Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Oh good grief Hazel. If you can do 40 minutes on the elliptical then you Go Girl-Friend! I can barely do 5! I'm not kidding. When I say it kicks my butt I'm not kidding! It's my smoking and drinking. Something I need to work on someday but I'm not ready yet...

    So...I've been wondering how Competitive we might be???? As individuals. Would it motivate you? Would it turn you off? I used to be very competitive as a kid and teenager. Softball, tennis, jogging and swim team at school, not to mention just neighborhood games of what-ever. Maybe it would *Jar* some of us out of our Comfort Zone? Considering I had my major breakthrough and Spring will be thawing out some of our northern friends soon I wanted to present it for consideration.

    I knew there were at least a couple of groups from the old site that had "Point" systems and I ventured back there (giving happy Mo-Jo to my computer the whole time :wink: ) and found one. I've taken their point system and incorporated a few ideas of my own. Mind you...this is very rough and generic. I didn't want to spend a whole lot of time on it if nobody was interested....but I wanted to test the waters...


    Stay within your calorie range - 50 points

    Work-Out (your choice - walk, swim, treadmill, whatever) - every 15 minutes = 10 points

    Once Serving Vitamin C - 10 points

    Eat 3 servings fruits and/or veggies - 5 points
    Eat 5 servings fruits and/or veggies - 10 points

    Share something new - recipe or nutritional info - 10 points

    Share something motivational - quote or song lyric - 5 points

    Drink at least 8 servings water - 10 points

    Bonus Weekly Points

    Try 1 new food a week (fruit or veggie or something) - 5 points

    Try 1 new recipe a week - 5 points

    Posting Daily - 5 points

    It would be honor system, of course, but at the end of each week we could compare points and tally them at the end of the month. Would something like this work for you? Would this be something to motivate you even more than your current level of motivation? Again, it's rough. Maybe as a team we could tighten it up, add or delete catefories or modify the points.

    I need all the help I can get in getting over my "fear" of that elliptical. Will something like this work? I don't know. But I'm game for anything. An open-mind will get me everywhere.

    Thank you again Debbie. Now it's time for me to push through it. I'm not happy about it, I'm not looking forward to it, but *I WILL* change my mind set about it. *I WILL* get through it...(praying...God please send warm weather to warm up my pool...LOLOLOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )


    **Edit to say...Debbie and I were posting again at the same time...Happens WAY too often, LOL! And your girlfriend hit the mark. It's time to open our minds. Think about what we read or what we hear with a new set of eyes and ears. Open minds can do wonders in this journey!!! :love:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi heeters, Cindy was reading your post and it brought tears to my eyes. Its just so bittersweet, give that baby extra kisses....

    Julie I think your idea is a great idea. It would not be that hard to track our points our food diary would reflect alot of what we would be counting daily and then combining for our end of the week and or monthly totals, so sure, I'm up to anything...and I am definitely in if others want to give it a try.

    For any that are doing the walking with me we are coming up on getting in a minimum of 3,500 steps this coming week, so strap on those pedometers and let's get movin.....I started out with the walking path 3 days a week and am up to 5 days a week now, just on the path.

    Where is Bebe and Wonderland.............come out come out wherever you are......
    See you all tomorrow,
    Bless you all and thank you all for your frinedship:flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi everyone. Eddie just got picked up. That little boy is sooo lovable! He'll be back tomorrow for the day. Thanks Julie, Debbie and Hazel for your kind and loving thoughts about Eddie. Julie I love your points system idea! I am very competitive. :smile: I'm getting ready to go on my 2 mile walk. I hope everyone had a great day and please have a super night! :flowerforyou: ttfn- Cindy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Morning HEETers...

    Cindy and Debbie and anyone else who wants to try it...I'll start working on the Point System. I think I'll try to make it a Google Doc so we can all access it real time and when ever it's convienent for each of us. I was part of an old group that used the Google Doc to track everyone's weight loss but I've never set one up myself. I'll play with it. AND REMEMBER everybody, it's totally OPTIONAL!! You don't have to try it if you don't want to. I just want to see if I have any competitive spirit left in me that will help me along the way.

    I should have gotten on the Health Machine as soon as I got up but I'm not in the habit yet. Now I need to let my breakfast settle just a bit.

    Still not quite awake yet...I'll check back a little later...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeter, I'm waiting for Ediie to be dropped off for the day. Julie, I can't wait to get started on your points system. I hope everyone has a great day today. julie get on your health machine and go to town. You can do it! :flowerforyou: Just think how strong all that swimming has made you. :smile: I'll check back later when I get a chance. Waving to- Debbie, Lucy, Hazel, Bebe and all that follow. :flowerforyou: ttfn - Cindy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ok, got the Google Doc set up. It was easy enough to do but there's a catch. In order to "share" it over the web I have to actually *invite* you to do so. So, there will be two steps..

    First, if you've never been to Google Docs before you need to go there first and register. Just an email address and a pass word. That's it.

    I think it might take a few hours for them to verify your email and send you a confirmation - so don't get overly excited yet...

    Once you're established you'll need to send me a private message through this board with your email address and I'll *invite* you to access the spreadsheet and input your own data.

    Sounds complicated but it's not.

    Debbie, I had your email and already sent the invitation but you'll need to register with Google Docs before you'll be able to access anything...

    Once we all get there and review it, I can make any necessary changes. One thing on the Fruit and Veggie Columns, I intentionally did 2. If you eat a minimum of 3 servings you get X points but if you go for the gusto and get in 5 servings you can ADD another X points. So, eat 3 get points, eat 5 get MORE points!

    I set the starting date for today and each day you can add to it as the week goes on. Try to keep up with it every day so we can *SEE WHERE OUR COMPETITION IS*!! :tongue: Come Saturday we will wrap it up Sunday morning we can start a new week.

    Ok....gonna start working on my office and get on my Health Machine. I've got some Points to earn!!:wink:

    Waving to Hazel...I think she's at church and the Briday Shower today and Waving to Bebe...where are you girl??? Waving to Lucy and waiting for details on the party! And waving to OKT and hope you'll join us again soon. Make it a great day!

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    ***Carbohydrates and proteins are difficult to digest. As a matter of fact, the body uses about 25% of these calories just to metabolize them. Example: When you eat a 100-calorie piece of bread, your body uses 25 calories in the digestion process. That leaves you with 75 calories to burn or store. The digestion process is slow, so you have a while to burn those 75 calories. The same is true with protein calories.

    Fats are a different story. The body is 98% efficient in processing fat. When you eat a 100-calorie tablespoon of any fat, your body uses two (yes, 2) calories in the digestion process. That leaves you with 98 calories to burn or store. Fat, by nature, is "ready" to be burned or stored, and the digestion process is fast. Unless you are pedaling the exercise bike when you eat high-fat foods, you are going to store some immediately. All calories are NOT created equal.***

    This is a repost from something I posted back on page 3. The reason I'm reposting it is because I think it is probably one of the most important things we can learn from *calorie counting*, AND, because I just shaved a gazillion calories AND Fat Calories off the Egg Salad I just made for DH's lunches this week. Here's the breakdown...

    Hellmann's Mayo has 90 Calories per 1 Single Tablespoon - All 90 of those are from Fat

    Breakstone's Low Fat Sour Cream has 40 Calories per 2 Tablespoons - 30 of those from Fat

    So I mixed half and half Mayo and Sour Cream in with the eggs, added a tad bit more mustard than I usually do because I could taste a hint of sour cream flavor and added extra fresh ground pepper. I ALSO did this last weekend when I made potato salad and we couldn't tell the difference, matter of fact, we liked it more because it had a real nice creamy texture.

    DH wanted Egg Salad and Tuna Salad sandwiches for lunch this week. When he runs out of the Egg I'm going to try the same thing with the Tuna and see how it comes out. I'll let you know...

    Happy Eating!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ok, close, but not quite... still too huge :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Julie, got your email, followed your instruction and set up google account, when I then went into google doc to access it from the account I set up, when google tried to download it, said too large.
    So I went back to the email and was able to access the spreadsheet fine from the link in the email and could navigate around, tried adding and deleted points just to get the hang on it and it worked fine, so don't know what you want to do.

    I am not real computer savy or very famiiliar with anything excel related, but like I said, I had no trouble in the link you put in the email, but I can not get to the spreadsheet through my google account. Figured you would better understand this, and didn't know if anyone else had tried.

    Might be best we just make a track sheet here at home and log it daily on an honor system and then report the points to you end of each week, the simplier the better, suppose to be motivational not like work, eh? LOL

    Well Heeters, hope your all having a great day!!!!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hmmm...not quite sure what you're saying Debbie. When you go to Google Docs are you seeing the spreadsheet called Daily Heet Motivation (or whatever I named it, lol)? You shouldn't try to download it, just double click to open it.

    Once inside you just enter the number of points for each category. When done, save it.

    If that's not working for you then by all means, just keep something in writing at home and let me and Cindy (and anybody else) know where you stand during and ending the day.

    By all means...KISS...Keep it simple, silly!!

    I'm trying to upload something within these posts so if you see me getting ALL KINDS of :mad: :mad: :grumble: :grumble: ...don't mind me, LOL!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Publix Premium - Blended Grain Bread, 2 slice 140
    Orange juice - Raw, 1.5 cup 167
    Eggs - Fried (whole egg), 1 large 92
    I Can't Believe Its Not Butter-Light, 1.5 Tablespoon 75
    Remember Meal 474

    Nabisco - Triscuit Reduced Fat , 7 crackers 120
    Kraft - Philadelphia 1/3 Less Fat Cream Cheese, 2 Tbsp 70
    Remember Meal 190

    Salad dressing - Thousand island, regular, 1.85 tbsp 120
    Fresh Express - Heart of Romaine Lettuce, 1 cups 8
    Publix Coleslaw - Coleslaw, 0.5 cup 160
    Pork - Fresh, loin, blade (chops), bone-in, lean only, cooked, broiled, 4.5 oz
    Publix Brand - Red Potato With Skins , 1 medium 5.3 oz 100
    Remember Meal 676

    Waterbugs - 100 Calorie Meal, 0.75 serving 75
    Remember Meal 75

    Total: 1,415
    Your Daily Goal: 1,550
    Remaining: 135

    OK, still playing, I'm just trying to get see if I can share my food log and what is the easiest way...and this log is not complete nor accurate. I was researching some foods when I decided to play around...
  • Hello Heeters! Guess Sunday is almost gone. Whew! What a busy day it has been.

    Before I forget, Julie, I like your idea of the point system except I am very poor and not disciplined enough. Perhaps this may change this and would put me on the right track of disciplining myself. You all are such great teachers and motivators. Competitiveness? Me? Not really. But if this will start getting me more disciplined, I will certainly be joining in. It may be a hit and miss and i am praying it will be mostly a hit.

    I need interpretation on how to do this google doc thingee and will then see if i can get it going and send you my email address. Or, you can "walk" me through this? I am such a visual person. Remember, I am RETIRED so please have patience with me. My brains refuse to listen and comply sometimes.

    As for eliptical did only 5 minutes last night. I guess all the walking I did shopping at Costco and Kroger just wore me out and I took that as my walking for the day exercise plus I got on my chi machine and that is aerobics ... so there you go. LOL. I survived. :laugh: :laugh: :huh:

    Our Sunday School started having breakfast in class the 5th Sunday of the month. So here we go. Such a challenge. I took bananas, strawberries, black grapes, mini cinnamon rolls (2 for 210 calories). I thought that would give me a good choice but then there is temptation always lurking around the corner with egg and potato breakfast burrito on flour tortilla, scrambled huevo with chorizo and jalapeno, biscuit and gravy, Amish friendship bread. :sad: :blushing: :tongue: :happy:smile: Tomorrow's another day.

