

  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I won't even bother to read the pages before, because I'm sure there were some real winners.

    The best "dieting" advice I ever got was this: "If you lose it quickly, you can gain it back quickly." Slow and steady wins the race is cliche, but true.

    Hope everything works out for you. :flowerforyou:
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    I like juices, and I think a few days of juice only is a great way to have a clean out,
    but the thing is my juicer is a big bulky Panasonic juicer that is annoying to clean so I don't get it out much anymore, it was considered to be a really good one when I bought it 25 years ago and i did use it all the time then, but i think there must be an easy to clean easy to use more compact juicer on the market by now . Any one know what a good one would be.

    I am in favour of Fast weight loss coupled with total determination NOT to fall back into old weight gaining habits ..its a lifestyle change ...once the weight is lost keep it off, Its about will power and self discipline, and the reward is good health for LIFE
    I want to die healthy
    The sooner you lose it the better your health, and I'm not going to take ages to get my health better, everyday I carry around the extra fat is another day of over taxing my organs and shortening my life or quality of life.

    So I have a sense of urgency, none of this slow and steady stuff for me, I want FAST life changing results

    Juice would probably be better than a whole load of unsaticfying snacks.
    LOL LOL Anyway little pickers wear bigger knickers and I want to wear sexy ones...HA HA
  • clem7444
    clem7444 Posts: 64 Member
    Maybe I'll try juicing, too--as soon as someone figures out how to make pizza a juice. Mmm...pizza.
  • Gods_Flower
    For this juice fast. do you take any laxatives with it?

    yes, and I also use spirulina powder in my smoothies
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    For this juice fast. do you take any laxatives with it?

    yes, and I also use spirulina powder in my smoothies

  • Gods_Flower
    Maybe I'll try juicing, too--as soon as someone figures out how to make pizza a juice. Mmm...pizza.

    yummy, pizza juice.:wink:
  • Gods_Flower
    :laugh: :laugh: Talk about a:wink: HOT TOPIC:laugh: :laugh:
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    :laugh: :laugh: Talk about a:wink: HOT TOPIC:laugh: :laugh:

    It definitely is. I think there are just a lot of people on here that are concerned and don't want to see anything bad happen to an obviously sweet girl. Treat your body well; it's the only one you've got. :flowerforyou:
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    I loved this doc! I think he had amazing results & I personally don't see anything wrong with juicing as long as you make sure you're getting the nutrients your body needs. it's important to get a variety of fruits & veggies! my aunt is really into holistic medicine and she does a 5-7 day cleanse 1-2 times a year just for general upkeep & she's healthy as can be.

    I'd be really careful with how i ate when i came off the cleanse though, especially since you're doing it for so long. It's going to be hard on your body to start eating solid foods again and I would deff start small with raw / whole fruits and veggies. Red meat can be really hard on your system if you're not used to eating it so i would deff hold off on that.

    good luck! (:
  • renu74
    renu74 Posts: 90 Member
    Maybe I'll try juicing, too--as soon as someone figures out how to make pizza a juice. Mmm...pizza.

    yummy, pizza juice.:wink:
    Good one!!

    On a serious note..
    I did watch that movie and IT IS inspirational. So much, that me and my husband went and bought the juicer( yes the same one). I tried it for 1 month lost 10lnbs. Then I guess the detox effects or what, but I had horrible nausea, like I was pregnant( and no I was not). I could not take a sip of any juice that we made, I just started feeling dizzy and nauseated ALL the time. I took 4months break and now I only drink breakfast juice with fruits. It could be a good thing, but your body will tell you if it is for you or not.

    Good Luck!!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    After two meals of only juice, I'd gnaw my own leg off, followed by that of anyone else who crossed my path. Just sayin'
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    She calls the OP, or at least the OP's plan "stupidity" and you think my reply was the offensive post?? Or perhaps not , since you deleted the post to which I replied. (BTW - I work in healthcare too. Doesn't make me an expert on juicing)

    Okay... how about this:

    I find the idea of a 60-day juice fast to be foolish if the faster does not take sufficient care to supplement for the nutrients critical to a healthy life. Even then I find the idea of a 60 juice fast to be foolish because it accomplishes nothing that a health solid-food diet cannot accomplish with less discomfort to the dieter.

    But... I'm still saying I think that a 60-day fast is stupid... but I'm saying it in a nicer way. I'm sorry my lack of diplomacy offended you. I find the attitudes expressed in this thread to be exasperating at best. I cannot help but ask: why do people insist on torturing themselves? I love food.

    I'm really not attacking the OP. She sounds very enthusiastic about her choice... and it's her right to make that choice. It's a choice I disagree with, but it's still her right. For her sake, I hope she'll supplement if she decides to do this long term.

    Stupid when not done correctly is something I can agree with. Whether it is the best choice is a purely individual thing. I would never consider it, but my preference certainly doesn't make anyone else's decision stupid. As long as they are doing it correctly, of course. :flowerforyou:
  • dendra7
    dendra7 Posts: 113 Member
    When I can juice a bowl of pasta then I am down for it...until then, I have spinach tortelini on the menu tonight and I am not missing out on that!

    I think a bowl of 'juiced' pasta is called paste. In the case of your dinner tonight, that's green paste.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    If you want to learn how to eat clean, why not just do that- start eating clean? Why juices? Losing weight fast can be dangerous- plus you can't stay on this diet forever.
    I'm with most of these posters, I wish you well but if I had nothing to eat but juice for 60 days, I'd want to stab myself! LOL
  • Gods_Flower
    After two meals of only juice, I'd gnaw my own leg off, followed by that of anyone else who crossed my path. Just sayin'

    he he he:laugh: I totally understand AND had that same feeling.....
  • Gods_Flower
    If you want to learn how to eat clean, why not just do that- start eating clean? Why juices? Losing weight fast can be dangerous- plus you can't stay on this diet forever.
    I'm with most of these posters, I wish you well but if I had nothing to eat but juice for 60 days, I'd want to stab myself! LOL

    I have learned how to eat clean after juice fasting, but I've also incorporated Juicing into my daily life, and yes, it is very hard to do.
  • Gods_Flower
    I loved this doc! I think he had amazing results & I personally don't see anything wrong with juicing as long as you make sure you're getting the nutrients your body needs. it's important to get a variety of fruits & veggies! my aunt is really into holistic medicine and she does a 5-7 day cleanse 1-2 times a year just for general upkeep & she's healthy as can be.

    I'd be really careful with how i ate when i came off the cleanse though, especially since you're doing it for so long. It's going to be hard on your body to start eating solid foods again and I would deff start small with raw / whole fruits and veggies. Red meat can be really hard on your system if you're not used to eating it so i would deff hold off on that.

    good luck! (:

  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    If you want to learn how to eat clean, why not just do that- start eating clean? Why juices? Losing weight fast can be dangerous- plus you can't stay on this diet forever.
    I'm with most of these posters, I wish you well but if I had nothing to eat but juice for 60 days, I'd want to stab myself! LOL

    I have learned how to eat clean after juice fasting, but I've also incorporated Juicing into my daily life, and yes, it is very hard to do.

    But if you eat clean, why do you have to do a juice fast too? I am not trying to be difficult here, just don't get the whole thing. I could NEVER drink my meals, but that's just ME! We are all different.
  • Gods_Flower
    :happy: I think it's so cool that people have INBOXED:bigsmile: me on information regarding JUICE FASTING!!! WOOOOHOOOO, WANTED TO SHARE THAT.:tongue:

    P.S. I did NOT put anyone on blast, I just understand that they don't want to be criticized :frown: for their interest, and all the mean people say, AMEN.:tongue: ok just kidding, relax!:wink:

    I don't know everything, learning is a never ending process, but I never encourage anyone to Juice fast for that long, if anyone truly read my topic they would know I didn't even do it for that long, but I definitely encourage people to incorporate it into their daily lives, this way you get all the fruit and veggie intake your body needs everyday!!! WOOT WOOT! Waiting for all the scientist, bioligist, nutritionist, dieticians, doctors to comment.:wink::heart:
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    One of the things that can bother me on the forums, is the all-or-nothing-outlook and the sweeping, sometimes misinformed generalizations with little tolerance of others.

    All juicing is bad.

    High protein will kill you. Really. I know someone who DIED.

    Every fad diet is evil.

    MY diet is the ONLY way to live.

    Carbohydrates will make you fat. All sugar is toxic.

    And I've heard a million others.

    I happen to love juicing and think it’s a great addition to a mostly whole food diet. It works for me. The movie mentioned that started this thread was very informative and kicked off my interest. A 100% juiced diet ISN’T for me, but I like it as supplement and I’ve had success with it. I particularly like my VitaMix that allows me to pulverize the pulp and skins and take in all the nutrients. I don't even consider it "juicing" exactly - it's much more than that.

    My "juice" this morning was 12 red grapes, 6 strawberries, 2 oz of Greek yogurt, 1/2 C 1% milk, and 2 Cups of spinach. For my honey's smoothie, I added protein powder. Delicious.

    Anyway, this is my humble opinion. And I support your right to have a different one.