Black Team week 2



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    :laugh: Shuntae! I had to laugh b/c I'm avoiding my run tonight b/c of said "bad food" for dinner. I keep thinking, "I'm gonna puke if I try it now!" BAD choices from me today! All in my calories, just all GARBAGE! :sick:

    LOL...I didn't think much about it at the time since 5 hours had passed, but DAMN! But now, after things settled/emptied and I had a light (much healthier) dinner I feel better.
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Hey all! Work out 1 down. Work out 2 after O-ie goes to bed. 15 minutes or so. Twins ROCKED today. Beat the White Sox 20 - 1. How's that for breaking a losing streak?

    Sherry - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Remember that we're all here for you and you can talk to us anytime you need!

    Beans & Shuntae - Just what do you think you're doing? "Bad food'? Get to it ladies. We've got weight to lose! (Well, not you Shuntae, you just have weight to keep off..) :bigsmile:

    Andrew - You will absolutely hit 100 soon! I have so much faith in you!!! :flowerforyou:

    Everyone else - The start of a new week is the WORST time to slack off! Remember, you're doing this for yourself and Nothing tasts as good and being healthy feels!!!! So get your work outs in, forgive yourselves for bad decisions and lets get to it!!!!!!!

    Oh, by the way.... I forfeited the No Sweets challenge like the day after I decided to start it. :laugh: I've been allowing myself VERY few sweets and I thoroughly enjoy them when I have them. SO :tongue:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey all! Work out 1 down. Work out 2 after O-ie goes to bed. 15 minutes or so. Twins ROCKED today. Beat the White Sox 20 - 1. How's that for breaking a losing streak?

    Sherry - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Remember that we're all here for you and you can talk to us anytime you need!

    Beans & Shuntae - Just what do you think you're doing? "Bad food'? Get to it ladies. We've got weight to lose! (Well, not you Shuntae, you just have weight to keep off..) :bigsmile:

    Andrew - You will absolutely hit 100 soon! I have so much faith in you!!! :flowerforyou:

    Everyone else - The start of a new week is the WORST time to slack off! Remember, you're doing this for yourself and Nothing tasts as good and being healthy feels!!!! So get your work outs in, forgive yourselves for bad decisions and lets get to it!!!!!!!

    Oh, by the way.... I forfeited the No Sweets challenge like the day after I decided to start it. :laugh: I've been allowing myself VERY few sweets and I thoroughly enjoy them when I have them. SO :tongue:

    I know...not a good choice, but I'm a firm believer in the occasional I had it today. At least it was in my calories and I worked out. Most importantly, I am not whining about feeling guilty...I enjoyed every bit of that food!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Shuntae, you are doing it the right way and seem to have it down. 99 pounds. Wow! I agree with the fast food and feeling bad. I dont' think it's worth it and very rarely do it.

    I did make it to the gym today, I did log and measure all my foods (well except for dinner) and I am STILL HUNGRY! I burned almost 800 calories at the gym, so I'm not feeling too bad about eating something else. Although... better log my din-din before I say that too loud.

    I know what it is, I said I would do the no sweets challenge and I am craving sweets like a mad women right now! I did eat fat free pudding and cool whip (gasp) for dessert and didn't consider that a sweet, but it was sorta sweet and now it's got me wanting MORE.
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Hey all! Work out 1 down. Work out 2 after O-ie goes to bed. 15 minutes or so. Twins ROCKED today. Beat the White Sox 20 - 1. How's that for breaking a losing streak?

    Sherry - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Remember that we're all here for you and you can talk to us anytime you need!

    Beans & Shuntae - Just what do you think you're doing? "Bad food'? Get to it ladies. We've got weight to lose! (Well, not you Shuntae, you just have weight to keep off..) :bigsmile:

    Andrew - You will absolutely hit 100 soon! I have so much faith in you!!! :flowerforyou:

    Everyone else - The start of a new week is the WORST time to slack off! Remember, you're doing this for yourself and Nothing tasts as good and being healthy feels!!!! So get your work outs in, forgive yourselves for bad decisions and lets get to it!!!!!!!

    Oh, by the way.... I forfeited the No Sweets challenge like the day after I decided to start it. :laugh: I've been allowing myself VERY few sweets and I thoroughly enjoy them when I have them. SO :tongue:

    I know...not a good choice, but I'm a firm believer in the occasional I had it today. At least it was in my calories and I worked out. Most importantly, I am not whining about feeling guilty...I enjoyed every bit of that food!

    I"m a firm believer in that too, definitely! I was just ribbin ya. :bigsmile: And trying to encourage others who might be low on motivation (second part definitely NOT directed toward you, You're an amazing incouragement!!!!!!)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I know what it is, I said I would do the no sweets challenge and I am craving sweets like a mad women right now! I did eat fat free pudding and cool whip (gasp) for dessert and didn't consider that a sweet, but it was sorta sweet and now it's got me wanting MORE.

    Me too! That's why I have so much trouble with sweets in the first place. If I don't have them for a while, I'm fine...but once I do, watch out! Working on it though.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I know what it is, I said I would do the no sweets challenge and I am craving sweets like a mad women right now! I did eat fat free pudding and cool whip (gasp) for dessert and didn't consider that a sweet, but it was sorta sweet and now it's got me wanting MORE.

    Me too! That's why I have so much trouble with sweets in the first place. If I don't have them for a while, I'm fine...but once I do, watch out! Working on it though.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    I know what it is, I said I would do the no sweets challenge and I am craving sweets like a mad women right now! I did eat fat free pudding and cool whip (gasp) for dessert and didn't consider that a sweet, but it was sorta sweet and now it's got me wanting MORE.

