Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • Great News at 12:36 A.M. ..... Just finished logging in my food for the day and I didn't do as badly as I thought I did. On a 1200 calorie diet, I went over by 44 but my pesonal trainer suggested I go on a 1500 calorie diet and can't seem to change it on my calculation from information originally entered. So, I think I did FANTASTICO!!!!
  • Am I rolling tonight!
    Julie, I have logged onto google and my email is Will wait further instructions.

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Happy Motivated Monday!!

    Got up early, wanted to get on the Healthy Me Machine but somehow or another I'm out of time. Must be moving really slow today. I read all the posts but it's time to run out the door...have my Mammogram today. OH, YIPPEEEE!!:grumble: :grumble: Surely this fabulous piece of medical equipment was devised by a man (probably the same one who came up with bra's, girdles, panty hose and high heels!). Why don't they have to squash their testicles to look for cancer???

    Anyway, I'll post when I get home this afternoon. Hope you stay Motivated all Monday long!

  • OKTBear
    OKTBear Posts: 7
    Hey Ladies!!
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I've been fighting an ongoing headache for 7 months now, and Sat. nite and yesterday it was almost unbearable. I've had MRI's, MRA's and CAT scans, and am waiting to go back to the Dr. on 4-8 to get results of the latest MRI on my neck. Not sure if I over did it with exercise on Saturday or what, but am going to have to limit my workouts to walking for awhile. Good thing to come from it, was too sick to EAT!!
    Hope everyone has a great day!

    BTW: My first name is Toni!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeters! I am elated right now! As you may remember last Monday the stupis scale would not budge. I have been doing my 2 workouts most days and eating well within my calories. You will also remember I ate that Hamburger last week. Well today I got on the scale and I lost 4.5 pounds.:bigsmile: I'm so relieved! I thought " what am I going to do if what I'm doing isn't working?" Thank you ladies so much for your kind and loving words regarding Eddie. I love that little guy. I taught him to walk . I had his first Birthday party at my house. From the time he was 8 months till he was 13 months we had him 18 hours sometimes 24 hours a day for days on end. He is like one of my own. I struggle and pray about my feelings about his parents. I try to help his Dad whenever I can regarding things with Eddie. Welcome Toni! Sorry I'm late with that. I hope you feel better. Julie, Good luck today Julie! Thanks for creating our points system Julie. :flowerforyou: Hazel, 44 calories over. That's great! If you go to your goals section you can change your calorie intake by selecting manual instead of automatic. Hi Lucy and Bebe! :smile: I hope everyone has a great day today. Here's my personal quote " life's a cinch inch by inch but it's awfully hard yard by yard" I'm going to do lessons with my 10 year old and do my 3 mile watp after that. I think we may go bowling tonight. :smile: I've only bowled 5 times in my entire life and that's within the last 2 months. I bowl 100+ point games. I love bowling! :heart: :smile: Cindy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Just a quick pop in for me while I log in my lunch...

    HOOOORAAAAYYYYY!! For Cindy! That's awesome news...

    I'll post again later...
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :smile: Hi Heeters.............Woo Hoo Cindy....way to go girl, Woo Hoo...Hazel good going with calorie count and choices..........Woo Hoo Julie getting on that Beast!!!!!......Woo hoo and I'm tootin my own horn down 2 more pounds........

    hey thought about yesterday's quote of Adopt, Adapt, and Change.....
    Want you all to think about the beaurtiful changes we are making here inside and out. Cindy if you have not read this book to your children it is truly beautiful....its called Hermie by Max see everyone Hermie was this caterpillar and in his world of nature he was seeing so many good things happening in his friends and he kept wanting so much to see good changes in himself, but always was told, God wasn't finished with him yet....the wait seemed so long, and Hermie was sorta depressed and at times felt that God had given up on him. Then one day he became very tired, and he curled up in his cocoon and went to sleep a deep and wonderful sleep.....and when we awakened he had turned into this beautiful Butterfly..............change is beautiful, this is one of my favorite books for my daughter and grandchildren and one I just simply wanted to share.

    When you see a butterfly I hope you'll think of me, and this beautiful journey we are on together......when you look at that butterfly think of all the changes it went through from a caterpillar to its new life......(Just a visual, and I think it sends an important message).........:smile:

    You are all truly beautiful to me! Thank you for being my friend, encouraging and motivating me to aspire to try new foods, and new ways of doing things. Love and best wishes are being sent to you all today...make it a good one and I'll bbl gotta run out to the store, then pick up Kay later and get our walk in. ttfn Debbie:heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Thanks guys! Debbie, Hermie is my FAVORITE book for my kids at this point. I love this story and so do the kids. I wanted to say also that you ladies are so special to me . Each one of you brings so much to this group. I am so proud of all of us! We are warriors! :bigsmile: ttfn- Cindy :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh Julie, I haven't forgotten about my pic. I have to find my darn digital camera. :angry: I hope to get it done by tonight. Cindy
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, 2 POUNDS ! Way to go! :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile:
  • LOL Julie. You put a smile on my face1
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm back from running to the grocery, lots of good sales today. Grabbed a few things til payday. Gosh, where do I begin. Toni good to hear from you. I know how aggrevating it must be to go through all the test to get at the root of the problem and still not know. Have they done blood work to check your sugar, how is your blood pressure, and could be a pinched nerve in your neck. Why I say that is I had a girlfriend and she suffered terribly with the headaches and later they found it was from a pinched nerve. I hope that soon you will be feeling better. If you have not been to a neurologist you may want to see if one can help you :wink:

    Cindy, thank you for your words of appreciation, we all make wonderful contributions here to each others lives and its a good feeling.

    Julie if its any comfort in July before my birthday I have to go through the yearly and mamogram and whole 9 yds.....but had a scare with cervical cancer here 3 mos. gotta do it girly.....:wink: that's okay ya know they recommend those men (50 and older) get those they get it in the END :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: your personal email and you are so welcome thought you might enjoy it!!!

    ~~~waving to bebe~~~wonderland~~~~~hazel~~~~cindy~~~julie~~~~toni and all that follow

    have a wonderful afternoon
  • Hi Debbie, Julie, Cindy, Hazel, Toni, Bebe, all!

    Gosh, I've been trying to read all the posts and get caught up on all the "happenings" and it seems virtually impossible, so I took notes...:wink: I hope I didn't miss anything so please forgive me if I did.

    Cindy - Wow...I can totally relate to what you have done and gone through with Eddie. I've gone through similar experiences with my brother and his kids, it is heart wrenching sometimes, but you are right when you say God put you there for them. He knows all and we have to trust him. There is a reason, even if we don't know what it is...Also, congratulations on your 4.5 lb. loss! That is wonderful!

    Welcome Toni - I would say that we are "God's coat of many colors!" :happy: and you are supplying another color/shape/pattern to our unique group!!! I am sorry to hear about your headaches, let us know the results when you get them.

    Hazel - Your stories are so funny. My church connections group has "great" little buffets too. I think my only saving grace if that I'm allergic to most of it, otherwise my willpower might not last least at this point in the game...but I'm working on it. :smile: :tongue:

    Julie - I loved the story about the abandoned Coast Guard house. What a great adventure it must have been exploring it and finding treasures...who knows, take it to an Antiques Roadshow and something could be worth millioans!!! I love to swim also so I can identify with that being my favorite mode of exercise, but since I don't have access to water, I have to walk and use the treadmill. I don't really mind that very much. Your egg salad re-do sounds great; I think I'm going to do that with Tuna this week.

    I think I'm going to have to opt out of the challenge right now. With school and work and other stuff going on, I would have to say yes and then be frustrated when I couldn't keep up.

    Debbie - I'm getting that pedometer from Avon too. I like that it is so affordable and I'm hoping it works well. Also, it would appear that your ticker has moved...has it?...I read back and didn't see anything, but I didn't want to miss a well deserved congratulations!!! so here it is...CONGRATULATIONS on moving your ticker forward!!! :happy: :laugh:

    Anyway, my party went off great. The only thing I was puzzled about was my cheese fondue. I've made it several times and it was always really good, but this time it was off and I can't for the life of me figure out why...??? The GF french bread was awesome and I'm going to make a bread pudding with the leftovers...any ideas on how to make a good one Julie? I've never done it before.