    Wedding shower was very nice. Of course, calories galore with the cake, cookies. Tried to be careful but then ..... old habits are hard to break.

    But, dinner will be shrimp bisque which I am trying for the first time with unsalted saltines. Hope this will help my calorie count for the day. Oh boy!

    That's my day, gals. Exercise at the gym will come early tomorrow morning and here is another week to working on better eating habits. Thank you for listening and I know look forward to your encouragement and hints to help me fight my battle.

    Love you all. Okay ... where is Bebe? Recouping from her stressful seminar perhaps? How can living in the Bahamas be stressful, you might wonder. Hmmmm. Black Chick, where are you? We are missing your presence.:smile:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers,

    Debbie, how are you making out with the spreadsheet? Did you see my above post? Did it help?

    Cindy, did you get my invite? I see where some points were logged for you but I don't see you in the "invited list" or whatever it is...maybe Debbie typed those points in your row?

    Here's another tip...the spreadsheet goes way across the screen. Several categories. If you pull it up you can use the sliding arrow at the bottom or if you type something in a cell (that's one of the little boxes) you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard. It will take you all the way across the screen. You can do these to go up or down.

    I added a comment in one of the "empty" cells. You can tell it's there because the upper right corner of the cell has a red triangle in it. All you have to do to read it is scroll your mouse over it and it will show up. Don't click on it...just position your mouse over it. You can do it too...just go the cell and "right" click your mouse. A drop down menu will appear, click on Add Comment. When your done hit the enter key on your keyboard. Whalla!

    Let's play with it for a week or so and see if it's too much to Debbie says...I don't want it to be work. I forgot to add a Dairy Column so I'll go back in and add it. We NEED our dairy for strong bones and teeth
    >! :bigsmile:

    Here's a question...I have a column for "2 Healthy Grains" but so far I've only eaten 1, a serving of Triscuits (says 1 serving = 54% of daily RDA - I figured that was worth at least 1 serving) so I gave myself 12.5 points for it. Is that fair or should I eat 2 servings to get the points? I did the same thing with my exercise. So far I've only done 2 sets of 10 minutes each on the elliptical. I'm still shy 10 minutes to get the minimum 30 minutes for 50 points. Any amount of intentional exercise is worth something, eh? In addition, I'm thinking 2 servings of whole grains is not enough. Should we increase it to at least 3?

    Ok...Hazel...I'm not sure if it's competitiveness or a feeling of complete accountability. But let me tell you...I *really* watched what I ate today and made sure to get in ALL my water! I'm even trying really hard to get my minimum of 30 minutes of exercise. Right now, it's working for me...let's hope the motivation will continue because it really got me going today!

    So, go to and register. An email and a password is all it takes. Once they send you an approval (in your regular email) just follow whatever it is they tell you to do. I forget exactly what it is, probably click on the link or something, but you can figure it out. Once that's done let me know and I'll send you the "invite". Once that happens I'll give you further instructions.

    It sounds like you have a totally fun but busy day. One thing I noticed about your breakfast...try eating some protein like an egg or a piece of meat of some kind, even if it's just lunchmeat. A little bit of protein will go a long way to staving off hunger and giving you a feeling of satiation. Something I learned a long time ago and now I eat protein for breakfast almost every single morning of my life. Boil up some eggs in advance and keep them handy for those mornings when you are running out the door to the gym. With all your exercise you probably need the protein anyway to help build and strengthen your muscles.

    Now, WHERE IS BEBE???? And LUCY??? And OKT???

    I've got 10 more minutes to get in on my "Health Machine", my "Beautification Machine", my "I'm Getting Healthier Machine" so I can rack up some exercise points. Can't let Debbie and Cindy get the best of me!