    Me too! That's why I have so much trouble with sweets in the first place. If I don't have them for a while, I'm fine...but once I do, watch out! Working on it though.

    I'm the same way with sweets and I've left it get out of hand the last 2 weeks, hence the pickle I'm in right now with craving them. I logged my foods and I still have a little room, I'm heading for an apple with peanut butter, which I not only love, but surprisingly enough usually curbs my sweet tooth.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :laugh: Shuntae! I had to laugh b/c I'm avoiding my run tonight b/c of said "bad food" for dinner. I keep thinking, "I'm gonna puke if I try it now!" BAD choices from me today! All in my calories, just all GARBAGE! :sick:

    I'm going to run later, and never stop-- maybe I'll lose my way home. :grumble:

    Lovin life-- :noway:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Marla- all those kids. They will FIND you. Enjoy your 'you' time anyway.....
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Ahhhh Work out #2 done.

    I hope everyone is having a GREAT night and I hope no one took my last post the wrong way... I'm really bad with words so i definitely was NOT trying to scold ANYONE, everyone is doing amazing, I just know that for me, the beginning of the week is the easiest to slack off cuz I tell myself "Meh, I have X more days before I have to weigh in, it'll be fine if I eat this.. or don't work out"

    So yeah, I love you all and everyone needs to indulge once in a while!!!! So everyone keep up the amazing work.

    I :heart: :heart: :heart: you guys!!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Vanessa, you are right, it is easy to slack at the beginning of the weigh in period. I used to think that on weigh in days when I did Weight Watchers. I would eat whatever I wanted figuring I had a whole week to make up for it. I've revamped my thinking since those days. Maybe it's why I've been more successful this time!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    By the way Vanessa, girl you are a work out machine!

    And Marla- do you sleep?

    I give you guys credit, by this time of night I am done. Stick a fork in me kind of done.
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Vanessa, you are right, it is easy to slack at the beginning of the weigh in period. I used to think that on weigh in days when I did Weight Watchers. I would eat whatever I wanted figuring I had a whole week to make up for it. I've revamped my thinking since those days. Maybe it's why I've been more successful this time!

    I'm glad you understand! I used to be really bad about that. But I have to say that drinking as much as I did was my main downfall before. I used to drink a litre of rum and a 2 litre of coke a week (at least) and those 3000 calories combined with the who knows how many calories I ate when I was drinking just really did me in. I have had a drink in two weeks though (well, except for those 2 64 calorie beers, which compared to what I was drinking, isn't really a drink :laugh: ) and I feel awesome about myself because I've never been able to do that before. :drinker:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    By the way Vanessa, girl you are a work out machine!

    And Marla- do you sleep?

    I give you guys credit, by this time of night I am done. Stick a fork in me kind of done.

    Marla .. I don't think she sleeps. She just runs and works and takes care of kids 24 hours a day :happy:

    For me... it's out of fear really. I'm so afraid that if I get out of this routine that's working for me that I will fail again, and i'm just not prepared to do that. Eventually when i feel confident enough in myself, i'll take a day off working out and have a "cheat" meal because I know it's good to shock your system and because you have NO IDEA how much I already miss pizza. :noway: :laugh:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Vanessa, you are right, it is easy to slack at the beginning of the weigh in period. I used to think that on weigh in days when I did Weight Watchers. I would eat whatever I wanted figuring I had a whole week to make up for it. I've revamped my thinking since those days. Maybe it's why I've been more successful this time!

    I'm glad you understand! I used to be really bad about that. But I have to say that drinking as much as I did was my main downfall before. I used to drink a litre of rum and a 2 litre of coke a week (at least) and those 3000 calories combined with the who knows how many calories I ate when I was drinking just really did me in. I have had a drink in two weeks though (well, except for those 2 64 calorie beers, which compared to what I was drinking, isn't really a drink :laugh: ) and I feel awesome about myself because I've never been able to do that before. :drinker:

    WTG Vanessa, that is a huge deal! I used to drink like that in college, which is where at least 75% of my 80 pound weight gain in those four years came from. Congrats to you! :drinker: (Water in those mugs)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    By the way Vanessa, girl you are a work out machine!

    And Marla- do you sleep?

    I give you guys credit, by this time of night I am done. Stick a fork in me kind of done.

    I'm with you...can't wait for this show to be over so I can go to bed!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Vanessa- great job on the no drinking. I was a drinker in college, but over the years just don't bother with in much anymore. So many of my friends are pretty heavy social drinkers. It's not worth the calories or feeling like crap the next day to me. Also, you know you. If you need to work out like a mad women right now, keep doing it. There will come a day you can relax and know you will be back at it even with a break.
  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    :laugh: Shuntae! I had to laugh b/c I'm avoiding my run tonight b/c of said "bad food" for dinner. I keep thinking, "I'm gonna puke if I try it now!" BAD choices from me today! All in my calories, just all GARBAGE! :sick:

    I'm going to run later, and never stop-- maybe I'll lose my way home. :grumble:

    Lovin life-- :noway:

    One of those days, huh??
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So, I hopped on the treadmill to see how far I could get in 1 hour and I didn't get as far as I wanted to but I made it 5.5 miles. I am beat!!!

    I figure it's going to take me anywhere from 1 hour and 45 minute or less for my 13k.

    I need to get in the shower and then eat something. I am way under calories now, About 500.:flowerforyou: