New Black Team WEEK 1



  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Good Morning Black Team! Gosh, I take one day off from MFP and I come back to a thread of 19 pages! At least I'll have something to keep me occupied at work today! :wink:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Ok, soo... I have a confession...


    I stepped on the scale today. :laugh:

    And GUESS WHAT!!!!!!! I'm down FOUR POUNDS since Tuesday. And there's still 5 days til the next weigh in! If I can hold on to this 4 pounds gone, I'll be a happy camper for sure!!!!

    Uh, oh, computer problems. gotta shut down.

  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Evening all.

    Still busy I see. Well hitting the gym actually made the achey back feel better. got 530 calories burned and feeling much better. Anyhoo I have another long day at work tommorow but at least I am not doing a rediculous amount of driving for a change. Have a great night friends!

    :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Im so glad your back is better Andrew, please be careful! NO INJURIES my friend:smile: And just so you feel "at home"...I only burned 518 calories yesterday. You got me my friend:wink::laugh: :flowerforyou:

    No such luck there Roni, I am thinking that this is officially in injury status as it is much worse today and I have taken half a day from work and am on the couch with a heating pad. Ugh...Not to mention that the metobolic mayhem that comes with quitting smoking is cathing up with me. I have been fighting to keep the scale from going up but it is starting to creep in that direction. Th good news is that even if I plataue or gain a bit it is still the best thing I can do for my health. I have been spot on with cals and excersise and I still cant seem to keep the weight gain at bay. Couple that with the back situation and the fact that it might be a bit before I start working out again and that spells trouble for the batman. Ah well, All I can do is do my best and keep making good desicions. One good thing I got going is that my pants are looser even though the scale is being difficult.

    Have a great afternoon everyone!
    If you need me I will be lying on the couch whining like a baby while I stalk the thread. lol


    Andrew...So sorry about your back. Healing thoughts coming your way!!:happy:

    I didnt get to check back in yesterday, and I havent read all the way through the posts to catch up yet...just to this one:wink: but I hope your back was much better this morning...after all, Jeannie DID give you an order:laugh: :wink:
  • maiasmommy
    maiasmommy Posts: 39
    Good morning everyone! Tonight I have to go to a friend's bbq and am really nervous about it. I think I might eat before going. Is that normal?
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Great job, Jenni-- it is awesome how the mind shifts and that which you thought you'd never find remotely enjoyable, and was downright loathsome truly can become part of your very being--

    I can't live without my running these days-- it is as good for the mind and soul as it is for the body--

    Andrew-- how you feeling, my friend?

    Still out of commission from a work out stand point but I think I am better off not pushing my luck. Doing good on my eating and who know's this lack of work might actually shake things up for the body. I might have been over doing it.


    Not that you dont already know this lol....but you CAN lose weight still without working out for awhile. I did it for about 5 weeks when I hurt my leg and I still lost anywhere from 1.5-4 lbs a week just by staying within my calories religously:smile: Take care my friend and feel better:flowerforyou:
  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner Posts: 382
    Good morning!!! I hope everyone has a great week!!! :tongue:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    So my grocery store had ground turkey on sale this week and I've never tried that before and I picked some up. I found two recipes, one for burgers and one for meatloaf and they both sound really good! I'm excited to try them.

    I use ground turkey in replace of all my ground beef.

    Same here Sam....we all love it and no one even misses ground beef:smile:
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Good Morning Black Team. Hope all is well.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sarah - I personally don't think that 4 months is long enough to train for a 13K, but that's just me & I'm a newbie at running. I'm looking at 12 weeks to train for a 5k & I'm a little scared! :laugh: Some of the runners in here might have better insight.

    I'm with Sara-- that's a lot of running with not a lot to train-- in my humble opinion-- 12 weeks for 5k should be enough-- I didn't have much more time.

    Also, Sarah, running at 238 puts significant stress on your joints so be careful there, too, not to overdo it. I run easier with every pound that comes off.
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Ok, soo... I have a confession...


    I stepped on the scale today. :laugh:

    And GUESS WHAT!!!!!!! I'm down FOUR POUNDS since Tuesday. And there's still 5 days til the next weigh in! If I can hold on to this 4 pounds gone, I'll be a happy camper for sure!!!!

    Uh, oh, computer problems. gotta shut down.


    :drinker: :drinker: Way to go!! Keep up the good work!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Good morning Black Team!! :drinker: Lovely day here -finally again! Gonna be a nice weekend too YAY!! Had some yummy Morel mushrooms with my eggs for breakfast - thanks to fil for picking them for us :flowerforyou: I'm a happy girl today!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Good morning everyone! Tonight I have to go to a friend's bbq and am really nervous about it. I think I might eat before going. Is that normal?

    It's normal to me, although that may not be saying much...! :laugh: I usually have a Fiber One bar and about 3 glasses of water before I go out to dinner with friends or anywhere that I know I'm going to be tempted. It fills me up and not only am I more careful with what I order, but I also tend to eat less. Good luck with whatever you decide to do! And enjoy the BBQ! :glasses:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Tooting my own horn here! TOOT TOOT!!!

    I, Samantha, am officially out of the 180's!!!:noway: Yes that is right! I weighed myself this AM and I was 176.4 WOOT WOOT!!!

    I only count myself out of a number if at night I am not in that number and GUESS WHAT? I was!! WOOT WOOT!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Congrats Sam!!

    Way to go Sam!!! You look fantastic!!:drinker:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning everyone! Tonight I have to go to a friend's bbq and am really nervous about it. I think I might eat before going. Is that normal?

    That's a plan as long as you can faithfully abstain from food once there--

    But it can also be a recipe to have two dinners-- proceed with caution.

    Personally, I'd say go to the barbeque and make wise choices-- real food for real life-- you're never going to NOT have barbeque food, so start tonight by eating sensibly. You can do it!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning all!! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you had a great night.

    Heading to the gym soon to get my preggo sweat on! :tongue:

    Work it, Tami!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wishing everyone a nice day-- resuming my life behind the 8 ball.

    Have a great day!!!!!!
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    So how's everyone doing!!! Happy Friday!!!! Anyone have fun plans for this weekend?
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning Black Teamers!! Im about to head out into the wet, dreary weather and get my workout done...oh the things we do for Sam:wink::laugh: :laugh:
    Had a pretty good day with the calorie burn yesterday....683. Not to bad:blushing: For a fat chick anyway:wink::laugh:
    Hope all you chatty friends have a great Friday:happy: :wink: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Good morning Black Teamers!! Im about to head out into the wet, dreary weather and get my workout done...oh the things we do for Sam:wink::laugh: :laugh:
    Had a pretty good day with the calorie burn yesterday....683. Not to bad:blushing: For a fat chick anyway:wink::laugh:
    Hope all you chatty friends have a great Friday:happy: :wink: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    this is NOT for me I'm just the numbers keeper! :laugh: THIS is for YOU!! :flowerforyou:
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Good morning everyone! Tonight I have to go to a friend's bbq and am really nervous about it. I think I might eat before going. Is that normal?

    That's a plan as long as you can faithfully abstain from food once there--

    But it can also be a recipe to have two dinners-- proceed with caution.

    Personally, I'd say go to the barbeque and make wise choices-- real food for real life-- you're never going to NOT have barbeque food, so start tonight by eating sensibly. You can do it!

    Marla you're so smart! :wink: :flowerforyou:
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