Dog owners, am i being selfish?



  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    If people who had to work 8 hours a day never got dogs, most households wouldn't have them!!! I say go for it. I do agree with those that suggested crate training and getting an older dog (not a puppy).

    Excellent point. My thoughts exactly. If working people shouldn't have dogs - who can?
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.

    thats why you get two of em lol... oh and crate training.
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    Ive had my rottweiler for 4 years.. then I moved in with my fiance.. he works nights and sleeps 24/7 and my dog was all lonely and depressed. so I went out and got her a pitbull puppy! then I decided the pitbull puppy needs a friend his age.. so i got him a kitten :D!
    now we have a rottweiler a pitbull and a 4 month old kitten. and they are amazing together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the kitten came from my friends baRn.. where he thought he was a goat lol now he thinks hes a dog.. he drinks with the dogs, eats with them, when i come home they all run to the door lol. another dog is in my future for sho! either a dogo argentino or an american bully :D
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Just get two dogs, homey.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Some dogs are fine left alone others wont be. Do some real research and look into the breed that will be best suited to your lifestyle and look for a mixed breed so you can adopt.. :smile:
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    That's a tough one. On one hand, dogs are extremely social and extended periods of being alone will cause some dogs to act out in destructive ways, simply from being bored or because they are lonely. On the other hand, many dogs do very well alone while their owner works - crate training is especially helpful in this. So it is somewhat dependent on the temperament of your dog. Doggy daycare is a great option if that is feasible for you.

    Consider adopting an older dog with an established personality and less of the annoying puppiness :smile: I love my furry buddy. We go for long walks most days, he has a yard to play in, and he sleeps at the foot of my bed. Make sure you have a reliable dog-sitter or boarder if you have to go out of town without him. That is the one thing about my pup - he makes going away for.the weekend much more complicated than it was when we just had a cat!

    This is the best advice I have seen in a while. I have a shelter mutt who is 7 years old that I have had since he was a puppy. I have two cats as well. I work 8-9 hours a day, but I ensure he has toys, food, water, etc when I am gone, and if I have free time to go home for lunch I do. I think an older dog sounds like it would fit your lifestyle best, or consider getting two older dogs, maybe two at a shelter who do not want to be separated. They could keep each other entertained and you will get double the puppy love :) Just consider the cost of vet care, the time commitment of owning a dog (if you are not willing to care for the dog its whole life, do not get one.) I think it is wonderful you are considering adopting a dog. I adore my furbaby and he is the best exercise partner there ever was! Good luck!
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    I've had my beagle for 5 years, since he was a puppy. I work 8 hour days and I work about 45 minutes away from my house. I leave the house at 545 am for work and I don't get back til around 345 pm. My fiance works from 7 am to 8-9pm everyday. The dog is there alone for about 8-9 hours a day, and he's perfectly fine. I make sure he has water and food everyday and plenty of toys and I turn the TV on in the living room for him and the radio on in the kitchen. Just be sure, when you are home to pay attention to the dog and take him outside to play, etc. More than likely the dog will sleep most of the time you are gone.

    ^^^This is me, too. I have a big crate for my dog, too (she's a tiny maltipoo I adopted). It has a separate section for a puppy pad, but she's never used it. I also leave the TV on. The only reason why I put her in a crate is she managed to climb up onto my counter and chew up a chopstick once. I had her fenced off in the kitchen, but she's too clever for her own good. She was bleeding for a few days (rectal). At that time, the vet told me that dogs are den animals, and a crate wouldn't be inhumane, even for 8 hours. When I get home, we walk 3.5 miles around the neighborhood, and play fetch when we get home. I think you'd be fine, and your pooch would be saved from possible death. Everyone's a winner. :)
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    I have always had dogs and worked for 45 yrs. They sometimes had to stay alone for more than 16 hrs but always greeted me with love and affection when I came home, ran outside and peed and then dinner. When I had 3 dogs 2 had to be caged seperatly because they might fight but they never had any accidents. The dog I have now had to be in a cage or she would have accidents. She loved her cage and when I would get dressed in the morning she would run downstairs and get in her cage to wait for her treat and for me to close the door. The feel safe crated. She is now 7 yo and I am retired and now when I go out for short times I can leave her free in the house without a problem. She usually goes with me in the car unless it is too hot. We walk/run and go every where together. If you get a puppy you will have to take vacation and spend about 2 weeks getting them trained. Puppies can't stay caged more than 4 hrs at a time without going out to pee but by the time they are a yr or so then should be fine. So, while still a puppy you may have to hire someone to let them out. Hope it works out for you. I can't be without dogs.
  • samandlucysmum
    Simples. Get TWO dogs. :wink:

    Agree, we had a Jack Russell on her own, and even the shortest shopping trip, she would cry all the time, and soil the kitchen floor, so we got her a companion, a staffy, they share a large cage at night, and when we go out, they are the best of friends, and they are quiet, and clean. It is a big commitment, like children, they have needs, and can be costly, try borrowing a friends dog for a week, see how you get on etc, or perhaps a rescue shelter near you need dog walkers...or advertise for people needing weekend walkers...
  • Jlburroughs
    I adopted a super hyper and excited dog. I did no research about her breed before I got her from the pound. She's caused destruction more than once, and I swear she's a decendent houdini because she can escape out of anything I try to put her in. She's calmed down a little, but she's still pretty wound up.

    my advice is---RESEARCH! Research the breed and make sure you are getting one that is calm and low energy so you don't have to worry about what the pup is doing while you're away. Or be prepared for many, many walks (as in my case).
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    As long as you provide him with a nice safe environment and do not crate him while you are out of the house he will be fine... do your research there are certain dogs that don't do well while alone and become destructive.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    Not nice to leave a puppy for 8 hours without having a toilet break.

    It's also not nice to see tons of dogs in shelters without homes who eventually get put to sleep because they can't find owners for them.

    I'm sorry but my dog is perfectly ok chilling in my bedroom for 8 hours. He was trained when we got him. In fact there are some afternoons/nights where my fiance and I could be in the tv room and our dog goes and lays in our bed, its his favorite place in our apartment. Are ALL dogs going to be ok being alone during the day? no, of course not. We are lucky to have him and he is lucky to have us. My fiance's parents leave their dogs alone during the day, my family had a dog that we had to leave during the day. it happens. like people are saying, if people who work didn't have dogs, there would be A LOT more homeless dogs in this world.

    Again, do you research and make sure you get an adult dog who can relax for 8 hours while you are gone. trust me, by the time you get home, take him out, feed him, and give him a few belly rubs he will forget you were even gone in the first place!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I have found adopted dogs are almost thankful and so loyal to you. Puppies are soooooo much work and won't be able to hike with you as much while they are still growing. If you are thinking of getting two, pick wisely, I would love to have a second dog buy mine will not allow it.
  • mrdalton
    mrdalton Posts: 97
    I joke that I have "joint custody" of my dog. I work very long and unpredicatable hours. So during the week she stays with my mom. Then Friday after work I swing by and pick her up for the weekend. We have a wonderful time together until Sunday night when I drop her off at mom's again. Mom is retired so she loves having her "grand-dog" around to keep her busy. It works for us. Best of luck!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Yes and no, I got a cat (then a second) for the very same reason. I also don't think an apartment is a good place to have a dog, as I want a big dog I can run it wasn't the time for me

    I think you should research breeds and find a breed you think suits you, then look at fostering through a breed rescue (i.e. lab rescue, golden rescue). Then if you think that works, look at adopting. Far too many people rescue pets and realize they can't handle it with their schedule. Take a test run and do your research first. It's not fair to a dog or yourself to doing anything else.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    2 ideas for you!

    1) get 2, they keep each others company, i have 3 and they are happy together for the 9 to 10 hours we leave them.
    2) get a rescue dog! this have many more advantages to a fresh puppy
    - already older and house trained
    - more than likely already used to being left alone for long periods of time
    - supporting buying rescue dogs rather than puppy breeding

    honestly there are thousands of dogs that needs re-homing and be perfect for your lifestyle.

    ps i want a picture of said dog, when you get it :

    This. If you put on your application what you are looking for shelters can help identify which dogs might be a good fit too. Adult dogs would do better. Look at the different breeds too - they have different personalilies like someone else mentioned. German Shepards, for example, can get agressive if left alone alot. But doggy day care is great. Or agility training if you can. There are lots of options. And lots of shelter dogs that would fit nicely into your home. Know that you'll have to put in some training time with the dog so you can bond and see what the personaility of the dog is. Good luck.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    do you have a yard? If the dog doesn't have to be locked in a crate those 8 hours, then it sure beats living in a shelter.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    ADOPT ADOPT ADOPT!! You are saving a healthy life! Your dog will be fine while you are at work as long as you have a suitable place for him to stay...crate, fenced back yard. I have 5 dogs and Im gone atleast 10 hours a day! They make me feel better ehen Ive had a bad day, they run and walk with me!
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Get 2.....they can keep each other company :)
  • vtaylo
    vtaylo Posts: 6 Member
    I have a 2.5 year old pitmatian (pit bull/dalmatian mix) that I rescued almost two years ago. When he was a puppy I would crate train him while I was at work or school. On weekends I work 8-12 hour shifts and had no problems with him being crated as long as I made sure to walk him at least 60 minutes a day. Now that he's older, I leave him out and like everyone else make sure he has toys, food and water. I also lieave the blinds open for him because he LOVES looking out the windows at the street traffic. We have a new walking routine where we do 30 minutes in the am before I hit the gym and then we do a looooong evening walk/jog as well.

    Hope that helps! You should definitely get a dog! He has become my best workout partner for the days I don't hit the gym!