GIrl, please; are bikini pics really the best display of a "



  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I'm sure God will burn me once I click "Post Reply."

    I don't really think that comment was necessary to prove your point-- especially since all people who believe aren't judging others in bikinis.

    I believe in God as well, it was more intended for those that are saying it's shameful in God's eyes and such.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I think body confidence is hugely under-rated.

    However; is it really confidence that leads a woman to feel she needs to display her nearly naked body for comment?

    Personally (and yes, this is my OPINION) I prefer to keep some parts of my body a secret for only my husband to unwrap. I don't wear a bikini. I don't wear a sports bra without a shirt over it. I don't wear "ta-da!" shorts. Or any number of the myriad of revealing clothes that I've been told I should aspire to wear. I don't let my daughter wear them either.


    I think we all have to be ourselves. I, personally, don't like to show any skin, but am willing, when my body is the size I'd like, to wear a spandex leotard and bike shorts or leggings or the like. I'm old, and my skin is wrinkled, scarred and discolored, like it gets when you've lived a long time, and I'd like to have the body confidence not to mind that, but I do. I'd already lost a lot of my weight before I joined, and this smaller-but-not-small-yet me has already embraced the clingier look of yoga pants and skinny jeans. The old me always wore baggy, elastic waisted pants. So, yeah, I do think it's body confidence that makes these younger women want to flaunt their hard work in a bikini. More power to them.

    "A secret for my husband to unwrap" sounds a little...holier (literally) than thou.
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    Well, bikinis don't show boobs, they don't show your butt or anything i'm not really sure what your issue is? If I'm hot enough to rock a bikini, I'm gonna rock a goddamn bikini.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Just because someone voices their opinion doesn't mean she should be treated like crap about it....None of you being rude or mean and calling names have any right to do so....she clearly stated that this was HER OPINION.

    I can understand her being offended by some peoples choice of pictures on here, and that's fine. I can also understand people's reaction to it. All in all, if you post pics don't make others feel as though they have molested you after looking at your pics, I think that is all she was trying to get across. Be classy, tasteful (which 2 piece bathing suits CAN be and most are....)and why doesn't everyone try being respectful.

    I'm sorry am I missing something? Because your avatar shows a completely nude woman with a hand over her breast and her *kitten* showing.

  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    I have lost 52 freakin' pounds...i'm gonna wear what I dang well please, post pictures of me wearing it, and run nekkid down the street if I so choose.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I'm sure God will burn me once I click "Post Reply."

    I don't really think that comment was necessary to prove your point-- especially since all people who believe aren't judging others in bikinis.

    I totally agree! This is not about religion. I am a Christian and I come in on the side of it being someone's choice whether they post bikini pics or wear a bikini. Just because that is not the choice I made, I don't judge someone else for making a different choice.
  • bejuled74
    bejuled74 Posts: 191 Member
    Just because someone voices their opinion doesn't mean she should be treated like crap about it....None of you being rude or mean and calling names have any right to do so....she clearly stated that this was HER OPINION.

    I can understand her being offended by some peoples choice of pictures on here, and that's fine. I can also understand people's reaction to it. All in all, if you post pics don't make others feel as though they have molested you after looking at your pics, I think that is all she was trying to get across. Be classy, tasteful (which 2 piece bathing suits CAN be and most are....)and why doesn't everyone try being respectful.

    While I agree that things don't need to get ugly...she's the one that asked for everyone's thoughts...and that's what she's getting.
  • If I had the body, I'd wear a bikini!!!

    ^^ This
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I think body confidence is hugely under-rated.

    However; is it really confidence that leads a woman to feel she needs to display her nearly naked body for comment?

    Personally (and yes, this is my OPINION) I prefer to keep some parts of my body a secret for only my husband to unwrap. I don't wear a bikini. I don't wear a sports bra without a shirt over it. I don't wear "ta-da!" shorts. Or any number of the myriad of revealing clothes that I've been told I should aspire to wear. I don't let my daughter wear them either.


    I think they are wearing them because it makes it easy to see their progress and show it off. Works of art are meant to be seen, not locked up from the world ;-).
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    I think body confidence is hugely under-rated.

    However; is it really confidence that leads a woman to feel she needs to display her nearly naked body for comment?

    Personally (and yes, this is my OPINION) I prefer to keep some parts of my body a secret for only my husband to unwrap. I don't wear a bikini. I don't wear a sports bra without a shirt over it. I don't wear "ta-da!" shorts. Or any number of the myriad of revealing clothes that I've been told I should aspire to wear. I don't let my daughter wear them either.


    I think we all have to be ourselves. I, personally, don't like to show any skin, but am willing, when my body is the size I'd like, to wear a spandex leotard and bike shorts or leggings or the like. I'm old, and my skin is wrinkled, scarred and discolored, like it gets when you've lived a long time, and I'd like to have the body confidence not to mind that, but I do. I'd already lost a lot of my weight before I joined, and this smaller-but-not-small-yet me has already embraced the clingier look of yoga pants and skinny jeans. The old me always wore baggy, elastic waisted pants. So, yeah, I do think it's body confidence that makes these younger women want to flaunt their hard work in a bikini. More power to them.

    "A secret for my husband to unwrap" sounds a little...holier (literally) than thou.

    I totally agree with you!!! Exactly what I was thinking :)
  • ActorGirl1476
    ActorGirl1476 Posts: 221 Member
    a gift for you!
    I think I need to go find mine from the other thread and do this too.
    Here ya go -
    127 pounds lighter than I used to be, I've got loose skin and stretch marks and am still proud of what I've accomplished. Do I flaunt it as a general rule? Heck no.
    Do I need to be ashamed because I'm not perfect?
    Also no.

    wow! You have done such great work!
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I have lost 52 freakin' pounds...i'm gonna wear what I dang well please, post pictures of me wearing it, and run nekkid down the street if I so choose.

    I live on Ranch Drive, haha. :)
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    This thread is great reading..
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    I'm sure God will burn me once I click "Post Reply."

    I don't really think that comment was necessary to prove your point-- especially since all people who believe aren't judging others in bikinis.

    I believe in God as well, it was more intended for those that are saying it's shameful in God's eyes and such.

    Oh well, let them the end, what really matters is what He judged anyway (and I don't think He cares about your bikini.) :laugh:
  • adam & eve were naked


    There is nothing wrong with bikini pics. My husband encouarges my bikini pics and luv how luvs my curves in a bikini.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Well, this is entirely unrelated to the "discussions" going on, but seriously, are "ta-da!!!" shorts like little shorts? Maybe it's because I'm from the UK, but I've never heard that before but I am TOTALLY going to be using it!

    As in, oh look, I can fit into my ta-da!!! shorts again!
  • DanaKinney
    DanaKinney Posts: 10 Member
    Hate your own fat and leave everyone else's for them to hate. In the mean time, don't hold back, ugly comes in all shapes and sizes.

  • I agree with this wholeheartedly. Wearing super short shorts and a really revealing top is just disgusting in my personal opinion, UNLESS they're your workout clothes (and even then, there's a fine line between what's acceptable and what makes someone look like a *kitten*).

    Really? Well if me wearing this bikini makes look like a *kitten*, then I'm one badass *kitten*! LMAO :flowerforyou:


    Us badass *kitten* are what makes the world go round.. Lucky I dont have a bikini pic on my computer hehehe

    :heart: :drinker:
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    So I guess all of you here who are saying people should be allowed to wear what they want nad its their perogative ( I agree btw) would alos have no problem with a man walking down the street with nothing more than a smile on his face and you'd have nothing agains tthe Muslim woman who chose to cover her face as part of her religion and nothing against the goth who walked his girl down the street with a leash around her neck?

    If you want to be an advocate of freedom of expression, then please don't forget to be consistant.

    Live and let live. As long as you are not physically hurting me (or anyone else) go for it! Life is way too short to be petty. "Don't sweat the petty stuff and please, don't pet the sweatty stuff!!" :laugh: Lighten up everyone!! (pun intended) :flowerforyou:
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    For the "ungodly" subject.. wasnt eve created naked? just a thought?