Black Team week 2



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    LeShawn, hang in there, it will happen. I lost my first 35 with just walking, then decided to start increasing my workouts and worked my butt off at the gym only to bounce up and down right around 161-163 for 9 (yes NINE) long weeks. A lesser person would have said forget the gym, not me, I must like the self abuse, I kept going. Finally, things started moving again. It will happen. It's hard to be patient, but I promise, it will be worth the wait! Just keep doing things right and you will see results.

    Lynnie had good suggestions, even with the lizard on her boob. (Crack me up Marla!)
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Lynnie, I wish the camera liked me half as much as it likes you. Geez woman! You are a sex pot! Go hottie!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Lynnie, I wish the camera liked me half as much as it likes you. Geez woman! You are a sex pot! Go hottie!

    Indeed-- but she attracts reptiles-- beware.:wink:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    If I looked like that in pictures, I'd deal with the reptile issue! It might even make my boobs look perkier.... ahh who am I kidding? They are too far gone to ever be used in a sentence with the word 'perky'! :grumble:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Oh my gosh-- mine too--

    My husband said to me the other day--

    "Who'da thunk one year ago that one year later you'd be fitting into Sarah's clothes ( I actually zipped into her size 6 skirt-- ) and you no longer have the biggest boobs in the family." My 15 year old buries me these days-- :grumble:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    I'm perfectly happy with not having huge boobs anymore, they have always been too big anyway. Dont' get me wrong, I still have plenty! What I'm not happy with is boobs that look like they belong to a 70 year old in a nursing home wearing a house dress..... It's like they were deflated and it ain't pretty!

    Size 6 Marla? Wow! Awesome!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Size 6 Marla? Wow! Awesome!

    Don't be too impressed-- there was some heavy duty finagling to get it on and zipped-- it was one of her golf skorts-- but I did it-- it was so tight, wearing it out of the house was totally out of the question-- but it still was size 6 on this ol' bum of mine--

    Size 8 is easily within reach-- totally flippin' cool--
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member

    Size 6 Marla? Wow! Awesome!

    Don't be too impressed-- there was some heavy duty finagling to get it on and zipped-- it was one of her golf skorts-- but I did it-- it was so tight, wearing it out of the house was totally out of the question-- but it still was size 6 on this ol' bum of mine--

    Size 8 is easily within reach-- totally flippin' cool--

    Hey, 16's used to fit me at times like the above description! Currently 10's fit great. I think 8's are within my reach too and I think I would be perfectly happy there! Sure a 6 sounds like a dream, but I want to be realistic and still be able to live too. I'm not sure of my ultimate goal, initially it was 150, which put me just into the normal range for my height for my BMI. I'm thinking 145 now, maybe 140. I guess I have to see where I am comfortable.

    I had somebody today tell me they hoped I was done because I didn't want to get too skinny. It was a nice comment, but I sure as heck have plenty o'flab still hanging around.

    I am still struggling to get 100% back on track. Life keeps throwing me challenges (mostly food related) and I'm not handling them so well, another story, and since I said I would do the no sweets challenge I am craving them like there is no tomorrow.
  • Supagurl
    Supagurl Posts: 75
    This is Lynnie posting from her sister's account. (Remember I told you about her fantastic weight loss!) Everyone say hello to April. She is new to MFP.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Hi Lynnie and April!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Good morning folks!!!
    My weight today is 252.0. I'm down .4lb, which SUCKS!!!:angry: I can't seem to get away from 252!!! :noway: :explode: I so wanted to be out of the 250's by Memorial Day and I don't think that's going to happen.:brokenheart: I'm so upset!!!:sick: :sad: I've done great on my water (about 67 oz a day, usually more), but I'm having trouble increasing my cardio because I'm still having BAD BAD feet pain. So I'm only burning like 300 cals a day (maybe). I'm trying to work on my diet more in hopes that that will shake some things up and break this plateau. I'm feeling really REALLY discouraged right now:cry::sad: ... any advice???


    I did not start hard core exercising until about a month ago (that is when I stopped losing "weight" and started losing "inches". Weight loss can be achieved without exercise . , you just have to change the way you eat. What worked for me is:

    ~6 small meals per day, breakfast being the most calorie heavy. Never let yourself get hungry.
    ~Cut out soda, sweet tee. Drink water or milk. (I've recently become addicted to Sobe black&blueberry stuff. OMG heaven)
    ~Decrease to NO fatty meats, lean cuts only. (Actually I stopped eating red meat).
    ~Switch from crappy sweets to natural fruit only. Okay and smuckers simply fruit on my pjbs.
    (Yes I miss pastries).
    ~do not guess. Weigh, measure, and no second helpings! Portion control!!!
    ~Do Not cheat. You are only cheating yourself. If you want an indulgence, have it.

    Lynnie-- DON'T MOVE-- I think there's a lizard on your boob!

    Hope it doesn't bite!


    Brat. A. It's a tattoo. B. stop looking at my bewbs.
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    If I looked like that in pictures, I'd deal with the reptile issue! It might even make my boobs look perkier.... ahh who am I kidding? They are too far gone to ever be used in a sentence with the word 'perky'! :grumble:

    Lynnie's hottie tips of the day:

    Victoria's Secret's done just belong to Victoria, me dears.
    "soft focus" is your friend using
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'll trade fat floppy boobs for a size 6 anyday!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Brat. A. It's a tattoo. B. stop looking at my bewbs.
    :laugh: :laugh:

    Lynnie when I first saw this new AV all I could look at was your bewbs! :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    I don't even think mine look like that and when I had my reduction they did a lift too. :laugh: Pretty bad when your 23 and you need a bewb lift!!:noway: I am perfectly happy with them now just wish that stores made pretty and afordable bras for the big bewbed girls!:grumble:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I'll trade fat floppy boobs for a size 6 anyday!

    I don't even think a size 6 would look right on me (I am 5'8"); I'll take the big boobs...My girls are looking all kinds of sad and I haven't even had kids yet!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    I'll trade fat floppy boobs for a size 6 anyday!

    I don't even think a size 6 would look right on me (I am 5'8"); I'll take the big boobs...My girls are looking all kinds of sad and I haven't even had kids yet!

    I can't even look at my boobs anymore. They really disturb me, probably more than I care to admit. It's hard to feel sexy when you lay down and they flop saggy, stretch mark ridden and sad off to the side. I've even tried lingerie with underwire and it's ok when I'm standing or laying on my back.... if I turn to the side, the poor things just fall out in an unsightly lump o'sag. Gross. Mood killer for me, so I try not to look! I remind myself I'm not 20 anymore... myself doesn't listen.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I know babe, when I take the Vicky's off they hit the ground running. I told some of my friends tonight I got 34 longs.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Hehehe. Did anyone sneak a peek at my sissy's profile. She is going to whup me good when she figures out what it says. Heheheh
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Lynnie, it must be great to be so loved by your sister. :flowerforyou: