True Love ...Does it exist??



  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    Yes, but I think it is hard work. It isn't like a isn't magical. Love and relationships are hard work. There will be hard times, you will hurt one another, but you must work together to get through it. Be supportive, trusting, and have communication with one another.

    I personally feel that if you find someone that is your bestfriend and will be there for you through thick and thin, then that is true love. It goes past the physical attraction and the $exual part of the is so much more.
    I totally agree with this! I've been married to my best friend for 21 years now.....I love him more every day!
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    It does exist. My wife and I met on March 23rd, at a party held by a mutual friend. We are pretty sure we got set up!. After a whirlwind romance, we married that same year on August 9th. I can truly say that she is the absolute best thing in my life, and I love her more than I could ever think possible.

    Last year we celebrated our 20th anniversary - we married in 1991! Coming home at night is the best part of my day, because she's waiting for me. We still hold hands when we walk, we get excited about going out for dinner together, and we just enjoy being with each other.

    Find that person that treats you like gold, makes you smile when you think about them, and that you can't wait to see every day.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    true love exists in so many,many,many ways and in so many,many,many ways that aren't even obvious.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    No. Instead of looking for love, I just found a woman I hated and bought her a house.

    I've been told I'm very hateable. We should talk.

    Seriously, I think it depends on how much 'true love' is the product of human imagination rather than societal and chemical factors. And if it is heavily based in our imagination, then it depends on how imaginative the couple is.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    no such thing,we are primal beings, we use instinct and cant overcome the laws off attraction, no such thing as unconditional love, everything comes with conditions i.e. i ll love you as long as you dont cheat on me, abuse me blah blah blah, those are all conditions of your love-TyTy
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    It does exist. What it boils down to is this: true love means a lot of upheaval and change. It's never an easy road. "It's a very difficult path filled with pain, guilt, joy and love." It could go either way but "it could be the best thing ever."

    "Love is NOT finding someone you can live with, BUT rather Someone you can not live without."
  • judybrim
    judybrim Posts: 82 Member
    For sure! I've been in it for 25 years come this May! I love being with my husband...he's my best friend! He loves and gives and does so much for me and I for him! It definitely takes team work, respect and humility! But when you both have each other's best interest at heart, it makes life so much better! Don't give up! Just be the kind of person you that you would want to be with and you'll spot that in someone and they in you! BELIEVE! :D
  • SlimSammy2012
    I truly believe that at some of our age's there is going to be a big change for one or the other. Most people have homes, Children and other comfort zone reswponibilites and possesions and just cannot make the changes needed to adapt to a possible True Love. Just Say'n...
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    True love, like in fairy tails does not exist. You are not going to find a prince charming to come and carry you away on a white stallion. True love is earned. It requires A LOT of hard work.

    I have been married twice. The first was a total disaster, the second, well we are going to celebrate our 27th this year. He is my "best friend" and he is my rock. He keeps me grounded and balanced. It has been earned. I trust him to always be there for me... he does not always tell me what I want to hear but he is willing to tell me what I NEED to hear. It has not always been easy but it has never been dull and I would not change a minute of it! (well maybe that one in 1985) :)
  • AmandaLAcosta
    I have divorced with a child and I told the world or what ever is out there what I was looking for in a person. Made a list said it out load and found my soul mate just a year later.
    Its amazing..

    Yes it does exist.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yep. Sure does.

    I hope you find it. It's unlike anything you've felt before and it is worth wading through all the **** for.
  • hcoburn37
    hcoburn37 Posts: 442 Member
    no such thing,we are primal beings, we use instinct and cant overcome the laws off attraction, no such thing as unconditional love, everything comes with conditions i.e. i ll love you as long as you dont cheat on me, abuse me blah blah blah, those are all conditions of your love-TyTy

    agreed on the unconditional love, no such thing
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Naw, it doesn't exist. People like the idea, because let's face it, who doesn't love a good dream come true? Or the idea that there is one, special someone who is designed just for you, and will complete you in magical ways that no one else can understand.

    It's such a sparklingly spiffy idea.

    What I think that it comes down to are two people who are willing to work together, be honest with one another, and live within the boundaries and conditions set by the other person. They are two people who find happiness within those boundaries and compromises, and that builds with time.

    Sure, that's love, but it's not some goofy, romanticized version that says that there is a soul mate out there with your name on them. It's just the realistic idea that in order to survive, you pick the best partner for yourself, and make it work to ensure that you both are given the chance to live life.
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    True Love DOES exist. Even though I will join the ranks of the divorced in 5 weeks I can honestly say we were both head over heals in love for at least 15 years but then grew apart over the next 10. If I could go back in time 25 years, I'd do it all over again and I'm pretty sure she would agree!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I truly believe that at some of our age's there is going to be a big change for one or the other. Most people have homes, Children and other comfort zone reswponibilites and possesions and just cannot make the changes needed to adapt to a possible True Love. Just Say'n...

    You make it sound like the only place to look for true love is under an overpass with a drug addict. Bad idea. I'm pretty sure there are some people out there capable of looking for love in ways that won't take everything they've worked for away from them.

    Me, I looked everywhere and lost everything and never found it. I don't even think I want it anymore, but if I ever do decide to look again, I can assure you I won't be looking through a selection of bums. I dated enough of those in my misspent youth, and I can smell them coming from a mile away even if they have bathed recently.

    All in all though I'd say the whole thing isn't worth the trouble.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    True Love DOES exist. Even though I will join the ranks of the divorced in 5 weeks I can honestly say we were both head over heals in love for at least 15 years but then grew apart over the next 10. If I could go back in time 25 years, I'd do it all over again and I'm pretty sure she would agree!!
    at least you got the bike i nthe divorce, nice job-Ty
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    can't speak for others, but for me it does. :)
  • ssanto
    ssanto Posts: 53
    i'd like to think so... just haven't found it yet
  • SlimSammy2012
    I truly believe that at some of our age's there is going to be a big change for one or the other. Most people have homes, Children and other comfort zone reswponibilites and possesions and just cannot make the changes needed to adapt to a possible True Love. Just Say'n...

    You make it sound like the only place to look for true love is under an overpass with a drug addict. Bad idea. I'm pretty sure there are some people out there capable of looking for love in ways that won't take everything they've worked for away from them.

    Me, I looked everywhere and lost everything and never found it. I don't even think I want it anymore, but if I ever do decide to look again, I can assure you I won't be looking through a selection of bums. I dated enough of those in my misspent youth, and I can smell them coming from a mile away even if they have bathed recently.

    All in all though I'd say the whole thing isn't worth the trouble.

    How did you derive that from what I said. My experiences have come down to these factors and some aren't able to make the commitment to change for the best of both people involved. that's all. Nothing about bums under a bridge! geesh!