traits you find attractive... that others find weird



  • Bradozzz85
    Goofy girls
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    balance, apparently.

    I like a woman who'll argue, stand her ground, and show me she's passionate about things. However they also should be able to openly say "I need you" when she needs me. I'm the same way as a man. I'll be masculine and who I am in that sense day to day, but hold no fear of asking for help of saying I need you.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    I like the salt and pepper look. And I like men that are funny.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I love dark haired men. I prefer clean military type hair cut with no facial hair.
    A stockier build... not so much into the toothpick thin look but also don't want a very overweight body type. In the middle.
    I like head hair on, not really balding. Probably because there are no baldies in my family tree.
    Body hair I'm fine with as well! Save for back hair which my husband has badly and we are contemplating whether we want to wax it or not.
    I'm not into the mechanic/carpenter type of guy. Prefer one that works in a cushy office/cubicle job. A guy that prefers to work on computers and around the house stuff.
    Someone that is very happy with me as their best friend and doesn't have a ton of girl friends or a big flirt.
    Not into drinking heavily or smoking. My husband is a smoker but never does it around me and only rarely.
    Not obsessed with sports but would appreciate a good college game every now and then.
    Appreciates video games!
    Is fond of and practices religion.
    Wears jeans that are tighter, not baggy, as to accentuate the legs. I love me some man quads and butt. :love:
    Will talk about history, science, theology, how things work, space, and the other great conversation starts. Prefers watching the History Channel and Discovery over stupid sitcoms.
    Hates pornography, doesn't look at women like a piece of meat, and never exploits them.
    Wants to go window shopping, book reading, walk around the park, or hang out and watch tv over going to the bar or out with the guys.
    Is not super manly in the sense of being muscular, dirty, or dominant but knows anything and everything about guns and is old fashioned with manners.
    Amazing work ethic and career oriented.
    SUPER kind hearted, NEVER EVER yells back, and is always willing to be cuddly and loving.

    Hah! I just described my husband. :) But still good traits to find out there if you need ideas.
  • torinoel14
    torinoel14 Posts: 41 Member
    A woman that can talk astronomy AND NFL football. Is that too much to ask??

    (astronomy, not astrology,the horoscope bull****)

    Looks unimportant but long hair is good :-)

    What! There are plenty of us out there. I love astronomy and football! I took an astronomy class my freshman year of college and followed it up with an astrophysics class. My dad is a high school football coach so football is a family tradition. Does this make me weird?
  • Pollart77
    Pollart77 Posts: 263 Member
    A man's hands. Long, tan, elegant fingers with manicured nails...makes me scream "touch me!"

    I'm just the opposite I like big thick man hands with large knuckles! Yep they are sexy and masculan!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I like a guy with big eyebrows and a big nose.

    I always thought Adrien Brody was attractive. My friends thought I was crazy! haha

    How do you feel about Groucho?

    I really like a nice suprasternal notch. Mmmm.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Ooh I have another one.

    Veins. Guys lifting and veins showing..... omg *drool*
  • torinoel14
    torinoel14 Posts: 41 Member
    Anyway, I am obsessed with accents. It doesn't really matter what kind of accent although I am a sucker for Scottish.
  • oliviaseward
    oliviaseward Posts: 66 Member
    okay i seem to have a weird thing for guys with blonde hair and blue eyes 8l i dont know what it is i used to think i wasnt but it seems like i always end up dating the blondies...

    okay other things i love: tattoos... good ones... sarcasm, gay sense of humor and jokes about farting. im werid.
  • sarahw181990
    so a little creepy I guess but my dad had these flannel coats he use to wear and now when I see guys in them it is awesome I love flannel coats and when their veins like sick out of the muscley arms yup muscley lol and it wouldn't hurt if his lip was pierced or he had an irish accent either just saying.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I agree with the OP on the hairy chests! I was wondering what the common denominator among the type of men I would check out, and they are typically all middle eastern, greek, or Mediterranean. I love hairy men!

    Something some might find bizarre, is I am not a huge fan of abs. I appreciate the work that goes into them, but ehh, they remind me of crustaceans or spiders, or other segmented creatures. I prefer a man to have defined abs but not 'washboard' abs.
  • torinoel14
    torinoel14 Posts: 41 Member
    Oh yeah and men in the military. Mmmm sooo hot.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    A woman that can talk astronomy AND NFL football. Is that too much to ask??

    (astronomy, not astrology,the horoscope bull****)

    Looks unimportant but long hair is good :-)

    What! There are plenty of us out there. I love astronomy and football! I took an astronomy class my freshman year of college and followed it up with an astrophysics class. My dad is a high school football coach so football is a family tradition. Does this make me weird?

    I almost majored in astronomy, and played pop warner as a kid. Also my high school's kicker.

    So torinoel is right, we do exist thank you very much.
  • Jessica1307
    Nothing better than walking past a guy on the street and getting a whiff of amazing aftershave/cologne! So sexy!

    Also, I do love a nice dominant jaw line and a bit of facial stubble. I like ruggered looking guys.

    Another thing that attracts me is a guy with an eyebrow and/or lip piercing :)
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    CURLY HAIR. I don't think that's weird though. I do have a thing for redheads.

    My friends used to always make fun of me because almost every guy I dated or hooked up with longterm in the my lst 4 year of college was a computer science major .. I guess it's something about the nerdy ones? But needless to say they didn't work out ... they liked their computer games more than me I thinkk :)
  • Renwoman1972
    I am right there with you! Give me bald/balding any day, with a little goatee! Hot!
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Options unique

    I have a thing for guys that wear glasses...take a guy who's already cute and add's a weird thing I have.

    yeah same thing for woman for me.... Glasses...mainly eye glasses are some strange fetish of mine !
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    A lady that makes a killer bacon,lettuce and tomato sammich. :heart:

    I think EVERY man likes that, and a lot of ladies too. try harder.

    I love a hairy chest too, and am even quite partial to, dare I say it, a hairy back! (Yay for the relative anonymity of the internet!)

    My sister pointed out that i tend to go for guys with big noses. I never noticed until she pointed it out, now it's all I notice!

    The sexiest part of a man is the nape of his neck. The smell....:smooched:
  • onebigbutt
    A guy wearing a fedora! MmmmHmmm!!! :love: