im so tired of people who...



  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Im embarrased... Im embarrased to be a women, bc of the way some women act and behave and the way they treat other women who are trying to live a healthy livestyle.. last time I checked lifting weight is healthy and being healthy has no gender.. I mean seriously b!tch.. forget you b!tches!

    hating on a hater makes me a hater.. but guess what COME AT ME!
  • gloryrest
    gloryrest Posts: 47 Member
    Amusing blog. With or without muscles I could never look like a man because I am a woman. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and if you are walking with bulging muscles just be prepared for the criticism. With all the strength of muscles so should your emotions. I once had a manager comment on my sister in law's wedding pic in her gown. She said she had big hips but she said it like it was a bad thing. Culturally speaking in some circles hips are a sure asset for many reasons. . ..but she didn't understand and I said nothing. Just like those that say a woman with great muscle looks like a man. Their perception their opinion. .eh!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member


  • kanmuri
    kanmuri Posts: 112
    If you really didn't care what people thought you wouldn't be raging and making a scene like that. What you do with your body is your business but people are entitled to their opinion. I must say that I believe you have put much effort to tone your body like that but I would never want to look like you do. It's not gross or disgusting, or unwomanly, it's just a question of taste. Does it means I'm skinny fat? No, I work out and take good care of my body as much as anyone here. You're the one being judgemental here.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I think there are two things that happen when people hate on muscular women.
    1. For some people, they equate womanly and feminine with a certain waist to hip ratio and a certain bust size
    2. Many muscular women, besides having a low body fat percentage are also women who have a different body type than the stereotypical feminine one above

    So they criticize because muscular women do not fit their image of "womanly."

    Everyone has a different opinion on what is womanly, and not all people are tactful about expressing it.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    **** sorry for the confusion.. these pics arent of me.. im not that amazing looking :p im working to get there tho***

    This is the most confusing thing to me about this whole thread.

    Me too! Now I have to go back and re-read the whole thread with this new bit of information.

    So worth it, though. This thread is hilarious :drinker:
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    say fit women look like men.. I mean really??!?! are we all supposed to be skinny fat? is that what a woman is supposed to look like?? are all women supposed to be weak and fragile bc if we have muscle tone we are immideatelly manly... screw all of you and your stupid points of view... stop hating and focus on yourselves! do you know how hard these women have to work for them to look the way they do?

    Im embarrased... Im embarrased to be a women, bc of the way some women act and behave and the way they treat other women who are trying to live a healthy livestyle.. last time I checked lifting weight is healthy and being healthy has no gender.. I mean seriously b!tch.. forget you b!tches!

    hating on a hater makes me a hater.. but guess what COME AT ME!

    EDIT: I never said you have to be sexually attracted to fit women.. what I said is... you cannot be a dumb b!tch and go up to a woman who works sooo hard and tell her she looks like a man.. the same way you dont go up to a fat person and call them a pig..
    **** sorry for the confusion.. these pics arent of me.. im not that amazing looking :p im working to get there tho***


  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    lol @ all the jealous out of shape people hating on the OP.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Women typically suck. I avoid them even though I am one. :bigsmile:

    ^^ This. Except my pole sisters, they rock. (Seriously, until I started pole I only had one close female friend, now I have far more.)

    I find that very sad. Just like some women attract bad men, I think some women put out an "abuse me" vibe to female rriends, and so attract lousy friends. I have more women friends than I can count and they're all awesome.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Photos 1 and 3 are completely unattractive to me (not that I'm into women lol). Pic 2 is fantastic. There's definition without complete absence of fat.
    My personal goal is to be slender and strong, but not to have overwhelming muscles like those in 1 and 3. Do those women work hard. Absolutely! I just don't think it is very attractive and don't think my hubby would want me to look like that.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I find people who walk up to people just to insult them need a taste of their own medicine. Reply with something as equally insulting.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I got my first "you look like a dude" comment last week. I honestly had to roll my eyes.

    Cutest guy I ever saw. LOL.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    Omg..your body is amazing!!!!!!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Fit does not immediately imply "muscly" as indicated in the photos that you posted. Just because I am not "muscly" like the photos that does not mean that I am "skinny fat" or "fat" or a "pig" or "ugly."


    you seem very upset or threatened by the OP, yet keep discussing it and tearing it apart. Can you please start your own thread to do so so we can keep this one clean. It's a rant. Since you still don't understand the point of the thread, let me reintroduce it to you:

    OP posts that people need to be nice.

    you are not acting nice - please leave.

    to the op,

    I've been told the same thing. Ignorant and foolish people will do anything for attention! You just smile and turn your back on them. If they do it again, you call BS on them, renouncing their labeling and declare your awesomeness in a very loud manner so the real men in the gym can step in.

    What kind of person hates women or are "scared" by women? They have some very serious issues if a woman is scary to them!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    It's just good manners you wouldn't walk up to someone and say *anything* that is meant to be an insult. I mean, why would anyone do that? It's just good manners, which I think have, largely, gone by the wayside, especially on the internet.

    That being said, I have seen everything from "anyone who thinks muscular women are attractive, must be stupid" to "anyone who doesn't think muscular women are attractive must be stupid". We all have our own opinion. Now, when someone posts a bunch of BIG photos in the forums and thinks they will only get praise and positive comments (no matter what they look like), they must be kidding themselves. Especially, with the intro title. It's like jerking a chain. I'm sure there are groups for women body builders to post and compare photos without fear of getting any negative comments, but to post in a public forum.. well.. see what you are going to get? It happens every time, so it shouldn't be a surprise.

    Edit: I just went back and looked at the OP. I must say there is a confrontational attitude, not to mention some insults if a person doesn't like her body type. And..quote: <<."are all women supposed to be weak and fragile bc if we have muscle tone we are immideatelly manly... screw all of you and your stupid points of view.">> not to expect some negative response for this line is naive. I don't believe I saw even *one* person who said women should be weak and fragile.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member

    Why does there have to be competition?

    Soft and curvy. Hard and toned? Something in between soft and hard? It's all good so long as the organs inside that body are nice and healthy. And yes, you can have a 'skinny fat' person who is perfectly healthy and a muscular person who is not healthy. It can happen. Either way, all healthy body shapes are beautiful, whether they're 'ideal' or not. And yes, even some overweight bodies are beautiful! (although I admit there is a limit...)

    Let's just all calm down... shall we?

    ^^^^^ And this too!
  • liftandcycle
    Fit does not immediately imply "muscly" as indicated in the photos that you posted. Just because I am not "muscly" like the photos that does not mean that I am "skinny fat" or "fat" or a "pig" or "ugly."


    you seem very upset or threatened by the OP, yet keep discussing it and tearing it apart. Can you please start your own thread to do so so we can keep this one clean. It's a rant. Since you still don't understand the point of the thread, let me reintroduce it to you:

    OP posts that people need to be nice.

    you are not acting nice - please leave.

    to the op,

    I've been told the same thing. Ignorant and foolish people will do anything for attention! You just smile and turn your back on them. If they do it again, you call BS on them, renouncing their labeling and declare your awesomeness in a very loud manner so the real men in the gym can step in.

    What kind of person hates women or are "scared" by women? They have some very serious issues if a woman is scary to them!

    I officially love you! :flowerforyou:
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    lol @ all the jealous out of shape people hating on the OP.
    I'm not jealous nor am I out of shape. So, try again :flowerforyou:
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Fit does not immediately imply "muscly" as indicated in the photos that you posted. Just because I am not "muscly" like the photos that does not mean that I am "skinny fat" or "fat" or a "pig" or "ugly."


    you seem very upset or threatened by the OP, yet keep discussing it and tearing it apart. Can you please start your own thread to do so so we can keep this one clean. It's a rant. Since you still don't understand the point of the thread, let me reintroduce it to you:

    OP posts that people need to be nice.

    you are not acting nice - please leave.

    to the op,

    I've been told the same thing. Ignorant and foolish people will do anything for attention! You just smile and turn your back on them. If they do it again, you call BS on them, renouncing their labeling and declare your awesomeness in a very loud manner so the real men in the gym can step in.

    What kind of person hates women or are "scared" by women? They have some very serious issues if a woman is scary to them!

    You wouldn't want to see me "not nice." I gave the OP my opinion and she lashed back at me. She has called every woman who doesn't agree with her a B. So, no. I'm not leaving.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    To get a body like the OP posted for reference, you have to work pretty hard.

    So hard in fact, that I really doubt they'd give two rat turds about someone else's opinion. At that level, you do what you need to do for yourself and leave all the BS opinons from others on the curb
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