Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Here Heeters is some "Hands ON" measuring:

    A palm less (digits and thumb) = 3 oz.

    The nail of your thumb= 1 tsp.

    Cupped palm = 1 oz. of nuts or small candies/ or / 2 oz. popcorn or chips

    Your thumb tip to 2nd joint = about 1 oz. of cheese

    Your fist = 1 cup

    am I entertaining you? just wanted to share.

    Debbie :smooched:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Awsome information Debbie!! :love: :love: :love:

    Thank You so much!! Just what I was looking for!! I just updated the spreadsheet and will add that information tomorrow as a "comment" so all you have to do is roll your mouse over the cell and it will pop up for all to see. Easy-Peasy!

    I deleted yesterday's data because the points were so far off I didn't want any confusion. I figured after 1 day it wouldn't be such a big deal. Nobody had updated for today so we can start fresh for tomorrow then A.P.R.I.L. :drinker:

    (((Cindy))) So NICE to *see* your beautiful Sunshine Face!! I can see *strength* in you. Intelligence, Purpose and Determination. I can also see Patience, Peace and Understanding. You will go far in this life, not just in your effort to lose weight. But in all things! It's in you...believe it!

    Ok...I'm off for the night...Time has flown by me...All Day Today...from the time I woke up early. Time for me to head off...I hope you all have a fabulous evening.

    Hazel...I'll send you the *invite* tomorrow to the spreadsheet and give you the detailed instructions on how to access it....

    Nitey Nite HEETers...where did my day go?????

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters, We're back from the grocery store. It's late but we're still doing our 2 miles. Julie thank you sooo much for the lovely compliments. :heart: I realy treasure you as both a person and a friend. :flowerforyou: I hope everyone drank their water,ate healthy foods and got your exercise in. Tomorrow is a brand new day for all of us to shine. :smile: Sweet dreams Heeters, Cindy :flowerforyou:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Morning HEETERS.....any Lionel Richie fans out there, got my headset on, and "Oh what a feelinnnnnnnnn, when were dancin on the ceiling".......................

    Feeling good this morning, got the music in me, and its such a beautiful brand new day!!!!

    Quote for Today: "Each day is anoher opportunity to take one step closer toward your goals, your dreams, your destiny." unknown

    Recipe: Spiced Pumpkin-Prune Muffins

    1 cup whole grain pastry flour
    1/3 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
    2 tsp. baking powder
    1/2 tsp. baking soda
    1/2 tsp. cinnamon
    1/2 tsp. of round ginger
    1/4 tsp. ground allspice
    1/4 tsp. salt
    3/4 cup snipped pitted prunes (pea size pieces)
    2 lrg. eggs
    1/2 cup plain canned pumpkin
    1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt
    1/4 cup packed pumpkin
    1/4 cup packed brown sugar
    3 tbsp. canola oil

    Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Line a 12 cup muffin tin w.paper or foil liners or mist of cooking spray
    In a large bowl, str together the flours, allspice, baking powder, soda, cinnamon, ginger and salt. Stir in the prunes.
    Min a medium bowl, whisk the eggs, pumpkin, yougurt, sugar and oil. Pour pumpkin mixture into dry ingredients and mix well. Spoon into cups. Bake 15-17 minutes. Makes 12

    Nutritional Information
    Serving 1 muffin
    Calories 137
    Protein 3 gms
    Carbs 22
    Fat 5 gms
    Saturated Fat 1 gm
    Cholesterol 35 mg.
    Fiber 2 gms
    Sodium 188 mg

    Julie :smile: Spreadsheet looks good, peeked at it last night.
    ~~waving to Cindy, Bebe, Wonderland, Lucy, Toni , Hazel, and all that follow~~~
    bbl Debbie:heart:
  • Waving to all you motivational HEETERS! No time to post but keep those motivations coming. I'll get back to all of ya.

    Keeping focused on Jesus and eating healthy.

    Love ya all. TTFN
  • OKTBear
    OKTBear Posts: 7
    Morning HEETERS,

    Hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful day! Our nite here was kinda rough, Oklahoma spring storms blowing thru!! But we made it and the sun is shining this morning.

    Got my MRI report yesterday, 3 bulging discs in my neck! I go back to the neurologist a week from tomorrow to find out what needs to be done. After all these months, it is a relief to finally know what is causing the headache.

    Despite the pain, got my walking in yesterday and stayed almost 200 calories below my ALLOTMENT!!
    It is quite an adjustment to counting everything I eat, but I'm getting the hang of it.

    My family is being very supportive and not complaining about the menu, at least not YET! My hubby is OK with it, and my 14 year old son is a little on the heavy side also, so it is definately time to change all our eating habits.

    Well, better sign off for now. My 5 months old Pug puppy is begging for attention.

    I'll check in later,
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Morning HEETers,

    At the office and have lots to do right now. I'll try to squeeze in a post at lunch but may have to wait until this afternoon. But had to share...I got on the Elliptical before leaving the house! Yeah! I'm gettin' there!

