finally got a little nicer yesterday. We have had almost 2 weeks of cold, wet, foggy weather. by cold I mean highs of 8C (46F) and lows for around 3C (37) WTF???? Is it not summer? :grumble:
    It is warm today, but overcast and they are calling for rain, :noway: We are having a music festival tonight and tomorrow with lots of outdoor festivities, so am really hoping the rain holds off!!

    Tomorrow is our 34th wedding anniversary and we are planning on going for dinner. We do have a B&B guest. but am not breaking that date for anything or anyone! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    sdereski - it's a Joseph Ribkoff!

    Also, you have to regale us with all the funny stories about B + B! My gf in cranbrook ran a B + B at their house for a couple of years when they first moved out there....I LOVED HER STORIES!

    got my lifting in-and-done.

    that is 4-out-of-5 weekdays....not bad for my first week's attempt at 5-week-days-in-a-row!

    My right wrist is kinda sore and i can't tell if it is from lifting or if it is from keyboarding. Time for a weekend rest, me thinks!

    Tomorrow is scheduled cardio, then I have baseball viewing all weekend as son is in a tourney.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey cool kids, hope all of you are well.

    For the last two days I went over my calories and ate out of sheer emotion. I have to snap out of it before I gain weight. I ran a little today. Just feel blah

    I hope all of you have a great evening.
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello All You Cool Kids!

    Well it is Monday again. I had a great weekend and hope that you all did too. My church had our annual serve day (#serveday2014) over 13,500 people went out into the different communities and performed all kinds of services from landscaping to painting little girls fingernails. My mom and I helped with preparing hot dogs to take to 5 different communities to give out and just love on people. We did somewhere between 7,000 to 10,000 hot dogs in 2 1/2 hours. I know that is one thing that I will not want to eat for awhile. LOL! But it was a really a great thing and I felt blessed to be a part of it.

    I got an invitation to go up to Ohio for my daughter-in-law to be bridal shower next month. So I will get me meet her family berfore the big day. They are getting married in October in Colorado.

    Caramel - You have to stay focued on the great accomplishment that you have already achieved, and with that said there is nothing that will stand in your way of getting to where you want to be. Don't let discourgement knock you down when you have come so far. You are a true inspiration to me and give me hope that I can accomplish the goal that I have in fron of me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    caramel - I hear you....I have put on weight STEADY for the past couple months and it is ENOUGH. Like it or not, I am in FULL-ON DIET MODE for the next 30 days. I need to build a streak of LOWER calories, to then feel confidence, again. While I traditionally do NOT believe in "dieting" (i.e. removing entire food groups from the menu, for example), it just seems NECESSARY to get my head back in the game.

    So, for me, NO sweets, NO white foods, and NO eating after supper. I will feel DEPRIVED this week, for sure....but after that, it will be smooth-sailing and once I've got 30 days under my belt, I can add back in some of the food groups that just trip me up (because I cannot shut my pie-hole when I am ingesting THEM!).

    Also, only one drinking night per week...it will be thursday this week because that is diner en blanc.

    Also, I will walk every evening and I am getting in my weekday lifting work-outs, so that all KILLS TIME and keeps me AWAY FROM THE PANTRY.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey cool kids, hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    After eating myself sick this weekend, I weighed in today and was totally shocked that I had only gained back the .04 pounds I lost last week. To be honest, I really had braced myself for far worse.

    Emmalu---You are absolutely right. I have achieved a lot. I seldom go through these emotions, but when I do, sheesh I really do. You had a really busy weekend. I am sure you touched the lives of the people you served. Way to go. YOU can and will accomplish what you have set out to do. I am here to keep cheering you on.

    Beeps- I do not eat bread or noodles. That changed as of this past Saturday. I had western fries, I ate toasted tuscan bread fresh from the bakery at whole foods. I had a wheat wrap loaded with veggies. My girlfriend was in utter shock because I am so strict about my food intake. I felt absolutely sick last night from eating so much stuff outside of my norm. I have 10lbs left until goal and this is by far the hardest 10lbs to shed. I am not the type to give up so I will keep fighting away and training like I have been. Your plan is solid and I know you can do it.

    It is Monday and I have Extreme Fit, so I am getting mentally ready for the torture...I mean workout that lies ahead (lol)

    I saw this quote today and thought it was powerful and to the point ""Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. You just choose your hard."

    As beeps would say "BOOM"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I am totally on the diet train for the next while....I am also on the "no cheat" train....and also on the "get to bed early" train.

    I will have NOTHING exciting to post because it will be tres boring, but i don't care.

    I want to wake up 10 weeks from now with a MUCH BETTER scale-result and a MUCH BETTER headspace about myself.

    I got my lifting in-and-done today and I actually feel like it is going to be a GREAT week!!!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hello to all.

    Caramel, Stay strong and positive, you have accomplished so much & should be very proud of yourself:flowerforyou: I know if was hard to hear that you may need to have surgery to remove your excess skin but the positive part is you can do that if you want to. You are now at the point you can make that next step to have surgery if that is the choice you make. You have come through the hardest point already and have made new habits and routines. You changed your life and what the hell, with Spanks you may not even need surgery LOL. Don't let what you can't control change how proud you should feel right now. You are in inspiration.

    Alf - I made it to the CLX Lean Phase about 2 weeks into it and that is when things went downhill. I tried to restart a couple times but my whole shedule got screwed up with summer baseball running fo my son, late nights and construction work at our house. Ever since I have been struggling to get back on.:cry: I intend to pick up Lean again and get through 4 solid weeks. The baseball schedule is easing up now and the constuction guy should be done Friday or Saturday.... if you are going to start up a round of CLX let me know when I we can do it together. Maybe I just need to start from the beginning again.

