The Preggo Platform



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    That is my dog Dottie! She is a blind Boston Terrier we adopted from 1-800-save-a-pet about 4 years ago! :) She is a sweetie. Spoiled rotten though!! :ohwell:

    I think I am up about 9-10 lbs. (as of the last time I weighed which was a couple days ago) and Cris, I am about 20 weeks too (On Friday).

    I get tired too but not until later in the day. I guess the fact that I am home and can go to the gym earlier in the day is helpful. I don't know if I'd manage working a full-time job too!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals! I finally got some pictures up. Here they are...ready to see the progression!
    14 weeks
    **I erased the 15 weeks because it came up absolutely HUGE for some reason...but you can see the progression!**
    16 weeks
    17 weeks
    18 weeks
    19 weeks
    20 weeks
    20 weeks...Halfway there today!!!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Bummer! I cannot see the pics :(. The profile pic is great though; you look so cute!! I just love prego bellys and cannot wait to have one!

    How are you girls feeling today? I am generally great in the mornings and then it slowly declines throughout the day. By dinner time I am nauseous and tired. So far so good today though!

    Tami - I love that you adopted a blind puppy and gave her such a good home. We almost adopted a deaf pitbull last year but decided in the end the undertaking was to great; I have kind of regretted not bringing him home since.

    I think I have picked an OB so I will be booking my first appointment today. We live in a new city and do not know anyone so it is a bit of a stab on the dark. Wish me luck!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I wonder why you can't see them? Tam...can you see them? Weird! I'm not technically smart enough to figure it out!

    I'm feeling good today...hungry at the moment! Cris...I remember in my first trimester, evenings were the worst for me. I had to eat a very early dinner. So...I know how you feel.:flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey guys!

    Looking great K!! So cute!! :flowerforyou: I'm not sure why I can see them and you can't Cris..hmmm...strange.....

    I had a good workout this morning. Burned 700 cals, which means I need to eat quite a bit today! Darn! :grumble: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am starting to have that issue where I feel like I have to pee a lot........but only a tiny comes out at a time. And with the amount of water, I's not fun!! :ohwell:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well that is weird! My friends on my "Sixers group" page can also see them, so I don't know why you are having a problem Cris. STRANGE!:noway:

    Tam...I have to pee all the time also, and yes...very little each time although it feels like I have a whole gallon inside me...just a perk of pregnancy I suppose. Ah well...what do you do?
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    I am convinced after the day I am having at work that my computer is just a piece of crap. Which would explain why I cannot view the pics :grumble:

    Having to pee really bad all day with no real relief sounds, not all that fun. Something to look forward to! I pee all the time now but when I go I really go. In fact every morning at 4am I wake up to pee like clockwork and then I lay there feeling excited because I am pregnant. lol! ugh...

    It is so dreary here ,so for lunch I went to a yummy Tia restaurant and it gave me a real boost! Nothing like spicy food to put a pep in your step!

    What did you do to burn 700 cals Tami? That is awesome! I need some of that! I am actually about to head out to the gym myself and burn off some chocolate bunny (straight to the hips and bum!).

    Have a great night girlies!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals! I'm feeling good this bright and early!:bigsmile: I wish I had this energy after work so that I could get a workout in like you wonderful ladies!:wink: Cris, do you work? I know Tami is blessed to be a stay-at-home mother. I wish that was in the cards for me, but I am the main source of income in our family. Ah well...I do love my job!:happy:

    Yes...the peeing...every night at least twice I have to get up...and that's getting annoying, especially since it's so hard for me to get comfortable anymore these days. Oh well.

    Hope you ladies are having a good morning! :flowerforyou:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!

    I have been up for hours cleaning my house this morning. Not sure what got into me but I have really done some deep cleaning!!

    I have the luxury of working from home for a health care organization based 2.5 hours from my house. I work at the office for 3 years and moved up the ladder a bit but then had to move away so my husband could finish school. My employer did not want to lose me and I did not want to find a new job so he sent me up with a home office. It has been 2 years now and it has it's good and bad points. We have just moved again for my husbands job and now I do not know a soul and really do not get out much. I can get little personal things done throughout the day though which is really nice. I can also choice not to get dressed if I am feeling especially lazy. I try not to do this though because it makes me less productive :tongue: My job is actually pretty stressful or at least it was before the economy started to crash. These days we are slow and it is making all of us nervous that we will lose our jobs. I am a little worried we will go under once I start showing and then who will hire me? I try not to think about it too much though, no sense it worrying about things we cannot change.

    It is finally sunny here again so I am hoping to get in a walk at lunch and maybe finish raking my yard the evening. I love that the sun is finally setting later; summer is coming!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Glad you're having a nice day, Cris. It's going to be nice here also!:happy: Makes for a happier day! Did you book your fist prenatal appointment yet? are you this morning?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hello ladies!! :happy:

    Cris, enjoy the nice weather. Not so nice here!! lol!