    Off to exercise...YAY ME!! :smile:

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, fogot to give you a quote today, this one is simply and short, and will still earn me points so here goes: :wink:

    "Adopt, Adapt, Change" unknown:love:

    Julie I have spent a few hours and the best way for me to get to the point board is to access it through the link you sent me in the email. Perhaps it is my old computer here, or my internet connection just keeps saying redirecting microsofl internet explorer and won't open, but when I do through the link I am their and can post my points, so its a short cut and as long as I can get to it and post that's all that really matters. :blushing:

    :smooched: Thank you Julie for working on this for all of us and I really do appreciate the time you have taken in your weekend to do this for us to motivate and inspire us on our journeys. :heart:

    I sent a personal email out to Bebe, hoping all is okay and told her how much we miss her today, hope all is well. Where is wonderland?.........OKTBear....come out from hiding..........miss you all.........

    take care and see you all tomorrow,
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213

    "Adopt, Adapt, Change" unknown:love:

    How TRUE it is!!

    Debbie, you're welcome for "all my work" but really, it's nothing. :blushing: In my daily life I live by spreadsheets so actually creating it is nothing. Just want to get it right...something that we can all use and enjoy as yet *another* tool in our arsenault! LOL

    Try doing one more thing...get there the way you are using now and once you get to the main page, the one with just our the title of the spreadsheet, try saving it to your Favorites or Bookmarking it. See it that will "keep" it there. That might save you a few steps. I have mine saved as a Favorite, just like this site, and all I do is click and I'm there. You might have to go to the main sign in page first and click the "Remember Me" button then actually sign in before saving it to your favorites that way it' will "know" it's you when you hit your Favorite link.

    Thanks for emailing Bebe. I'm beginning to wonder about her. Maybe her computer crashed again???

    I'm off for the night. Got in my 30 minutes of exercise and I can feel it. In a good way. Let's see what my legs feel like tomorrow, :laugh: :laugh:

    Nitey Nite HEETers! Sweet Sunday Dreams to all!

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, Eddie just got picked up. I'm sooo tired. He didn't take a nap today. Poor little guy kicks and screams bloody murder whenever I take him near the playpen. He has always taken his naps in the playpen before when I watched him no problem. I told his father this and he said when his mom was here she used to put Eddie in the playpen and leave him there alone all day. :frown: I feel so bad for this little guy! I pray his dad finds a steady job and Im can watch Eddie full time again. I didn't get to do my 3 mile watp today because he didn't nap. I am however getting ready to go do my 2 mile power walk. We walked 2 miles in 28 minutes last night. I burned 420 calories according to my heart rate monitor. :smile: Julie- WAY TO GO on your exercise! I found the spreadsheet but it won't save for me. It keeps saying there's an error. I made a pinapple orange diet pop cake today and it rocks! I took a pineapple cake mix ,1 egg beater and one can of diet orange pop. Mix it up and bake according to directions on the box. I made it in a 9x 13 pan and cut it into 6 pieces. Each piece has 35 calories in it. :bigsmile: YUMMY!!!!! I also tried hummus for the first time and it's soooo yummy! Well Heeters I'm off to go on my walk. I hope everyone had a great day! I'll talk to everyone tomorrow. :flowerforyou: Cindy
  • Hi everyone, I can't post much right now and I haven't had a chance to catch up on everyone's posting, but I wanted to stop in and say last night was AWESOME. However, Hazel, I can't say that just because I was hostessing, I didn't eat much, because while I didn't eat much, what I did eat wasn't the best. Well, tomorrow is another day! I changed my profile picture to show my wild and wacky costume...I had on so much makeup that it took a while to wash it off, but it was fun. The other girl is my friend Gina, she dressed as Backwoods Barbie, from Dolly Parton song!

    Anyway, I'll talk tomorrow and get my act together too!

