The Preggo Platform



  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Not much this weekend for me. Hopefully just some stuff around the house. We are finishing the basement and need to clean out the spare room to prepare the nursery! YAY! I can't wait to get to that stage...probably not this weekend, but it's getting closer!!!:bigsmile:

    Oh the baby's room! How exciting!! Have you picked out a theme or color scheme? Do you have the nesting instinct happening yet?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yep...I already have the bedding. Since we aren't going to find out the sex, we are doing neutral colors.
    It's really cute! I didn't get the laundry hamper or mini chair. But we got the rest! And I have a light wood crib and rocking chair from my mom. The only other thing I need to get is the dresser/changing table which my grandma is sending me money for! SO...we are pretty much set on the nursery! :bigsmile:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Yep...I already have the bedding. Since we aren't going to find out the sex, we are doing neutral colors.
    It's really cute! I didn't get the laundry hamper or mini chair. But we got the rest! And I have a light wood crib and rocking chair from my mom. The only other thing I need to get is the dresser/changing table which my grandma is sending me money for! SO...we are pretty much set on the nursery! :bigsmile:

    Adorable!!! I absolutely LOVE it! You must be so excited to get the room together and put away all the tiny things. Oh I just love babies!! The frogs are great. I think my favorite it the cute little rug :love:

    We are not going to find out the sex either. It is just a surprise that I cannot pass up having. So many things as you get older are just not surprising anymore so why not make it fun!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay Cris! I'm glad you're going to wait also! Everyone thinks I'm crazy for not finding out, but I think it's the biggest surprise you could EVER have and so wanted to enjoy it! And I can't wait to hear "It's a Boy!" or "It's a Girl!" in the delivery room!

    About the room...never thought I'd do "frogs" as a theme, but I fell in love with this set! And I'm not going to only have frogs. I'm probablly mix in turtles and ducks which are also on the blanket and wall hangings. So...not too many frogs!:wink:

    Have either of you gals thought about what you want to do in the nursey?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    You two are so much stronger than I!! lol I could not wait if I tried!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    I have totally fallen in love with "Pop Monkey" at Babies R Us... Couldn't paste it in; maybe I should go to bed now!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    OMG...the Pop Monkey is SO cute!!!!! are you ladies doing this Monday morning?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Good morning all!! :wink:

    About to head out to IKEA to get a few things. Start organizing the boys room! (Wow, gonna have 2!!LOL!)

    Anyway, this is J.T's bedding he's had which will now be the baby's

    Got it from And they actually have it for a twin bed too, which we are getting J.T. set up in!!

    Their room is going to be sooo cute and cozy. Heading to IKEA to get a few storage things and going to start going through baby clothes that I have and sort them by age, etc...into the storage bins I buy. It's another boy and almost the same season (Sept and Nov) sooo it works! WOO!!!!

    Ciao for now guys!! Hope you both are well! :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cute stuff Tam! Have fun shopping! Now...will the two boys share a room, or will they have seperate rooms?

    My weekend was good...I babysat my neice Friday night (she's now 2 months), Saturday was lazy, and Sunday I did laundry and cleaning and started to clean out the spare room which will be the nursery. was good. :bigsmile:

    How about you Cris? How was your weekend?
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!!!

    Tami I love the cozy sports theme! How cute that you will have both boys set up with the matching bedding; that is really going to look nice!

    I had a pretty good weekend. Saturday the weather was beautiful so my husband and I hiked for while with the dog and did some yard work. Yesterday was rainy and ugly so we stayed in an were lazy outside of doing a few chores. I ran over a little mouse that lives in our garage yesterday because I didn't see him in the driveway and actually cried over it for a good 15 minutes. I think my hormones may be making me just a little emotional :wink: lol!

    Feel great today. I am convinced that working out is really making this first part of the pregnancy better than the last time. I am less tired that I would expect and feel pretty darn spunky.

    I just told one of my best friends I was pregnant. What a hard secret to keep! I told myself I would only tell her until I was 12 or 13 weeks so hopefully I can stick to that!

    Hope you two are having great days! I do not feel like working today one bit. Rain makes me lazy..:ohwell:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Yay! Glad everything went well, Tam!:drinker: SO...that gestational diabetes that routine? My doc didn't mention that.

    I'm doing well this morning. Been busy at work, and now enjoying some lunch before getting back to business! :tongue: But feeling good! YAY!:happy:
    Happy to hear you're doing well!!

    And I think the gestational diabetes test is routine. At least around here. They may give you the paperwork at your next appointment. Last time, I just went to Quest Diagnostics (where I do my blood work) and they had me drink this gross orange stuff. Tastes like really flat, and SUPER sweet Hi-C or something. They test your blood before and then after. If you fail that test, they do a 3 hour one!! But even that can sometimes come back with a negative for gestational diabetes. My friend failed the hour long one and had to do the 3 hour test but was fine.

    oh how I miss being pregnant! oh I just love babies and everything that goes with it. EXCEPT that glucose test. YUCKY. i found out with my last two there is a meal alternative to the orange drink. My midwife gave me a menue for the test. it was something like 2 eggs(anyway other than fried) spinach, ham and toast
    Oh, that sounds a lot better than the glucose drink!!!! LOL!!! I wish mine would do that!!!:grumble:

    you can always look up th stuff hand a print out to your dr and ask. worst he says is no :heart:

    The gestational diabetes test is fairly standard. I didn't think the drink was that bad, but nothing I'd ask for again. :wink: Mine tasted like a generic orange soda gone flat. Chug it as fast as you can and wait your required hour. (The Army hospital had a fire alarm and evacuation during the middle of mine, and I told them they'd better bring what they needed to test me outside because I wasn't planning on coming back for another test. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We ended up being back inside before the hour was up.)

    I miss pregnancy. le sigh :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just told one of my best friends I was pregnant. What a hard secret to keep! I told myself I would only tell her until I was 12 or 13 weeks so hopefully I can stick to that! husband and I were going to wait to tell people. We found out when I was about 6 weeks along, and I wanted to get to about 10 weeks before telling our close family and through the first trimester before telling our friends. However, my husband couldn't keep his little mouth shut, and soon enough there were a small group of our friends that knew, so we decided we had better tell our parents and grandparents. And after the first trimester was over, we sent our announcements to all our other family and friends! It was at that point that I really started getting excited! Now I just can't wait to hold my little one!!! I'm 20 weeks half way through! :bigsmile:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hi again!!

    K, they will share a room. So it's cool that there is matching bedding for both beds. I just wonder if it's too much of the same theme! I also found a football headboard!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Cris, glad you are feeling well. I have been working out at least 3 days a week during this pregnancy and I feel great!!! I can't keep the pregnancy a secret either! haha

    Lauryn, it's not that it's so bad and I agree it's like flat orange soda...i just wish it could be something else!! haha I'm not looking forward to that hour coming up!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I don't think it's too much for the same room...and football headboards...LOVE it! :laugh: So Tam, is that your dog in the picture with you? What a cutie! What's his/her name?

    Cris...that's your dog in your picture also? What about his/her name?

    I have two Brittany Spaniels at home...Dakota (who's liver and white) and Cheyenne (who's orange and white). They are my babies!!!:heart:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi There!

    Kristin - I cannot believe you are 20 weeks tomorrow! That is so exciting and it has to be a HUGE relief to be this far! Tami - you are right about that too right? This is the hardest secret to keep. I am glad I can at least chat about it with you girls! I figured I would tell a friend or two that way if things went bad I could lean on them through the hard time too. I swore to my hubby I wouldn't tell anyone this time so I may be in a bit of hot water when he finds out I told my buddy today! LOL!

    Tami - I do not think the boys room will look over done at all. Does your little one understand that he is going to have a brother in his room?

    I was going to tell Tami her dog was cute too! You will have to send post a pic of your Spaniels for us to see. I just love dogs! Yes, that is my Buster dog and he is my best boy. He loves babies so it should be cute to see him w/ the new addition to the family.

    I just ate a piece of pizza while telling myself the entire time it was bad for me and then had a huge bite of chocolate bunny. UGH. Some days I have zero will power and I really wish this junk wasn't in my house :grumble: Now I have to go to the gym even though I feel lazy...
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    :laugh: You make me giggle Cris! :flowerforyou: To tell you the truth, I eat whatever I want. I think I've gained a total of 10 pounds so far (not 100% sure where I was when I found out). For so long I was sick a lot and so ate whatever was appetizing to me. Now I can eat pretty much whatever and find that I tend to crave healthier things anyway, but I am not counting calories and not too worried about it. I just make sure to get all my fruits/veggies/dairy/protein in every day. But I sometimes have Ramen noodles for lunch, or pizza for dinner...and as long as I pair it with my "good" choices, I don't feel bad about it. AND...I totally eat ice cream all the's my weakness!:tongue: *drool* As long as I have a healthy and happy baby, that's all that matters. I know I have the will power to lose any added weight after. It's funny because I think I tried to total my calories one day just to see, and I think many days I am still under maintainence I'm sure I'm doing fine. My one problem (which I am pretty bummed about) is that I haven't been going to the gym. At first I was sick all the time, and now I am so darn tired by the time I get home from literally exhausted. I usually go home, make dinner, and then crash on the couch. It's pathetic. Everyone tells me not to worry about this lack of extra exercise, but it just bums me out. I'm really hoping that once it's nice outside I can walk the pooches on a regular basis.*fingers crossed* We shall see. SO...Cris and Tam, I am so impressed by you gals sticking with the workouts! That's AWESOME!:drinker: I bet I gain more than the both of you!:grumble: :laugh:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ummm...I just checked back on some old posts and I've gained...eeek! 14 pounds.:blushing: :grumble: Ah well...what do you do?!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Isn't 14 pounds at 20 weeks really really good? You still have 10 to 20 more ponds you can gain to be within the healthy range; not bad if you ask me!

    I LOVE ice cream LOVE LOVE LOVE! My hubby and I are regulars at the ice cream place up the street in the summer. Sometimes I am embarrassed about how often I go there!

    I never really worried about what I ate until my early 30's; the last 2 years in particular (god that made me feel old saying that!)! Anyway, all of a sudden it is like just writing you about ice cream makes me gain a pound! I don't even have to eat the food anymore! LOL!!! Plus, my hubby is one of those guys with the natural 6 pack who could eat lard every meal and not gain an oz. He works out with me and has to drink a weight gainer shake on the way home from the gym. Needless to say, he is a bad influence ;). I guess what I am really saying is blame my husband! LOL!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: LOVE it!:laugh: :laugh: My husband has finally put some meat on his body and has actually gained some weight with me! I LOVE that!:laugh: And I looked it up, and with my height and starting weight, I'm just a tid above where I should be at this yeah, I not too worried!

    ANYways...I'm leaving work for the day, so we'll chat again tomorrow! Have a good evening my girlies and babies!:flowerforyou:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hey Kristin - If you haven't already, you should try Yogi Tea Woman's Mother To Be - it gives you a little boost and helps with any nausea.

    Have a great rest of your day!
