Language Does Matter!



  • iwisheyes
    Proper grammar comes naturally to some of us

    This simply isn't true. While people may have different capacities for learning, no one was born knowing how to spell or use proper grammar. Words are wonderful tools, and I always appreciate those who make the effort to use them correctly and effectively.

    I agree.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Capitalization is important.

    It's the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse. :-D
    I think you mean punctuation

    I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse


    I helped my uncle Jack off a horse

    Both examples make the same point. Small changes in spelling and punctuation sometimes make a huge difference in meaning.
    Sometimes it makes a big difference, but most of us have enough common sense to read through a few gramatical and punctuation errors and still understand what is trying to be said

    Oh. My. Goodness.

    Please, just shhhhhhhhhhhh.

    You've re-stated your points a zillion times in this thread. It's not a debate anymore, you're just preaching.

    All I said was that both examples illustrate the same point. She was trying to correct the other poster when sh said 'I think you mean...' and I just pointed out that both were correct.

    Seriously, if you're bored, go join Debatable Debating.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    "rly" isn't a word. So he would have had to stop at "dont". Unless punctuation matters in his mind, then he'd have stopped at "see".

    Rly=really in text speak so therefore it is a word. Like ain't :flowerforyou:
    Taken from Merram Webster:


    Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis

    No mention of Rly in any dictionary.,+Jst+Typ+Yr+Msg+in+d+lft+bx

    Type in rly :tongue:
    You let me know when that website becomes an accepted authority on what words are actually words. Notice I posted from Merriam Webster

    ...and for the record, "conversate" is not a word. I will never understand the need to create a new word to replace one that actually exists.

    Ok! I am done with this topic. Everyone have a fabulous day.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Honestly, I rly dont see any prob wit ppl's language. Y r u so worried bout others? If I can read it and understand it then I'm not gonna be a freakin gramma nazi and yell at people to type out every word correctly. N-e-way, have fun worrying about how others speak. I just don't get y ppl r use their spare time to correct ppl who they will never meet and have no impact in their lives whatsoever.

  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    weLL @ le4S7 WE D0'n7 90 4R0UND 7YPiN' lIke 7hiz. s0 JUs7 8e h4PPy 7h@ PE0pLE R USin' RE4L w0rdz 4nD le77Erz Even 7h0U9H 7heY m4Y 8E 0U7 0F 0rDEr.

    Wlel at laset we don't go auornd tiynpg lkie tihs. So jsut be hpapy taht popele are uinsg rael wrdos and lteters eevn tuohgh tehy may be out of odrer.

    For those of you who's brain doesn't work:

    Well at least we don't go around typing like this. so just be happy that people are using real words and letters even though they may be out of order.

    that was the HARDEST whatever the Hell that was to get through and I actually HAVE seen people type that like on this site before and stopped reading.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    "rly" isn't a word. So he would have had to stop at "dont". Unless punctuation matters in his mind, then he'd have stopped at "see".

    Rly=really in text speak so therefore it is a word. Like ain't :flowerforyou:
    Taken from Merram Webster:


    Although widely disapproved as nonstandard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated, ain't in senses 1 and 2 is flourishing in American English. It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to gain emphasis

    No mention of Rly in any dictionary.,+Jst+Typ+Yr+Msg+in+d+lft+bx

    Type in rly :tongue:
    You let me know when that website becomes an accepted authority on what words are actually words. Notice I posted from Merriam Webster

    ...and for the record, "conversate" is not a word. I will never understand the need to create a new word to replace one that actually exists.

    Ok! I am done with this topic. Everyone have a fabulous day.
    Wow someone needs to lay off the hateraid
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    weLL @ le4S7 WE D0'n7 90 4R0UND 7YPiN' lIke 7hiz. s0 JUs7 8e h4PPy 7h@ PE0pLE R USin' RE4L w0rdz 4nD le77Erz Even 7h0U9H 7heY m4Y 8E 0U7 0F 0rDEr.

    Wlel at laset we don't go auornd tiynpg lkie tihs. So jsut be hpapy taht popele are uinsg rael wrdos and lteters eevn tuohgh tehy may be out of odrer.

    For those of you who's brain doesn't work:

    Well at least we don't go around typing like this. so just be happy that people are using real words and letters even though they may be out of order.

    that was the HARDEST whatever the Hell that was to get through and I actually HAVE seen people type that like on this site before and stopped reading.
    Seriously? The first section, yeah sure was probably hard. But the 2nd section was easy if your first language is English. You don't need all the letters to be in the right order to understand the word. The brain only processes the first and second letter of each word so something like what I just wrote wouldn't be hard at all to read.

    Now maybe if I typed a whole book like that you'd get a headache but two lines? Wow...okay
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    weLL @ le4S7 WE D0'n7 90 4R0UND 7YPiN' lIke 7hiz. s0 JUs7 8e h4PPy 7h@ PE0pLE R USin' RE4L w0rdz 4nD le77Erz Even 7h0U9H 7heY m4Y 8E 0U7 0F 0rDEr.

