You Can Gain Muscle On A Calorie Deficit!!



  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    can't you eat more on the days you do some heavy weights and less on the other days. If you eat a good meal of carbs/protein right after a workout and eat fairly high that day, and hten the days you aren't doing weights eat under you would still have a calorie defiicit over all, but gain some muscle when your body repairs on the days you work out?
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    can't you eat more on the days you do some heavy weights and less on the other days. If you eat a good meal of carbs/protein right after a workout and eat fairly high that day, and hten the days you aren't doing weights eat under you would still have a calorie defiicit over all, but gain some muscle when your body repairs on the days you work out?
    I pretty much eat the same exact things every day, regardless if its a weight training day or a cardio day. Currently its 2,400 calories, 60 grams of fat, 225 grams of protein and I eat a diet that is high in carbs every day. I thought at a certain point that I would have to drasticly reduce the amount of carbs I eat every day to get rid of the last bit of fat but ended up not having to do so.
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member


    LOL okay?????

    You are obviously pissed off because you argument has fallen completely apart in the face of science and facts, those pesky things. Don't take it out on those of us who took the time to try to help you. You've insulted everyone who bothered sticking around to explain things to you, and you obviously have no sense of humor either. You called ninerbuff "dumb" earlier then resorted to this utterly lame insult towards me and reported this original post because funny = insulting but blatantly insulting right back is just fine.

    You lost your argument many times over and have, in fact, just talked in circles in the last several pages intermingled with your lame insults and name-calling. Agree to disagree and move on or start providing peer-reviewed legitimate science to backup your claims.

    Resorting to name-calling and insulting people while reporting others for saying anything to you is hypocritical and just makes you look worse.
    Nope not pissed at all, Just dont like trolls and wont feed them either, who only post in a thread ( like you have done thru out this one) to try to make themselves look better by trying to make others look like an *kitten* and never post anything constructive.
    As far as being wrong, Niner just explained to me that it is possible that I wasnt at a deficit, Is he right? It is possible and I cannot say he is wrong. But No one was going to tell me that I didnt gain the amount of muscle that I have at the same time as losing as much fat as I have. Because I did!! And until Niner pointed out that I might not have been at a deficit and explained to me that you can lose weight while on a deficit ( something I thought was impossible) I wasnt gonna budge. So im not pissed at all. Going to try to fiqure out if I am/was on a surplus and admit to everyone here that I was wrong If I am. Wont be the first time or the last. But pissed?? No. But I guess you have never been wrong before.

    I've been wrong before, but I don't resort to name-calling and lame insults. Being wrong doesn't mean being an overly defensive jerk. Not sure why that's so difficult. The only thing anyone has done in this thread is ask you to provide SCIENTIFIC evidence to backup your claim, and you have failed to do so while continuing to spread your beliefs based on anecdotal evidence.

    You are, in fact, very wrong about your muscle gains on a calorie deficit. I already mentioned several pages back that unless you have a body scan done before and after, you have no idea if you actually gained or lost lean mass PERIOD. This is not an argument that is debatable. It's a fact. YOU HAVE NO QUANTITATIVE MEASURE OF WHETHER YOU GAINED OR LOST LEAN MASS. NONE....

    I don't understand why this is so hard for you to get through your head. Tigersword explained this to you also. ninerbuff explained it to you further. Again, both were ignored, then you called ninerbuff's argument "dumb" after he asked you for verification on the article you posted.

    I did post constructive comments early on, which you dismissed and ignored like everyone else who did the same. This is why there's only a handful of people with more patience that stuck with your ignorance and continued circular arguments tinged with rudeness and insults.

