New Black Team WEEK 1



  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner Posts: 382
    Hey team!!!!

    I hope everyone is having a great morning!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Well my weight loss is at a stand still but I'm trying a few things that I hope will work. PLUS its TOM for me, but its been TOM for almost 2 weeks now!!:explode: :mad: I've got a call in to my doctor to see what's going on. THis happened last month to, so surely something's a little off. :huh:

    I'm having trouble burning 200 calories a day...I am not allowed to do any exercise that have impact (i.e. walking, running, jumping) because I'm having problems with my feet :frown: :sick: ...but I do yoga and pilates and try to do some strength training. Due to illness among my household I can't get any workouts in consistently and frankly being able to pay for a gym membership is not an option right now. I just don't think that yoga and pilates is going to really burn 200 calories??? :cry: :ohwell: I need ideas, please???
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Mornin' Black Team!!! I've got a slow minute here at work, won't last though :laugh: I did take a walk with dh last night - 219 calories burned! Hubby's like "are you speed walking or what tonight?? Slow down!" Made him pant a little lol! Did water aerobics this a.m. for 278 calories burned - bs I say!! I know it was more than that - I need a HRM. Preferably one I can wear in water! Have a good day everyone - I'll check in as I can - can't keep up with this thread :drinker: You guys rock!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good Morning Black Team!! :flowerforyou:

    What can I do for you today??:wink::laugh:

    How are you at finding jobs for unemployed husbands?
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good Morning Black Team!! :flowerforyou:

    What can I do for you today??:wink::laugh:

    How are you at finding jobs for unemployed husbands?

    LOL, I hear you there Marla!!! Find one for my hubby too!

    In all seriousness...TamTastic you are fabulous! I've read a lot about you all over the message boards :) You're famous, girl!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Good Morning Black Team !!

    Marla...Glad you were able to push through and finish your run.

    Sam...I pledged 10 pounds, that should get me to goal.

    Getting ready to go for my run. Always an easy 200+ calorie burn. I can do 2.75 miles almost to that 5K mark. Not bad for a non runner:laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good Morning Black Team !!

    Marla...Glad you were able to push through and finish your run.

    Sam...I pledged 10 pounds, that should get me to goal.

    Getting ready to go for my run. Always an easy 200+ calorie burn. I can do 2.75 miles almost to that 5K mark. Not bad for a non runner:laugh:

    Way to go, Bobbi!!!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening all.

    Still busy I see. Well hitting the gym actually made the achey back feel better. got 530 calories burned and feeling much better. Anyhoo I have another long day at work tommorow but at least I am not doing a rediculous amount of driving for a change. Have a great night friends!

    :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Im so glad your back is better Andrew, please be careful! NO INJURIES my friend:smile: And just so you feel "at home"...I only burned 518 calories yesterday. You got me my friend:wink::laugh: :flowerforyou:

    No such luck there Roni, I am thinking that this is officially in injury status as it is much worse today and I have taken half a day from work and am on the couch with a heating pad. Ugh...Not to mention that the metobolic mayhem that comes with quitting smoking is cathing up with me. I have been fighting to keep the scale from going up but it is starting to creep in that direction. Th good news is that even if I plataue or gain a bit it is still the best thing I can do for my health. I have been spot on with cals and excersise and I still cant seem to keep the weight gain at bay. Couple that with the back situation and the fact that it might be a bit before I start working out again and that spells trouble for the batman. Ah well, All I can do is do my best and keep making good desicions. One good thing I got going is that my pants are looser even though the scale is being difficult.

    Have a great afternoon everyone!
    If you need me I will be lying on the couch whining like a baby while I stalk the thread. lol

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Evening all.

    Still busy I see. Well hitting the gym actually made the achey back feel better. got 530 calories burned and feeling much better. Anyhoo I have another long day at work tommorow but at least I am not doing a rediculous amount of driving for a change. Have a great night friends!

    :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Im so glad your back is better Andrew, please be careful! NO INJURIES my friend:smile: And just so you feel "at home"...I only burned 518 calories yesterday. You got me my friend:wink::laugh: :flowerforyou:

    No such luck there Roni, I am thinking that this is officially in injury status as it is much worse today and I have taken half a day from work and am on the couch with a heating pad. Ugh...Not to mention that the metobolic mayhem that comes with quitting smoking is cathing up with me. I have been fighting to keep the scale from going up but it is starting to creep in that direction. Th good news is that even if I plataue or gain a bit it is still the best thing I can do for my health. I have been spot on with cals and excersise and I still cant seem to keep the weight gain at bay. Couple that with the back situation and the fact that it might be a bit before I start working out again and that spells trouble for the batman. Ah well, All I can do is do my best and keep making good desicions. One good thing I got going is that my pants are looser even though the scale is being difficult.

    Have a great afternoon everyone!
    If you need me I will be lying on the couch whining like a baby while I stalk the thread. lol


    :cry: So sorry Andrew. I hope you back is better............tomorrow! Thats it, you wake up tomorrow with your back better, you hear??

    The good news is you quit smoking!! Oh what I would give for DH to not be stinky ashtry guy any longer.

    I am very proud of you!! Feel better my friend.:flowerforyou:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening all.

    Still busy I see. Well hitting the gym actually made the achey back feel better. got 530 calories burned and feeling much better. Anyhoo I have another long day at work tommorow but at least I am not doing a rediculous amount of driving for a change. Have a great night friends!

    :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Im so glad your back is better Andrew, please be careful! NO INJURIES my friend:smile: And just so you feel "at home"...I only burned 518 calories yesterday. You got me my friend:wink::laugh: :flowerforyou:

    No such luck there Roni, I am thinking that this is officially in injury status as it is much worse today and I have taken half a day from work and am on the couch with a heating pad. Ugh...Not to mention that the metobolic mayhem that comes with quitting smoking is cathing up with me. I have been fighting to keep the scale from going up but it is starting to creep in that direction. Th good news is that even if I plataue or gain a bit it is still the best thing I can do for my health. I have been spot on with cals and excersise and I still cant seem to keep the weight gain at bay. Couple that with the back situation and the fact that it might be a bit before I start working out again and that spells trouble for the batman. Ah well, All I can do is do my best and keep making good desicions. One good thing I got going is that my pants are looser even though the scale is being difficult.

    Have a great afternoon everyone!
    If you need me I will be lying on the couch whining like a baby while I stalk the thread. lol


    :cry: So sorry Andrew. I hope you back is better............tomorrow! Thats it, you wake up tomorrow with your back better, you hear??

    The good news is you quit smoking!! Oh what I would give for DH to not be stinky ashtry guy any longer.

    I am very proud of you!! Feel better my friend.:flowerforyou:

    Figures the double disaster strikes when I am 4 pounds away from 100 and 2 days away from finishing couch to 5k. Yet for some reason I'm not even that bummed. I guess I am growing out of that "Race to the finish" mind set. lol
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Evening all.

    Still busy I see. Well hitting the gym actually made the achey back feel better. got 530 calories burned and feeling much better. Anyhoo I have another long day at work tommorow but at least I am not doing a rediculous amount of driving for a change. Have a great night friends!

    :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Im so glad your back is better Andrew, please be careful! NO INJURIES my friend:smile: And just so you feel "at home"...I only burned 518 calories yesterday. You got me my friend:wink::laugh: :flowerforyou:

    No such luck there Roni, I am thinking that this is officially in injury status as it is much worse today and I have taken half a day from work and am on the couch with a heating pad. Ugh...Not to mention that the metobolic mayhem that comes with quitting smoking is cathing up with me. I have been fighting to keep the scale from going up but it is starting to creep in that direction. Th good news is that even if I plataue or gain a bit it is still the best thing I can do for my health. I have been spot on with cals and excersise and I still cant seem to keep the weight gain at bay. Couple that with the back situation and the fact that it might be a bit before I start working out again and that spells trouble for the batman. Ah well, All I can do is do my best and keep making good desicions. One good thing I got going is that my pants are looser even though the scale is being difficult.

    Have a great afternoon everyone!
    If you need me I will be lying on the couch whining like a baby while I stalk the thread. lol


    Hope you feel better soon, Andrew! Take good care of yourself, back injuries are no joke!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    So, I have gained about 13 lbs with pregnancy. I am coming up on 6 months. I guess that isn't horrible right?? I mean, if I keep as I am...and just be careful..the rest of the weight that comes on will mostly be the baby growing and gaining HIS weight.

    I am not adding the weight gain to my ticker...because I don't think it counts...YET!! :laugh: :laugh:

    When I give birth and get home from the hospital, I will change my ticker then to see what I really have to lose then! I mean, my last baby was 9 lbs at birth!!! :laugh: :laugh: Makes for a great "LOSS" once home!!! :wink:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644

    Where'd the party go?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    So, I have gained about 13 lbs with pregnancy. I am coming up on 6 months. I guess that isn't horrible right?? I mean, if I keep as I am...and just be careful..the rest of the weight that comes on will mostly be the baby growing and gaining HIS weight.

    I am not adding the weight gain to my ticker...because I don't think it counts...YET!! :laugh: :laugh:

    When I give birth and get home from the hospital, I will change my ticker then to see what I really have to lose then! I mean, my last baby was 9 lbs at birth!!! :laugh: :laugh: Makes for a great "LOSS" once home!!! :wink:

    Personally, I wouldn't post the weight until your six week checkup-- by then you'll have all the weight and gloop of the baby off and have a better indication of where you really stand.

    13 pounds right now is super--
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Evening all.

    Still busy I see. Well hitting the gym actually made the achey back feel better. got 530 calories burned and feeling much better. Anyhoo I have another long day at work tommorow but at least I am not doing a rediculous amount of driving for a change. Have a great night friends!

    :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Im so glad your back is better Andrew, please be careful! NO INJURIES my friend:smile: And just so you feel "at home"...I only burned 518 calories yesterday. You got me my friend:wink::laugh: :flowerforyou:

    No such luck there Roni, I am thinking that this is officially in injury status as it is much worse today and I have taken half a day from work and am on the couch with a heating pad. Ugh...Not to mention that the metobolic mayhem that comes with quitting smoking is cathing up with me. I have been fighting to keep the scale from going up but it is starting to creep in that direction. Th good news is that even if I plataue or gain a bit it is still the best thing I can do for my health. I have been spot on with cals and excersise and I still cant seem to keep the weight gain at bay. Couple that with the back situation and the fact that it might be a bit before I start working out again and that spells trouble for the batman. Ah well, All I can do is do my best and keep making good desicions. One good thing I got going is that my pants are looser even though the scale is being difficult.

    Have a great afternoon everyone!
    If you need me I will be lying on the couch whining like a baby while I stalk the thread. lol


    Andrew...So sorry about your back. Healing thoughts coming your way!!:happy:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    So, I have gained about 13 lbs with pregnancy. I am coming up on 6 months. I guess that isn't horrible right?? I mean, if I keep as I am...and just be careful..the rest of the weight that comes on will mostly be the baby growing and gaining HIS weight.

    I am not adding the weight gain to my ticker...because I don't think it counts...YET!! :laugh: :laugh:

    When I give birth and get home from the hospital, I will change my ticker then to see what I really have to lose then! I mean, my last baby was 9 lbs at birth!!! :laugh: :laugh: Makes for a great "LOSS" once home!!! :wink:

    Personally, I wouldn't post the weight until your six week checkup-- by then you'll have all the weight and gloop of the baby off and have a better indication of where you really stand.

    13 pounds right now is super--

    I agree. :laugh: With the 13 pounds right now being super and waiting until 6 week check up. I caught the HIS weight part, what names do you have picked out?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    There's too much to read right now that I missed this! I hope your back continues to feel better, Andrew! Don't push yourself too much & make sure you're doing your 7min.+ of stretching after your workouts!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    How many posts left until we lock the thread??

    I think this gang can definitely do it..

    Welcome Tami - so glad you decided to join us - send hummus
    (I miss him too :brokenheart: )

    Andrew - take care of your back, buddy - can't do anything without it..

    Everyone else - I just can't keep up - you are all posting maniacs.. I will be lurking and post when I can. Just can't believe they actually expect me to do work at this job - - what nerve.. :noway: :angry: :grumble:

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member