Good foods to help you feel full on 1200 calories a day?



  • Jaw_g
    Jaw_g Posts: 46
    LOVE this post!
  • ChattyKitten
    ChattyKitten Posts: 53 Member
    Salmon! Its no carb, really good for you and super filling!!
  • UFCGirl1988
    UFCGirl1988 Posts: 75 Member
    Light but fiber filled english muffins. Giants brand is 90 cals a muffin. Non- fat cottage cheese .5 a cup for 70-80 cals depending on the brand and if u can stand it, Sour kraut.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Whole grain tortillas are great with tuna or chicken salad in them. I give the low carb ones.
  • MEMA5
    MEMA5 Posts: 93 Member
  • glistento
    nonfat greek yogurt with fruit (add a little honey if necessary)
    south beach bars (the 100 cal whipped pnut butter is heavenly)
    protein, protein, protein!
  • SeekingKarma
    SeekingKarma Posts: 61 Member
    Fiber and water!!
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    john west light tuna lunches, all styles apart from the salmon. All under 300 cals.
  • Face2012
    I find that the smart pop 94% fat free popcorn is a good snack.. especially in the late evening when i am watching tv and i crave something, anything....
    i also do fresh fruit, like an apple or fresh strawberries.
    There are alot of the big name companies that make the 100 calories item, if you have the $$ to spend.
    I dont always, so i have to use the items i already have at home
    ...but sometimes i do indulge in buy me some of the weight watcher items, like the chocolate creme cake(only 90 calories) and they give me my chocolate fix
    ..also, smart ones just came out with the most awesome thing... the ice cream deserts.... 140 calories for something like " peanut butter cup sundae" - its so good and only 140 calories.
    Other than that, i do occasionally do protein shakes, which are very feeling...and you can add fresh fruit to it to make it more appetizing.
  • dbratton87
    dbratton87 Posts: 55 Member
    A cup of coffee with 2 tbsp skim milk or unsweet almond milk and 2 packets of truvia. No real health benefits there but if you really just need something to make your stomach feel full in between meas it works great for me.
  • Itsallkungfu
    Gotta say, brown rice (mixed with whatever veggies you want) REALLY fills you, without the "fake fullness" that eating 2heads of lettuce and a crate of carrots gives...I actually feel full. Try'll see it takes a lot to make the calories pile up.

    Cheers, Lowell
  • ew513
    ew513 Posts: 35
    dill pickles are zero calories. I eat them for snack, but watch the sodium.:tongue:
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Also try spreading your food out into smaller meals/snacks throughout the day. Most days I eat so much and feel so full on 1200.

    I do the same. I pretty much do 300 calories 6 times a day. Some days I snack small in the afternoon, and add some to dinner. I workout at lunch and seem to need less than if I wait until evening. I pretty much have no desire to eat after working out for 2-3 hours.
  • JohnsonTL
    Any snack I have I try to take a big gulp of water between each bite since I don't get enough water a day as is. After a few days you get in the habit of eating your snack to enjoy all that it is and get the added bonus of water.

    *Note: Make sure you are in control of your decisions. Be able to say no to snacks that are unhealthy or that you really may not need for whatever reason; you just ate or will be eating soon, etc.

    And of course you could try the small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large ones.

    Good luck!
  • LAD95
    LAD95 Posts: 2
    Here is what my day looks like: I don't know about the 6 meals, but this is what I do.

    Breakfast: 3-4 egg white omelet plus lots of sauteed vegetables (mushrooms, onion, spinach, bell peppers, asparagus)
    Hot tea, coffee, or water
    Morning snack: Apple sliced thin sprinkled with cinnamon. (it takes longer to eat it this way)
    Lunch: Very large salad with lots of raw vegetables and some protein (either grilled fish or chicken), fat free cheese, and olive oil and balsamic dressing.
    Afternoon snack: yogurt mixed with berries
    Dinner: Protein (fish or chicken), brown rice, vegetable
    Dessert: 100 calorie dessert bar - I love Healthy Choice Premium Fudge
    Hope it helps! Plus, lots of water and exercise. Good Luck!
  • westnancy
    westnancy Posts: 10 Member
  • robinbarten
    I like light string cheese wrapped in 2 slices of Oscar Mayer honey smoked turkey breast. 100 calories! I also drink EAS carb control protien shakes(110 cal) and eat cocoa roast almonds(18 are about 100 calories.
  • tatipose
    GREEK YOGURT!!! My fave is plain 0% Fage with splenda.
  • MelAb8709
    MelAb8709 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories a day too. I met with a dietician, and she said -

    1) Aim for 90 grams of protein a day. MFP gives a much lower goal. Dietician said aim for each snack to be around 150 calories, and at least 14 grams of protein. Snacks should always include a veggie or fruit. Frozen meals are okay as long as they are at least 14 g of protein and 300 calories or less. Healthy Choice Steamers has several good option all fitting this criteria, they're good in a pinch.

    2) You don't have to eat your exercise calories. You can if you'd like, but you don't need to (unless you burn crazy calories each day, then it's okay to eat some back).

    Food ideas - breakfast for me is either a protein shake, made with banana, skim milk, and a protein powder that's 90 calories and 20 g. of protein for one scoop - or - I bake a big egg frittata using eggs tons of veggies and canadian bacon. Then I portion it out (comes out to 2 eggs and 1 slice of bacon, plus the veggies, per serving) to bring to work for breakfast and add some hot sauce. Snacks are usually cheese stick and apple, or greek yogurt (Chobani has the 14 g. of protein) or an Optifast bar.

    When I add to the food diary, I don't count calories for most vegetables. I count them for fruit, and for starchy veggies, but I don't bother for things like tomatoes and peppers.
  • mpena1980