True Love ...Does it exist??



  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    I thought it did once, but i was wrong
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    When most people say "true love" they tend to mean "romantic love" ~ agape exclusively as if it is the only type. I guess it is understandable as it is the notion of love which has made its way into the public consciousness in 20th century and has taken root.

    However I think a relationship cannot survive over the long term if it is based on romantic love only without incorporating and balancing other types: friendship ~ philipia and sexual ~ eros.

    Over time the combination of those three types of love change but a solid relationship will incorporate all three.

    So does true love exist?

    Yes, but not the Hollywood, romanticised version of it...

    This too. ^^^

    I also believe passion has a huge play in why women don't feel like they are "in love". Everyone wants to feel desired and wants to be swept off their feet. My husband has been this way with me sometimes but it is not logical to think it would be an every day event. The more you ask for it, the less they want to do it. Just saying...
  • WilliamsJJ86
    I know true love exists, I am going threw a divorce right now also. My ex-husband asked for one two months after I had his first son. Broke my heart but its what he wanted so I let it go and moved forward. We've been separated since Jan,09. Like I explained to him he wanted this he can pay for it I'm not. I'll keep moving on with my life and take care of my boys.
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    it exists.. you just need to find that right person.. a friend and lover , a supporter and someone who respects you as well as you respect them. you will need to fully let go of your old baggage and start fresh and realize the new person is not the old person.. everyone is different and trust in your feelings
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    it exists.. you just need to find that right person.. a friend and lover , a supporter and someone who respects you as well as you respect them. you will need to fully let go of your old baggage and start fresh and realize the new person is not the old person.. everyone is different and trust in your feelings

    THIS!!! Very true!
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    A big YES! I have been married to my husband for 11 years now and we still act like we are in the "honeymoon period" a lot of the time. Our friends just don't understand it actually, but then again...some of their marriages are not going great...:(

    Saying that, a lot of people mistake what love actually is. Its not about rescuing each other like a damsel in distress, it is not a fairy tale where life suddenly get better and nothing ever goes wrong again, its not about the other person knowing everything you like or reading your mind.
    Its about sticking together as one united front. Its about being happy, rather then being right all the time. Its about knowing the other person enough to balance each other out when they need it. Its about taking the time to look at them and still see the good things that made you love them in the first place. Its about doing something nice for them EVERYDAY.I also believe people get complacent with each other and just stop trying. They stop having consideration for each other and its all "me me me". You cant do that. That's where resentment builds.
    We have been through some tough times but losing any love for each other was never part of it. I truly believe when your down and out, that's when you will see what peoples true personalities and loyalty. Thank goodness life is going great for many years now, but I would have never made it without him and I am eternally grateful. I remember that almost every day.

    It takes work but it pays off in the end. :)

    ^^^ THIS .. Is what I believe true love should be all about !

    I just haven't found it yet !
  • liljgrafix
    liljgrafix Posts: 177
    I found my true love
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Haven't made up my mind on this one yet. Back to my latte with real sugar now. Happy place. :heart:
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    yup its out there.
    my husband is HORIBLE with our children and a TOTALE *kitten* but i love him any way........wish i could explain it...realy realy do...
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Yes, it exists.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Sure it does. Whenever you go through any storm, you see the world through tinted glasses. I recommend focusing on completing this necessary severance in your life, heal your life and that of your kids --- then I think you can see the world more clearly. Divorce is hard... I have seen it before though thankfully, I am part of one of those happy couples you speak of and count myself blessed. The key is here, recovery. It will take some time but you can make it through it. Get through the storm and you will see things far more clearly. Best wishes to you and your children.:smile:
  • JanetAbrams
    Does true love exist yes it does I have been with my husband for 28 years and we have been through so much together. We are not only husband and wife but best friends. Just be patient the right person is out there for you and dont ever settle for less.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Believe it when i see it...that's if i ever see or meet it!!
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    I was divorced twice by same man who wants me back again ! No I'm not that crazy ! I did however find my soulmate and was forever feeling like it was just too good to be true. We were together almost six years when he died sept. 24 , 2008 ! I still am in love and wonder if I'll ever find this again.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I've experienced "true" love several times. I don't think that just because the relationship didn't work out that our love wasn't true. I've loved a lot of men in my life. It was always a little different with each one. I'm thankful for the capacity to have those experiences with them. I don't regret it or miss it. It'll come around again. It always does.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I :heart: Me, Myself & I and I sleep like a baby after-TyTy
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I thought it was bull**** until I found my significant other. We're super compatible and he's my best friend. I still get butterflies, 4 years later.
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    If you are with the person God made for you, then yes, for sure true love exists.

    I totally agree!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    These replys are so sweet, someone pass me a tissue, i feel a tear running down my cheek-TyTy
  • The_new_me_76
    The_new_me_76 Posts: 70 Member
    Not in my world !