Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, I would love to meet and have a visit from you! It is cold here today as well . We had a high of 45. I'm freezing! The zuchini lasagna is super yummy. It is also very healthy if you use low fat ingredients. Cindy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Saturday Morning HEETers?

    Watcha got planned? I'm gonna do some house cleaning and organizing in my office. Might even tackle that dreaded paperwork I didn't get to yesterday. DH took the boat out for a few hours this morning. We agreed not to go this weekend because the weather is sketchy but he was listening to the weather radio last night and heard there's a break this morning so I just let him go. I've got things to do anyway.

    Hazel, when did you weigh to see that gain? Was it after exercise? If it was, your muscles will retain water and could cause the gain. Try weighing first thing in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, on the same day each week. That way you'll have a true weight with no influence from meals eaten or exercise. In addition to that...if you are doing strength training then you are probably gaining muscle mass and THAT is a beaufiful thing and a dieters best friend. That's when you stop watching the scale and start watching the tape measure. You may not be losing pounds but I'd bet you are melting away the inches.

    Cindy, question about the zucchini lasagne. I eat zucchini fairly frequently but in a lot of cases (not all) I remove the seeds because of all the moisture. I cut them in half lengthwise and run a spoon through them then slice or dice. Do you sweat the zucchini first? Is your lasagne really wet? I'm wondering if I should make a really "thick" sauce to compensate for it?? And how lucky are you to have your husband buy you such a nice gift! Hooray for supportive husbands!!

    Well, DH's favorite sister and her husband are flying in from Utah mid-April. They'll stay with us for 2-3 days then head an hour north for a week and stay in a 2 bedroom condo. The next weekend DH and I will trailer the boat up there and stay with them a couple days and boat in new waters then we will all head back here for one more night before they head back home. This will be their second visit and we really enjoyed having them and are looking forward to it again. And, a little mini-vacation to boot! :tongue: We are also expecting his parents again soon. I talked to MIL (mother in law) a couple weeks ago and they are starting to make all their travel plans for the year (they do a lot of traveling).

    So, I have to be prepared. Not sure how, not sure in what way, just need to get myself mentally prepared I guess. I'm sure there will dinners out and "picknicking" and whatever else. Just too soon to know for sure what I'm supposed to plan for...

    Speaking of, Easter is on it's way. Will you just take it as it comes or are you *preparing* for it? If so, how? Maybe less candy? Hiding the candy? More sensible Sunday Dinner choices? Just curious if it's crossed your mind yet...

    Well, time to get moving. Hope everybody has a great day. I'll check back throughout the day.

  • Good morning Hazel, Julie, Debbie, Cindy, Bebe and everyone! I can't post alot but I wanted to check in. Gosh all the recipes sound good that have been posted since yesterday and I didn't know you had to do so much to zucchini...I just eat as is...I'll have to try that lasagna after I find GF noodles, or maybe the zucchini acts as noodles??

    I'm glad everyone thot my Lucy name was fitting. I always thought Ricky underestimated her and growing up I felt that way, I just love her! When my son moves out and his bedroom is free, I plan on putting up all my "Lucy" will be cool. Whoever sleeps in there will have "Lucy overload" when they leave...:laugh:

    Today my exercise will be dancing to my 70s music while finishing up decorating and dressing and etc. I still have a few things to cook and a friend is coming over early to help. My boys will be leaving soon and then I can really kick it into high gear.

    Debbie - I look forward to hearing what you think of that book.

    What do you use a heart monitor for?

    My plan is to eat just small bites of things so I don't completely go over calorie intake but most of my menu is fairly healthy.

    Okay, I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow! Have a great day!

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Morning Lucy,

    In generic terms, the Heart Rate Monitor is used to get "optimal" results when exercising. You know when people talk about "The Zone?" If you don't get your heart rate up high enough you are not burning enough calories, if it gets too high then you are overworking your body and system expending too much energy in too short of a period. My elliptical has sensor pads on the handles. It can calculate my heart rate as well as other body functions so I know if I need to kick it up a notch or slow it down.

    I think what Cindy was saying was to use the zucchini in place of the noodles. Slice them lengthwise and layer in the pan.

    Have a fantastic party! FAR OUT, MAN!!

    Peace Out,
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters,
    No time to post, just marking my spot for later. Make it a good day., wishing you well.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Ladies. I hope everyone is having a great day so far. The sun is shining and it's not so freezing cold here. :smile: Yesterday was so cold I went out to walk but headed home after 5 minutes. The wind was just blustery and freezing. I'm so glad it's going to warm back up today. :bigsmile: Zuchini lasagana, Julie I don't sweat the zuchini but I should. My sauce is very watery. You could use a thicker sauce but sweating them may be the way to go. Lucy ,the zuchini are sliced lengthwise and used in place of the noodles. Mine was yummy last night! :happy: Julie you have alot of visits and travel to look forward to. That's always fun! Easter candy. I guess I'm lucky. I'm allergic to chocolate. I mean deathly allergic. I wasn't always so. One day 8 years ago I was eating some M&M"s and started hiving up and my throught closed. I was making homemade hot coco 5 Christmas's ago and the powder floating in the air about killed me. That is a good thing to bring up Julie. If I could I would love to eat a bunch of chocolate bunnies. :tongue: I plan to do both my workouts today and get some cleaning in . Have agreat day everyone! :flowerforyou: Cindy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey Cindy, glad your weather is warming up. We are having a real blustery day. Warm, but real windy. DH was only on the boat for about 2 hours. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to load it back up by himself in the wind. Silly Utah'n. I tried to tell him. Maybe he'll finally figure out that I can actually be right sometimes! :tongue: :laugh:

    Anyway, DH and I don't really care for store bought hummus and I finally figured out why. Tahini Paste (Sesame Paste). It is very strong and we don't care for the taste so it's always steered us clear of a healthy food that so many seem to enjoy. Well, I found a recipe for one that doesn't use Tahini we love it. I posted it in the last group and thought I'd share in case Cindy or Hazel might like it. I'll post the original then tell you what I did to tweak it...

    3 garlic cloves, minced, more if you like
    1/4 cup plain low-fat yogurt
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1 teaspoon olive oil
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon paprika
    1/8 teaspoon pepper
    1 (19 ounce) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
    1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped

    1 Combine everything in blender or food processor and process until smooth.

    2 The blender gives the best result.

    3 If you need more liquid to make a nice consistency, add a bit more yogurt.

    4 Chill.

    5 Serve with pitas or as a veggie dip.

    Serving Size 1 (105g)

    Recipe makes 6 servings (1/4 cup = 1 WW Point)

    Calories 123
    Calories from Fat 17 (14%)
    Amount Per Serving %DV
    Total Fat 2.0g 3%
    Saturated Fat 0.3g 1%
    Monounsaturated Fat 0.8g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.6g
    Trans Fat 0.0g
    Cholesterol 0mg 0%
    Sodium 373mg 15%
    Potassium 193mg 5%
    Total Carbohydrate 21.9g 7%
    Dietary Fiber 4.1g 16%
    Sugars 0.8g
    Protein 5.1g 10%

    How I originally made this was I ommitted the garlic (personal preference for me) and parsley, substituted low fat sour cream for the yogurt, substituted lime juice for the lemon and added some finely chopped jalapeno. It was soo good I stood right there over the food processor and ate it then made a 2nd batch for later in the week. The only thing I would do differently to that particular one is add some garlic powder for a little more background flavor.

    Today, I am going to use black beans because I have an abundance of them. Last week I made my stand-by black bean dip but today I'm going to try the above recipe with my tweaks and add some cilantro and maybe some cumin. I've eaten both of these "soft taco" style and they are so GOOD!