    Beeps - I like the way you think, I need to get on the diet train this month too!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Yesterday was a "forward day"....and so will today be!

    I am back at the gym at lunch. I will walk again tonight. I will accept that my tummy will be "rumbly" for a few more days....until it just realizes that, "yep, this is ALL the food you are gettin' today, so SHUT IT."

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I hope you all had a wonderful day! My garden veggies are starting to come on so that is awesome. Made a delicious salad with fresh peppers, cherry tomatoes, fresh brocoli, onions, peas & cheddar cheese. It feels so good to eat your own produce.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey y'all. Are guys allowed in here, or is it just you young ladies?

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey cool kids, hope all of you are well.

    Ruby thank you the encouraging words. I really appreciate it.

    I only walked today.

    I can't believe my first race is next Saturday. I am sooooooooo nervous and excited too.

    Have a wonderful day everyone
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Hello Cool Kids

    Back home safe and sound. Ireland was fantastic!!!! Cant wait to get back.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Weighed myself.. only up 2 pounds but I think its mostly Guinness weight... Not upset about it at all. Actually I'm surprised it wasn't more. We walked a lot.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    ruby - that salad sounds DEELISH!

    larrodarro - if you are 40+ (or nearing that territory...), you are welcome here! BOOM!

    caramel - how far must you run in Saturday's race? Is your goal to hit a certain "mile minute" or what is your goal?

    faytwain - 2 lbs could totally be travel-bloat, for sure....I'm sure it will come right off.

    Monday/Tuesday were PERFECT days - low calorie, tons of exercise....so, going for a 3-peat, TODAY.

    And then tomorrow is diner en blanc so EVERYTHING I do will be about preserving my white dress (which hasn't arrived yet....) so that I don't get even a SPECK of colour/stain on it!

    GO LIFT HEAVY....i'm going to!!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Good day cool kids. Hope all of you are well on this very HOT and STICKY Tuesday (depending on where you are).

    Ruby, I forgot to mention that I love everything you make your salad with. I am Vegan and need to grow my own food. Sheesh, the produce prices are ASTRONOMICAL!!!!!!

    Larro---Male and female are welcome. Hope you drop by again and say hello.

    Fay--The 2 lbs could be water weight. I am happy you are back safe-sound and have a great time.

    Beeps--In it's a 5k, I am very familiar with the area, and it is all flat. Out of the 6 people who are in it from my office I am the only 1st timer, so the pressure is on a bit. My trainer and other runners said you should finish a 5k in under 30 minutes. Since I am not a huge fan of running, I initially placed it as a fitness goal to switch. I am not trying to win, but to finish. If I end up liking the energy, adrenaline, etc, who knows, I may end up signing up for more 5k races. I hope you really enjoy the white party. When I went to one, I was very afraid when the Sangria was being passed around.(lol)....

    I have boxing-bosu training today with lots of running. Yeah me (in my sarcastic voice...lol).

    Have a great day everyone.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Beeps - Can't wait to hear about your diner en blanc party, that sounds awesome. That is a great feeling to wear your new white dress and look fabulous in it. BONUS!!!

    Caramel - the 5k will go great for you:smile: I have wanted to run a race and just never have done it, we have one in our town in Sept. you are encouraging me to try it. Do you have a garden also? This is the 1st year I have tried lettuce and OMG it is dynamite! I planted green leaf, red leaf and spinach. Even my son loves it.

    Fay - I was in Ireland last year and loved it, I know what you mean about he Guiness, Beer is big over there in more ways than one. We really enjoyed the beer they served.

    Larro - Welcome aboard! Glad you can join in.

    Tonight I WILL do cardio after work.... I have to run home at lunch to pick up my son for baseball practice so lunchtime work out is out for me today. It is beautiful weather here today in Wisconsin. We have to hold on to these days as they will come and go soon:sad:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey guys. I'm 53, so I just squeaked over the 40 bar:bigsmile: I'm down here in NW Florida, living on the family farm. I used to farm for a living, but these days a big garden is as close as I get to that life. I'm glad to see there are other gardeners on here. I started a thread in the garden section and all I got in return was silence. {well, I did get 1 comment} Most all of my 1st planting is about finished. I had squash and zucchini, pole and bush beans, black eye and purple hull peas, and two kinds of sweet corn that I have either tilled up, or will in the next few days. My banana cantaloupe and crimson sweet melons are in their prime right now. I'm picking 5-7 of each everyday. My peppers, {bell, Jalapeno, chili} cucumbers, tomatoes and onions are still producing, but the tomatoes are fading fast. I have a small patch of Crowder peas that I will start picking by next week, and my 2nd plantings of sweet corn, squash, bush beans and purple hulls have just sprouted the last couple of days. {If I post too many garden photos, just tell me to go to my room}

    I lost 65 pounds {240-175} since last September. Now I'm trying to gain muscle. At 5' 11 3/4" I am thinner than I would like to be, muscle wise. I eat far too much, so I have to do huge calorie burns almost everyday. Luckily I can walk at work.

    Thanks for letting me join in the fun, Larro
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello Cool Kids,

    Larro - Welcome to the Cool Kids, I just joined myself.

    Carmel - 5K sounds exciting, I am sure that you will do just fine and you never know you just might fall in love with it.

    Ruby - I have always wanted to have a garden. Maybe I should just start with tomatoes or something easy first. (Or take lessons from Larro! LOL!)

    Fay - I think that you should be happy to have gone on vacation and only gained 2 lbs. I am sure that Ireland was awesome. You will have to share some of your stories.

    Beeps - I am sure that your diner en blanc party is going to be great. Can't wait to hear about it.

    "Giving up something now for something better later is not a sacrifice it is an investment."