The Preggo Platform



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey K!

    Another rainy/gloomy day here. Good day for a good book or movie!! :love:

    I have my next OB appointment tomorrow morning.

    How are you guys??
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    How are you two doing? It has been days! Been really busy working and attending a conference but am finally back in the saddle.

    I had my first ultrasound yesterday and it was pretty good yet slightly questionable. My little peanut measured exactly 7 weeks and 1 day and had a very strong heartbeat which is wonderful. My yolk sac however was somewhat flattened so I am to go back in 2 weeks and have a 2nd ultrasound to make sure all is progressing normally. I am trying my best not be be stressed out over it but it is really hard!! Love my new OB office; everyone is extremely helpful and really sweet.

    Hope you two are well!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals! Sorry I have been MIA for the past day. I actually went home Tuesday due to some bleeding. Called the doctor and they just had me rest. Yesterday I stayed home again because I was still slightly spotting and not feeling so great. But last night, my friend (who's an OB nurse) came over and used the doppler to hear the heartbeat and everything sounded perfect. She said not to worry. I am back at work and feeling exceptionally great! did your OB appointment go?

    Cris...I wouldn't worry yet. It's probably fine, and after your next ultrasound you'll be reassured!:flowerforyou: to catch up on some work! Hope you ladies have a fabulous morning!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey K!! Sorry to hear about the bleeding! That is so scary! I had that early on myself! :frown: Yes, hearing that heartbeat always helps!! :love: And glad you are feeling great!!

    Cris, I am sorry to hear about your issues too but like Kris, it will be OK! :flowerforyou:

    My OB appointment was great. Just a typical "wellness check". Heard the heartbeat...everything is good!! :) I will get the paperwork for the glucose test at the next exam in 4 weeks. And she said that when I am around 30 weeks, we will probably figure out a c-section date for the first week of September.

    Exciting stuff!! :bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey gals! Been SO busy at work today!

    Tam...thanks!:flowerforyou: It was nice to hear the heartbeat...very reassuring! And I'm happy your appointment went well. Yes...I have my next exam on the 28th which is when they'll give me the glucose info also...then three weeks later...blah! But seems like we are still on the same schedule!:laugh: And figuring the c-section date will be fun! Wish I could plan mine!:wink:

    Cris!:sad: Where are you, girl?! I hope you are doing okay!:flowerforyou:

    Well...back to some work! Have a good afternoon and weekend if I don't talk to ya!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY :flowerforyou: to you lovely new mommies to be.....
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls!!

    Sorry - I was at the office Thurs & Friday and we are just crazy slammed. I am dreading tomorrow (Monday). I need a vacation :ohwell:

    I was starting to feel pretty good the day after my ultrasound but yesterday I had some mild spotting and now I am full blown worried. I will be calling my OB tomorrow. Just really doesn't look all the good; reminds me too much of my last miscarriage. I am doing my best too stay positive though and my hubby is really supportive so I know things will be OK either way.

    How are you feeling Kris? Everything back to normal? I hope so; I know how scary that is and do not want you to feel that.

    Tami are you still working out lots? I have been much lazier but do not let more than 2 days go by without making myself go to the gym. It is amazing what being tired can do to a person!!

    Hope you two are well. If you do not hear from me tomorrow do not worry; my work schedule is just out of hand.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!

    I am having a good day which is surprising since I had been dreading it lol! Talked to my doctor today and she said she is not worried yet and we are just keeping my ultrasound schedule for the 19th. Made me feel better.

    I have not been logging my food for a couple weeks and have been working out less and I am really seeing it. I am chubby again! How does it happen so darn fast? Pregnancy obviously doesn't help lol! BUT I need to get myself in check. So, today I plan to start logging my food again and start exercising daily, even if it is just walking the dog.

    How are you two feeling? What's new?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey Cris! Sorry you've had a scare too! Wow, it's not fun at all. I had some cramping and spotting early on as well. I was a wreck!! It is very common!!! Can mean any number of things. :flowerforyou:

    I have continued to work out, at least 3 days a week. I get in there and still do my hour on the elliptical. I don't push myself as hard as I used to but still get my HR up and sweat!! :glasses: And I have continued to count my calories..just so I don't get out of control!

    I am doing well. Just super tired. Was very busy all weekend and didn't have a great nights sleep on Sat or Sun night (due to weird things) now I am a zombie!! :ohwell:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey girls! Good afternoon! Happy be-lated Mother's and Mother's-to-be Day! Feeling good today...just busy at work! Gonna try and get pictures up!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    21 Weeks and 2 Days!

    4D Face Shots






    4D Body

    Face Front


    Forearms and Fist



    Profile Shots!


  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Holy Cow Kris!! I cannot believe I am looking right at your baby! 4 D is totally amazing. You must be so excited when you look at these. How cool to actually see your babies face. I love the little feet too; completely adorable!!

    Tami - If you can stay in shape and eat right than I can too darn-it! I do not think I have really been eating bad but I bet I am outside of my calorie range. I keep getting dizzy at the gym and it is just not as fun anymore but I will keep going. I cannot wait for that energy surge I have read about in the second trimester!! Sorry to hear you are so tired. Can you nap during the day when you little guy naps. What a cute picture of you two; love it!!

    Back to work for me. Thanks for all the encouragement!!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Kris! GREAT U/S! I am jealous! I want a 4D ONE!! GRRRR! Jeeze, I am the old one....they should be giving me those!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sooooooooooooooo sweet!!! :love:

    Cris, just do what you can. Make sure to eat enough before the gym. Maybe a nice mix of carbs and protein. I can get dizzy if I haven't eaten properly. Or sometimes just a banana (the carbs + sugar) will be enough to keep me going. And then I will eat some protein after.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks ladies!:flowerforyou: I love love LOVE my photos!:heart: I can't stop looking at them! I just want to give my baby a big old smooch!:smooched: I hope this summer goes by fast!

    Cris...yes, please be easy on yourself. Getting dizzy at the gym is no good. Be sure to put yourself first and take care of your body (which is taking care of baby!) I agree with Tam, eat something substantial before you go!

    Tam...yeah, I think I got really lucky that my doctor does the 4D's routinely. My sister-in-law never got any either. So, I am very thankful that they did that! I have a 4D from my early ultrasound also that just looked like a shrimp!

    Well ladies...I am headed home here in a few. Gonna BBQ some burgers this evening! Hope you both have a great night!:flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals! How are you today?
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member

    I was really nauseous all day which is actually really comforting and then I took my dog for a 60 minute walk in the sunshine and now I fell fabulous. I wish work would slow down a tad but keep reminding myself to be happy I have a job.

    How are you two doing?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I had a great morning! Feeling a little off this afternoon, but nothing unmanagable. But I am heading home a little early this afternoon. Yeah...I remember the nausea was a comforting feeling early on! Not so fun though!

    Tam...I hope you're having a good day!:flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey guys!!

    Cris, sorry about the nausea but yes, it is a normal part! :flowerforyou: Just means your body is doing it's job!!

    Kris, I have been a bit off myself. Mostly just feeling "heavy" down below (trying not to be TMI)..but I remember with my get these feelings sometimes like a lot of weight is pushing down....and a little strained! Not sure if you are feeling that yet.

    I still got my workout in this morning though!! :bigsmile:

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon!! :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!

    Tam...I can totally relate to the "heavy" feeling. It's a constant now, and I am uncomfortable most of the time. Sleeping is a horrible challenge, and I can never seem to be on top of things. This morning driving to work I was thinking about how good I used to always feel and how I so miss running and all the aerobic workouts I used to do. :sad: Makes me sad! will so be worth it when I'm holding my little one in my arms! :smooched: I'll make it through! are you doing? Hope you're having a less nauseous day!:flowerforyou:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls!!

    How are to two feeling?

    I am doing well just busy at work still. Looking forward to Friday!!

    Hope you both are well!