    Yes, the pee'ing is fun in pregnancy!! lol! It seems to be the common theme that every pregnant woman has to deal with!! :grumble: :laugh: Theory is that it's nature's way of programming you to having to get up during the night with a newborn!! :tongue:

    Yes, those first few months are interesting!! Kind of a blur for me!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Today is my hubby's birthday. I was heading out to run a few errands, including pick up a gift and stuff to make a cake, etc.....BUT, he had forgotten to pay the property taxes and when I went out to my car, there was boot on it!! Stupid Bridgeport, Conn!!!!!!! I hate it! They do ZILCH for the city but owe them a damn penny and they come after you! Sooo, will go pay that tomorrow..........

    But, I got creative with his birthday. Ordered his gifts online...and printing out a pic of them to wrap. Walked to the corner store for ingredients to make the cake. J.T. and I will make a card....and we can order in for dinner!!! :laugh: :laugh: I think this is more fun than just meeting him out for dinner with a gift actually!!! :glasses:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Oh and I do the elliptical at the gym. I do 65 min at random(interval setting),level 19.

    I love the elliptical because it's easy on the joints and you work both your arms and legs at the same time. And I burn a lot and then eat like a horse the rest of the day!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    I cannot believe they can just put a boot on your car like that; what a load of ^&%$#! It really does sound like it will be more fun this way though! I thinks it's great that you turned a crummy situation into a great one!! I also think homemade cards are the way to go; they just mean so much more. I could really go for some bday cake right now...yummy!!!

    I do the elliptical too but usually only for 30-40 minutes. I am going to step it up next time as see if I can last a full 65. I usually do the hill climbs for the variation. I have been trying to mix it up with the bike lately too since I tend to always do the elliptical.

    I have to get on the phone and make my OB appointment today. I keep getting side tracked and haven't called. I'll do that right now... Thanks fo rthe reminder Kristin!!

    I am starting to lose steam already and it is only 11:30 here. I really need a nap :yawn:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Of course my hubby has our insurance cards with him at work. Maybe tomorrow will be the day I finally make my appointment :ohwell:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Kristin - I keep forgetting to ask you; what is your Sixers group?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well Cris, the Sixers group is a FABULOUS group of girls that I met on this site. We do six week challenges to help keep each other motivated, weighing in every week. You can check it out if you want. We are doing the Sixers Spring into Summer Challenge right now, week 4. I love go-to girls! And I'm thinking that the three of us on this post are getting to know each other just as well, which is GREAT!:happy:

    Tam, sorry about the fun at all! But it does make it kinda special to make a card and wrap a print-out of the gifts-to-come! Have fun with it!:flowerforyou: to eat some lunch for me...I'm STARVING!:tongue:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    OMG, I am such a dork! I was picturing "The Sixers" as being a group like a singing group (quartet) or something of that nature! LOL!!! Sometimes I really wonder about myself!

    I take part in sizzlin summer slimdown where a group of us report in each day. They have all been at it for a while so I am the new girl but they are a really supportive and sweet group of woman.

    I am having horrible waves of sickness today. Cannot stand or walk without becoming dizzy and sick. Ran to the bathroom a few times already. Ugh... it's coming... the sickness is coming for me. I am so doomed :sick:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Awe Cris...I feel for you!:flowerforyou: It's like week 6-9 are the worst!:sick: I remember. Hope it passes quickly for you.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning preggo girlies! How are you feeling today?

    Last night was great! I went home, did tons of yard work, grilled and ate outside, and then got to bed at a decent time! It was PERFECT! And I felt great! (The ice cream cone I had probably helped to mood!:wink: ) I think Spring weather is here! Today the high is 80!:bigsmile: I have my house all opened up (the fresh air is SO nice) and I think we will work outside some more tonight! YAY!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member

    I have had a crazy morning! Had to take hubby to work, then start work myself, then run the dog to the vet, then to the bank, and now back to work. I like the running around though because it breaks up the monotony and stops me from focusing on how nauseous I feel :happy:

    It is kind of sort of spring like here too but tomorrow is our hot day, high near 80. I love it too! I love grilling and digging in my garden. I cannot wait for the frost danger to clear so I can start planting. I have starter pots all over the house right now and it sure will be nice to get them outside where they belong! I think we could probably even mow! I just love summer time and it's coming!! WAHOO!!

    Sounds like you are feeling great K; I am so glad!!!

    Tami - how was the bday celebration?

    I made my prenatal appt today for May 5th and the woman on the phone was an absolute doll. I think I made a good choice

    Back to work for me :grumble: