traits you find attractive... that others find weird



  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    nerdness :)
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    Dare i say, i prefer 'chubby' guys...
  • I get turn on to macho guys who can dance a la Ricky Martin (too bad that hottie is a gay).
  • skarr28
    skarr28 Posts: 98
    Quirky smiles
    Laugh lines!!! :bigsmile:
    Big calloused hands (yay)
    5 o'clock shadows & goatees
    Confident dorks :laugh:
    When a guy can't dance but really tries anyway (I mean, really gives it his all! lol)

    And, oddly enough, big muscles are a turn-off :ohwell:
  • I find strong looking arms attractive. I am not sure why. LOL.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    slightly bulky men with facial hair....

    men's hands...

    bald men (just no ear fringe. i don't like the in between - shave it or keep it.)

    men in suits. not crazy about uniforms in general, just a business suit or old fashioned "dapper wear". put on some suspenders and a paperboy hat and i *will* jump your bones. or fantasize about you. just sayin.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    oh! i forgot one!

    i *looooovve nipples. like, women, either. just love 'em. many men are self conscious about them... i love 'em.
  • button777
    button777 Posts: 26 Member
    Bowed legs... Don't ask me why but Ben Stiller gets me every time!
  • I love girls with ginger hair.
  • Nothing wrong with a baldy imo. I don't know why blokes worry about losing their hair. I think older blokes with a thick mane of styled hair are yuk (sorry!)
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Teeth like James Franco's tumblr_lxrmv55Lcl1qfmsqno3_400.jpg
    & John Leguizamo's haha.

    Teeth are a weird thing to be attracted to right?
  • Nitachi
    Nitachi Posts: 142
    I love freckles!!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Smart, eloquent, witty men - although they aren't traits that others would find weird persay.
    Bubble butts.
    Curly dark hair.
  • c2me12ad6
    c2me12ad6 Posts: 127 Member
    I like the hairy chests too not to overly hairy but hairy I like putting my fingers in it! Also I love Biceps....not HUGE bulging ones but masculine ones.

    I don't care so much about the career the guy holds but when a guy can fix things and do many things around the house, HUGE turn on!!!!
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Im a sucker for a smooth talker with high cheekbones. Cheekbones are my favorite. And strong arms. And a kind smile.
  • Zetty
    Zetty Posts: 5
    I like to see men with chest hair and strong arms and legs. Men who look like men!
  • msespresso
    msespresso Posts: 153 Member
    I don't know many people that would find it weird, but a man with an accent... *sigh* especially Irish, Scottish & Australian... yeah, as long as he's talking it doesn't matter much what he looks like ;)

    I also like tall men. Everyone in my family is short so if we ever had kids, I'd like them to have a chance. LOL
  • mummyv811
    mummyv811 Posts: 237
    I'm a sucker for 'lads'! You know the beer drinking, football watching man's man who is quite happy to banter with his partner as much as his mates! I quite like affectionate insults! That's really weird isn't it?!

    Put a 'lad' in a suit and I literally swoon! lol
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    I LOVE a man with a nice nape, especially right after they come from the barbers....:tongue:

    Also, men who smell nice, looks good in shorts, loves food and can fix a few things around the house! And of course smart and has at least one passion/obsession in life.
  • lougru
    lougru Posts: 55
    I am a complete sucker for guys with long hair.... im not talking waist length here but chin- shoulder length. The surf style hair really does it for me! haha.
    And i LOVE when guys have prominent hip flexors (the action man muscles as i like to call them!) and also broad shoulders...PHWOAR!!!