    If you try it let me know! We love it!
  • Good morning all. Guess it is still morning? I fell asleep in my recliner in front of the t.v. last night and got up at 1 to go to bed and couldn't sleep. LOL. So I came to the computer to do email catch up etc and then couldn't wake up this morning when I finally fell asleep just about 5 a.m. Oh boy!

    Cindy, I wish you could have kept all this wind and cold air in West Texas. it is so frigid this morning. It is 37 degrees right now with that wind just whipping through. COLD!!!

    And, I need to go out in this cold to do my marketing and some shopping. Procrastination will get me all the time. There is a church wide bridal shower for a young lady at church tomorrow whom I love and I still need to run and pick up a gift for her.

    My exercise for today is doing eliptical for about 40 minutes which I have not yet figured out when I will get to it. Perhaps as I watch tv tonight instead of falling asleep?

    Yes, Julie, I did weigh after all that exercise yesterday. Thank you for the hint of weighing myself early morning before eating and exercising. Need to start doing that. Think that could be encouraging in itself. I did log in my food diary yesterday but failed to put in exercise that I did. But with that, I was over by 34 calories and so I know I did well. Got my water in too. It was difficult but I was being diligent in getting it in. Thank you ladies for being so very supportive. I love you all.

    Lucy, thought your party was on Friday night. Gosh, it isn't until tonight. Well, you have a fun filled night plan and I am excited for you. With all your friends there, I don't think you will have time to eat much as you will be busy hosting. I suggest that you have some tomato bisque soup to help curb your appetite before they come. You may be surprised to see how that does work.

    Where is Bebe this morning? Still sleeping after a night of partying? Hey, Black Chick sista, what cha up to this morning? Hope to be able to hear from you and to know all is well. I;m up so let's get going gal.

    Debbie, you must have a busy day planned. Will be waiting to hear about your day. Have a great one and I know it will be filled with lots of positive things. Can hardly wait to hear about them. You have so much good things to share.

    Say, Julie, guess living in Florida means people like to visit you. But I know you have that perfect kind of hospitality personality that enjoys your outings and such. Really sounds like fun. I am not a boater though I love the water. History of motion sickness so boating is not too fun for me. But I do admire people who enjoy going out fishing and diving and such.

    Having lived in Kona, Hawaii, we had many opportunities for me to go out, but I was so sick never enjoyed my boating experience while everyone else was having a good time. Too bad for me.

    Does you DH catch those good deep sea fish? Oh, yum yum.

    Well, my dear HEETERS, I must get going before the day is gone. I am having the company of my DH today. Isn't that wonderful? I love him so.

    Ya'll have a wonderful day and Julie, I know you like to share everything, but can you keep the wind and cold next time? I mentioned about your zucchini lasagne to DH and we will try them but not this week. Just did my menu planning and we are having a lot of soup this week to see if I can lose that weight i gained. plus, I watched Food Channel and Ms. Paula did a Pecan crusted fish dish that looked so delicious I can't wait to try it. It is on the menu for this week.

    Will also have to find Giada's Mediterenian (sp?) salad with orzo, grilled zucchini, eggplant, shrimp and squid. Doesn't that sound so delicious? If I can find it, that will be on the menu one night with some vegetable soup (homemade in my Blendtec).

    Off for the afternoon. TTFN. I love these abbreviations. Thanks for sharing them with me. :laugh:

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    LOL at Hazel! DH and I have been boating most all our lives but we just bought this boat in January. I'm originally from Michigan, he from Utah. We are both "fresh water" fishermen. Even though I've lived in Florida for over 30 years we hung up our fishing poles when we got here and became *pleasure* boaters. This whole salt-water fishing thing is really trying our patience, LOL! We haven't taken the boat off-shore yet but will this summer when we are more familiar with it. We are within minutes of the Sebastian Inlet that is the local waterway from the Indian River (Intracoastal Waterway) to the Atlantic. It is extremely dangerous though. The Coast Guard used to use it but abandoned it sometime in the 60's - 70's because it's so dangerous. Coincidentally, the company I worked for/volunteer for currently (General Contractor/Land Developer) bought the property where the old Coast Guard house was built. When they abandoned it a private person bought it and lived in it then built his mother a house on the back side of the property. Before we demolished the two structures me and a couple of the office girls went down to scavenge any artifacts we could find, old light fixtures and the like. There was some really cool stuff in there that is now Retro-Hip. The property has a deep water channel for the Coast Guard ship that used to be stationed there. My 2 bosses put in a sea wall, new fuel tanks and added 3 boat lifts with docks where they each keep their boats. We already have our boat house/party house drawn up and engineered and are just waiting for the economy to turn around so we can build it. We go down there often just to hang out and party and be on the water. It's a really cool place. They take their boats off shore all the time but their boats are much bigger. They even go to the Bahamas every year for fishing tournaments. Maybe next time I can hitch a ride and go see Bebe!!

    DH is from a very large Utah Mormon family and has 4 grown kids of his own. They were all very close and he misses them all terribly. Several of them have come to visit and we are expecting more this year. He is SO excited to have his favorite sister coming again. Now we need to start working more on the kids. I flew his son down once as a surprise Christmas present. It was such a special time! And another daughter and her husband came once as well as his parents. The house is very small but there's always room for family!

    Anwyay, I came back here to tell you all we had to turn on the A/C. Even though it's windy, sustained 20, gusts to 30, it's coming straight from the south. Supposed to be a record breaker today. 90's pulling up too much humidity and making it very uncomfortable to do anything without breaking in to a sweat even with the breeze. So, sorry for all you guys dealing with foul, chilly weather!! Good news, it will warm up the pool. Bad news, it's gonna rain tomorrow. We need it desperately but I want my pool to warm up again!! Gonna have to pull out that wetsuit again I suppose...and believe me...I need it. I ate the entire container of Pimiento Cheese yesterday. :blushing: :blushing: :sad:

    Ok, I'm off again.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    One more thing Hazel...have you tried Rachael Ray's Pecan Crusted Chicken?? Oh My!!! It's a favorite here but the thing that "makes" it for us is the *dressing* she uses for the side salad. She places the chicken tenders on salad and drizzles with a dressing made of BBQ sauce, Olive Oil and Orange Juice. IT IS FABULOUS! Sometimes I make the dressing on it's own and use through the week. Mmmmmm....Pecan Crusted...anything! Yumm-O!!:laugh:
  • OKTBear
    OKTBear Posts: 7
    Hello Ladies,
    I'm new to this site, and just starting on my weight loss JOURNEY!! I would love to join your group of friends.
    I live in NE Oklahoma (where it's snowing today and supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow) and have told my daughter in law about this site.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Well I made it in! Hello My Dear Heeters.........sounds like some good info amongst the group today, talk of family happenings, recipes, parties....we gals know how to do it now!!!

    I am happy for all of you. Not much going on here today. Gave our sweet puppy a bath and so she's happy. :smile: We did some cleaning up this morning, fixed a nice breakfast, then kayleigh and I went and did some laundry at the laundrymat. I guess with the storms we had last night half the town was without power this morning, but we were among the lucky ones. So just got in and going to do spaghetti and salad and garlic toast for dinner today. Lunch was soup and salad and now just gonna sit and relax a bit, I'm pooped and still need to get my walk in before it storms.

    I guess we are due for more storms after 5 today and its just 3 p.m. here now. So I'll rest a while, then walk my mile.

    Since I am bringing up exercise, just something to think about. Read an article that advise that when choosing an exercise make it one you enjoy, be it walking, jogging, swimming, elliptical, spinning, bowling, golfing. It is proven in doing so you when you make it part of your weekly routine over time you will increase your endurance. Also, it was proven that when we exercise to music we will often times increase our time spent in our workout...Makes sense, if I am listening to some good music, and the songs not finished, I don't want to stop right in the beginning or let the Music move ya I say.....I got the music in me, I got the music in me, I got the MUssssssssssssssssiccccccccccccc In Meeeeeeeeeeee! Yeah!!!!!!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.......LOL Debbie
  • welcome OKT Bear .... brrrr. Bears should be hybernating still. Are you in Miami area? I had a nephew that attended Jr. college there for a couple of years and now is back in warmer Hawaii. he is glad to be out of there. I don't blame him for all that snow ya'll get up there.

    I am new on this group as well but I love it. The gals are all so gracious and full of encouragement and good tips on healthy eating. That's what we all are trying to achieve as we work toward our weight loss. healthy lifestyle .... good luck and welcome once again.

  • Good to hear you Debbie. With all that music in you, it should move you right along on your mile walk when you get to it.

    These storms are crazy isn't it? I'm glad that we don't get it as bad as you do, however. Stay safe.

    I am still trying to get myself out in this cold weather to do some marketing and shopping. Haven't quite made it yet but getting closer now that I have had my Jenny Craig chicken sandwich guess I can get going soon at DH is ready.

    Will check back later.I wonder where Bebe is. I haven't heard her all day. Hey.....Bebe:sad: :bigsmile:
  • OKTBear
    OKTBear Posts: 7
    Thanks for the welcome Hazel. I live about an hour or so from Miami. My step son went there for a while as well. Then he went to NSU in Tahlequah, which is about 20 minutes from us.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey guys, Guess what? A baby boy I babysat from the time he was 8 months till he was 16 months is here again today. To make a long story short ,he is being raised by his single father. His mother is into drugs and she isn't supposed to be any where near this little boy. She left rehab in California and came to Tx in December of last year. She didn't like me at all. The baby was calling me Mommy. So I haven't seen the baby since December 24th of last year. His dad showed up on my doorstep this morning. The mother is back in California. I've had the baby today since 10.30am. The dad doesn't know what time he's picking him up tonight. I'm waiting for him to call. The baby's name is Eddie. He's asleep right now. I got in my 3 mile watp while he's napping. I love this little boy. I feel God brought him into our lives. My family is realy the only stable force this little guy has. Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome to the HEET :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: OkTBear....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: so glad to have you, the more the merrier. We are a fun bunch so you've come to the right place. Snow in Oklahoma.........then I won't complain about a little rain, but they are saying we could see snow first of April, so maybe its moving our way...time will tell.

    Anyway, just wanted to welcome you and hope to hear more from you soon.

    :love: ~~~waving to Cindy~~~lucy~~~bebe~~~wonderland~~~~julie~~~~hazel~~~~~and all that follow and join us here.:bigsmile:

    :blushing: :wink: Debbie:drinker: cheers!!!!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey OKT!! Welcome to our group! You just jump right in and start posting! And tell Daughter in Law to come join us as well! We are quite the ecclectic mix of girls, we all have something to share from different view points and yet we all seem to *make it work* because our goal and purpose are the same. A Healthier US! And, as you can see by Debbie's post...MUSIC IS ALWAYS WELCOME! :laugh: If you got a cool lyric and *the music is in you* then please share!

    Debbie, I'm totally in agreement with you on the exercise thing. It HAS to be something you enjoy so you'll be more likely to continue with it. My problem is I got spoiled with having the pool. By the time winter came around (2 years ago) I was much healthier and more fit so I decided to get rid of my treadmill and *upgrade* to the elliptical. It was so different and used muscles in ways that swimming didn't. I actually had to *work* at getting and keeping fit.

    OK, there you have it. That AHA moment...

    I have retyped and re-worded that sentence umpteen times and there is no way of getting around what I was trying to say or what I have been in DENIAL about. I have now finally put in to words what my problem is...Good grief...I feel like just slamming my head in to a wall and saying "DUH"!!!

    Swimming comes so naturally to me. It always has. Even though I work hard *at it*, it's easy for me to do and I LOVE it and it always rewards me with great personal pleasure as well as health benefits. It's not *work* because it's FUN! When I got rid of my treadmill and got the elliptical it was *different*. Not as enjoyable as swimming and not as easy as the treadmill. I've often said "It kicks my butt" and my dad says "Well, I thought that was the point?" I always laughed it off saying "Well, no, that's not the point. It shouldn't be that hard." Well, it may not be as enjoyable as swimming or as easy as the treadmill but that's part of the point. Pushing myself. Moving out of that comfort zone.

    So, I have avoided the elliptical during the winter months because "It's Work". That's it. Plain and simple. Funny for me because I'm not afraid of "hard work" in many other areas of my life. Seems like I'm always taking on some kind of other personal challenge. And so The Beast sits behind me as I type this. Collecting dust and actually, there are two reams of paper on the foot pedal that I have yet to put away. Come tomorrow, I will get on The Beast and rename it. It is now my Health Machine. I'm going to change my mind set, change my line of thinking and actuall WORK for a healthier me. Until the pool warms up, LOLOLOL!!

    So, Debbie, thank you. While what you said is nothing new to me, it triggered a whole new *understanding* WITHIN me. A *denial* that has now come to the forefront and can't be ignored any more.


    **Edit due to cross are right..that baby is in your life for a reason. Cherish it and do your best. You will be rewarded for your good deeds! I speak from experience. Thankfully the father knew where to take Eddie and you are probably a God-Send to them both! You are a special Soul to have this opportunity!
  • Cindy, I agree, you are a blessing to Eddie and his dad. We give praise to Jesus for your willigness to help out. I ask for strength for you to endure whatever comes your way in taking care of Eddie. Thank you, Julie for the unconditional love you have for Eddie.

    Debbie and Julie, love you both. Keep those encouraging words coming. Julie, I have the same challenge with my eliptical so we can overcome and do it. This will be our personal challenge. I will still have to do my 40 minutes tonight.

    Just got back from Costco but need to go back out to do more marketing. But, got the shower gift so I am pleased with that accomplishment. now to wrap it.:love::smile:

    Yes, OKT Bear, we will be looking for you and your daughter.

    Wonderland, how are you doing? And Bebe, still waiting for you too. Hellllloooooo~ Are you there?
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi heeters......back from our walk, and its not raining yet. Dinner is almost ready and I'm ready for it.
    Glad for your AHA moment I inspired today, JULIE :flowerforyou: Isn't it GREAT!!!!

    Ya know I think we can try this whole thing of beginning again, and again and again, and we've done it all, heard it all, tried it all and at some point sabotage our own possibilites. I remember a good friend of mine one time saying that until she opened herself to change, all the knowledge she had, exercise tapes, equipment and gadgets would never work. She said nothing began to change until I opened myself to what was being said. When those AHA moments come, then your really mindset and open to change and new possibilities. She said I had heard it before but never really Got it. When I got it I saw Progress. She encouraged me when I told her I was starting over to open myself to all the possibilites and listen as if I were hearing it for the First Time. She said, the AHA's and Got It moments equal Progress. So bring on the AHA moments gals I'm really ready this time.........I call my friend Smarty Pants when I talk to her now and she just laughs.....but I am so blessed for her wisedom and I really think I'm getting it now!!!!

    "Aha + Aha = PROGRESS" J.L. Stevens

    thanks hazel for your loving compliments and the grace and kindness you bring to our group
    thanks cindy I did look up last night on the website the heart monitors, didn't realize there were so many. thanks for sharing. Seen today in an Avon book that Curves makes a pedometer that is selling right now for $12.99 and it is measures steps, distance traveled, and calories burned clips onto your clothing, for anyone wanting to try one and not spend alot of money. I ordered one and it will be in on April 9th, thought I would reward my efforts a bit and I'll let you know how accurate it is and what I think about it.

    Talk to you all a little later, have a good one!!! Debbie:smooched:
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