Language Does Matter!



  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    After all of this arguing and stuff, you all must be very hungry. I brought you some sandwiches.

    thank you for these delicious sandwiches!
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    The demise of proper language skills IS a real problem.

    In which case stop picking on people here over trivial mistakes & take a good long look at the 'gangsta' culture. That is doing more damage to the English language than any silly errors in grammer or spelling.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    My issue with the statement above is that you make yet another generalization about people that feel that grammar "is important". I am a teacher that is sensitive to my students' needs, whether they are ELA, on an IEP, low-cog, or just struggling. The fact that you repeatedly make snide comments about how "sensitive" YOU will be when you are in the classroom is insulting to every teacher on here who believes that the written word is a powerful first impression. By making those comments, you are assuming that I'm a total and complete b!tch to my students that struggle with writing--when in fact, I've been praised by my administrators, colleagues, and parents of struggling students for my work with improving their writing.

    There is a vast difference between people that truly struggle with the English language and its grammar and the people that are, in fact, too lazy to take the time to type out an entire word or structure sentences properly. I believe that most people can tell the difference between the two. The author of the blog that sparked this entire "debate" is one of these people. As are, I believe, most of the people who have been defending the blog's message.
    I feel that proper grammar is important, so I'm not making negative generalizations towards people who hold that view, as I do too. And I'm not assuming anything about you, I'm responding to a few rude comments from other posters. It has nothing to do with you being a teacher or not. I only brought that up because someone made a rude comment about how I won't be a good teacher because of their own misunderstanding of what I've been saying.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member