    Make it a Fabulous Toe Tapping Tuesday!!! And I'll read and post when I can...

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, Julie, don't work too hard, hazel look forward to hearing from you soon, and Toni-good news once you know the problem your half way there to resoving the issues.....your determination through all your pain speaks loudly to us all, to push through the obstacles and fight for what you want in life and I thank you for helping us to see that.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day. A P R I L is tomorrow and that's no april fool's joke......what goal will you set for yourself, where do you want to be in your journey by end of April? Size smaller, few lbs. lighter, journaling daily, tracking daily, walking more steps each day, eating a new food, trying a new recipe, ........set one goal and make it happen!!!!

    bbl Debbie
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    An excerpt of an email I got a few days ago. I'm trying to get caught up on reading some of them...

    ***Reach for the right apple to get ahead of the nutrition game.

    Researchers recently assessed the antioxidant capacity of eight different apple varieties and found Red Delicious apples to be highest in two powerful flavonoids, epicatechin and procyanidin. These flavonoids are especially abundant in apple peels, so wash them well and eat the skins.

    All apples pack a health punch, regardless of variety. Although much of the nutritional punch of apples is found in the skin, certain nutrients reside in the flesh, too. In recent studies, researchers found two powerful flavonoids in Red Delicious apples, but they were mainly in the skins. Another compound with strong antioxidant activity -- hydroxycinnamic acid -- was found in the flesh. Two phenols found in the apples, epicatechins and procyanidins, have superior antioxidant capacity and may help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other conditions. Before you eat your apple, wash it thoroughly under running water with a vegetable brush to remove wax and contaminants.***

    Next time you go for a Apple...Grab the Red Delicious!: bigsmile:

    Ok, gotta run...SOOO much to do today!! :sad: :sad:

    See ya when I get home...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Morning Heeters, I hope everyone is having a happy day. Julie way to go on the workout before work! :flowerforyou: Toni, I love Pugs! I want a Pug puppy soo bad. We have a pom puppy now and I refuse to have 2 dogs. We have 2 cats , 1 dog and a hamster. I love animals. :heart: I'm glad you found out the culprit of your headaches . Now you can begin healing. Debbie, Yummy recipe. Thanks :flowerforyou: Hazel, Bebe, Lucy you guys have a GREAT day! I want us all to drink our water, Eat healthy foods and move our bodies. We can do it , yes we can , we can do it , thats the plan! :bigsmile: GO--HEETERS!!!!!!!!! :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: TTFN-Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, thanks for sharing Julie, Red Delicious is always my first choice....glad to know I'm doing well in my selection.

    Small acheivement but waist is down 4 inches today. Not really my time yet to measure but was nothing a looser waistband and thought we'll just check it out, and ta dahhhhhhhh. Its the little things that mean alot!!!

    Can't believe this month is over within hours. Look how far we've come Heeters (the original gang), and we're growing and so glad for all our newbie sistahs. Let DH brag a bit on himself this morning he said since I began my journey he has lost 23 lbs., said he didn't want to say anything to discourage me. I blew him off, and said, Yeah life is great to be a guy, you men have it easy, no pms, no mamograms, :bigsmile: , and metabolism we women would die for. I said, its a known fact you lose twice as much that's just the gift you were given. Then I gave him a hug and told him how truly happy I was for him and he feels so much better. I am sure it was not all my great meals, losing his father the way he did in Nov. has been hard but he is a smoker and has medical problems and the weight doesn't help any, so I am glad to see him feeling better in a healthy way :smile:

    How much is your new lifestyle effecting your family? Are they more active, losing weight and getting in the journey with you, making wiser choices, asking you healthy food related questions, or about portions, or calories burned? I have in the last week gotten a lot of interest from people that are adapting and accepting what I am doing for myself~kinda neat and I like that they are taking an interest for their health sake especially. We have no idea the Seeds we are Sowing!!!!! Plant your seeds and watch them grow :flowerforyou:

    bbl Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, My husband is on this new lifestyle journey with me. he has lost 35 pounds so far. My 10 year old dd is also eating healthy foods. :smile: My neighbors see me walk every night. I have 3 sets of neighbors who have started walking and told me I'm their motivator. :smile: It feels great to motivate others! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Cindy so good to hear from you. Kudos to the hubby that is terrific news. And just look at you, inspiring those neighbors, that is awesome. I spoke briefly once of having neighbors get involved and form exercise groups and have a block party mid summer with all the kids, but I realize not all neighborhoods are ideal for that sort of thing, but would be fun. My neighborhood has alot of elderly that are mostly shut in, and what able bodied few their are I don't think you could tie a rope to and drag out of their "comfort zones".

    Just the same its nice when the ones we love the most are benefiting as well from our lead and think of the wonderful examples we are setting for our children. I don't want my daughter kayleigh to know the pain of being overweight, nor the lack of self-esteem. She really loves walking with me, bike riding, swimming and I encourage them in her as I know it benefits her in so many ways. She looks as forward to our walks and time together as I do and I am glad I am setting this example now while she is young and still finds it cool to hang with mom, I know my days are numbered :laugh:

    Thank you for sharing and again, proud of you and your hubby, keep up the great job!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
    gotta run and get my girl and go walking!!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, I love your daughters name. How old is she? My Avery is 10 years old. I also have Elisabeth who is 18 months. I also love that my daughters see me exercise and love that exercise. Avery loves to walk with me. Our pool will open April 15'th and I can't wait to get the girls and I swimming. I never remember my parents putting an empasis on eating healthy foods and exercise. I wish I had. You are doing a great sevice to your daughter. She must see her mom as a strong ,dedicated woman. :smile: You are setting a great example! Cindy
  • Hi everyone,

    Today...I totally blew it...I don't know what happened! Stress maybe I'm not sure...anyway...there you have it.:sad: :cry:

    Honestly I don't what to write. I am feeling like an idiot and like I've completely fallen off the wagon. My only good thing I think is that I actually did some walking today.

    Julie - I like the APRIL seems that I might be able to do that. Anyway, I'm sorry. I gotta go, I've got homework to do, my midterm is due for 2 classes.

    Where did my gumption go???

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Evening Heeters, Kayleigh and I did our walk after school, just on the path we walk alone, for the month of march I have walked 21, 870 steps, just over 10 mile for the month. Hope to double that in April!!!!! And I'm not foolin :bigsmile:

    Cindy thank you so much for the compliment, and to answer your question Kayleigh is 9., she will turn 10 in November. We are extremely close and she has been such a blessing, in ways I can't even begin to tell you.

    So how is everyone doing this evening? Where is everyone?

    bbl Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, My daughter Avery's b-day is November 19th. Congrats on your walking accomplishment! I know you can double it ! :smile: Cindy :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Lucy, We all have bad days. You did not blow it! You had a little hicup thats all. Think of it this way. If you forgot to brush your teeth one day would you decide to go a few days or weeks until you brushed them again? NO! You would get back into that bathroom and brush those teeth as soon as you could. Please dont let this derail you. You are doing so well. Right now your stressed over your midterms. That will do it. Just drink lots of water and get moving when you have time. Tomorrow is a new day. :flowerforyou: Cindy
  • hey there guys,how is everyone computer didnt crash , i did.well im fine now and its a long borring story.debbie thank you for emailing me lots of time,it means a whole lot to me.and thank you all for missing me,i missed you guys also.during my MIA i maintained my good habits,and can feel and see results,julie are we starting a new thread tomorrow?i will have to catch up where is left which is a whole house is in a terrible mess and will probaly take a few days to get it back in order ,but i will be here .off to do some chores will be back later.cindy what a nice pic.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Yay!!!!! Bebe is back!!! Good grief!! I missed you girl! We all did! Is everything alright? I hope you're doing well. Glad to hear you continued with good eating habits. Pull yourself together and we'll be here for you if you need some extra support. And yes, I'm starting a new thread. I will probably start it tonight just so it's ready and waiting for any early birds.

    Now, if we could only get Wonderland back...I hope all is well in her world.

    I have had a crazy day today and am whipped. Mentally.

    Lucy, sorry to hear about your Gumption but I found it right beside me. Let me know when you want it back and I'll send Express. :wink: It's bound to happen to all of us at one point or another. Don't beat yourself up. Just start back slowly. A good breakfast or a healthy lunch. Shoot for at least one healthy meal a day then start working your way back in. And like Cindy said, don't forget that water. It's so important.

    Toni, I'm glad they found the cause of your headaches but how scary! What do they do for bulging disks? Surgery? Dang, I'm wishing you the best. Seriously, High-Five for getting your walk in through your pain! And a Pug puppy. How cute are they??? :love:

    Cindy needs a special honorary title or something, maybe like Team Cheerleader or something. Can't think of anything right now because my brain cells are mush I'll let you know when I do.

    Debbie will be our Motivational Expert. Yes, my efforts are growing on DH. He's thinking of taking up his walking again this summer. He was in such good shape a couple years ago and more importantly was sleeping better. Like I said, he's already thin but he got really FIT and it did him a world of good. Awesome work on your walking and you Aint Foolin when you say you can double it! I Know It! :wink:

    I do have an April goal. I want to break the 10 pound mark. So, for April, I need to lose at least 4 to meet it but 5 to break it. I think it's doable so I'm going for it and that's my public announcement.

    Where is Hazel? I sent you the invite to the Motivational Spreadsheet about an hour ago. But, like I said last night, if it's easier, just take some notes from the earlier thread and keep track at home.

    I haven't updated anything for myself yet. I need to do that but I want to get off here for a bit and fix dinner. Just leftovers for DH that need to be reheated. I think I'll have some scallops tonight and a frozen veggie. Need to go soak the scallops to thaw because I forgot to pull them out of the freezer.

    I'll check back a little later...

This discussion has been closed.