True Love ...Does it exist??



  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I think so :)
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    Just looking for opinions here (I am not looking for an argument or anything), but do you think "true love" exists or just a fairytale?? I will be totally honest...I get very jealous when I see happy couples walking around because I am in the middle of a divorce. A divorce that needs to be done not just for the safety of myself but my babies, but it is still heart-breaking nevertheless because "dreams" have gone down the tubes. You won't understand unless you have experienced a divorce. So what is your opinion....

    How can you ask this question? On your wedding day, if someone asked you if you believed in true love, you would have looked like a fool for saying no.
    True love exists. It may not last but it was there and you'll find it again.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Yep, it exists. I found an incredible love at a very young age and never let it go. And any doubts about true love disappeared when I watched my father die of cancer with my mother holding his hand. I'll tell ya, it takes the real thing to love somebody so much that you would rather bear the pain of watching your husband slip away, than live with the fact that he died alone.

    Although I don't buy into the soul mates thing. And I do believe that love takes a lot of work. But it's worth it.

    And please remember, that even though you see couples holding hands, you're not in their relationship and you don't know what it's really like.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Child of a divorced couple. Every last one of my friends growing up had parents that were either divorced, separated, or a parent wasn't in the picture, except one. Her parents, even after almost 20 years of marriage (and going somewhere near 30 now even though I'm no longer friends with their daughter), dealing with a daughter that had the mentality and food buds of a child and a son who was so mentally handicapped he couldn't talk or walk, they loved each other. They were good people.

    As for true love, who knows because really everyone has a different definition of it. True love to one person may seem boring or a nightmare to someone else. Now, is real love out there? Yes. There will always be the chance you will find someone who will love you unconditionally even if you're the world's biggest *kitten* up. There will always be the chance you find the person who makes you feel complete, safe, and alright to be yourself whether it's generally attractive or not. We may get some of that with those we end up leaving, but when the whole package arrives and there's no parts to put together or fix before use then you know you've got it.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    True love as in one person/soulmate type deal? Then no, I don't think it does. But in a more generic love that lasts way, yeah I hope so!

    I agree! I think I could have had a lifelong, loving relationship with a number of different people. What makes it 'true love' is the willingness of both parties to work hard on the relationship to keep it happy and healthy.

    DO NOT feel like a failure for getting divorce for the health and safety of yourself and your children. One person trying does not make a relationship.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    IF you mean the stars and flowers kind, then no, if you mean love that sustains through ups and downs, bad and good, ill and healthy, that becomes a best friends and lovers relationship, then yes. Been married almost 39 years in one of those kinds of love.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Yep, it exists. I found an incredible love at a very young age and never let it go. And any doubts about true love disappeared when I watched my father die of cancer with my mother holding his hand. I'll tell ya, it takes the real thing to love somebody so much that you would rather bear the pain of watching your husband slip away, than live with the fact that he died alone.

    Although I don't buy into the soul mates thing. And I do believe that love takes a lot of work. But it's worth it.

    And please remember, that even though you see couples holding hands, you're not in their relationship and you don't know what it's really like.

    My grandparents are going through the same thing. They married just out of high school and they're now in their late eighties. Beginning of the year my grandmother had a stroke and lost a lot of her memory and the ability to speak and even though my grandfather hurt his hip around the same time, he's been at her bed side and everyone firmly believes that, if and when she goes, he'll go shortly after because he loves her that much.
  • lynette111
    lynette111 Posts: 77 Member
    If "true love" means that two people will never have any disagreements or upsets in their relationship then no it does not exist. I believe true love does exist but by a different definition. People can have and be in true love when they prefer the other person above their own self. It is a selfless love. As humans, we are hard pressed to have this but it is possible. There will still be waves of ups and downs in this relationship as well but both people involved strive each and every day to please each other above all else and never consider giving up on each other, etc...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yes, but I think it is hard work. It isn't like a isn't magical. Love and relationships are hard work. There will be hard times, you will hurt one another, but you must work together to get through it. Be supportive, trusting, and have communication with one another.

    I personally feel that if you find someone that is your bestfriend and will be there for you through thick and thin, then that is true love. It goes past the physical attraction and the $exual part of the is so much more.

    Perfect answer!!!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    In my mind...yes it does exist. I haven't gone through a divorce and do not forsee myself going through one, but I truly believe that my husband is my true love. I have never been so in sync with someone before. He loves me for who I am and has seen me at my worst. I love him for who he is. We always talk about how if we hadn't met when we did (at work....I almost took a different job!), we both truly believe we would have met some where, some time.

    I consider myself to be the luckiest of women to have found my soul mate and have a family with him.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I think that many (most) people confuse "love" with "lust".

    I think true love can exist but I think that most people are not equipped to really handle it. I think lust is the easier of the two to accept and deal with (which is why physical appearance is so mandatory). Real love is a lot harder to discard and move on from than lust is.
  • saralynn594
    saralynn594 Posts: 321
    I am also going through a divorce,so I get how you can feel that way,and sometimes I have moments where I feel that way too.But whenever I see a happy couple,I am happy for them and I really do believe that real love exists. I believe that for me personally,my marriage was a bad decision from the start...And I won't allow that to make me bitter about love. It's out there and regardless of whether or not I ever find that with another man,I still have my 2 children.And we are the perfect little family with so much love. If I lose hope in love...thats just depressing!!
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    Love is love and when it's real, it's true.
  • saralynn594
    saralynn594 Posts: 321
    I think that many (most) people confuse "love" with "lust".

    I think true love can exist but I think that most people are not equipped to really handle it. I think lust is the easier of the two to accept and deal with (which is why physical appearance is so mandatory). Real love is a lot harder to discard and move on from than lust is.

    <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 I agree!!!!
  • Morgan01962
    True Love does exist friend. A healthy love of self must also be formed and cultivated. And God will bring that special someone your way. There is a time of healing that will have to take place so that we don't look at everything through the lens of hurt and rejection. For me that time was about 4 years.. but people are different. True Love is waiting for you, Sis. Trust God with your life, soul and this decision of Love.. Blessings
  • zeikiya989
    I think it absolutely exist! But some peoples idea of what true love is can be a fairy tale I think. Even people who are truly in love are gonna through trials ad tribulations. Some people are more compatible to work through them and make things right before screwing things up. But it is out there and I know this is a rough time but you will find happiness again, Hang in there!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    No. It does not.
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    Yes it exist. I met my wife at work. She was in jeans and a tshirt, no makeup. I looked at her and knew there was something about her. After flirting for weeks we went out on a date. We then spent everyday together until she had to move for anouther job. We did the long distance thing for a year and then got married. We've been married five years, have a daughter and a son on the way. Through it all we've loved each other. "True love" is not the crap in the movies it making a promise to be there everyday for someone else and trying everyday to be a better person for them.

    All that aside. A lot of people are mean selfish a-holes that only care about themselves. These people can hold it together enough for someone else to fall in love an marry them. There the true a-hole comes out!
  • SlimSammy2012
    I have never experienced it (Just broke up with the GF about one hour ago!) but I have seen it with one couple!!!
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    No. It does not.
    You've just never loved.

    Like I just said,
    Love is love and when it's real, it's true. Regardless.