    You clearly have no sense of humor. I did not troll your thread. I think you have no idea what that word means. Again, you still insulted me blatantly immediately after reporting me for insulting you (which I clearly did not do).
    First I never called Niners arqument dumb, I said he is either spinning his butt off or playing dumb""
    2nd. You can say that I am wrong all you want about my LM muscle gains, I do know! And I didnt need body scans either!! MY doctor has a tape measure, the trainers at the gym have a tape measure, I have a tape measure. If your doctor told you how much lean muscle you gained would you believe him? I believe mine, I also believe the trainers at my gym. If you dont believe me, no big deal, just like im sure you dont care if I believe you about something or. You would take your doctors opinion over mine each and every time and I dont blame you.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Wow- after reading this whole thread I have learned approximately nothing new:angry:

    My husband has recently lost some weight and "looks" more muscular- however I know for a fact he hasn't "gained" muscle as that is impossible for a man eating 1900 calories a day! All he has done is cut the fat off what was already a fairly muscular physique so that the muscles appear more defined.

    I believe that is the same case with the OP (who will probably shoot me for saying so!)
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Wow- after reading this whole thread I have learned approximately nothing new:angry:

    My husband has recently lost some weight and "looks" more muscular- however I know for a fact he hasn't "gained" muscle as that is impossible for a man eating 1900 calories a day! All he has done is cut the fat off what was already a fairly muscular physique so that the muscles appear more defined.

    I believe that is the same case with the OP (who will probably shoot me for saying so!)

    That's pretty much the situation I'm in as well. I know there are a bunch of muscles under there somewhere. I just can't quite remember what they look like. :laugh:
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I wish this thread quoted the same series of pictures more often.

    Other than that, I'm grateful to those of you who continue to provide well-researched information, and point me in the direction to research things myself.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    Wow- after reading this whole thread I have learned approximately nothing new:angry:

    Thank you....I am not going to read it now.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    LOL, I've been following this thread since first posted and 1/4 of the way in I figured out the entire thing was just a misconstrued mess. Let me tell you, I've learned one thing, it's that if I could gain actual "muscle" on a deficit I would have saved tons of money on eating during my last bulk. :P

    Beauty is I know that would have been a waste of 4-5 months of training with none of the results I was going for. Now I'm off to retain my new lean mass by lifting while cutting, oh the logic is strong. :)
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    Ninerbuff, Unfortunately I wasnt eating at a surplus over the last year so that couldnt be it. But I did find another pic. from August, again the 2nd. pic is from early june. And I think you can clearly see the difference in my arms in the two pics. Also please note that even in August with still a great deal of weight to lose that I had a chicken chest, most of it was just skin and bone no muscle or fat in between.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Ninerbuff, Unfortunately I wasnt eating at a surplus over the last year so that couldnt be it. But I did find another pic. from August, again the 2nd. pic is from early june. And I think you can clearly see the difference in my arms in the two pics. Also please note that even in August with still a great deal of weight to lose that I had a chicken chest, most of it was just skin and bone no muscle or fat in between.

    Your arms look leaner not bigger.
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    Ninerbuff, Unfortunately I wasnt eating at a surplus over the last year so that couldnt be it. But I did find another pic. from August, again the 2nd. pic is from early june. And I think you can clearly see the difference in my arms in the two pics. Also please note that even in August with still a great deal of weight to lose that I had a chicken chest, most of it was just skin and bone no muscle or fat in between.

    Your arms look leaner not bigger.
    Ok maybe I just need glasses:happy: Because to me my arms look larger in the first pic. compared to the second pic.
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    Wow- after reading this whole thread I have learned approximately nothing new:angry:

    My husband has recently lost some weight and "looks" more muscular- however I know for a fact he hasn't "gained" muscle as that is impossible for a man eating 1900 calories a day! All he has done is cut the fat off what was already a fairly muscular physique so that the muscles appear more defined.