    We played Guesstures and made petrocks and talked and danced and had a ball. Does anyone have Facebook here? If so, we can be friends and share pictures that way...if not, okay. I got rid of Andy and Matt for the night and just had a nice relaxing evening by myself when everyone was gone, which wasn't really until 11:30 p.m. or so. I'm going to count all the dancing I did has exercise because I really did "shake my groove thang" a lot! :laugh: :laugh:

    Today, I ate raw veggies, yogurt, strawberries and drank lots of water so I feel like I'm back on track. When I get home tonight, I have lots of homework to do so I'm not sure I'll get my walk in but I am going to try.

    I'll talk back later, love you all!!! :heart: :heart: :smooched: :smooched: xxoo

  • Lucy, my dear. Do not focus on the negative. YOU CAN DO this. I am proof of it. Let's get together, yeah, yeah, yeah. We can do it together.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Well heeters, getting ready for a cookout here tonight, it has been in the 60's and hubby wants to burn a burger and hot dog or two.

    Lucy so glad your party went well, maybe you just wasn't suppose to have that cheese fondue my dear:wink: , think of the calories and fat you saved. Yes....thanks for noticing....I did move my ticker right along........:heart:

    Julie: speaking of your treasures you found, I seen a show the other night and I never realized but I guess sea glass is very popular and I think it may have been Reese Witherspoon on Regis and Kelly saying the other day what a hobby it has become for her and many of her celebrity friends. Wow.

    So where is bebe, and wonderland? Hope all is well and we didn't lose anyone????????

    Well gonna get things ready and get dinner on its way....I'm hungry...and I gotta get that exercise in yet this evening.

    bbl Debbie
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    WHAT A DAY!!

    Hello my Fellow HEETers!

    Seems like I've been running non-stop today. Just now sitting down to spend some time with my favorite Gal-Pals! :wink:

    Mmmm...Debbie...grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. Whenever I have a choice it's always a hot dog, burn it black (not like charcoal but with some black crispy spots) and mustard. One of my FAVORITE summer time foods! Your glider story is just too funny. Sorry it didn't work out though. What a bummer! HOOORAY!!! on moving that ticker!! You are making great strides!! I had to laugh out loud at Get it in the END...bosses DW and JP always have their physicals together for their life insurance policies. The physician assistant or whoever it is usually comes to the ottice and I have to make sure they have some "private" space. They always warn me ahead of time so I have to tease them that Doctor Jelly-Finger is making a house call. :laugh: :laugh: It's one of the only times that I can actually embarass them!

    Lucy...Awsome picture! I have a Facebook account but since I've started getting healthy again I rarely visit it. Only when DH tells me something about one of his family or kids that I need to check out. I spend all my spare time with you guys now! But would definitely share my name if you want to add me as a friend. I LOVE the game Guesstures. Used to play it all the time with a neighbor girl. Isn't it a hoot? I meant to ask you this the other day...when you mentioned the book you read you stated one of his priciples. What is Advanced Hygiene? The first thing that came to my mind was flossing my teeth, LOLOL!! I do it everyday, brush at least 3 times a day and shower twice a day. Am I Advanced? My parents sure thought so every month when they got their water bill, LOLOL!

    Hazel! (((HUGS)))! I can't believe with all the food you mentioned in your post that you only went over by 44 calories? What great resistance you must have! No temptation will beat you down! But, are you sure 1200 calories is enough? I'm not a dietician or trainer but I've always been under the impression that 1200 calories is used mostly for ladies on maintenace, not for losing weight. Like Debbie always says, you have to Eat to Lose. Especially since you are exercising. Have you filled out your profile calorie counter thingy? I did and then cross checked it with MSN Health. They have a weight loss calculator. The two came in the same so I assume I'm in good hands.

    Toni - so sorry to hear about the headaches! What a drag! I can also relate to tons of doctor visits and how frustrating it can get. I'm sure hoping they find the problem soon so you can start feeling better. Where is your daughter in law? Tell her to pop in on us. We'd love to have her!

    Cindy, you are just amazing! All the walking you do and the phenominal weight loss this week. You are FOCUSED and DETERMINED! It shows through your posts. And remember, when the scale is not your friend, pull out that tape measure! In reality, inches lost are more important than pounds lost. We have just been programmed throughout the years to focus on the scale and besides, it's easier than measuring but, if we don't have the "inches" we can slip in to our "skinny" clothes easier! Our jeans don't care how much we weigh...just whether or not we can pull them up! :bigsmile:

    So what kind of changes are you all noticing??? Here's one I've noticed. It's a little thing but still it's *something*. I can get in and out of the car easier!! I don't bump in to the steering wheel with my legs getting in or out and when I get in I don't have to do so much *adjusting*. You know, twisting, turning, repositioning my butt, legs, etc., so I can drive. I just pop in, adjust once or twice and go! YEEHAW for the little things!!