    Wlel at laset we don't go auornd tiynpg lkie tihs. So jsut be hpapy taht popele are uinsg rael wrdos and lteters eevn tuohgh tehy may be out of odrer.

    For those of you who's brain doesn't work:

    Well at least we don't go around typing like this. so just be happy that people are using real words and letters even though they may be out of order.

    that was the HARDEST whatever the Hell that was to get through and I actually HAVE seen people type that like on this site before and stopped reading.
    Seriously? The first section, yeah sure was probably hard. But the 2nd section was easy if your first language is English. You don't need all the letters to be in the right order to understand the word. The brain only processes the first and second letter of each word so something like what I just wrote wouldn't be hard at all to read.

    Now maybe if I typed a whole book like that you'd get a headache but two lines? Wow...okay

    I gave up before I made it half way through the first line, because it was annoying. Headache? Who said anything about a headache?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    However for native English speakers out there or those who speak it really good, if you find mistakes on our English its not good to do something like make a forum post like "it should be lose not loose" etc. Its more of an insult than trying to educate us non-English speakers. I know that over 90% of you here are from US or other English speaking countries & I know English as universal language (which is why we study it) but please be sensitive enough that not all people has the resources to speak it like you guys do there. I really hate it when people make fun of others who can't English well. Just because we can't spell it correctly or cannot diferentiate is-was, lose-loose, this-these, that-those doesn't mean we are uneducated, low-class people. I know many people who can't English well but are successful. And if you're basing every success on language then Philippines, Jamaica, Guyana, Pakistan & India should be included among the first world countries instead of Japan & South Korea but look where these countries are standing in right now.
    Don't let it get to you. The majority of Americans don't know any other language besides English, so the fact that you have learned enough to speak and write a second language fluently is awesome!

    Are you REALLY still fighting about this???? Please tell me you're over this high-horse of yours already!
    Fighting? I am offering up encouragement to her post. Why did you even need to comment? I'm not on a high-horse and the person that I was actually talking to (as in, not you) appreciated what I had to say anyways.

    Also, some people actually enjoy a debate. You can call it fighting but I don't remember you even being in this discussion lately.

    sorry, between pages, (wherever my last coment to you was) and now, I actually stepped away from my computer....strange, right?
    Not strange, I just don't get why you felt like you needed to comment on that when you had absolutely nothing relavent to say.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    However for native English speakers out there or those who speak it really good, if you find mistakes on our English its not good to do something like make a forum post like "it should be lose not loose" etc. Its more of an insult than trying to educate us non-English speakers. I know that over 90% of you here are from US or other English speaking countries & I know English as universal language (which is why we study it) but please be sensitive enough that not all people has the resources to speak it like you guys do there. I really hate it when people make fun of others who can't English well. Just because we can't spell it correctly or cannot diferentiate is-was, lose-loose, this-these, that-those doesn't mean we are uneducated, low-class people. I know many people who can't English well but are successful. And if you're basing every success on language then Philippines, Jamaica, Guyana, Pakistan & India should be included among the first world countries instead of Japan & South Korea but look where these countries are standing in right now.
    Don't let it get to you. The majority of Americans don't know any other language besides English, so the fact that you have learned enough to speak and write a second language fluently is awesome!

    Are you REALLY still fighting about this???? Please tell me you're over this high-horse of yours already!
    Fighting? I am offering up encouragement to her post. Why did you even need to comment? I'm not on a high-horse and the person that I was actually talking to (as in, not you) appreciated what I had to say anyways.

    Also, some people actually enjoy a debate. You can call it fighting but I don't remember you even being in this discussion lately.

    sorry, between pages, (wherever my last coment to you was) and now, I actually stepped away from my computer....strange, right?
    Not strange, I just don't get why you felt like you needed to comment on that when you had absolutely nothing relavent to say.
    Wanna date. For some reason I really feel like you need one. :flowerforyou:
  • AubreysMommy30
    AubreysMommy30 Posts: 64 Member
    I have noticed in this thread a tendency by some to defend a tenuous position. :huh: I really hope you aren't in charge of anything important. Reminds me of Custer at Little Bighorn.
    what do you mean by "a tendency by some to defend a tenuous position"? Wordy phrasing, but doesn't really say much at all.

    LOL! Sounds like someone doesn't know the definition of tenuous. He is referring to your defense of a 'weak position or point'.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I have noticed in this thread a tendency by some to defend a tenuous position. :huh: I really hope you aren't in charge of anything important. Reminds me of Custer at Little Bighorn.
    what do you mean by "a tendency by some to defend a tenuous position"? Wordy phrasing, but doesn't really say much at all.