    I believe that is the same case with the OP (who will probably shoot me for saying so!)
    Not gonna shoot you :bigsmile: I have a few questions though if you dont mind? How much weight did your husband lose? Did your husband have the same muscular build prior to gaining the weight as he does now after losing it? Or did he gain muscle as he gained fat and is now more muscular than he was prior to gaining his weight? ( not talking about being more defined) Also I don't know what he weighed while eating 1900 calories per day but from 213lbs down to 204lbs I ate 2,400 calories per day. I lowered the amount of calories over the past 13 months as I lost weight. Thanks.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    Ninerbuff, Unfortunately I wasnt eating at a surplus over the last year so that couldnt be it. But I did find another pic. from August, again the 2nd. pic is from early june. And I think you can clearly see the difference in my arms in the two pics. Also please note that even in August with still a great deal of weight to lose that I had a chicken chest, most of it was just skin and bone no muscle or fat in between.
    Arms look bigger in the first pic, but then again angles, light and position can make a difference. Comparisons are best made if similar poses and back grounds are used.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    Niner, here is a pic. from the same day (I forgot to reset the date and time when I changed the batteries) different camera, different location, different pose, different lighting.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You can't build muscle out of nothing, it takes energy to grow new tissue. If you're truly eating at a deficit, that energy has to come from burning stored energy in the body (i.e. fat and muscle). That stored energy is already being used to make up the deficit though, which is why someone could potentially build much more muscle eating at a surplus than a deficit (and yes, I know the OP didn't say he gained more than he would when bulking, I'm just saying that up front).

    1) You can gain minimal muscle mass on a deficit if you're very overweight, a new lifter, or a lifter coming off an extended break from working out.

    2) Losing body fat can make your muscles look substantially bigger. As a result, pictures shouldn't be used as proof.

    3) When you lift, things happen in your body that may change the relative size of your muscles without increasing muscle mass (water retention, glycogen storage, etc)

    4) The numbers that are often relied upon heavily for these types of things are really just estimates. It's hard to derive any concrete facts when accuracy is lacking.

    I don't see why it's hard to accept the concept that some combination of the above 4 points occurred.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    We've all read that more than a few times.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Well this sure is a fun read. Time to break out the low fat popcorn.
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    You can't build muscle out of nothing, it takes energy to grow new tissue. If you're truly eating at a deficit, that energy has to come from burning stored energy in the body (i.e. fat and muscle). That stored energy is already being used to make up the deficit though, which is why someone could potentially build much more muscle eating at a surplus than a deficit (and yes, I know the OP didn't say he gained more than he would when bulking, I'm just saying that up front).

    1) You can gain minimal muscle mass on a deficit if you're very overweight, a new lifter, or a lifter coming off an extended break from working out.

    2) Losing body fat can make your muscles look substantially bigger. As a result, pictures shouldn't be used as proof.

    3) When you lift, things happen in your body that may change the relative size of your muscles without increasing muscle mass (water retention, glycogen storage, etc)

    4) The numbers that are often relied upon heavily for these types of things are really just estimates. It's hard to derive any concrete facts when accuracy is lacking.

    I don't see why it's hard to accept the concept that some combination of the above 4 points occurred.

    I pretty much agree with everything you just posted. Just a few questions? I understand that lifting can make muscles more defined thus making them appear to be larger and that water retention/ glycogen storage etc. can actually can make your muscles larger. But wouldnt your monthly measurments flucuate as your water retention and glycogen levels flucuate?
    Also ,( I know you didnt mentione this but fiqured I ask your opinion, and anyone can feel to give their opinion) , I understand that strength gains are no indication of muscle gains but is there limitations to newbie strength gains from just improving form, and strengthening their existing muscle, ligaments and tendons etc? For example: over the last 13 months I have increased my bench by over 150 + lbs, my squats and using the Hammer Strength shrug maching by even more? (270 lbs to be exact for my shrugs)
    Also, its been mentioned a few times that you can gain a substantial amount of lean muscle by just being lazy, eating too much and getting fat, If this is true why doesnt every body do it? And Im being serious, I went from 180 lbs with no muscle what so ever, got fat, then lost it all and now I weigh 204 lbs even though my waist is smaller then when I was at 180lbs. Basicly go from the first pic. to the 2nd and 3 pic. just from being lazy, eating bad, (and I mean bad!) then losing all the fat. (not saying you cant gain some muscle, but to gain no knew muscle in my legs and all of it in my upper body does not seem right)


