im so tired of people who...



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    lol @ all the jealous out of shape people hating on the OP.
    I'm not jealous nor am I out of shape. So, try again :flowerforyou:

    if you are not out of shape then my comment wasnt for you! <3
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Women typically suck. I avoid them even though I am one. :bigsmile:

    ^^ This. Except my pole sisters, they rock. (Seriously, until I started pole I only had one close female friend, now I have far more.)

    wow. I could do an observational study on this thread alone from statements like this.

    here's my theory:

    It's posts like this one I quoted above that prove that the people who reply to this thread in a manner that has absolutely no context what so ever to the original point of the post have a high probability that they failed their English comprehension SAT or received a less than average score.

    I'm not rude, I'm scientific!
    (I learned that loophole here on MFP from all the low carb haters !!!)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    you cannot be a dumb b!tch and go up to a woman who works sooo hard and tell her she looks like a man.. the same way you dont go up to a fat person and call them a pig..

    Except people DO go up to fat people, and call them worse than just a pig. If you want to be all bulked up, that's your choice, but it's also everyone else's choice to react to that however they want. Is it really worth freaking out on everyone?

    But she is not bulked up, she has a solid amount of muscle and very little fat. It is the low body fat that makes her muscles look big, but I bet her arms are much smaller then most fat peoples' arms.

    This. If lifting "bulks" a woman up it then that means she still has a healthy layer of body fat on her. And some women have large frames so to a woman with a small frame she might look "bulky". But the only way women can get muscles like a man is if she takes testosterone, HGH, steroids or something. I did two months of P90X (just the resistance/strength a couple of times a week) and got some really nice muscle definition. But I couldn't see it. When I went Primal as an experiment (I got the shock of my life actually but N=1 so I'm not going there) I lost body fat ALL OVER and out came the muscle definition. I never looked like that but I'm good with it. Heck, her muscles aren't even big or bulky - they look like feminine muscles to me. You just to see all the amazing definition.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    find the Zombie:


    remember, it's really rude to go up to a zombie and tell it "you look dead! "

    manners! Please, let's practice some manners here! Oh wait, can we practice that in the gym? How many calories does that burn? 0? Then it's so not worth the work!
  • ChubbyStudent25
    Whatever happened to having your own opinion? YOU might look like a dude to some people, if so, they have a right to think that.

    They can think it all they want it's when people start saying it that it becomes a problem.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I think the OP was rude in the manner in which the post was written. I get what she's saying. I don't like that physique myself, but I wouldn't walk up to a woman looking like that and say she looked like a dude. It's just uncalled-for. That being said, if I saw her at the gym or somewhere that her muscles were exposed in the manner which they are in those photos, I can't say that with #1 & #3 I wouldn't *think* it. We all have our own opinions about what we like and aspire to. Calling others Bs and categorically calling them skinny fat and jealous is just as rude as what is being condemned. JMHO
  • liftandcycle
    Fit does not immediately imply "muscly" as indicated in the photos that you posted. Just because I am not "muscly" like the photos that does not mean that I am "skinny fat" or "fat" or a "pig" or "ugly."


    you seem very upset or threatened by the OP, yet keep discussing it and tearing it apart. Can you please start your own thread to do so so we can keep this one clean. It's a rant. Since you still don't understand the point of the thread, let me reintroduce it to you:

    OP posts that people need to be nice.

    you are not acting nice - please leave.

    to the op,

    I've been told the same thing. Ignorant and foolish people will do anything for attention! You just smile and turn your back on them. If they do it again, you call BS on them, renouncing their labeling and declare your awesomeness in a very loud manner so the real men in the gym can step in.

    What kind of person hates women or are "scared" by women? They have some very serious issues if a woman is scary to them!

    You wouldn't want to see me "not nice." I gave the OP my opinion and she lashed back at me. She has called every woman who doesn't agree with her a B. So, no. I'm not leaving.

    what are you even talking about? there is no evidence I said all women who dont agree with me are *****es... ur agument is completelly invalid... I said
    Im embarrased... Im embarrased to be a women, bc of the way some women act and behave and the way they treat other women who are trying to live a healthy livestyle.. last time I checked lifting weight is healthy and being healthy has no gender.. I mean seriously b!tch.. forget you b!tches!

    i also said.. "are all women supposed to be skinny fat?" thats a legit question Im saying forget the haters if you wanna be skinny fat go for it.. if you wannt be fit.. go for it.. and crew ur point of view bc no one asked for it some people feel the need to tell a fat person they are fat and tell a fit woman that she looks like man.. if you have nothing nice to say.. dont say anything.. thats the point of my post..
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    To get a body like the OP posted for reference, you have to work pretty hard.

    So hard in fact, that I really doubt they'd give two rat turds about someone else's opinion. At that level, you do what you need to do for yourself and leave all the BS opinons from others on the curb

    Before I lost the weight, someone's negative opinion of me would have completely derailed any progress i had made. Now, I know that i've worked hard, and while I haven't been called a man yet, I am pretty confident that it wouldn't effect me in a negative way.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    find the Zombie:


    remember, it's really rude to go up to a zombie and tell it "you look dead! "

    manners! Please, let's practice some manners here! Oh wait, can we practice that in the gym? How many calories does that burn? 0? Then it's so not worth the work!

