MARCH Ironman Challenge (Open Group)



  • Wellnessbabe
    Wellnessbabe Posts: 16 Member
    I would live to enter this challenge... But it's a real challenge because i can't swim and I have no access to a bike.. How can I modify this?? Does running/walking 3times as much count:huh: ?
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    My goals for March
    Swim: 2.4 miles
    Bike: 300 miles
    Run: 100 miles

    03/25 - Biked 52.4 miles
    03.27 - Ran 10.4, Biked 19.2

    Totals to date
    Swim: 0.5 miles
    Bike: 270 miles
    Run: 85.4 miles
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    26/3 Bike 17.76
    Swim 0
    Bike 103.19
    Run 36.77

    This is by far my best month. even though i had an injury that has stopped me from swimming and also running for more than a week.

    My goals were:
    Swim: 2.4 - non due to injury
    Bike: 60 - Hammered and i think i will make the IM distance
    Run: 60 - I think i should finish about 15 to 20 miles short, which having a week off im happy with.
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    26th March 10 mile bike
    27th March 0.75 mile swim, 6 mile run
    28th March 25 mile bike

    Swim 5.3 miles
    Bike 336.2 miles
    Run 73.5 miles
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    I would love to complete 2 ironmans for the month. That means:
    swim: 4.8
    walk/run: 52.4
    Bike: 224

    March 1 - 7: Swim - 2.25, walk - 19.5, bike - 0 (no bike until March 9)
    March 8 - 14: Swim - 1.0, walk - 10.5, bike - 51
    March 15 - 21: Swim - 0.75, walk - 10.12, bike - 56.5
    March 22 - 28: Swim - 1.0, walk - 10.37, bike - 67.75 (Had a great workout today, knee not too bad - drugs work wonders)

    Total: Swim - 5.0, walk - 50.5, bike - 175.25

    Well, am surprising myself with what I am getting done on the bike this week. When I leave the gym, I am soaked but really enjoying the extra effort I am putting in to complete this. I love this challenge, it has really motivated me.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Goals for the month:

    Swim: 2.4 miles
    Bike: 56 miles
    Run: 50 miles

    Totals for the month:

    Swim: 0 miles
    Bike: 69.2 miles
    Run: 31.8 miles

    Swim tomorrow & 9 mile run Friday. Really happy I've gotten bike miles in this month finally!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    March 21th swim 0.57 miles
    March 22nd swim 0.57 miles
    March 23rd rest
    March 24th walk 3 miles
    March 25th walk rest
    March 26th walk 1 mile
    March 27th walk 1 mile
    March 28th rest

    Goals 4.5 miles swim, 112 miles bike, 26.2 miles walk

    Totals to date:

    swim 4.56 miles goal met :drinker:
    bike 116 miles goal met :drinker:
    walk 26.6 miles goal met :drinker:
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    My Goals
    2.4 mile swim (3.86 km)
    125 mile bike (200 km)
    62.5 mile run (100 km)
    spend less time lifting and more time biking and running
    455 lb deadlift at end of month.

    3/1 4 km run, 10km bike - CROSS TRAIN
    3/2 - REST
    3/3 - 8 km bike - CROSS TRAIN

    3/4 - CROSS TRAIN
    3/5 - 8 km bike - CROSS TRAIN
    3/6 - REST
    3/7 - REST
    3/8 - REST
    3/9 - CROSS TRAIN
    3/10 - CROSS TRAIN

    3/11 6km run, 6km bike - CROSS TRAIN
    3/12 - REST
    3/13 - REST
    3/14 - REST
    3/15 - CROSS TRAIN
    3/16 - 4km run, 4km bike
    3/17 - REST

    3/18 - 3km run, METABOLIC WORKOUT
    3/19 - REST
    3/20 - REST
    3/21 - REST
    3/22 - REST
    3/23 - 35km bike, METABOLIC WORKOUT
    3/24 - 50km bike, 200m swim, METABOLIC WORKOUT

    3/25 - 25km bike, 200m swim, 5km run, CROSS TRAIN
    3/26 - REST
    3/27 - REST
    3/28 - 10km bike, 200m swim, METABOLIC WORKOUT

    Swim - 600m
    Bike - 156 km
    Run - 22 km

    bad month...determined to make my bike goal though.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    I would love to complete 2 ironmans for the month. That means:
    swim: 4.8
    walk/run: 52.4
    Bike: 224

    March 1 - 7: Swim - 2.25, walk - 19.5, bike - 0 (no bike until March 9)
    March 8 - 14: Swim - 1.0, walk - 10.5, bike - 51
    March 15 - 21: Swim - 0.75, walk - 10.12, bike - 56.5
    March 22 - 28: Swim - 1.0, walk - 10.37, bike - 67.75 (Had a great workout today, knee not too bad - drugs work wonders)
    March 29 - Swim - 0.35, Walk - 1.5, Bike - 17.25

    Total: Swim - 5.35, walk - 52, bike - 192.5

    So, the swim goal is met, the walk is only half mile to go so will finish that tomorrow, the bike still has 31.5 miles to go so it I ride 16 miles each day for the next 2 days, I will have accomplished my goal of completing 2 triathalons for the month. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't hurt my knee again.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    Goals 4.5 miles swim, 112 miles bike, 26.2 miles walk

    Totals to date:

    swim 4.56 miles goal met :drinker:
    bike 116 miles goal met :drinker:
    walk 26.6 miles goal met :drinker:

    Fantastic job! :drinker:
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    3-1: 5 miles leisurely outdoor walk (+racquetball)
    3-2: 3.5 Eliptical, + .5 swim (+ racqetball)
    3-3: 10.6 Outdoor Bike
    3-4 5.25 Ellipitical + 1 swim
    3-5 -0
    3-7- 0 (+racquetball)
    3-8- 3.25 treadmill (2.5 jog) + 1 swim (+weights)
    3-9- 5 miles exercise bike (+racquetball). Was sore today
    3-10 4 miles 3 miles treadmill (2.5 jog) + 1 swim
    3-11 0 (+racquetball)
    3-12 0
    3-13 2.75 miles(1.5 treadmill jog, 1 indoor track interval + some push-ups etc +.25 swim (+weights)
    3-14 25.8 miles outdoor bike
    3-15 0 (+weights)
    3-16 10: 3 miles treadmill + 7 miles eliptical (+misc crunchs,pushups,etc)
    3-17 5 mile outdoor walk
    3-18 0
    3-19 5 miles outdoor bike
    3-20 3 treadmill jog/walk intervals,, 2 stairmaster, 5.25 outdoor bike (evening) + (weights)
    3-21 3.75 stairmaster + 4.25 Eliptical + 1 swim
    3-22 3 treadmill + 1 swim + 5 Bike (+weights)
    3-23 2.5 Eliptical + 1 Treadmill
    3-24 3.25 treadmill + 1 swim (+weights)
    3-25 0
    3-26 0
    3-27 3.7 treadmill + .75 swim (+weights)
    3-28 5 miles Eliptical
    3-29 1.75 treadmill, .5 swim, 5 outdoor bike (+weights)

    To date:
    Swim 8
    Bike 61.65
    walk/jog 70.7.........way over on this goal anyway :smile:

    That might be my month. Family things next few days....
    Congrat's to all who are happy with their accomplishments :flowerforyou:
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    My goals for March
    Swim: 2.4 miles
    Bike: 300 miles
    Run: 100 miles

    03/25 - Biked 52.4 miles
    03.27 - Ran 10.4, Biked 19.2
    03/29 - Ran 10.3, Biked 21.3

    Totals to date
    Swim: 0.5 miles
    Bike: 291.3 miles
    Run: 95.7 miles
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    28/3 Bike 17.28
    29/3 Run 5.1

