40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    I love the eclipse photo!

    I hope to see some interesting night-sky life when we visit Iceland in July.
    One of my coworkers is there right now. Saw a pic of the northern lights, just beautiful!
  • LittleNell107
    LittleNell107 Posts: 71 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    I love the eclipse photo!

    I hope to see some interesting night-sky life when we visit Iceland in July.

    Ooo - Iceland... jealous! :D Hope you see the northern lights and some fantastic "star-scapes".

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Yeah....me too!!
  • jglaser0117
    Hi all! I am 40 and would love to join. I need to lose weight and have lost 8lbs so far! Still have a long ways to go but I'm committed and ready!
  • trish56832
    trish56832 Posts: 43 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    I love the eclipse photo!

    I hope to see some interesting night-sky life when we visit Iceland in July.

    On my bucket list!! I have never been outside the US/Mexico!! I hope you have an amazing trip in July!
  • trish56832
    trish56832 Posts: 43 Member
    Bittersweet day today. Sent my 2nd oldest son back to college after spring break today, my 3rd will make his final college decision April 1st. I miss them when they go away but am proud at the same time... And I'd be lying if I said I miss the extra laundry/grocery shopping ;) it took 12 days but I lost another pound and today my legs are a tad sore from working out! Sore=yes!!!! Have a fabulous Sunday!!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Still laid up with flu. And I got the shot. I don't have time for this. I'm a CPA in tax season! !!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening Cool Kids.

    As much as I hate reporting this, the mowing season has started at the Larro Ranchero. So for the next 7 or 8 months I will be behind on it. Today I used the push mower inside the garden fence{and around the front porch, pole barn and sheds}. I haven't run the numbers yet, but 2 hours mowing, 1 hour gardening, 45 minutes washing Margie's old Prius and 30 minutes doing dishes is going to be a pretty big burn. Now where is that chocolate cake now that I really need it?

    Hope everyone had a good weekend,


  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Today would have been Margie's Mom's birthday. The lady loved Angels {and she was one herself} so we put one between her and Margie's brother's headstones this morning.

  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    Landfish, I don't eat clean intentionally either. I have a Moscato periodically, and treat myself with popcorn weekly, and any quality chocolate whenever! The rest of my food, I work hard to balance protein, carbs, and fat - choosing the real fruits and veggies where possible - because it tastes better that way. For me it's a quality of life issue.

    Allenpriest, Feel better soon!

    Larro, I totally identify with the being behind on mowing as soon as you begin!

    Here, my daughter and I repaired the dog-dug holes in our raised beds and put in strawberries (again! Stupid canine!) and peas. We also rigged a dog protection system from some wire fencing and zip ties. Y'all cross your fingers that this keeps our precious puppy from getting himself in trouble again.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    Today would have been Margie's Mom's birthday. The lady loved Angels {and she was one herself} so we put one between her and Margie's brother's headstones this morning.


    Awww that is so lovely. Larro, how big is your ranch??

    Busy busy getting ready for my trip! Hate packing!!!

    Good night!
  • AHatFullOfSky
    AHatFullOfSky Posts: 83 Member
    Spring was here and it was nice :wink: Just hope it will return any time soon. I bought tulips, pink and purple ones, to brigthen up our appartment. It´s nice with the pops of colour.

    I have begun walking longer walks again. I damaged my ankles and heals last summer, and just now am able to walk with out too much pain and medication. And I have missed it so badly! We have a huge cemetary next to us. An old one, full of huge pine, oak and beech trees, big lawns, small nooks and corners to sit and enjoy the sun. A really beautiful place and very peaceful. There´s a small road lined with japanese cherry trees. They are going to bloom any day now. Can´t wait for that. It´s so beautiful. I try to take a picture every year and mail it to my mother in law. She saw it some years ago and still ask about them.

    Today I decided to begin my workouts here at home. Going to have to focus again to make that a daily habit that just happens and not because I talk myself into it. Because I am really good at talking myself out of it lol

    Had my weigh-in today. Lost 1,2kg. this week and 11 cm. all round, so that´s nice.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Good Monday morning Cool Kids. It was a rough week and an ok weekend for me. Last Friday we had to let one of our beloved Mastiffs go. He became ill and was suffering a lot. I actually handled it ok and made sure I didn't let myself grief eat over it all. He is in a much better place now, and no longer in pain.
    On a better note, after a day of rain on Saturday, we had springlike weather on Sunday. It encouraged me to get out of my house and walk me and my other dog. Getting back on the exercise wagon has been harder for me than working on my diet.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Crosby, sorry about your dog. It is always tough losing a much loved pet.

    HFofS, damaged feet are hard to overcome and take a long time to heal. I broke the big toe on my right foot 30 something years ago, and if I put too much weight on it, it still reminds me of it. I love this time of year. Everyday the trees are a different color of green.