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Anyone who says I look like a man can suck my d...

    Hmmm... that's not a good argument, is it?
  • liftandcycle
    I think the OP was rude in the manner in which the post was written. I get what she's saying. I don't like that physique myself, but I wouldn't walk up to a woman looking like that and say she looked like a dude. It's just uncalled-for. That being said, if I saw her at the gym or somewhere that her muscles were exposed in the manner which they are in those photos, I can't say that with #1 & #3 I wouldn't *think* it. We all have our own opinions about what we like and aspire to. Calling others Bs and categorically calling them skinny fat and jealous is just as rude as what is being condemned. JMHO

    *laughing for a second* anyways... where did I categorize skinny fat woman as jealous *****es?? i asked are all women supposed to be skinny fat? I say to that.. HECK NO! theres not only one category of women! theres many categories of women! theres fit women, fat women, thin women, muscular women, skinny fat women.. and I called the haters of each category *****es..
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member

    you should never be "embarrassed" for how weak minded, immature, uneducated, unmotivated women are!

    Have mercy and pity on them. Especially the ones who got a low SAT score!

    You have manners, muscles, and a strong desire to see other women motivated to be motivated. You get it! Maybe they don't because no one ever taught them that they can believe in themselves?

  • liftandcycle

    you should never be "embarrassed" for how weak minded, immature, uneducated, unmotivated women are!

    Have mercy and pity on them. Especially the ones who got a low SAT score!

    You have manners, muscles, and a strong desire to see other women motivated to be motivated. You get it! Maybe they don't because no one ever taught them that they can believe in themselves?


    I lol'ed so hard!
  • Sascha
    Sascha Posts: 204
    When responding in these forums please stay on topic and refer to this guideline:

    No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

    If necessary, start a private conversation with a user.

    Thanks for your understanding.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    say fit women look like men.. I mean really??!?! are we all supposed to be skinny fat? is that what a woman is supposed to look like?? are all women supposed to be weak and fragile bc if we have muscle tone we are immideatelly manly... screw all of you and your stupid points of view... stop hating and focus on yourselves! do you know how hard these women have to work for them to look the way they do?

    Im embarrased... Im embarrased to be a women, bc of the way some women act and behave and the way they treat other women who are trying to live a healthy livestyle.. last time I checked lifting weight is healthy and being healthy has no gender.. I mean seriously b!tch.. forget you b!tches!

    hating on a hater makes me a hater.. but guess what COME AT ME!
    It took me a while to realize these pics weren't even of you! I don't condone the behavior of people who tell you that you look manly, but if I were to cover the face of these pics, it would be hard to tell if the person was a man or a woman. That is not an insult. It is my opinion by looking at the body (yes, I've seen men and women who have bodies like this). You come across as angry (name calling, cussing, saying "COME AT ME"), but then you didn't like it when people "came at you" with different opinions. People gave their opinion, as you did yours. You may not like them, but your original post wans't exactly sugary sweet either.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    I'm glad you found it as funny as I do. Look at those muscles! Those gals are attracted too. Or are they laughing?

    and glad a MOD stepped in. Thank you!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    are we all supposed to be skinny fat? is that what a woman is supposed to look like?? are all women supposed to be weak and fragile bc if we have muscle tone we are immideatelly manly... screw all of you and your stupid points of view... stop hating and focus on yourselves! ...hating on a hater makes me a hater..
    im not freaking out on ppl im freaking out on haters.. HATERS ARENT PEOPLE :p
    seriously just... just leave.. reading your post have brought my IQ down 30 pts.. everyone in this threat became stupier with ur posts.. LOL
    OK, in the top one, you make it sound as if it's a horrible thing if people are skinny fat. I'm not saying it's good or bad. It just reads in a very negative light as you then say "screw all of you and your stupid points of view." You say that this makes you a hater. Then you say that haters aren't people, so I'm guessing you're including yourself in this non-personhood? You attack another poster for expressing her opinions...

    I said in my post that I would never make a remark to someone saying that they "look like a dude," which is what your post was originally about. You said you're tired of people saying things like this. So why are you now attacking me? I merely stated that I found the way you went about expressing your point rude. My opinion, which I also stated.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I used to be in that camp who thought that but I've grown to realize how rude and judgmental it was for me to think or express so. MFP (and has taught me to appreciate all body types and for that, I am grateful that my eyes are now open. I still do not have the same goals as the fitness model/competition goal women have, but I definitely see the beauty in them, in their own right.

    I still feel that a certain amount of muscles on a woman can look too masculine, but that does not mean it looks manly or ugly. Just because I prefer a more feminine look (i.e. higher body fat) does not make the lower body fat women less attractive. So yes, I agree, the constant "ewww, thats not what I want to look like!" is unnecessary. There are more mature ways to express your personal goals, without disparaging a woman who may look the opposite of it.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    if you have nothing nice to say.. dont say anything.. thats the point of my post..

    What a novel idea.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
This discussion has been closed.