    Swim 0
    Bike 120.47
    Run 41.87
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    I would love to complete 2 ironmans for the month. That means:
    swim: 4.8
    walk/run: 52.4
    Bike: 224

    March 1 - 7: Swim - 2.25, walk - 19.5, bike - 0 (no bike until March 9)
    March 8 - 14: Swim - 1.0, walk - 10.5, bike - 51
    March 15 - 21: Swim - 0.75, walk - 10.12, bike - 56.5
    March 22 - 28: Swim - 1.0, walk - 10.37, bike - 67.75 (Had a great workout today, knee not too bad - drugs work wonders)
    March 29, 30 - Swim - 0.35, Walk - 1.5, Bike - 28.5

    Total: Swim - 5.35, walk - 52, bike - 203.75

    So, the swim goal is met, the walk is only half mile to go so will finish that tomorrow, the bike still has 20.5 miles to go so tomorrow I will have to ride 20.25 miles. I WILL accomplish my goal of completing 2 triathalons for the month. Yes I will, even if it rains again tomorrow.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    My goals for March
    Swim: 2.4 miles
    Bike: 300 miles
    Run: 100 miles

    03/25 - Biked 52.4 miles
    03.27 - Ran 10.4, Biked 19.2
    03/29 - Ran 10.3, Biked 21.3

    Totals to date
    Swim: 0.5 miles
    Bike: 291.3 miles
    Run: 95.7 miles

    You are so close to your running and biking goals. Good luck with finishing up tomorrow. :smile:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    So, the swim goal is met, the walk is only half mile to go so will finish that tomorrow, the bike still has 20.5 miles to go so tomorrow I will have to ride 20.25 miles. I WILL accomplish my goal of completing 2 triathalons for the month. Yes I will, even if it rains again tomorrow.

    You have achieved a lot this month! Well Done!
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    I would love to complete 2 ironmans for the month. That means:
    swim: 4.8
    walk/run: 52.4
    Bike: 224

    March 1 - 7: Swim - 2.25, walk - 19.5, bike - 0 (no bike until March 9)
    March 8 - 14: Swim - 1.0, walk - 10.5, bike - 51
    March 15 - 21: Swim - 0.75, walk - 10.12, bike - 56.5
    March 22 - 28: Swim - 1.0, walk - 10.37, bike - 67.75 (Had a great workout today, knee not too bad - drugs work wonders)
    March 29, 30, 31 - Swim - 0.35, Walk - 3.5, Bike - 49

    Total: Swim - 5.35, walk - 54, bike - 224.25

    I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT. I made my goal of completing 2 ironman triathalons during the month of March. I am so happy with this especially since the first 10 days of the month I was on vacation. Can't wait to see what I can do next month. Carla :laugh:
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    My goals for March
    Swim: 2.4 miles
    Bike: 300 miles
    Run: 100 miles

    03/25 - Biked 52.4 miles
    03.27 - Ran 10.4, Biked 19.2
    03/29 - Ran 10.3, Biked 21.3
    03/30 - Ran 4.3, Biked 23.6

    Totals to date
    Swim: 0.5 miles (not going to make my swimming goal, work demands keep me from getting to the pool when lanes are available)
    Bike: 315 miles
    Run: 100 miles
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    Goals for March:
    Swimming: 6.0 miles
    Biking: 50 miles
    Running/walking: 26.2 miles

    3/26: swim 1 mile. 3/28: run/walk 2.25 miles. 3/29: biked 6.1 miles, swim 1 mile. 3/31: run 2.25 miles.

    Swim: 5.0
    Bike: 32.56
    Run/walk: 20.35

    got closer to my goals this month. going to do it again for April...hope to get even closer. :) Great job everyone!!!
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    How do you guys get such long bike ride on here? 50 miles a DAY??? I get excited if I get over How long does it take you to go that far? I usually just go on the bike at the gym for 30 mins. They're programmed there for only 30 mins at a time, and if people are waiting you HAVE to get I cant keep repeating the 30 mins over and over...