    *****As for the Challenge Spreadsheet...I'm thinking it might be too difficult to access. Debbie has to take the long way, Cindy can't Save-It and Hazel hasn't even been there yet. So tonight I'm gonna go back and revisit it and write down all the categories and points system and post them here. Each one can write them on paper and keep track at home. Then, any newcomers can see it and participate if they want to and I can just "copy/paste" the whole thing in a new post. No muss, no fuss. Would that be easier for everyone????*****

    Which reminds me, we are coming up on a new month. I'm going to start a whole new thread on April 1st so be watching for it!! After tomorrow night don't post in this one anymore. I'll start a new one either late tomorrow night or first thing in the morning. I'm thinking of a theme for the month of April...

    A - Adopt (new behaviors) (from Debbie's quote from yesterday - love ya Sistah!:love: )
    P - Patience
    R- Realistic
    I - Insight
    L - Learning

    What do you think??? Funny thing is I've been toying with this for days and just as I sat here to type it out it all came together for me, LOL!

    Ok, I'm off for a bit. Gonna go to the spreadsheet and see what I can do to make it easier for my most bestest Ahhnolld voice...I'lll Be Backkk!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there Heeters, Julie thank you for the compliment and encouragement, also all that you are doing with the motivational point spreadsheet. I'm getting the hang of it, did go back in and bookmark and works fine, but I can track at home as well, whatever everyone wants to do is fine with me. :wink:

    Ya know things are really coming together for us here, now that we are settled in and I am so very happy. The quotes I found that I want to share are about "Friendship", so here you are:

    "Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend." Albert Camus

    'Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of "LIFE".......unknown author

    Cindy, I meant to tell you I am going to try your cake recipe that you shared a day or so ago, sounds so good.

    OKTBear....had you on my mind today.....hope you'll be on the mend soon....keep posting we love having you here...

    Anyone heard from wonderland?

    Well gonna get over to my boards and see what's happenin, be back later,
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Here's our Points Challenge...I mixed it up quite a bit so look carefully...I rounded all the numbers off for easy division and I added some things...points for dairy (we need dairy...Got Milk???), a Healthy Fats category and a Joker Category...I also changed the Fruits and Veggies categories due to natural sugar intake and the necessity for vegetables and changed the Whole Grain category - got to eat more whole/healthy grains!

    Log all your food - 25 points (Non Divisible - either you do it or you don't)
    Stay within your calorie range - 100 points (Non Divisible - either you do or you don't)

    Exercise - your choice - every 10 minutes - 25 points (Need to calculate your time)

    8 Glasses Water - 80 points (Divisible by 8 - every 8oz. glass = 10 Points)
    Eat 2 Dairy - 20 points (Divisible by 2)
    Eat 2 Fruits - 20 points (Divisible by 2)
    Eat 5 Veggies - 50 points (Dibisible by 5 - every Veggie = 10 Points)
    Eat 5 Whole Grains - 50 points (Divisible by 5 - every Whole Grain = 10 Points)
    Eat 2 Healthy Fats - 20 Points (Divisible by 2)

    Share a Recipe or Nutritional Information - 5 points
    Share a Motivational Quote or Song Lyric - 5 points

    Joker's Wild - Share a Personal Accomplishment or Achievement - 25 points

    Bonus Points - Try a New Food - 15 points
    Bonus Points - Try a New Healthified Recipe - 15 points

    All the food categories should be based on USDA Food Pyramid Serving Portions (they just revised it in the last couple of years). I need to go check out their website and input/update that information as to what a serving size is, I just don't have it in front of me but I think the pyramid is important because we need to learn to eat "balanced" meals. I've been trying to *balance* everything and I'm not sure I can cover all the bases within my calorie range because I think the Pyramid is based on a 2000 calorie a day diet. HAVING SAID THAT...I am still trying to eat *balanced* throughout the day whenever possible. At least 1 fruit a day and I usually get 2. I usually get at least 1 dairy in, at least 2 vegetables but I need to start working more on my veggies and on my Whole Grains. I'm just limited to what I have in the house at the moment. White rice for was on sale and cheap and I don't have any brown rice so I've been eating Triscuits to suffice. I also have Shredded Wheat cereal but it's the sugary kind and I'm trying to limit it to only a couple times a see what I'm getting at...

