New Black Team WEEK 1



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    mmm seafood...our anniversary is next week, i'll be thinking about some fresh maine seafood til then :love:

    maybe some lobstah (i threw in the accent for you marla)

    Maine, eh? You can't theah from heah-- ayup.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Pepperidge Fahm remembahs--

    (This is for you, Tam)

  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    mmm seafood...our anniversary is next week, i'll be thinking about some fresh maine seafood til then :love:

    maybe some lobstah (i threw in the accent for you marla)

    Maine, eh? You can't theah from heah-- ayup.

    well i'm from mass so it's more like yous can't get thayah from heeyah:laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    mmm seafood...our anniversary is next week, i'll be thinking about some fresh maine seafood til then :love:

    maybe some lobstah (i threw in the accent for you marla)

    Maine, eh? You can't theah from heah-- ayup.

    well i'm from mass so it's more like yous can't get thayah from heeyah:laugh:

    I'm reading it and hearing Ted Kennedy-- too funny!!!!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, I hope you're all satisfied-- ( you, too, Dave-- ) :angry:

    It is now 11:19 and I have exactly one minute and 36 seconds of audio transcribed for the evening. Between all of you lovely people and my family's mega interruptions, I'm behind the eight ball once again. I live there-- truly.

    Only thing saving me is work screwed up and didn't send me all I requested, so I don't have as much to do-- now, enough, people-- let me go and do some work-- sheesh!!!!!!!:noway:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    :laugh: i totally tried for so long to get rid of my accent but once in a while i'll say something like, "it's time for suppah!" to my kids and cringe
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    ok time for bed, goodnight all :heart:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Tooting my own horn here! TOOT TOOT!!!

    I, Samantha, am officially out of the 180's!!!:noway: Yes that is right! I weighed myself this AM and I was 176.4 WOOT WOOT!!!

    I only count myself out of a number if at night I am not in that number and GUESS WHAT? I was!! WOOT WOOT!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Congrats Sam!!
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    I'm having a pretty decent week. No cravings have hit me yet, so it's been pretty easy to stick to healthy
    choices. I did burn 864 calories today! (woo-hoo!)

    I was feeling kinda bad since I haven't lost anything so far this week, so I decided to measure myself early (normally do it on Sundays) and I have lost an additional 3 3/4" for a total loss of 7 3/4" since May 3rd. That definitely gave me a little hop in my step!!! I'll take it!

    Well I'm off to bed! Hope to check in more tomorrow. It's been pretty hectic the last couple days and I haven't been able to converse with everyone as much as I hoped.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Well, I hope you're all satisfied-- ( you, too, Dave-- ) :angry:

    It is now 11:19 and I have exactly one minute and 36 seconds of audio transcribed for the evening. Between all of you lovely people and my family's mega interruptions, I'm behind the eight ball once again. I live there-- truly.

    Only thing saving me is work screwed up and didn't send me all I requested, so I don't have as much to do-- now, enough, people-- let me go and do some work-- sheesh!!!!!!!:noway:

    Dave screwing with you even from his jail cell, huh? :laugh:

    Happy Friday, Black Team! I read back a few posts & now have a horrible craving for a morning burger. Thanks a lot! :tongue:

    Kristina - YAY for the extra inches lost & the great calorie burn yesterday!

    Sam - NO more 180s for you! WOO HOO! Congrats! :flowerforyou:
  • Zipflipnflutter
    Zipflipnflutter Posts: 27 Member
    I'm from Ma too! But i am on the South coast, so are accents aren't that bad, lol

    Last night I was out with some friends and they asked me to train/run with them @ a 13k race down in Disney. (my good friend works for Disney)

    First off I havent run more than a mile, I am 238 lbs, I am strong but I don't know if i could really do it, and I know you can walk/run but you have to maintain an 18 minute mile or you get pulled off. Also I have been asked to train w/ two of the people up here in MA, is two to three tines sufficient,? and is 4 months enough time to train for a 13k?...I am scared, but I definitely want to try without looking like an idiot....

    Before I decide if I am gonna put myself through that I would like some input., lol =)
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Sarah - I personally don't think that 4 months is long enough to train for a 13K, but that's just me & I'm a newbie at running. I'm looking at 12 weeks to train for a 5k & I'm a little scared! :laugh: Some of the runners in here might have better insight.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    I'm from Ma too! But i am on the South coast, so are accents aren't that bad, lol

    Last night I was out with some friends and they asked me to train/run with them @ a 13k race down in Disney. (my good friend works for Disney)

    First off I havent run more than a mile, I am 238 lbs, I am strong but I don't know if i could really do it, and I know you can walk/run but you have to maintain an 18 minute mile or you get pulled off. Also I have been asked to train w/ two of the people up here in MA, is two to three tines sufficient,? and is 4 months enough time to train for a 13k?...I am scared, but I definitely want to try without looking like an idiot....

    Before I decide if I am gonna put myself through that I would like some input., lol =)

    i'm from the southcoast too (new bedford) where are you from?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Good morning all!! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you had a great night.

    Heading to the gym soon to get my preggo sweat on! :tongue:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I'm from Ma too! But i am on the South coast, so are accents aren't that bad, lol

    Last night I was out with some friends and they asked me to train/run with them @ a 13k race down in Disney. (my good friend works for Disney)

    First off I havent run more than a mile, I am 238 lbs, I am strong but I don't know if i could really do it, and I know you can walk/run but you have to maintain an 18 minute mile or you get pulled off. Also I have been asked to train w/ two of the people up here in MA, is two to three tines sufficient,? and is 4 months enough time to train for a 13k?...I am scared, but I definitely want to try without looking like an idiot....

    Before I decide if I am gonna put myself through that I would like some input., lol =)

    I have been jogging for about 4 months and I can't get my as$ past mile 7 with out dying. You might be able to if you run everyday but it's gonna be hard. I would hold off til next year if I were you! IMO:flowerforyou:
  • Zipflipnflutter
    Zipflipnflutter Posts: 27 Member
    I'm from Ma too! But i am on the South coast, so are accents aren't that bad, lol

    Last night I was out with some friends and they asked me to train/run with them @ a 13k race down in Disney. (my good friend works for Disney)

    First off I havent run more than a mile, I am 238 lbs, I am strong but I don't know if i could really do it, and I know you can walk/run but you have to maintain an 18 minute mile or you get pulled off. Also I have been asked to train w/ two of the people up here in MA, is two to three tines sufficient,? and is 4 months enough time to train for a 13k?...I am scared, but I definitely want to try without looking like an idiot....

    Before I decide if I am gonna put myself through that I would like some input., lol =)

    i'm from the southcoast too (new bedford) where are you from?

    we're neighbors..i'm in Dartmouth!!!
  • Zipflipnflutter
    Zipflipnflutter Posts: 27 Member
    I'm from Ma too! But i am on the South coast, so are accents aren't that bad, lol

    Last night I was out with some friends and they asked me to train/run with them @ a 13k race down in Disney. (my good friend works for Disney)

    First off I havent run more than a mile, I am 238 lbs, I am strong but I don't know if i could really do it, and I know you can walk/run but you have to maintain an 18 minute mile or you get pulled off. Also I have been asked to train w/ two of the people up here in MA, is two to three tines sufficient,? and is 4 months enough time to train for a 13k?...I am scared, but I definitely want to try without looking like an idiot....

    Before I decide if I am gonna put myself through that I would like some input., lol =)

    I have been jogging for about 4 months and I can't get my as$ past mile 7 with out dying. You might be able to if you run everyday but it's gonna be hard. I would hold off til next year if I were you! IMO:flowerforyou:

    that's what I was thinkin...! Maybe i'll try to find a 5k around here..however, the running at night w/ the black lights sounds so cool!!!

    I might still's so hard to make a decision. I would love to go down there, first off, to visit w/ my friend, run the race..visit my sister who lives in West palm Beach, and go to son hasn't been yet and he's dying.
    The cost to us would only be airfare since my friend gets us in free to the parks, she is offering for us to stay w/ her instead of a hotel...
    I just don't know if I would bring all three kids, or just my oldest!
    so hard, so hard...
  • Zipflipnflutter
    Zipflipnflutter Posts: 27 Member
    i just went onto the website...they have a 5k as well, which starts 15 minutes before the 13k..i won't be with my friends, but my sister said she would do the 5k with me!!!

    it's called the Twilight zone tower of terror!!!

    too fun! hope everything works out =)
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Wow, I cannot keep up with the posts on this team!

    Good morning everyone! TGIF!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Good morning all..

    Hard to keep up with you guys..

    Sam - congrats on getting out of the 180's - WAY TO GO!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Trying to get some work done through the funk.. so glad it is Friday..