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi everyone, just can't stay away, thought I would turn in early and didn't happen, got to watching Home Edition with Ty Pennington. Great family on there tonight. So good to hear from Cindy~~~waving to cindy, you have such heart and let me say I love you for your compassion, and caring heart, I hope too that little Eddie can be in your life more, and as for the exercise, a little missed here and there is Okay, what you did for Eddie today makes up for it sweetheart. I am sure you burnt some calories, just in a different way:wink:
    Lucy you and Gina look lovely let me tell ya. I am so glad all went well, and you put so much into hosting and planning, so glad you had a wonderful time.
    Julie, I will do that, duhhhhhh I didn't even think to bookmark or add it to favorites, but I will (I can do that, LOL).....honestly when I worked I did alot of these things, then with all the memory loss from illness and the like, I just remember fragments of things, and its crazy.....but I'll keep at it....I didn't lose everything there, I still have determination to work at it til I get it!!!!::happy:

    Boy its cold here tonight, the rain came in today and its made everything damp and cold. You guys wanta hear something funny. We have this site that we trade things and this guy had this cardioglide plus that he was giving away. Well the minute I saw it I said sure I'll take it off your hands. Well this was friday. So kicked out a couple emails and didn't hear anything went into the site thought maybe he changed his mind and deleted his offer, it was still there so emailed him from my group and he sent me an email with his phone number. So I call him, he tells me I am the lucky one to get it and we start talking about where I need to come to pick it up. Now our town has grown, new subdivisions and the like, and I don't know of any such street he says he is on, so take down his street address and told him I would check it out on mapquest. So we arrange for me to pick it up tomorrow when he gets home from work. Well while I am on mapquest, I tell hubby, there is no such street or other streets he named. The guy calls me back and tells me its not too heavy to lift, won't need to bring help as first thought then I tell him I can't find his street and he says you are in PA aren't you? I said, ahhhhhh No I am in Ohio. He says oh dear I am so sorry, I guess I really messed up, how can I fix it. So we laugh as he is 6 1/2 hrs. away from me drive time and I can't possibly afford to go to PA after this thingy I would love to have, and so after a great laugh, I tell him what he needs to do on the site, and to re-post it, or go to next person that responded, and we said our goodbyes. :laugh: :laugh:

    Darn it anyhow......but let me tell you in these troubled times, if I had the money to get there I would have been headed out in the morning.....We have a room here in my father in laws house that when it ever comes through and we know we are here to stay I am thinking of converting the spare bedroom in to a fitness room/computer room and then I will have a refuge to go and exercise, and keep in touch with all of you.
    Well talk to you all tomorrow, I am really gettin off here for the night, so sweet skinny dreams everyone, Debbie:heart:
  • Hello my dear sistas. It is late and I just got on and read your postings.

    Cindy, may God continue to bless you as you work with Eddie. That poor child sounds like he has been traumatized by his mother. He is so lucky to have you in his life now and I pray that you will be able to continue to be with him to help him overcome some of his trauma. May God continue to use you in a very special way. And, keep up your dedication to exercise when you can. you are so committed. Way to go.

    Julie, I have not had a chance to get on to google.doc yet, but I will see if I can give it a try tomorrow. One thing, I keep thinking about it much more than I thought I would. So thank you for your encouragement and working on this special project to help all of us. You are so very sweet to do this. And, I congratulate you for the 30 minutes on your elliptical. I knew you could do it.

    Lucy, that is a very cute picture of you and your firend, Gina. I am so happy your party was a great success and don't worry about what you ate as long as you enjoyed it and had such fun at your party like it sounds you did. Good for your to put all that effort to planning, preparing and see it through. We all need fun activities like this.

    Debbie, you are so good with all your quotes. i just don't know where you all get them, but they are great. You, too, are doing so well. Keep on.

    You gals are really motivating me and I am actually getting excited about doing this tracking of my food diary. Haven't entered anything today as it was a "me" day, but I will attempt to load it in now at this late hour.

    Good night all and look forward to hearing from you all tomorrow. :yawn:
This discussion has been closed.