Carb Conscious Peeps - May 2009



  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    leanlioness.. I think that is the story of oy lives. Diet and binge. Never hit the happy medium. I must admit I have not had an all out binge spell lately. I do feel like I overeat . thanks for the tip on Mexican food. ----Calie

    Well, I kind of swing from one direction to the other...............Starve myself and then have all out binge.

    I need to dig out my books and re-read them. The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure by Julia Ross.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    After eating too much, go work out.
    Go for a walk.
    Step away from the kitchen.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I did what you said Lioness. I had chicken fajitas with no tortlla, no beans, no fried rice, Just chicken ,sour ceam. quacamole and ice tea. It was quite filling and I feel like I got my money worth.
    Had a nice visit with my grandaughter. She had the whole nine yards of it.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I did what you said Lioness. I had chicken fajitas with no tortlla, no beans, no fried rice, Just chicken ,sour ceam. quacamole and ice tea. It was quite filling and I feel like I got my money worth.
    Had a nice visit with my grandaughter. She had the whole nine yards of it.

    That is what I always do. me and my hubby go to a local mexican restaurant every weekend. I always get a mix of chicken and steak fajitas eat the veggies and meat and stay full for longer than my hubby that eats all the tortillas, rice, etc.............

    He can never figure it out how I stay full and keep my energy and he is ready for a nap after we eat............
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am now trying to figure out why my right cheek is so puffy.............

    That picture of me is terrible, but representative of what I look like right now..............

    My period is here, but the rest of my face puffiness has went down except my right cheek. I am wondering if it is a sinus infection.......

    I am motivated to stop binging now. I went and got myself a tanning bed membership today and now I have a 20 minute relax time at lunch that will help keep me motivated.

    I am going home, getting the puppies and going walking this afternoon when I get off work. I didn't realize that it is after 5:00 so I will be heading home shortly!!!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Interesting article about very low carb and Type 2 diabetics
    Does a low-carb diet really help control or even reverse type 2 diabetes? According to a study from Duke University, a very low-carb diet (20 grams or less a day) gave participants better blood sugar control and more effective weight loss than participants who followed a low-glycemic reduced calorie diet.
    Eighty-four people with obesity and type 2 diabetes took part in the study. During the study, both groups also had the supportive benefit of group meetings, nutritional supplementation and an exercise program. After 6 months, the low-carb group had lower hemoglobin A1c results, lost more weight, and 95% were able to reduce or even totally eliminate their diabetes medications. The reduced calorie group did lose weight, and 62% of them were also able to reduce or eliminate their medications, but the low-carb diet group had better overall results.

    "It's simple," says Eric Westman, MD, director of Duke's Lifestyle Medicine Program and lead author of the study. "If you cut out the carbohydrates, your blood sugar goes down, and you lose weight which lowers your blood sugar even further. It's a one-two punch."

    The low-carb diet used in the study is very restrictive on carb intake, with participants eating under 20 grams of carbs a day. This may be difficult for many people to stick to, but as Dr. Westman says, "This is a therapeutic diet for people who are sick," says Westman. "These lifestyle approaches all have an intensive behavioral component. In our program, people come in every two weeks to get reinforcements and reminders. We've treated hundreds of patients this way now at Duke, and what we see clinically and in our research shows that it works."

    Keep in mind that there is more to these results than just diet. Both groups also exercised regularly as well. Diet combined with exercise is the cornerstone of diabetes management. Before starting any diet program, please talk with your doctor, or healthcare provider.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Thanks for posting that article Lioness!! I appreciate the info. Hope the swelling in your face is going down - and all is going better for you.

    Have a great weekend everyone! We're going camping - should be lots of fun. I hope everyone get to enjoy some time with loved ones and relaxing a bit. :heart: :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Slow weekend round here. I got out of the hospital and everything went great. They kept me in ICU overnight. because I had tp lay still on myright side for 10 hours. But I am home now and really got off my low carb diet vut back on it now and it really taste good to me. Expecally MY husbasnd if cooking for me.
    See you all when you guys get back.

  • codykitty
    codykitty Posts: 729
    what kind of sweets do you guys eat that are low carb, phase 1 friendly.... besides sugar free jello or sugar free fudgesicles...?
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Slow weekend round here. I got out of the hospital and everything went great. They kept me in ICU overnight. because I had tp lay still on myright side for 10 hours. But I am home now and really got off my low carb diet vut back on it now and it really taste good to me. Expecally MY husbasnd if cooking for me.
    See you all when you guys get back.