    Alf, my sister and I have 80 acres each, and we share another 65 acres. We have got rid of 30 acres over the years which I really regret. When I was a kid we used 360 more acres that belongs to cousins, plus leased 120 from one of our neighbors. So the Ranchero seems a lot smaller than it used to. Back then I crossed every inch of it often. These days I rarely got to the ponds, creek or river land. Enjoy your trip.

    Alisha, our dog has her own fenced in yard, but last year when I let her loose she broke about ten squash plants the first minute she was loose. The deer and rabbit are the reason the garden is fenced.

    Allen, hope you are feeling better.

    Trish, congrats on your kids, and their educational achievements.

    I'm transplanting sprouts into cups this morning. {It's too wet to work in the garden} I'm waiting around for a call from Mamma. A lady is coming over this morning with an annuity for Camden, the newest little Larro. I really wish Mamma would stop giving my inheritance away. I've been counting on that money.

    Welcome to the new guys and hello to everyone else,



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday all! I went to see Hubby on Saturday. It was a decent drive overall. a bit of rain, but not bad. There are beautiful spots where the water runs down the hillside in many areas along the road to get to where my husband is. Here is one pic from there:

    I painted my grandson's room yesterday. There was only one wall to paint because the rest is wood so it wasn't too bad. The room originally had blue and pink flowers on it. No good for a little boy!

    Made it to the gym today. Did some uphill walking on the treadmill today. I have been having some hip pain recently. Nothing serious, just more of a nuisance than anything, but don't want to overdue. Kickboxing starts back up tomorrow. Hoping I will be good to go for that.

    Have a good day all!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday kids....

    CrosbyLee...My heart aches for you as I am an animal lover in every sense of the word. Another dog desperately could use your love and support. I hope you pursue that when your heart allows it.

    I attended a funeral yesterday that tore me to shreds emotionally. I saw Mamford on 3/7 and I knew he was at the end of his life and it touched my heart he knew who my girlfriends and I were. He talked so much the staff at hospice mentioned how they were shocked at how much he was talking as he did not talk much to the last few visitors who had come to see him. He knew he was dying and the only thing that he was worried about was his dear wife and who would care for her after he would pass. When she started whaling yesterday, I totally lost it because there was absolutely nothing anyone could do to ease her suffering. I am known for my poker face and structured personality and providing support to others when things are chaotic/stressful. When animals are involved and/or related, I have no structure and no poker face. If you noticed, I addressed Crosbylee first, as animals are what my heart loves. Which brings me to my next point about life. It is precious and should never be taken for granted. We are here today, but not promised tomorrow. Despite life's adversities, there are still many blessings.

    I am fighting with all I have to hold on and I hope all of you do as well.

    Extreme Fit is my plan for this evening and from what I heard the 6a.m. class could barely get through it, which means I have to make sure I am mentally ready for the torture.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Thank you caramelgyrlk, I am currently making sure my other dog, the mother of the one we lost, is well cared for and supported. I can see times when she seems to be looking for him.

    I hope you stand strong while dealing with families you work with. Are you a hospice worker? They are truly blessed souls for doing what they do. I am not sure my heart could bear the job, although I work with children and deal with sad times with their families too.

    This evening, I plan to walk outside and possibly get my mama dog to walk further with me today. Keep up the good fight everyone.
  • JoeKewl264
    JoeKewl264 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am really excited as I have committed to taking back my life, I have started this Journey with hopes of getting back to where i want to be. I am signed up for a USMC Mud Run in June of this year so i am looking for any and all motivation to get me there. Look forward to sharing all your struggles, accomplishments, trials and errors, Stay motivated and stay fit.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I got my lifting workout in today!

    This is HUGE for a couple reasons:

    1. I had to fit it in AFTER lunch!! It has been AT LEAST 2 years since I went into a workout NOT FASTED!! So, it was NOT a good workout - I was quite nauseous throughout, but I got it in and done!

    2. I really wanted to SKIP the workout....but, decided to just show up and see how it went. So GLAD that I followed through on the promise that I made, to myself, to just "do the workouts" whenever I don't want to.

    3. I will sleep waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better tonight because I went and worked out. I am looking forward to sleep, glorious sleep!

  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Crosbylee my heart goes out to you. Try to hold in your heart that he most likely is joining you and your other dog, his mama, on your walks. I am a big believer that animals grieve just as we do. I've seen it many times.

    Just finished a power walk with my dog, second walk tonight. Took 10 minutes off the power walk, got it done in a huffing and puffing 37 minutes. When I noticed I was starting to slow down I forced myself to speed up. Not sure my dog was to happy about it but she will be when she gets to go running with me again.