    So, yes, I made some significant changes but I think they are good changes. Copy and Paste the information to something you can print from or just take a few notes. At the end of each day, or the next morning we can compare "Points".

    I'm failing miserably at Points today. I need to figure out where I am but it will be sad indeed, LOL!

    And Please Remember...This is supposed to be FUN and MOTIVATIONAL! Use it to the best of your ability!! None of us here are perfect and we are not going to Nail-It every single day! The point is to take what information we have, what ingredients we have on hand and what time we have available and put it all to the Best Use possible to KICK OUR COMPETITORS BUTTS!!! It's all in good Fun, Health and Enjoyment!

    Now, what should I do first? Finish drinking my water or get on my Healthy-Me Machine??? Let me see, what will give me the most points in the fastest amount of time???????:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ***Edit to say I HAVE NOT updated the spreadsheet to reflect this information...but I can if that will work for *you* as a means of tracking if it's easier. I think I might if only for myself because it's easy enough for me to do...and that way it will be available to anyone in the future...Ok, going back to update the spreadsheet, LOL!!!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters! I finally uploaded a pic. Julie congrats on getting on your health machine. You go girl! I did my 3 mile watp today and we will walk 2 miles tonight. We're going grocery shopping in a few minutes. Julie thanks for making the points system esier.:smile: Debbie you'll :heart: that cake! Toni I hope you feel better. Julie I have noticed that I feel so much better! I can walk 2 miles in 25 minutes . I love this way of life! Lucy your parties sound sooo fun! Hazel has it warmed up a bit for you? It was a beautiful day here in Odessa. Bebe where art thou???? I hope everyone has a super fantastic night! Cindy :flowerforyou:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Julie did a little research for the serving amounts depending on what your calories per day are and here is what I found:

    1,200 calorie diet
    bread 5 servings
    fruit 2 servings
    milk 2 servings
    veggies 3 servings
    meat 5 ozs daily
    fats, oils and sweets use sparingly

    1,500 calorie diet
    bread 6 servings
    veggies 3 servings
    fruit 3 servings
    milk 2 servings
    meat 6 oz. daily
    fats, oils and sweets sparingly

    1,800 calorie diet
    breads 8 servings daily
    veggies 5 servings
    fruit 4 servings
    milk 2 servings
    meat 7 oz. daily
    fats, oils and sweets sparingly

    ***with meat servings that is after cooked, for example hamburger 4 oz. may be 3 oz after cooked**

    What Counts as a Serving Food Group One Serving Is . . .

    Bread, cereal, rice, and pasta 1 slice of bread; half a hamburger bun or English muffin; 1 small roll, biscuit, or muffin; 5 to 6 small or 3 to 4 large crackers; 1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice, or pasta; 1 ounce ready-to-eat cereal

    Fruit One whole fruit, such as a medium apple, banana, or orange; half a grapefruit; a melon wedge; 3/4 cup fruit juice; 1/2 cup berries; 1/2 cup chopped fresh, cooked, or canned fruit; 1/4 cup dried fruit

    Vegetable 1/2 cup cooked vegetables; 1/2 cup chopped raw vegetables; 1 cup leafy raw vegetables, such as lettuce or spinach; 1/2 cup cooked beans, peas, or other legumes*; 3/4 cup vegetable juice

    Milk, yogurt, and cheese 1 cup milk, 8 ounces yogurt, 11/2 ounces natural cheese, 2 ounces processed cheese.

    Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts Amounts should total 2 to 3 servings (for a total of 5 to 7 ounces) of cooked lean meat, poultry without skin, or fish per day. Count 1 egg; 1/2 cup cooked beans, peas, or other legumes*; or 2 tablespoons peanut butter as 1 ounce of meat.

    Fats, oils, and sweets Use sparingly.

    hope this helps....probably pretty much what everyone knows but will give you a basis for those who may have been wondering or needed a refresher
This discussion has been closed.