    Glad you are out of the hospital Caliecat!! Now stay out, ya' hear??!! :flowerforyou: Hope you continue to improve and get better.

    I did NOT eat low carb this weekend. But boy, did I have fun!! We went camping - had to do the hot dog roast and s'mores. And sandwiches. But it was a great weekend. Hope everyone had something they enjoyed about the weekend - and some time to pause and thank our vets!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    what kind of sweets do you guys eat that are low carb, phase 1 friendly.... besides sugar free jello or sugar free fudgesicles...?

    It is best to not have anything sweet on Phase 1. The whole purpose of Phase 1 of Atkins, south beach or any other low carb plan is to break the cravings for sweet things and get that under control.............
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Calie - I agree with MTGirl, stay out of the hospital and get well!!! Just keep to the low carb way of eating and your health will begin to improve in ways the Dr's don't think is possible. Especially with you cutting out sugar and artifical sweetners (AS) such as splenda, aspartame, etc........

    MTGirl - Life is filled with the out of norm eating, so I just figured we had a good weekend and now back on the wagon again..........

    Hi there everyone. Hope everyone had a good Memorial day weekend.

    We did a spur of the moment trip, put the puppies in the kennel for the weekend and spent it at Harrah's casino and I was bad.........

    Sugar laden mixed drinks, buns on the burgers, chili cheese french fries, etc.........biscuits and gravy.......

    Surprisingly, my sugar never ran high on me, but I did feel crappy and sick yesterday and my weight is ballooned up with water weight to 220 this mornng.........
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Lioness - sounds like a fun weekend - except for the upset tummy and water weight!! It will drop off quickly though. Sometimes we just have to take a break and enjoy something we wouldn't normally have. Nice on the sugars though - that is great that you didn't run high! Hope you enjoyed yourself - win any $$?? :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Nice weekend for you gals. My blood sugar was running high but today it is back to normal/and my weight is coming down. Not as fast as I want it too but coming down. I am feeling better now.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Lioness - sounds like a fun weekend - except for the upset tummy and water weight!! It will drop off quickly though. Sometimes we just have to take a break and enjoy something we wouldn't normally have. Nice on the sugars though - that is great that you didn't run high! Hope you enjoyed yourself - win any $$?? :laugh:

    Yes, I won $217.00 and my hubby won almost $500.00. We played at the beginner black jack tables. :laugh:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Nice weekend for you gals. My blood sugar was running high but today it is back to normal/and my weight is coming down. Not as fast as I want it too but coming down. I am feeling better now.

    That is good to hear about the BS and your weight!!!

    Before long, your Dr is going to have you off insulin and back on pills to maintain your BS.........

    If it comes off slow, it will stay off, so let it go as slow as it needs to go.........

    I am glad to hear that you are feeling better!!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Lioness - sounds like a fun weekend - except for the upset tummy and water weight!! It will drop off quickly though. Sometimes we just have to take a break and enjoy something we wouldn't normally have. Nice on the sugars though - that is great that you didn't run high! Hope you enjoyed yourself - win any $$?? :laugh:

    Yes, I won $217.00 and my hubby won almost $500.00. We played at the beginner black jack tables. :laugh:

    Yay Lioness!! At least that was a little boost in the stream of trouble! Congrats on winning some back :happy:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good evening everyone.

    How is the evening going?

    I had a busy day at work and now winding down..........

    Dinner this evening is Linda's Low Carb Deep Dish Pizza which is in the oven right now.
    Dinner salad, eating right now.
    Water with Lemon.

    How was everyone elses day back to work after the holiday?
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Hey! Lo Carbers!:wink:
    Didja all have a good day back at the old grind today?
    I had a great weekend, but no loss last week. :grumble: It will go - soon I hope.
    Tonight's dinner is a
    Chinese chicken salad -
    half bag lettuce shreds
    half bag coleslaw
    half bag broccoli slaw
    pea pods
    red pepper, sliced
    sliced almonds
    2 cooked chicken breasts - boneless, skinless, chopped, marinating in Kraft sesame dressing
    Toss it all together, using the dressing from the chicken (since it was precooked) add more if you need to.
    Serves 2 starving big eaters!
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been on here lately. Packing has been taking a lot out of me. We move this Friday into a temp house until we find a house to purchase. Luckily the guy agreed to a 6 month so we have time.

    I have been doing bad with the carbs except for today. I started eating hard boiled eggs more for a snack to up my protein..thanx LL

    Hope everyone has a great week. Hopefully after this weekend things will get back to normal!
