Language Does Matter!



  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Sorry, it does not matter.

    The internet like any other sub culture in our society has comprised it's own short hand, slang, overuse of abbreviations etc and for the most part this form of communication while yes impressionable upon our youth and specific "generations," it is not always the same, it is dependent on the persons style, their level of education and whatever role they are currently filling within that sub culture.

    For instance, at work; I care about what I type in emails and memo's I actually look at my grammar, I oftentimes have someone else look at my memo before handing one out. On the internet I could care less. I have an issue where I can see every one's mistakes but my own. I can type a memo out and not see one error even though it is covered in them. When I look at another persons writing I can see the glaring errors.


    It is not making us parents on the other hand...
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Sorry, it does not matter.

    The internet like any other sub culture in our society has comprised it's own short hand, slang, overuse of abbreviations etc and for the most part this form of communication while yes impressionable upon our youth and specific "generations," it is not always the same, it is dependent on the persons style, their level of education and whatever role they are currently filling within that sub culture.

    For instance, at work; I care about what I type in emails and memo's I actually look at my grammar, I oftentimes have someone else look at my memo before handing one out. On the internet I could care less. I have an issue where I can see every one's mistakes but my own. I can type a memo out and not see one error even though it is covered in them. When I look at another persons writing I can see the glaring errors.


    It is not making us parents on the other hand...
    It just makes you a hypocrite or lazy. Also, I find it funny that in your statement and all previous ones, they were well thought out and clearly stated. Presentation means everything and if you want to be taken seriously, there is a proper way to do it.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Sorry, it does not matter.

    The internet like any other sub culture in our society has comprised it's own short hand, slang, overuse of abbreviations etc and for the most part this form of communication while yes impressionable upon our youth and specific "generations," it is not always the same, it is dependent on the persons style, their level of education and whatever role they are currently filling within that sub culture.

    For instance, at work; I care about what I type in emails and memo's I actually look at my grammar, I oftentimes have someone else look at my memo before handing one out. On the internet I could care less. I have an issue where I can see every one's mistakes but my own. I can type a memo out and not see one error even though it is covered in them. When I look at another persons writing I can see the glaring errors.


    It is not making us parents on the other hand...
    I don't understand why it's so hard for people to realize that this is just the internet, an informal means of communication. If your friends jumped on you every time you made a mistake during conversation, they probably wouldn't be your friends for long because that kind of behavior is obnoxious and pretentious! it's no different here! It's one thing in the classroom or the workplace, but otherwise people need to get over themselves a bit.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'd like to add that even those whose second [or third or fourth] language is English, tend to speak it more properly than those born here.

    LOL. That's a joke.
    I don't think that was a joke at all. Many people who learn English as a second or third or fourth language don't take it for granted and actually care about getting it right. They wouldn't argue that it's not important.

    That's the beauty, it's YOUR opinion. I happen to think that was a joke because I have not found it to not be true at all. I'm glad that since English is my first language it means that I take it for granted and don't care about getting it right. Seriously, talk about a generalization.

    Um... I don't think this was an attack on native speakers, which is how you seem to have taken it. This person was just pointing out that sometimes, those who learn English as a 2nd language learn the rules better than those of us who learned it as our first language. This can be true for any language... for example, I've been studying French for a few years and am currently in an intermediate-level course. I am learning all about the grammatical structure of the language, etc. Recently when I asked my boyfriend (who has friends from France and speaks it fluently) for help with some homework, he laughed and said that no one actually used the particular grammatical concept I was studying. Even though it was a formal rule, it was one that is hardly ever applied by native speakers, as it has been replaced by "slang." In this way, I am learning to speak French more "properly" than the natives!

    But where you people are wrong is in judging people for their language skills on the internet, which has NOTHING to do with work. There are tons of people who can communicate just fine at work or in "real" life but don't choose to be so picky when they are on the internet. You're making assumptions that people who don't take the time to look over what they wrote to be sure it's correct when posting on forums/internet are not capable of doing so in the real world. THAT is my point.

    I agree with you to an extent here, but I think the entire point of the blog post, and this thread, is that people will judge you for this WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. People are judgmental creatures; that's just the truth. I'm not saying I like it - I try to live my life as free of judgement as possible - but we judge people every single day. We judge people when we are being asked out on a date. We judge people when they are applying for a job. We judge people when deciding who's lane to go down at the supermarket.

    And on the internet, we judge people when they type. For example, if two people are presenting conflicting views and are each trying to convince you of their side, and one of them
    types lyke this nd sais they need to loose weight bcuz their too fat
    and one of them
    Presents the information in a more "clean" manor, using proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar...
    Which one are you more likely to listen to?

    Personally, I'm more inclined to take the one with proper spelling and grammar seriously. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think so. It certainly doesn't make me feel "superior" or better about myself because one of them made a lot of errors. It's just that the person using correct grammatical structure seems more educated, because, well, you learn grammar when you get an education (or you're supposed to, at least).

    I'm not talking about people who make the occasional typo or brain fart - we all do that. I'm talking about people who refuse to learn, and implement, proper grammatical techniques when trying to communicate with others. You just can't expect others to take you seriously when you do that. And THAT is what this thread was about.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Sorry, it does not matter.

    The internet like any other sub culture in our society has comprised it's own short hand, slang, overuse of abbreviations etc and for the most part this form of communication while yes impressionable upon our youth and specific "generations," it is not always the same, it is dependent on the persons style, their level of education and whatever role they are currently filling within that sub culture.

    For instance, at work; I care about what I type in emails and memo's I actually look at my grammar, I oftentimes have someone else look at my memo before handing one out. On the internet I could care less. I have an issue where I can see every one's mistakes but my own. I can type a memo out and not see one error even though it is covered in them. When I look at another persons writing I can see the glaring errors.


    It is not making us parents on the other hand...
    It just makes you a hypocrite or lazy. Also, I find it funny that in your statement and all previous ones, they were well thought out and clearly stated. Presentation means everything and if you want to be taken seriously, there is a proper way to do it.
    What was hypocritical about that statement?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I feel that the original intent of the blog has been misconstrued. Perhaps I need to work on my communication skills. :smile:

    I will make a pine cone bird feeder or a nice pirate hat out of newspaper.
    I just want to say again that I am not arguing against your blog. I don't think it was offensive and I can see that you're intentions were good.

    I believe you've misused a homophone. :huh:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    HoneySprinklePreciousSnowflake, may I ask, WHY do you care if someone (aka a stranger) on the internet judges you? Does this do some cosmic harm to you that I am unaware of?

    Why, exactly, do you care?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I feel that the original intent of the blog has been misconstrued. Perhaps I need to work on my communication skills. :smile:

    I will make a pine cone bird feeder or a nice pirate hat out of newspaper.
    I just want to say again that I am not arguing against your blog. I don't think it was offensive and I can see that you're intentions were good.

    I believe you've misused a homophone. :huh:
    your* oh no...:yawn:
    I'm probably lazy, ignorant, and stupid. Judge me, please.

    That's more of a typo than a misuse, but either way, I'll bet my post was still perfectly understandable, no?
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Sorry, it does not matter.

    The internet like any other sub culture in our society has comprised it's own short hand, slang, overuse of abbreviations etc and for the most part this form of communication while yes impressionable upon our youth and specific "generations," it is not always the same, it is dependent on the persons style, their level of education and whatever role they are currently filling within that sub culture.

    For instance, at work; I care about what I type in emails and memo's I actually look at my grammar, I oftentimes have someone else look at my memo before handing one out. On the internet I could care less. I have an issue where I can see every one's mistakes but my own. I can type a memo out and not see one error even though it is covered in them. When I look at another persons writing I can see the glaring errors.


    It is not making us parents on the other hand...
    It just makes you a hypocrite or lazy. Also, I find it funny that in your statement and all previous ones, they were well thought out and clearly stated. Presentation means everything and if you want to be taken seriously, there is a proper way to do it.

    It does not make me a hypocrite. It proves my point as to what I am saying. Every one has their own style and level of education. Some people do have well thought out statements and others do not. What is the point on harping on any of that ? Ignore it and move on. I think for the most part people have trouble with the openness that is the internet and cannot get over the fact that people communicate in different ways or simply have drastic differences in levels of education.

    I grew up in a public education system that in 10th grade the teacher argued with me after telling the class that the Vietnam Conflict occurred prior to the Korean Conflict and that World War 2 was started with the assassination of Ferdinand. My point is that I can guarantee you that over half of this forum audience if asked who Franz Ferdinand was and what historical event did his death trigger half of them would say "that singer is dead?"

    Would you care if people honestly didn't know that ? Same thing with language. Who CARES ?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    HoneySprinklereciousSnowflake, may I ask, WHY do you care if someone (aka a stranger) on the internet judges you? Does this do some cosmic harm to you that I am unaware of?

    Why, exactly, do you care?
    1. Where was I judged?
    2. When did I state that it bothered me?

    I'm bothered by the fact that people who actually struggle with grammar and spelling are being looked down upon for it. I (with the exception of the occasional typo) am not one of those people. English, literature, and comprehension have always been and continue to be my strongest areas in school.

    I don't care what people think about me on here. I am arguing a point, not my character. I also generally do not type slang and shorthand online, but when I do it's intentional and in appropriate settings.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    My personal opinion is that those born to the "texting generation" are losing their ability to write/read/speak properly. Shorthand may work for texting and even personal email, but at some point these boys and girls will be expected to join the working class. May as well practice proper written skills now rather than trying to figure out why they couldn't even get an interview because of a poorly written resume/application/cover letter.

    Like, fer realz!

    My 12 year old daughter texts in complete, gramatically correct sentences. She makes fun of her friends that don't.

    There IS hope for the future, although you probably will not find it in this thread.
    I'd rather have a daughter that is empathetic and non-judgmental than one who builds her self-esteem on the foundation of having good grammar. It doesn't come easily for everyone. I'm not saying that grammar isn't important, but I think some of you need to get off of your high horse and realize that it IS a struggle for some people and your judgments aren't okay.

    well, here's one example.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Sorry, it does not matter.

    The internet like any other sub culture in our society has comprised it's own short hand, slang, overuse of abbreviations etc and for the most part this form of communication while yes impressionable upon our youth and specific "generations," it is not always the same, it is dependent on the persons style, their level of education and whatever role they are currently filling within that sub culture.

    For instance, at work; I care about what I type in emails and memo's I actually look at my grammar, I oftentimes have someone else look at my memo before handing one out. On the internet I could care less. I have an issue where I can see every one's mistakes but my own. I can type a memo out and not see one error even though it is covered in them. When I look at another persons writing I can see the glaring errors.


    It is not making us parents on the other hand...
    It just makes you a hypocrite or lazy. Also, I find it funny that in your statement and all previous ones, they were well thought out and clearly stated. Presentation means everything and if you want to be taken seriously, there is a proper way to do it.

    It does not make me a hypocrite. It proves my point as to what I am saying. Every one has their own style and level of education. Some people do have well thought out statements and others do not. What is the point on harping on any of that ? Ignore it and move on. I think for the most part people have trouble with the openness that is the internet and cannot get over the fact that people communicate in different ways or simply have drastic differences in levels of education.

    I grew up in a public education system that in 10th grade the teacher argued with me after telling the class that the Vietnam Conflict occurred prior to the Korean Conflict and that World War 2 was started with the assassination of Ferdinand. My point is that I can guarantee you that over half of this forum audience if asked who Franz Ferdinand was and what historical event did his death trigger half of them would say "that singer is dead?"

    Would you care if people honestly didn't know that ? Same thing with language. Who CARES ?
    In chit chat, not really. If I asked for advice in one of the other sections and the advice was littered with misspellings and poor grammar, absolutely. It's like Jeff Foxworthy says, "nobody wants to hear their brain surgeon say, 'Al’ight now what we're gonna do is, saw the top of your head off, root around in there with a stick and see if we can't find that dad burn clot."
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    On the internet I could care less.
    If you could care less on the internet, why do you not do so? It sounds as if you are currently caring too much.

    Or did you mean that to say that on the internet you could NOT care less?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    And, I'd say 9 pages of argument pretty much indicates that you're massively bothered by it.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    And, I'd say 9 pages of argument pretty much indicates that you're massively bothered by it.
    whenever someone realizes that they don't have anything real to add to the argument, that's always the first go-to. haha. I'm annoyed by it and I don't mind a debate. Overall, sure, I'm a bit bothered by the general arrogant and self-righteous attitude that is prevalent in not only this little meaningless internet debate but in so many other aspects of life as well.
  • duharvalgt
    It matters to a certain point; dependent on whether the meaning received is true to the meaning implied or expressed.
    People will make mistakes; they are going to occur regardless. Stop these fallacies that these mistakes will be subdued by circular topics, they will not.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    On the internet I could care less.
    If you could care less on the internet, why do you not do so? It sounds as if you are currently caring too much.

    Or did you mean that to say that on the internet you could NOT care less?

    It irritates me that people are irritated about people that make mistakes, so we have come full circle. You are irritating.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    HoneySprinklereciousSnowflake, may I ask, WHY do you care if someone (aka a stranger) on the internet judges you? Does this do some cosmic harm to you that I am unaware of?

    Why, exactly, do you care?
    1. Where was I judged?
    2. When did I state that it bothered me?

    I'm bothered by the fact that people who actually struggle with grammar and spelling are being looked down upon for it. I (with the exception of the occasional typo) am not one of those people. English, literature, and comprehension have always been and continue to be my strongest areas in school.

    I don't care what people think about me on here. I am arguing a point, not my character. I also generally do not type slang and shorthand online, but when I do it's intentional and in appropriate settings.

    Here's the thing, the smart ones don't look down on it. :-O
    :smile: So I've noticed.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    And, I'd say 9 pages of argument pretty much indicates that you're massively bothered by it.

    And yet you too are contributing to the 9 pages.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm sorry, but this issue seems way too condescending for me to agree with. People may not have perfect grammar or spelling for a number or reasons, and it's not up to us to judge them. This is a fitness support site, not an English class, and as long as you can understand what someone is trying to say, then who cares about little grammar and spelling mistakes?