Best tear jerker scene



  • muffin_shufflin
    muffin_shufflin Posts: 239 Member
    Oooohh, oh, oh!! The Fox and the Hound. The final scene where Todd and Copper have parted ways, and you hear the young Todd and Copper in echo-y voices:

    Todd: "You're my best friend, Copper."
    Copper: "You're mine, too, Todd."
    Todd: "And we'll always be friends forever, won't we?"
    Copper: "Yeah, forever."

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    The part where the old lady is taking Todd back to the forest & she's singing to him. I used to bawl when I was little. I still get that knot in my throat lol
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Oooohh, oh, oh!! The Fox and the Hound. The final scene where Todd and Copper have parted ways, and you hear the young Todd and Copper in echo-y voices:

    Todd: "You're my best friend, Copper."
    Copper: "You're mine, too, Todd."
    Todd: "And we'll always be friends forever, won't we?"
    Copper: "Yeah, forever."

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Oh god, who's cutting onions in here?!
  • fluffy925
    fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
    King Kong!
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    When all the pets return in Homeward Bound...except for Shadow...luckily he comes, too, but it makes you think he's gone! Yes, I know that movie is like, 20 years old and a kids movie, but it gets me every time!

    Oh gosh I cannot watch that movie without some tissues...another one that always makes me sad is Little Women when Beth passes away-I cannot watch it without losing it!
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    The documentary "Earthlings", I bawled for 2 hours straight!
    Also, Edward Scissorhands really gets to me.
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    Bambi, The Lion King, basically, anything with 'Disney' animated or not.

    I am not a fan of the Notebook or Marley & Me. The books had me in tears, but not the movie versions.
  • jeardawg
    jeardawg Posts: 110 Member
    8 seconds, when the father is sitting trying to remember if he had ever told his son that he loved him.
  • caitwied
    caitwied Posts: 20 Member
    Last scene of Wicker Park. Makes me weep everytime.

    I thought it was just me. That's a good one.
  • caitwied
    caitwied Posts: 20 Member
    A Walk to Beautiful. Lost Boys of Sudan. Born into Brothels. Pretty much any documentary made about people in 3rd world countries. There are a few inspirational ones but most are tragic and get me every time.

    I just watched A Walk to Beautiful in class and it was so, so sad. Especially when Wubete was having trouble healing..
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Titanic - when the old people are on the bed

    Oh and the mom telling her kids the story. :sad:
    And I agree with people who said Frequency, City of Angels and Ghost.

    Also, 'I Am Legend'. The scene with Sam. This was a week after we moved to CA from NM and had to leave our German shepherd with my parents because we can't have dogs where we live. My daughter and I were sobbing. If we weren't in the middle of the row in a packed theater, we would have got up and left.

    For shows,Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body. My mom (also a single mom) died of a heart attack at home when I was 15. My sister found her on the bathroom floor. Watching that episode was brutal.