    LOL! Sounds like someone doesn't know the definition of tenuous. He is referring to your defense of a 'weak position or point'. know how to use google.
    I don't think my argument is weak. So why would I assume that I'm the vaguely referenced "some" in his comment? I'm not arguing that grammar isn't important, I'm arguing against being arrogant and judgmental towards those who might actually struggle with language for whatever reason.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I don't think my argument is weak.

    Neither do I frankly. I think it shows empathy, understanding and tenacity. Or should that be tenuousness? Oh, I don't know, this language thing gets me in a kerfuffle.

    You're kind. I applaud that.
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    I have noticed in this thread a tendency by some to defend a tenuous position. :huh: I really hope you aren't in charge of anything important. Reminds me of Custer at Little Bighorn.
    what do you mean by "a tendency by some to defend a tenuous position"? Wordy phrasing, but doesn't really say much at all.

    LOL! Sounds like someone doesn't know the definition of tenuous. He is referring to your defense of a 'weak position or point'. know how to use google.
    I don't think my argument is weak. So why would I assume that I'm the vaguely referenced "some" in his comment? I'm not arguing that grammar isn't important, I'm arguing against being arrogant and judgmental towards those who might actually struggle with language for whatever reason.

    So you want to teach children and you don't think grammar is important? How cute!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    `Children do not need to learn! They need to feel special, like the precious snowflakes they all are. Expecting them to perform to certain educational standards is just mean. Don't you know that feeling special is the best way to get into a good college? `
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    I'm amazed this is still going..... but part of me is glad because one of my friends posted this on Facebook and this is the perfect place to share it.


    *Edited for my typos because my brain is tired from actually doing work today....
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I have noticed in this thread a tendency by some to defend a tenuous position. :huh: I really hope you aren't in charge of anything important. Reminds me of Custer at Little Bighorn.
    what do you mean by "a tendency by some to defend a tenuous position"? Wordy phrasing, but doesn't really say much at all.

    LOL! Sounds like someone doesn't know the definition of tenuous. He is referring to your defense of a 'weak position or point'. know how to use google.
    I don't think my argument is weak. So why would I assume that I'm the vaguely referenced "some" in his comment? I'm not arguing that grammar isn't important, I'm arguing against being arrogant and judgmental towards those who might actually struggle with language for whatever reason.

    So you want to teach children and you don't think grammar is important? How cute!
    Can you read? How does "I'm NOT arguing that grammar isn't important" mean I don't think grammar is important. Is it just me, or does that mean exactly the opposite. Come on now.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    `Children do not need to learn! They need to feel special, like the precious snowflakes they all are. Expecting them to perform to certain educational standards is just mean. Don't you know that feeling special is the best way to get into a good college? `
    I go to a good college on a scholarship that I earned by my good grades and SAT score. My grammar and spelling are absolutely fine and I DO feel special :) And I'll make an awesome teacher who will actually be sensitive to the needs of all my students, including the ones who will have extra trouble in areas of reading comprehension, spelling, and grammar, and I won't assume that it's due to laziness, stupidity, or a lack of caring. :)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    My issue with the statement above is that you make yet another generalization about people that feel that grammar "is important". I am a teacher that is sensitive to my students' needs, whether they are ELA, on an IEP, low-cog, or just struggling. The fact that you repeatedly make snide comments about how "sensitive" YOU will be when you are in the classroom is insulting to every teacher on here who believes that the written word is a powerful first impression. By making those comments, you are assuming that I'm a total and complete b!tch to my students that struggle with writing--when in fact, I've been praised by my administrators, colleagues, and parents of struggling students for my work with improving their writing.

    There is a vast difference between people that truly struggle with the English language and its grammar and the people that are, in fact, too lazy to take the time to type out an entire word or structure sentences properly. I believe that most people can tell the difference between the two. The author of the blog that sparked this entire "debate" is one of these people. As are, I believe, most of the people who have been defending the blog's message.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    My issue with the statement above is that you make yet another generalization about people that feel that grammar "is important". I am a teacher that is sensitive to my students' needs, whether they are ELA, on an IEP, low-cog, or just struggling. The fact that you repeatedly make snide comments about how "sensitive" YOU will be when you are in the classroom is insulting to every teacher on here who believes that the written word is a powerful first impression. By making those comments, you are assuming that I'm a total and complete b!tch to my students that struggle with writing--when in fact, I've been praised by my administrators, colleagues, and parents of struggling students for my work with improving their writing.

    There is a vast difference between people that truly struggle with the English language and its grammar and the people that are, in fact, too lazy to take the time to type out an entire word or structure sentences properly. I believe that most people can tell the difference between the two. The author of the blog that sparked this entire "debate" is one of these people. As are, I believe, most of the people who have been defending the blog's message.

    Can I get a 'LIKE' button in here?!? :wink: :bigsmile: