New Black Team WEEK 1



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OH! (b/c I don't think y'all have heard me yap yap yap enough yet...). I picked out my 5K race. It is in mid-August so I have about 12 weeks to train for it. My bff is running with me & we discussed "training tactics" all day yesterday :laugh: I was doing an exhaustion test on the treadmill yesterday, but got interrupted 1.25 miles in b/c T was screaming in the playroom. :grumble: Looked at Couch-to-5K and I'm sitting at about Week6, Day2. I'm going to try another exhaustion test today (if I can get to the gym) and see where that leaves me. I'm running about a 10 minute mile right now & would love to have that number down before August. Okay, okay...blah blah blah is over.

    OH! Another thing for you running folk. If you want to start running outside, but don't know how far things are: I was able to plot out a 3.4 mile loop through my village so now I know how far things are & I don't have to guess anymore! TADA!

    I'm sure I'll be back in 5 minutes or less to yap about something else. :heart:

    Dear Sara,

    You can no longer call yourself the prior me, as I would NEVER have run.


    Future You:flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Dear Future-Me,

    I never thought I would run either, but Marla, Andrew, Janie, and Sam are makin' me. :angry:

    Love, Prior-You.



    Thanks for the love for T. That was last summer. I miss having my itty bitty baby. :sad: She's suddenly turned into a little girl!
  • Zipflipnflutter
    Zipflipnflutter Posts: 27 Member
    I'm Sarah. I pledged 20 lbs.!!! GO ME!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Dear Future-Me,

    I never thought I would run either, but Marla, Andrew, Janie, and Sam are makin' me. :angry:

    Love, Prior-You.



    Thanks for the love for T. That was last summer. I miss having my itty bitty baby. :sad: She's suddenly turned into a little girl!

    She will be your BFF before you know it! I am so proud of you for learning to run. I guess it is just an excuse for me really. I mean Marla ran a 5k with a 10 pound gallbladder:noway: , who am I to complain?

    I have been jogging for 2 min and walking. I know someone said they feel like a floppy doll. A trainer told me to hold core when learning to run. Sounds silly, but I do a plank prior to getting on the treadmill.......makes me feel my core muscles. then when I am ahem, running if you call it that, I hold all those muscles and now dont seem to flay quite so much.

    N E WAY............I am very proud of you!!:flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh! That's good advice for Lori aka Kermit the Runner. :laugh: I do need to dust off my mp3 player & get some...what was it, Andrew...It's Raining Men???...uploaded so I don't get used to watching the tv at the gym. Fresh Prince of BelAire is a great show to run to. :laugh:

    Thanks, Jeannie. :heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh and I think I will pledge the 3 pounds I didnt lose the LAST time around:grumble: :grumble:

    No really, I pledged 10 pounds the last time, will go back and pledge another 10.

    Like Beth said, when I saw the number, I thought " Hey, I worked for 10 of those pounds!!"

    :heart: Jeannie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    for all you new black teamers let me just show you what the black team has done for me.

    this is me in January

    this is me yesterday

    Good luck to everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Hey Sam.............Wheres the beef??????:glasses:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    all together "HI JEANNIE" :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    well, looks like i'll be burning 200 calories today too.. :grumble: I just couldn't leave those cookies alone.

    Anyone a baseball fan? I'm a huge Twins fan and I'm excited to report that we're up by 4 in the 4th inning against the division leaders (Detroit Tigers). In case anyone cares... :bigsmile:

    By the way, where do you guys get all the awesome smileys???

    I know this is late and the game is over, but I care!! I am a Tiger fan so GO TIGERS!! So how did the game end up??

    I am so up for this challenge!! I can't wait to get started!!!! Going to pledge right now!!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    well, looks like i'll be burning 200 calories today too.. :grumble: I just couldn't leave those cookies alone.

    Anyone a baseball fan? I'm a huge Twins fan and I'm excited to report that we're up by 4 in the 4th inning against the division leaders (Detroit Tigers). In case anyone cares... :bigsmile:

    By the way, where do you guys get all the awesome smileys???

    I know this is late and the game is over, but I care!! I am a Tiger fan so GO TIGERS!! So how did the game end up??

    I am so up for this challenge!! I can't wait to get started!!!! Going to pledge right now!!


    *sigh* My new BFF :love:


    Tigers lost last night, but don't tell Vanessa that. If she asks, the Twins took a beating. :bigsmile:
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    well, looks like i'll be burning 200 calories today too.. :grumble: I just couldn't leave those cookies alone.

    Anyone a baseball fan? I'm a huge Twins fan and I'm excited to report that we're up by 4 in the 4th inning against the division leaders (Detroit Tigers). In case anyone cares... :bigsmile:

    By the way, where do you guys get all the awesome smileys???

    I know this is late and the game is over, but I care!! I am a Tiger fan so GO TIGERS!! So how did the game end up??

    I am so up for this challenge!! I can't wait to get started!!!! Going to pledge right now!!


    *sigh* My new BFF :love:


    Tigers lost last night, but don't tell Vanessa that. If she asks, the Twins took a beating. :bigsmile:
    Sounds good to me!!!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Vaness - Sorry about the throwing up. But good job on the working out!

    Sara - Tabitha is just as cute as ever in your ticker. And you look great!

    Yesterday Harley and I walked an hour. Then after Dave got home we did another hour. I didn't realize until I got ready for bed last night but my shoulders got fried. I put aloe on and they're a little better today but they are burnt. Ow!

    BTW, I had a weird dream last night that I thought I'd share. (I always have weird dreams but this one is MFP fitting.) In my dream, I was hanging out at some bookstore and started watching the tv. I realized it was a black team channel! The people on our team were on the show like a reality show showing their daily lives. At the point I "saw" in my dream, Marla was talking to her husband. LOL
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good morning ya'll! I am so ready to be here with you all starting today! I am excited to be on a team that is so motivated!!
  • ToniAnn45
    ToniAnn45 Posts: 78 Member
    My name is Toni & I'm new to the team. Good Morning to everyone! Not sure how much walking I'll get in today...the weather is windy & stormy. It rained 1 inch in less than 1 hour last evening. Will go to the gym after work for dance class & should burn at least 300 calories. I going to have a great day & hope everyone else does too. MAKE HEALTY CHOICES, MOVE MORE!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning fellow Black Teamers and NEW Black Teamers!! Wow, these threads are really moving:laugh: The more the merrier, right?:happy:
    Ok, for this first weeks challenge...I pledged to lose 20 lbs, which I hope will be ok because Im not real sure WHEN this summer it ends? I pledged the last time too, but I think its great that they are extending it thru the summer.
    As for the calorie burn per day part, I dont expect to have a problem with that at all because I have been shooting for at least a 400 cal burn per day anyway for about the past 8 weeks:tongue: So, heres to a new Black Team with new goals, new challenges and new friends!!:drinker:
    Have a wonderful day everyone, Im off to go "play" in the rain for my walk/jog today...lovely weather around here today:grumble:
    P.S. Hey Marla...I wish I was you:blushing: :wink: I wanna be a runner like Marla!:drinker: :laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    for all you new black teamers let me just show you what the black team has done for me.

    this is me in January

    this is me yesterday

    Good luck to everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Hey Sam.............Wheres the beef??????:glasses:

    It's laying on the garage floor! :blushing: (that's where the treadmill is)

    I was just looking and MY AS$ is GONE!!! :grumble: Might have to get one of those brazillian butt lifts!:laugh:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Samantha you are looking awesome!!! Keep it up girl!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Good morning all..

    I am still here (thanks for the shout out Beans).

    I logged in to see if this weeks challenge had been posted and found 5 pages of posts to go through.. You all were very busy last night.

    I am so in for this challenge - just pledged 10 pounds, and will swim for 1 hour tonight..

    It is very nice to meet all the new folks - my name is Janie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • maiasmommy
    maiasmommy Posts: 39
    I guess I should tell everyone my name, lol. My name is Chantelle, I pledged to lose 15 lbs. Now I need to figure out what I can do today to burn 200 calories. Any ideas?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wow-- can't keep up with all you chatty Cathy--

    For all you newbies-- I'm the quiet one with never too much to say.

    YEAH, AS IF--

    I haven't had time to go pledge yet-- and still am trying to get my 10am typing done so haven't gotten on the scale either-- but I'll be hopping on and posting and going from this point forward-- I know I was up three-- water weight is a lovely thing. :grumble:

    Running, abstaining from barbeque fare and counting calories = three pounds up. WTH?

    But, this too shall pass-- have a great day Black team-- look forward to having continued fun with you all!!!!!